*We offer to pay you to conduct consumer-insight surveys*

Intelligent Markets Inc. a1 at cci40.baslav.info
Thu Jul 31 18:53:38 CEST 2014

Market research can be a critical factor in the success or failure of a business!
At Intelligent Markets, Inc., we specialize in providing consumer market information.
We are currently recruiting individuals to conduct consumer-insight surveys on businesses within and outside their zip-code. 
Would you be interested in evaluating the quality of service rendered by businesses within your location, thereby providing valuable customer-experience feedback to our company?
You would be paid two hundred dollars for each consumer-insight survey completed. Surveys can be conducted during your flexible hours such as after work or during weekends. We also provide gas and mileage pay depending on the distance to potential locations to be surveyed.
Participation is at absolutely no cost to you and can be achieved from any location in the United States. Also, no formal training is required.
If you are interested, reply for more details.
Chris Palmer
Consumer-Insight Surveys,
Intelligent Markets, Inc.
New York 
NY 10017

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