SPECS (LINUX_2_6): kex.spec (NEW) - ocfs2 is working OK - removed ...

cieciwa cieciwa at pld-linux.org
Mon Jul 11 10:44:58 CEST 2005

Author: cieciwa                      Date: Mon Jul 11 08:44:58 2005 GMT
Module: SPECS                         Tag: LINUX_2_6
---- Log message:
- ocfs2 is working OK - removed from experimental kernel.

---- Files affected:
   kex.spec (NONE ->  (NEW)

---- Diffs:

Index: SPECS/kex.spec
diff -u /dev/null SPECS/kex.spec:
--- /dev/null	Mon Jul 11 10:44:58 2005
+++ SPECS/kex.spec	Mon Jul 11 10:44:53 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,1080 @@
+# $Revision$, $Date$
+# Conditional build:
+%bcond_without	smp		# don't build SMP kernel
+%bcond_without	up		# don't build UP kernel
+%bcond_without	source		# don't build kernel-source package
+%{?debug:%define with_verbose 1}
+%ifarch sparc
+# sparc32 is missing important updates from 2.5 cycle - won't build
+%undefine	with_smp
+%ifarch ia64
+# broken
+%undefine	with_up
+## Program required by kernel to work.
+%define		_binutils_ver		2.12
+%define		_util_linux_ver		2.10o
+%define		_module_init_tool_ver	0.9.10
+%define		_e2fsprogs_ver		1.29
+%define		_jfsutils_ver		1.1.3
+%define		_reiserfsprogs_ver	3.6.3
+%define		_reiser4progs_ver	1.0.0
+%define		_xfsprogs_ver		2.6.0
+%define		_pcmcia_cs_ver		3.1.21
+%define		_quota_tools_ver	3.09
+%define		_PPP_ver		2.4.0
+%define		_isdn4k_utils_ver	3.1pre1
+%define		_nfs_utils_ver		1.0.5
+%define		_procps_ver		3.2.0
+%define		_oprofile_ver		0.5.3
+%define		_rel		0.1
+%define		_netfilter_snap		20050622
+%define		_enable_debug_packages			0
+%define		no_install_post_strip			1
+%define		no_install_post_chrpath			1
+%define		pcmcia_version		3.1.22
+%define		drm_xfree_version	4.3.0
+Summary:	The Linux kernel (the core of the Linux operating system) - KEX Kernel eXperimental
+Summary(de):	Der Linux-Kernel (Kern des Linux-Betriebssystems)
+Summary(fr):	Le Kernel-Linux (La partie centrale du systeme)
+Summary(pl):	Jądro Linuksa	- KEX	Kernel eXperymantalny
+Name:		kex
+%define		_postver	.2
+#define		_postver	%{nil}
+Version:	2.6.12%{_postver}
+Release:	%{_rel}
+Epoch:		3
+License:	GPL v2
+Group:		Base/Kernel
+%define		_rc	%{nil}
+#define		_rc	-rc3
+#Source0:	ftp://ftp.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.6/testing/linux-%{version}%{_rc}.tar.bz2
+Source0:	http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.6/linux-%{version}%{_rc}.tar.bz2
+# Source0-md5:	6ee5bf307335e58193c8d2ac0d35677b
+Source1:	kernel-autoconf.h
+Source2:	kernel-config.h
+Source20:	kernel-i386.config
+Source21:	kernel-i386-smp.config
+Source22:	kernel-x86_64.config
+Source23:	kernel-x86_64-smp.config
+Source24:	kernel-sparc.config
+Source25:	kernel-sparc-smp.config
+Source26:	kernel-sparc64.config
+Source27:	kernel-sparc64-smp.config
+Source28:	kernel-alpha.config
+Source29:	kernel-alpha-smp.config
+Source30:	kernel-ppc.config
+Source31:	kernel-ppc-smp.config
+Source32:	kernel-ia64.config
+Source33:	kernel-ia64-smp.config
+Source40:	kernel.FAQ-pl
+Source80:	kernel-netfilter.config
+Source90:	kernel-grsec.config
+Source91:	kernel-grsec+pax.config
+Source92:	kernel-omosix.config
+Source93:	kernel-vserver.config
+Source94:	kernel-em8300.config
+Source95:	kernel-linuxabi.config
+Patch0:		2.6.0-ksyms-add.patch
+Patch1:		linux-2.6-version.patch
+# netfilter
+Patch50:	linux-2.6-pom-ng-branch.diff
+Patch52:	linux-2.6-esfq.patch
+# http://www.linuximq.net/patchs/linux-2.6.9-imq1.diff
+Patch53:	2.6.10-imq.patch
+Patch54:	2.6.4-wrr.patch
+# frpm http://www.ssi.bg/~ja/#routers
+Patch56:	routes-2.6.12-12.diff
+URL:		http://www.kernel.org/
+BuildRequires:	binutils >=
+BuildRequires:	diffutils
+%ifarch sparc sparc64
+BuildRequires:	elftoaout
+BuildRequires:	module-init-tools
+BuildRequires:	perl-base
+BuildRequires:	rpmbuild(macros) >= 1.217
+Autoreqprov:	no
+PreReq:		coreutils
+PreReq:		module-init-tools >= 0.9.9
+PreReq:		geninitrd >= 2.57
+Provides:	kernel = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
+Provides:	%{name}-up = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
+Provides:	kernel(netfilter) = %{_netfilter_snap}
+Provides:	module-info
+Obsoletes:	kernel-modules
+Obsoletes:	kernel-net-ipp2p
+Conflicts:	util-linux < %{_util_linux_ver}
+Conflicts:	module-init-tool < %{_module_init_tool_ver}
+Conflicts:	e2fsprogs < %{_e2fsprogs_ver}
+Conflicts:	jfsutils < %{_jfsutils_ver}
+Conflicts:	reiserfsprogs < %{_reiserfsprogs_ver}
+Conflicts:	reiser4progs < %{_reiser4progs_ver}
+Conflicts:	xfsprogs < %{_xfsprogs_ver}
+Conflicts:	quota-tools < %{_quota_tools_ver}
+Conflicts:	PPP < %{_PPP_ver}
+Conflicts:	isdn4k-utils < %{_isdn4k_utils_ver}
+Conflicts:	nfs-utils < %{_nfs_utils_ver}
+Conflicts:	procps < %{_procps_ver}
+Conflicts:	oprofile < %{_oprofile_ver}
+ExclusiveArch:	%{ix86} alpha %{x8664} ia64 ppc sparc sparc64
+ExclusiveOS:	Linux
+BuildRoot:	%{tmpdir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n)
+%ifarch ia64
+%define		initrd_dir	/boot/efi
+%define		initrd_dir	/boot
+This package contains the Linux kernel that is used to boot and run
+your system. It contains few device drivers for specific hardware.
+Most hardware is instead supported by modules loaded after booting.
+%description -l de
+Das Kernel-Paket enthält den Linux-Kernel (vmlinuz), den Kern des
+Linux-Betriebssystems. Der Kernel ist für grundliegende
+Systemfunktionen verantwortlich: Speicherreservierung,
+Prozeß-Management, Geräte Ein- und Ausgaben, usw.
+%description -l fr
+Le package kernel contient le kernel linux (vmlinuz), la partie
+centrale d'un systčme d'exploitation Linux. Le noyau traite les
+fonctions basiques d'un systčme d'exploitation: allocation mémoire,
+allocation de process, entrée/sortie de peripheriques, etc.
+%description -l pl
+Pakiet zawiera jądro Linuksa niezbędne do prawidłowego działania
+Twojego komputera. Zawiera w sobie sterowniki do sprzętu znajdującego
+się w komputerze, takiego jak sterowniki dysków itp.
+%package drm
+Summary:	DRM kernel modules
+Summary(pl):	Sterowniki DRM
+Group:		Base/Kernel
+PreReq:		%{name}-up = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
+Requires(postun):	%{name}-up = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
+Provides:	kernel-drm = %{drm_xfree_version}
+Autoreqprov:	no
+%description drm
+DRM kernel modules (%{drm_xfree_version}).
+%description drm -l pl
+Sterowniki DRM (%{drm_xfree_version}).
+%package pcmcia
+Summary:	PCMCIA modules
+Summary(pl):	Moduły PCMCIA
+Group:		Base/Kernel
+PreReq:		%{name}-up = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
+Requires(postun):	%{name}-up = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
+Provides:	kernel-pcmcia = %{pcmcia_version}
+Provides:	kernel(pcmcia)
+Conflicts:	pcmcia-cs < %{_pcmcia_cs_ver}
+Autoreqprov:	no
+%description pcmcia
+PCMCIA modules (%{pcmcia_version}).
+%description pcmcia -l pl
+Moduły PCMCIA (%{pcmcia_version}).
+%package sound-alsa
+Summary:	ALSA kernel modules
+Summary(pl):	Sterowniki dźwięku ALSA
+Group:		Base/Kernel
+PreReq:		%{name}-up = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
+Requires(postun):	%{name}-up = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
+Autoreqprov:	no
+%description sound-alsa
+ALSA (Advanced Linux Sound Architecture) sound drivers.
+%description sound-alsa -l pl
+Sterowniki dźwięku ALSA (Advanced Linux Sound Architecture).
+%package sound-oss
+Summary:	OSS kernel modules
+Summary(pl):	Sterowniki dźwięku OSS
+Group:		Base/Kernel
+PreReq:		%{name}-up = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
+Requires(postun):	%{name}-up = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
+Autoreqprov:	no
+%description sound-oss
+OSS (Open Sound System) drivers.
+%description sound-oss -l pl
+Sterowniki dźwięku OSS (Open Sound System).
+%package smp
+Summary:	Kernel version %{version} compiled for SMP machines
+Summary(de):	Kernel version %{version} für Multiprozessor-Maschinen
+Summary(fr):	Kernel version %{version} compiler pour les machine Multi-Processeur
+Summary(pl):	Jądro Linuksa w wersji %{version} dla maszyn wieloprocesorowych
+Group:		Base/Kernel
+PreReq:		coreutils
+PreReq:		module-init-tools >= 0.9.9
+PreReq:		geninitrd >= 2.26
+Provides:	kernel = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
+Provides:	kernel(netfilter) = %{_netfilter_snap}
+Provides:	module-info
+Obsoletes:	kernel-smp-net-ipp2p
+Conflicts:	util-linux < %{_util_linux_ver}
+Conflicts:	module-init-tool < %{_module_init_tool_ver}
+Conflicts:	e2fsprogs < %{_e2fsprogs_ver}
+Conflicts:	jfsutils < %{_jfsutils_ver}
+Conflicts:	reiserfsprogs < %{_reiserfsprogs_ver}
+Conflicts:	xfsprogs < %{_xfsprogs_ver}
+Conflicts:	quota-tools < %{_quota_tools_ver}
+Conflicts:	PPP < %{_PPP_ver}
+Conflicts:	isdn4k-utils < %{_isdn4k_utils_ver}
+Conflicts:	nfs-utils < %{_nfs_utils_ver}
+Conflicts:	procps < %{_procps_ver}
+Conflicts:	oprofile < %{_oprofile_ver}
+Autoreqprov:	no
+%description smp
+This package includes a SMP version of the Linux %{version} kernel. It
+is required only on machines with two or more CPUs, although it should
+work fine on single-CPU boxes.
+%description smp -l de
+Dieses Paket enthält eine SMP (Multiprozessor)-Version von
+Linux-Kernel %{version}. Es wird für Maschinen mit zwei oder mehr
+Prozessoren gebraucht, sollte aber auch auf Computern mit nur einer
+CPU laufen.
+%description smp -l fr
+Ce package inclu une version SMP du noyau de Linux version {version}.
+Il et nécessaire seulement pour les machine avec deux processeurs ou
+plus, il peut quand męme fonctionner pour les systčme mono-processeur.
+%description smp -l pl
+Pakiet zawiera jądro SMP Linuksa w wersji %{version}. Jest ono
+wymagane przez komputery zawierające dwa lub więcej procesorów.
+Powinno również dobrze działać na maszynach z jednym procesorem.
+%package smp-drm
+Summary:	DRM SMP kernel modules
+Summary(pl):	Sterowniki DRM dla maszyn wieloprocesorowych
+Group:		Base/Kernel
+PreReq:		%{name}-smp = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
+Requires(postun):	%{name}-smp = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
+Provides:	kernel-drm = %{drm_xfree_version}
+Autoreqprov:	no
+%description smp-drm
+DRM SMP kernel modules (%{drm_xfree_version}).
+%description smp-drm -l pl
+Sterowniki DRM dla maszyn wieloprocesorowych (%{drm_xfree_version}).
+%package smp-pcmcia
+Summary:	PCMCIA modules for SMP kernel
+Summary(pl):	Moduły PCMCIA dla maszyn SMP
+Group:		Base/Kernel
+PreReq:		%{name}-smp = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
+Requires(postun):	%{name}-smp = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
+Provides:	kernel-pcmcia = %{pcmcia_version}
+Provides:	kernel(pcmcia)
+Conflicts:	pcmcia-cs < %{_pcmcia_cs_ver}
+Autoreqprov:	no
+%description smp-pcmcia
+PCMCIA modules for SMP kernel (%{pcmcia_version}).
+%description smp-pcmcia -l pl
+Moduły PCMCIA dla maszyn SMP (%{pcmcia_version}).
+%package smp-sound-alsa
+Summary:	ALSA SMP kernel modules
+Summary(pl):	Sterowniki dźwięku ALSA dla maszyn wieloprocesorowych
+Group:		Base/Kernel
+PreReq:		%{name}-smp = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
+Requires(postun):	%{name}-smp = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
+Autoreqprov:	no
+%description smp-sound-alsa
+ALSA (Advanced Linux Sound Architecture) SMP sound drivers.
+%description smp-sound-alsa -l pl
+Sterowniki dźwięku ALSA (Advanced Linux Sound Architecture) dla maszyn
+%package smp-sound-oss
+Summary:	OSS SMP kernel modules
+Summary(pl):	Sterowniki dźwięku OSS dla maszyn wieloprocesorowych
+Group:		Base/Kernel
+PreReq:		%{name}-smp = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
+Requires(postun):	%{name}-smp = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
+Autoreqprov:	no
+%description smp-sound-oss
+OSS (Open Sound System) SMP sound drivers.
+%description smp-sound-oss -l pl
+Sterowniki OSS (Open Sound System) dla maszyn wieloprocesorowych.
+%package headers
+Summary:	Header files for the Linux kernel
+Summary(pl):	Pliki nagłówkowe jądra Linuksa
+Group:		Base/Kernel
+Provides:	kernel-headers(agpgart) = %{version}
+Provides:	kernel-headers(reiserfs) = %{version}
+Provides:	kernel-headers(bridging) = %{version}
+Provides:	kernel-i2c-devel
+Provides:	kernel-headers(netfilter) = %{_netfilter_snap}
+Provides:	kernel-headers(alsa-drivers)
+Provides:	kernel-headers = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
+Obsoletes:	kernel-i2c-devel
+Autoreqprov:	no
+%description headers
+These are the C header files for the Linux kernel, which define
+structures and constants that are needed when rebuilding the kernel
+or building kernel modules.
+%description headers -l pl
+Pakiet zawiera pliki nagłówkowe jądra, niezbędne do rekompilacji jądra
+oraz budowania modułów jądra.
+%package module-build
+Summary:	Development files for building kernel modules
+Summary(pl):	Pliki służące do budowania modułów jądra
+Group:		Base/Kernel
+Requires:	%{name}-headers = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
+Provides:	kernel-module-build = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
+Autoreqprov:	no
+%description module-build
+Development files from kernel source tree needed to build Linux kernel
+modules from external packages.
+%description module-build -l pl
+Pliki ze drzewa źródeł jądra potrzebne do budowania modułów jądra
+Linuksa z zewnętrznych pakietów.
+%package source
+Summary:	Kernel source tree
+Summary(pl):	Kod źródłowy jądra Linuksa
+Group:		Base/Kernel
+Requires:	%{name}-module-build = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
+Provides:	kernel-source = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
+Autoreqprov:	no
+%description source
+This is the source code for the Linux kernel. It is required to build
+most C programs as they depend on constants defined in here. You can
+also build a custom kernel that is better tuned to your particular
+%description source -l de
+Das Kernel-Source-Paket enthält den source code (C/Assembler-Code) des
+Linux-Kernels. Die Source-Dateien werden gebraucht, um viele
+C-Programme zu compilieren, da sie auf Konstanten zurückgreifen, die
+im Kernel-Source definiert sind. Die Source-Dateien können auch
+benutzt werden, um einen Kernel zu compilieren, der besser auf Ihre
+Hardware ausgerichtet ist.
+%description source -l fr
+Le package pour le kernel-source contient le code source pour le noyau
+linux. Ces sources sont nécessaires pour compiler la plupart des
+programmes C, car il dépend de constantes définies dans le code
+source. Les sources peuvent ętre aussi utilisée pour compiler un noyau
+personnalisé pour avoir de meilleures performances sur des matériels
+%description source -l pl
+Pakiet zawiera kod źródłowy jądra systemu.
+%package doc
+Summary:	Kernel documentation
+Summary(pl):	Dokumentacja do jądra Linuksa
+Group:		Base/Kernel
+Provides:	kernel-doc = %{version}
+Autoreqprov:	no
+%description doc
+This is the documentation for the Linux kernel, as found in
+/usr/src/linux/Documentation directory.
+%description doc -l pl
+Pakiet zawiera dokumentację do jądra Linuksa pochodzącą z katalogu
+%setup -q -n linux-%{version}%{_rc}
+%patch0 -p1
+%patch1 -p0
+%patch50 -p0
+mv -f {,netfilter.}status
+%patch52 -p1
+%patch53 -p1
+%patch54 -p1
+%patch56 -p1
+# Fix EXTRAVERSION in main Makefile
+sed -i 's#EXTRAVERSION =.*#EXTRAVERSION = %{_postver}#g' Makefile
+# on sparc this line causes CONFIG_INPUT=m (instead of =y), thus breaking build
+sed -i -e '/select INPUT/d' net/bluetooth/hidp/Kconfig
+TuneUpConfigForIX86 () {
+%ifarch %{ix86}
+    %ifnarch i386
+	sed -i 's:CONFIG_M386=y:# CONFIG_M386 is not set:' $1
+    %endif
+    %ifarch i486
+	sed -i 's:# CONFIG_M486 is not set:CONFIG_M486=y:' $1
+    %endif
+    %ifarch i586
+	sed -i 's:# CONFIG_M586 is not set:CONFIG_M586=y:' $1
+    %endif
+    %ifarch i686
+	sed -i 's:# CONFIG_M686 is not set:CONFIG_M686=y:' $1
+    %endif
+    %ifarch pentium3
+	sed -i 's:# CONFIG_MPENTIUMIII is not set:CONFIG_MPENTIUMIII=y:' $1
+    %endif
+    %ifarch pentium4
+	sed -i 's:# CONFIG_MPENTIUM4 is not set:CONFIG_MPENTIUM4=y:' $1
+    %endif
+    %ifarch athlon
+	sed -i 's:# CONFIG_MK7 is not set:CONFIG_MK7=y:' $1
+    %endif
+    %ifarch pentium3 pentium4 athlon
+#	kernel-i386-smp.config contains 64G support by default.
+	%if %{with up}
+	    sed -i "s:CONFIG_HIGHMEM4G=y:# CONFIG_HIGHMEM4G is not set:" $1
+	    sed -i "s:# CONFIG_HIGHMEM64G is not set:CONFIG_HIGHMEM64G=y\nCONFIG_X86_PAE=y:" $1
+	%endif
+    %endif
+    %ifarch i686 pentium3 pentium4
+    %endif
+    %if %{with regparm}
+	sed -i 's:# CONFIG_REGPARM is not set:CONFIG_REGPARM=y:' $1
+    %endif
+    cat %{SOURCE95} >> $1
+%if "%{_target_base_arch}" != "%{_arch}"
+CrossOpts="ARCH=%{_target_base_arch} CROSS_COMPILE=%{_target_cpu}-pld-linux-"
+export DEPMOD=/bin/true
+BuildConfig() {
+	%{?debug:set -x}
+	# is this a special kernel we want to build?
+	smp=
+	[ "$1" = "smp" -o "$2" = "smp" ] && smp=yes
+	if [ "$smp" = "yes" ]; then
+		Config="%{_target_base_arch}-smp"
+	else
+		Config="%{_target_base_arch}"
+	fi
+	KernelVer=%{version}-%{release}$1
+	echo "Building config file for KERNEL $1..."
+	cat $RPM_SOURCE_DIR/kernel-$Config.config > arch/%{_target_base_arch}/defconfig
+	TuneUpConfigForIX86 arch/%{_target_base_arch}/defconfig
+%if %{with preemptive}
+	sed -i 's:# CONFIG_PREEMPT is not set:CONFIG_PREEMPT=y:' arch/%{_target_base_arch}/defconfig
+	cat %{SOURCE80} >> arch/%{_target_base_arch}/defconfig
+	ln -sf arch/%{_target_base_arch}/defconfig .config
+	install -d $KERNEL_INSTALL_DIR/usr/src/linux-%{version}/include/linux
+	rm -f include/linux/autoconf.h
+%if %{with xen}
+	%{__make} $CrossOpts oldconfig
+	%{__make} $CrossOpts include/linux/autoconf.h
+	if [ "$smp" = "yes" ]; then
+		install include/linux/autoconf.h \
+			$KERNEL_INSTALL_DIR/usr/src/linux-%{version}/include/linux/autoconf-smp.h
+		install .config \
+			$KERNEL_INSTALL_DIR/usr/src/linux-%{version}/config-smp
+	else
+		install include/linux/autoconf.h \
+			$KERNEL_INSTALL_DIR/usr/src/linux-%{version}/include/linux/autoconf-up.h
+		install .config \
+			$KERNEL_INSTALL_DIR/usr/src/linux-%{version}/config-up
+	fi
+BuildKernel() {
+	%{?debug:set -x}
+	echo "Building kernel $1 ..."	
+	%{__make} $CrossOpts mrproper \
+		RCS_FIND_IGNORE='-name build-done -prune -o'
+	ln -sf arch/%{_target_base_arch}/defconfig .config
+%ifarch sparc
+	sparc32 %{__make} clean \
+		RCS_FIND_IGNORE='-name build-done -prune -o'
+	%{__make} $CrossOpts clean \
+		RCS_FIND_IGNORE='-name build-done -prune -o'
+	%{__make} $CrossOpts include/linux/version.h \
+		%{?with_verbose:V=1}
+# make does vmlinux, modules and bzImage at once
+%ifarch sparc sparc64
+%ifarch sparc64
+	%{__make} $CrossOpts image \
+		%{?with_verbose:V=1}
+	%{__make} $CrossOpts modules \
+		%{?with_verbose:V=1}
+	sparc32 %{__make} \
+		%{?with_verbose:V=1}
+	%{__make} $CrossOpts \
+		%{?with_verbose:V=1}
+PreInstallKernel() {
+	smp=
+	[ "$1" = "smp" -o "$2" = "smp" ] && smp=yes
+	if [ "$smp" = "yes" ]; then
+		Config="%{_target_base_arch}-smp"
+	else
+		Config="%{_target_base_arch}"
+	fi
+	KernelVer=%{version}-%{release}$1
+	mkdir -p $KERNEL_INSTALL_DIR/boot
+	install System.map $KERNEL_INSTALL_DIR/boot/System.map-$KernelVer
+%ifarch %{ix86} %{x8664}
+	install arch/%{_target_base_arch}/boot/bzImage $KERNEL_INSTALL_DIR/boot/vmlinuz-$KernelVer
+%ifarch alpha sparc sparc64
+	gzip -cfv vmlinux > vmlinuz
+	install vmlinux $KERNEL_INSTALL_DIR/boot/vmlinux-$KernelVer
+	install vmlinuz $KERNEL_INSTALL_DIR/boot/vmlinuz-$KernelVer
+%ifarch sparc
<<Diff was trimmed, longer than 597 lines>>

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