SPECS: X11-driver-nvidia-legacy.spec (NEW) - moved from X11-driver...
wolvverine at pld-linux.org
Sun Sep 11 18:10:54 CEST 2005
Author: wolvverine Date: Sun Sep 11 16:10:54 2005 GMT
Module: SPECS Tag: HEAD
---- Log message:
- moved from X11-driver-nvidia tagged as 'nvidia-7174'
---- Files affected:
X11-driver-nvidia-legacy.spec (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW)
---- Diffs:
Index: SPECS/X11-driver-nvidia-legacy.spec
diff -u /dev/null SPECS/X11-driver-nvidia-legacy.spec:1.1
--- /dev/null Sun Sep 11 18:10:54 2005
+++ SPECS/X11-driver-nvidia-legacy.spec Sun Sep 11 18:10:48 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,703 @@
+# $Revision$, $Date$
+# Conditional build:
+%bcond_without dist_kernel # without distribution kernel
+%bcond_without smp # without smp packages
+%bcond_without kernel # without kernel packages
+%bcond_with verbose # verbose build (V=1)
+%define _nv_ver 1.0
+%define _nv_rel 7174
+%define _min_x11 6.7.0
+%define _rel 3
+Summary: Linux Drivers for nVidia TNT/TNT2/GeForce/Quadro Chips
+Summary(pl): Sterowniki do kart graficznych nVidia TNT/TNT2/GeForce/Quadro
+Name: X11-driver-nvidia
+Version: %{_nv_ver}.%{_nv_rel}
+Release: %{_rel}
+License: nVidia Binary
+Vendor: nVidia Corp.
+Group: X11/XFree86
+# why not pkg0!?
+Source0: http://download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/%{_nv_ver}-%{_nv_rel}/NVIDIA-Linux-x86-%{_nv_ver}-%{_nv_rel}-pkg1.run
+# Source0-md5: e9840ae34ae9f5a3dc7d0fafe040c8af
+Source1: http://download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86_64/%{_nv_ver}-%{_nv_rel}/NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-%{_nv_ver}-%{_nv_rel}-pkg2.run
+# Source1-md5: 125ec3ecc64202c6c27ef762a438d0f0
+Patch0: %{name}-gcc34.patch
+Patch1: %{name}-GL.patch
+Patch2: %{name}-conftest.patch
+# http://www.minion.de/files/1.0-6629/
+URL: http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux.html
+BuildConflicts: XFree86-nvidia
+BuildRequires: grep
+%{?with_dist_kernel:BuildRequires: kernel-module-build >= 2.6.7}
+BuildRequires: %{kgcc_package}
+BuildRequires: rpmbuild(macros) >= 1.213
+BuildRequires: sed >= 4.0
+BuildRequires: textutils
+#BuildRequires: X11-devel >= %{_min_x11} # disabled for now
+Requires: X11-Xserver
+Requires: X11-libs >= %{_min_x11}
+Requires: X11-modules >= %{_min_x11}
+Provides: X11-OpenGL-core
+Provides: X11-OpenGL-libGL
+Provides: XFree86-OpenGL-core
+Provides: XFree86-OpenGL-libGL
+Obsoletes: Mesa
+Obsoletes: X11-OpenGL-core
+Obsoletes: X11-OpenGL-libGL
+Obsoletes: XFree86-OpenGL-core
+Obsoletes: XFree86-OpenGL-libGL
+Obsoletes: XFree86-driver-nvidia
+Obsoletes: XFree86-nvidia
+Conflicts: XFree86-OpenGL-devel <= 4.2.0-3
+ExclusiveArch: %{ix86} %{x8664}
+BuildRoot: %{tmpdir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n)
+%define _noautoreqdep libGL.so.1 libGLcore.so.1
+%define _prefix /usr/X11R6
+%ifarch %{x8664}
+%define _libdir32 %{_prefix}/lib
+This driver set adds improved 2D functionality to the XFree86 4.0 X
+server as well as high performance OpenGL acceleration, AGP support,
+support for most flat panels, and 2D multiple monitor support.
+Hardware: nVidia TNT, TNT2, GeForce, or Quadro based graphics
+accelerator. The nVidia NV1 and RIVA 128/128ZX chips are supported in
+the base XFree86 4.0 install and are not supported by this driver set.
+Software: Linux kernel >= 2.2.12, XFree86 >= 4.0.
+%description -l pl
+Usprawnione sterowniki dla kart graficznych nVidia do serwera XFree86
+4.0, dające wysokowydajną akcelerację OpenGL, obsługę AGP i wielu
+monitorów 2D.
+Obsługują karty nVidia TNT/TNT2/GeForce/Quadro do serwera XFree86 4.0;
+Karty nVidia NV1 i Riva 128/128ZX są obsługiwane przez sterownik nv z
+pakietów XFree86 - NIE są obsługiwane przez ten pakiet.
+%package devel
+Summary: OpenGL for X11R6 development (only gl?.h)
+Summary(pl): Pliki nagłówkowe OpenGL dla systemu X11R6 (tylko gl?.h)
+Group: X11/Development/Libraries
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+Provides: OpenGL-devel-base
+Obsoletes: OpenGL-devel-base
+Obsoletes: XFree86-driver-nvidia-devel
+Conflicts: XFree86-OpenGL-devel <
+%description devel
+Base headers (only gl?.h) for OpenGL for X11R6 for nvidia drivers.
+%description devel -l pl
+Podstawowe pliki nagłówkowe (tylko gl?.h) OpenGL dla systemu X11R6 dla
+sterowników nvidii.
+%package progs
+Summary: Tools for advanced control of nVidia graphic cards
+Summary(pl): Narzędzia do zarządzania kartami graficznymi nVidia
+Group: Applications/System
+Obsoletes: XFree86-driver-nvidia-progs
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description progs
+Tools for advanced control of nVidia graphic cards.
+%description progs -l pl
+Narzędzia do zarządzania kartami graficznymi nVidia.
+%package -n kernel-video-nvidia
+Summary: nVidia kernel module for nVidia Architecture support
+Summary(de): Das nVidia-Kern-Modul für die nVidia-Architektur-Unterstützung
+Summary(pl): Moduł jądra dla obsługi kart graficznych nVidia
+Version: %{_nv_ver}.%{_nv_rel}
+Release: %{_rel}@%{_kernel_ver_str}
+Group: Base/Kernel
+Requires(post,postun): /sbin/depmod
+Requires: dev >= 2.7.7-10
+Provides: X11-driver-nvidia(kernel)
+Obsoletes: XFree86-nvidia-kernel
+%description -n kernel-video-nvidia
+nVidia Architecture support for Linux kernel.
+%description -n kernel-video-nvidia -l de
+Die nVidia-Architektur-Unterstützung für den Linux-Kern.
+%description -n kernel-video-nvidia -l pl
+Obsługa architektury nVidia dla jądra Linuksa. Pakiet wymagany przez
+sterownik nVidii dla XFree86 4.
+%package -n kernel-smp-video-nvidia
+Summary: nVidia kernel module for nVidia Architecture support
+Summary(de): Das nVidia-Kern-Modul für die nVidia-Architektur-Unterstützung
+Summary(pl): Moduł jądra dla obsługi kart graficznych nVidia
+Release: %{_rel}@%{_kernel_ver_str}
+Group: Base/Kernel
+Requires(post,postun): /sbin/depmod
+Requires: dev >= 2.7.7-10
+Provides: X11-driver-nvidia(kernel)
+Obsoletes: XFree86-nvidia-kernel
+%description -n kernel-smp-video-nvidia
+nVidia Architecture support for Linux kernel SMP.
+%description -n kernel-smp-video-nvidia -l de
+Die nVidia-Architektur-Unterstützung für den Linux-Kern SMP.
+%description -n kernel-smp-video-nvidia -l pl
+Obsługa architektury nVidia dla jądra Linuksa SMP. Pakiet wymagany
+przez sterownik nVidii dla XFree86 4.
+cd %{_builddir}
+rm -rf NVIDIA-Linux-x86*-%{_nv_ver}-%{_nv_rel}-pkg*
+%ifarch %{ix86}
+/bin/sh %{SOURCE0} --extract-only
+%setup -qDT -n NVIDIA-Linux-x86-%{_nv_ver}-%{_nv_rel}-pkg1
+/bin/sh %{SOURCE1} --extract-only
+%setup -qDT -n NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-%{_nv_ver}-%{_nv_rel}-pkg2
+%patch0 -p1
+%patch1 -p1
+%patch2 -p1
+sed -i 's:-Wpointer-arith::' usr/src/nv/Makefile.kbuild
+%if %{with kernel}
+cd usr/src/nv/
+ln -sf Makefile.kbuild Makefile
+for cfg in %{?with_dist_kernel:%{?with_smp:smp} up}%{!?with_dist_kernel:nondist}; do
+ if [ ! -r "%{_kernelsrcdir}/config-$cfg" ]; then
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ rm -rf include
+ install -d include/{linux,config}
+ ln -sf %{_kernelsrcdir}/config-$cfg .config
+ ln -sf %{_kernelsrcdir}/include/linux/autoconf-$cfg.h include/linux/autoconf.h
+ ln -sf %{_kernelsrcdir}/include/asm-%{_target_base_arch} include/asm
+ touch include/config/MARKER
+ %{__make} -C %{_kernelsrcdir} clean \
+ RCS_FIND_IGNORE="-name '*.ko' -o -name nv-kernel.o -o" \
+ SYSSRC=%{_kernelsrcdir} \
+ M=$PWD O=$PWD \
+ %{?with_verbose:V=1}
+ %{__make} -C %{_kernelsrcdir} modules \
+ CC="%{__cc}" CPP="%{__cpp}" \
+ SYSSRC=%{_kernelsrcdir} \
+ M=$PWD O=$PWD \
+ %{?with_verbose:V=1}
+ mv nvidia.ko nvidia-$cfg.ko
+install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/modules/{drivers,extensions} \
+ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT{/usr/include/GL,/usr/%{_lib}/tls,%{_bindir}}
+ln -sf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_prefix}/../lib
+install usr/bin/nvidia-settings $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}
+install usr/lib/libnvidia-tls.so.%{version} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/%{_lib}
+install usr/lib/tls/libnvidia-tls.so.%{version} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/%{_lib}/tls
+install usr/lib/libGL{,core}.so.%{version} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}
+install usr/X11R6/lib/modules/extensions/libglx.so.%{version} \
+ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/modules/extensions
+%ifarch %{x8664}
+# support for running 32-bit OpenGL applications on 64-bit AMD64 Linux installations
+#install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir32}
+#install usr/lib32%{?with_tls:/tls}/libnvidia-tls.so.%{version} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir32}
+#install usr/lib32/libGL{,core}.so.%{version} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir32}
+install usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers/nvidia_drv.o $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/modules/drivers
+install usr/X11R6/lib/libXvMCNVIDIA.so.%{version} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}
+install usr/X11R6/lib/libXvMCNVIDIA.a $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}
+install usr/include/GL/*.h $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/include/GL
+#install usr/bin/nvidia-settings $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_bindir}
+ln -sf libGL.so.1 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/libGL.so
+ln -sf libglx.so.%{version} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/modules/extensions/libglx.so
+ln -sf libXvMCNVIDIA.so.%{version} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/libXvMCNVIDIA.so
+# OpenGL ABI for Linux compatibility
+ln -sf %{_libdir}/libGL.so.1 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/%{_lib}/libGL.so.1
+ln -sf %{_libdir}/libGL.so $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/%{_lib}/libGL.so
+%if %{with kernel}
+cd usr/src/nv/
+install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/%{_kernel_ver}{,smp}/misc
+install nvidia-%{?with_dist_kernel:up}%{!?with_dist_kernel:nondist}.ko \
+ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/%{_kernel_ver}/misc/nvidia.ko
+%if %{with smp} && %{with dist_kernel}
+install nvidia-smp.ko \
+ $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/lib/modules/%{_kernel_ver}smp/misc/nvidia.ko
+cat << EOF
+ *******************************************************
+ * *
+ * NOTE: *
+ * You must install: *
+ * kernel(24)(-smp)-video-nvidia-%{version} *
+ * for this driver to work *
+ * *
+ *******************************************************
+%postun -p /sbin/ldconfig
+%post -n kernel-video-nvidia
+%depmod %{_kernel_ver}
+%postun -n kernel-video-nvidia
+%depmod %{_kernel_ver}
+%post -n kernel-smp-video-nvidia
+%depmod %{_kernel_ver}smp
+%postun -n kernel-smp-video-nvidia
+%depmod %{_kernel_ver}smp
+%doc usr/share/doc/{README,NVIDIA_Changelog,XF86Config.sample}
+#%%lang(de) %doc usr/share/doc/README.DE
+%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/libGL.so.*.*
+%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/libGL.so
+%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/libGLcore.so.*.*
+%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/libXvMCNVIDIA.so.*.*
+%dir /usr/%{_lib}/tls
+%attr(755,root,root) /usr/%{_lib}/libnvidia-tls.so.*.*.*
+%attr(755,root,root) /usr/%{_lib}/tls/libnvidia-tls.so.*.*.*
+%ifarch %{x8664}
+# support for running 32-bit OpenGL applications on 64-bit AMD64 Linux installations
+#dir %{_libdir32}
+#attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir32}/libGL.so.*.*
+#attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir32}/libGLcore.so.*.*
+#attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir32}/libXvMCNVIDIA.so.*.*
+#attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir32}/libnvidia-tls.so.*.*.*
+%attr(755,root,root) /usr/%{_lib}/libGL.so.1
+%attr(755,root,root) /usr/%{_lib}/libGL.so
+%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/modules/extensions/libglx.so*
+%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/modules/drivers/nvidia_drv.o
+%if %{with kernel}
+%files -n kernel-video-nvidia
+%if %{with smp} && %{with dist_kernel}
+%files -n kernel-smp-video-nvidia
+%files devel
+%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/libXvMCNVIDIA.so
+# -static
+%files progs
+%attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/nvidia-settings
+%define date %(echo `LC_ALL="C" date +"%a %b %d %Y"`)
+* %{date} PLD Team <feedback at pld-linux.org>
+All persons listed below can be reached at <cvs_login>@pld-linux.org
+Revision 1.1 2005/09/11 16:10:48 wolvverine
+- moved from X11-driver-nvidia tagged as 'nvidia-7174'
+Revision 1.48 2005/06/29 07:02:06 glen
+- rel 3 (to rebuild without modutils)
+Revision 1.47 2005/06/09 13:29:51 qboosh
+- removed modutils deps (bogus; module-init-tools already caught through /sbin/depmod)
+Revision 1.46 2005/06/01 01:29:09 ankry
+- rel. 2
+Revision 1.45 2005/05/11 13:17:29 qboosh
+- use x8664 macro
+Revision 1.44 2005/04/07 10:13:47 mkierus
+- updated to 1.0.7174
+Revision 1.43 2005/04/03 22:34:56 saq
+- rel 2 for rebuild with kernel
+Revision 1.42 2005/03/29 21:19:35 saq
+- defattr unification
+Revision 1.41 2005/03/12 11:46:50 sparky
+- updated to 1.0-7167
+- all 6629 patches obsoleted
+- added 2 new
+- rel 1, builds and works
+Revision 1.40 2005/01/25 14:48:52 pluto
+- patchset updated.
+- release 4.
+Revision 1.39 2005/01/05 22:20:24 havner
+- tls dir added
+Revision 1.38 2005/01/05 21:52:37 havner
+- removed tls bcond, both versions coexist in one package
+- non tls version is probably to be removed cause tls one works on 2.4 too
+- rel 3
+Revision 1.37 2005/01/03 18:47:13 pluto
+- post 2.6.10 patchset.
+- release 2.
+Revision 1.36 2004/12/29 23:28:17 pluto
+- bcond_with nptl added (implies with_tls).
+Revision 1.35 2004/11/18 19:04:18 havner
+- rel 1, works ok
+Revision 1.34 2004/11/18 18:52:24 havner
+- final fix by Przemysław Białek
+- builds
+Revision 1.32 2004/11/11 15:46:59 havner
+- removed patches 2 and 3, seems to be obsolete
+- doesn't build, is it for >= 2.6.9? could somebody look at this?
+Revision 1.31 2004/11/11 03:21:41 havner
+- 6629, NFY, will finish tommorow
+Revision 1.30 2004/11/10 10:56:13 gotar
+- don't build kernel module if --without kernel
+Revision 1.29 2004/11/10 09:37:19 gotar
+- added missing header
+Revision 1.28 2004/10/31 13:31:27 paladine
+- spaces->tabs
+Revision 1.27 2004/10/27 16:39:58 pluto
+- fixes for changes in pci subsystem and power mgt. [2.6.9/2.6.10].
+Revision 1.26 2004/10/26 20:24:57 pluto
+- SourceX-size added.
+Revision 1.25 2004/10/08 20:51:01 adamg
+- release 5 (rebuild for kernel-2.6.8-3.2)
+Revision 1.24 2004/09/29 07:49:26 grzegorz
+- reverting last change
+Revision 1.23 2004/09/28 07:31:44 grzegorz
+- build requires kernel-source
+Revision 1.22 2004/09/21 19:54:46 havner
+- rel 4 for rebuild
+Revision 1.21 2004/09/14 21:29:53 gotar
+- so shameful;/
+Revision 1.20 2004/09/13 11:38:10 djurban
+- make it build quake1, should be stbred to ac, but i guess this can wait after th X11 upgrade
+Revision 1.19 2004/08/22 02:54:03 havner
+- prettier banner
+Revision 1.18 2004/08/21 13:51:38 havner
+- rel 2
+Revision 1.17 2004/08/20 12:21:41 gotar
+- fixed banner
+Revision 1.16 2004/08/08 17:12:20 gotar
+- fixed group for progs subpackage
+Revision 1.15 2004/08/05 20:48:02 havner
+- update to 6111
+Revision 1.14 2004/07/29 22:15:41 havner
+- removed senseless provides
+- oboletes for progs package
+Revision 1.13 2004/07/29 22:00:13 havner
+- without kernel bcond
+- rel 3
+- provides updated
+Revision 1.12 2004/07/23 13:04:56 pluto
+- scripts fixed (thx Michał Łukaszek <prism#hornet#eu#org>).
+Revision 1.11 2004/07/21 17:48:20 havner
+- removed R: kernel-video-nvidia
+- added post message about this
+- rel 2
+Revision 1.10 2004/07/04 20:42:32 qboosh
+- libdir32 is just prefix/lib on amd64
+Revision 1.9 2004/07/04 20:40:02 pluto
+- amd64 parts...
+Revision 1.8 2004/07/04 01:19:24 pluto
+- `-Wpointer-arith' killed.
+Revision 1.7 2004/07/03 18:36:56 pluto
+- make clean/modules separated for parallel build.
+- log fixed.
+Revision 1.6 2004/07/03 16:54:24 pluto
+- updated to 1.0-6106.
+Revision 1.5 2004/07/01 17:05:46 qboosh
+- fixed _noautoreqdep (it must be SONAME, not filename)
+Revision 1.4 2004/07/01 15:49:04 havner
+- provides/obsoletes...
+Revision 1.3 2004/07/01 15:33:05 havner
+- define _min_x11
+- cosmetics
+Revision 1.2 2004/06/30 09:53:22 pluto
+- R:,O:,P: fixed (I hope).
+Revision 1.1 2004/06/30 07:36:25 pluto
+- renamed, NFY...
+Revision 1.56 2004/06/02 18:25:09 pluto
+- BR: fixed.
+Revision 1.55 2004/05/29 11:16:30 pluto
+- minor build fixes.
+- release 3.
+Revision 1.54 2004/05/21 11:36:02 pluto
+- 2.6.6 complaint.
+Revision 1.53 2004/04/17 14:52:21 saq
+- typo
+Revision 1.52 2004/04/08 17:17:42 pluto
+- R: fixed (s/nvidia-kernel-module/XFree86-nvidia-kernel/)
+Revision 1.51 2004/04/08 10:51:52 pluto
+- merged with kernel-video-nvidia.
+- %%build complaint with 2.6.x.
+Revision 1.50 2004/04/03 22:33:26 gotar
+- s/glibc-tls/glibc(tls)/
+Revision 1.49 2004/04/03 12:42:33 gotar
+- built with tls support requires this feature in glibc
+Revision 1.48 2004/02/10 15:54:22 qboosh
+- Linux OpenGL ABI compliance; moved static lib from base to -devel
+- release 2
+Revision 1.47 2004/01/28 21:09:59 grzegol
+- updated to 1.0-5336
+Revision 1.46 2004/01/11 13:16:37 grzegol
+- added with_tls bcond (for glibc built with tls support)
+- rel. 2
+Revision 1.45 2003/12/28 18:13:45 adgor
+- Fixed source url
+- Standarized macros
+Revision 1.44 2003/12/28 17:45:37 adgor
+- Updated to 1.0.5328
+- Settings tool is unavailable in this version
+- Fixed "Conflicts" entry for devel subpkg
+Revision 1.43 2003/12/17 20:12:34 grzegol
+- updated to 1.0-4620 and added -progs subpackage (by Wieslaw Kierbedz
+ <WieslawKierbedz at farba.eu.org>
+Revision 1.42 2003/11/09 23:06:31 gotar
+- Obsoletes: XFree86-OpenGL-libGL
+Revision 1.41 2003/08/27 00:16:31 gotar
+- fixed changelog trailer
+Revision 1.40 2003/08/02 10:43:33 grzegol
+- added URL
+- cosmetics
+Revision 1.39 2003/07/28 22:50:26 grzegol
+- updated to 1.0-4496
+- cosmetics
+Revision 1.38 2003/07/06 23:27:15 blues
+- many small fixes, mostly inpired by kloczek
+Revision 1.37 2003/05/26 16:24:19 malekith
+- massive attack: adding Source-md5
+Revision 1.36 2003/05/25 05:45:22 misi3k
+- massive attack s/pld.org.pl/pld-linux.org/
+Revision 1.35 2003/04/25 11:59:45 wiget
+- updated to 1.0-4363
+Revision 1.34 2003/04/08 19:04:30 djurban
+- added OpenGL-devel-base
+Revision 1.33 2003/04/01 19:39:53 wolf
+- 4349
+- XFree driver and kernel module now in one package
+- moved libGL.so to /usr/lib
+- you want kernel module, you do it
+Revision 1.32 2002/12/12 14:37:53 baggins
+- updated to 1.0-4191
+Revision 1.31 2002/11/30 23:35:51 gotar
+- s/appnkldir/applnkdir/ (what for these defines are?)
+Revision 1.30 2002/09/13 09:21:17 wiget
+- 1.0.3123
+Revision 1.29 2002/05/31 20:52:23 filon
+- added missing files (docs and libXvNVIDIA.a)
<<Diff was trimmed, longer than 597 lines>>
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