[MBT] new entry in pkg pydf "pydf -- zalezno¶ci"

bugs at pld.org.pl bugs at pld.org.pl
Thu May 8 00:45:50 CEST 2003

Date: 2003-05-08 00:45:48+02	Author: Marek Guevara Braun (mguevara) <mguevara at pld.org.pl> 
Title:         pydf -- zalezności
Ticket ID:     #506
Ticket URL:    http://bugs.pld.org.pl/?bug=506
Package:       pydf-0.9.6-1
Category:      bug in rpm's scripts
Current state: resolving state

It needs also proper "RA-branch" tag from kloczek to hit Ra-1.1 or updates-general.
*** State changed to 'resolving state'

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