[MBT] new entry in pkg poldek "nie korzysta z ustawieñ serwera proxy, przy transparencie zawsze REFRESH"

bugs at pld-linux.org bugs at pld-linux.org
Wed Dec 10 09:32:44 CET 2003

Date: 2003-12-10 09:32:41+01	Author: Jacek Konieczny (Jajcus) <jajcus at bnet.pl> 
Title:         nie korzysta z ustawień serwera proxy, przy transparencie zawsze REFRESH
Ticket ID:     #788
Ticket URL:    http://bugs.pld-linux.org/?bug=788
Package:       poldek-1:0.18-7
Distribution:  PLD-1.0.main
Category:      doesn't work as it should
Current state: opened

This is a known problem in curl (does poldek still use curl internaly?) which always add "Pragma: no-cache" header, even if not asked. Workeraund: ask it to add emptu "Pragma:" and "Cache-Control:" headers. 

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