SPECS: mythplugins.spec - pl
qboosh at pld-linux.org
Thu Sep 22 20:12:07 CEST 2005
Author: qboosh Date: Thu Sep 22 18:12:07 2005 GMT
Module: SPECS Tag: HEAD
---- Log message:
- pl
---- Files affected:
mythplugins.spec (1.8 -> 1.9)
---- Diffs:
Index: SPECS/mythplugins.spec
diff -u SPECS/mythplugins.spec:1.8 SPECS/mythplugins.spec:1.9
--- SPECS/mythplugins.spec:1.8 Wed Sep 14 11:38:19 2005
+++ SPECS/mythplugins.spec Thu Sep 22 20:12:01 2005
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
# $Revision$, $Date$
# disable mythmusic,mythphone due to https://bugs.pld-linux.org/?do=details&id=5687
%bcond_without mythmusic
-%bcond_without mythphone
+%bcond_without mythphone
%include /usr/lib/rpm/macros.perl
-Summary: Main MythTV plugins.
+Summary: Main MythTV plugins
+Summary(pl): Główne wtyczki MythTV
Name: mythplugins
Version: 0.18.1
Release: 0.112.9
License: GPL v2
Group: Applications/Multimedia
-URL: http://www.mythtv.org/
Source0: http://www.mythtv.org/mc/%{name}-%{version}.tar.bz2
# Source0-md5: 1d94d19e2a13c24a408ced9b6c4f5b47
Patch0: %{name}-configure.patch
-BuildRequires: rpm-perlprov >= 4.1-13
-BuildRequires: sed >= 4.0
+URL: http://www.mythtv.org/
+BuildRequires: OpenGL-devel
BuildRequires: SDL-devel
-BuildRequires: X11-OpenGL-devel
BuildRequires: XFree86-devel
BuildRequires: a52dec-libs-devel
BuildRequires: cdparanoia-III-devel
@@ -39,6 +39,8 @@
BuildRequires: libvorbis-devel >= 1.0
BuildRequires: mjpegtools-devel >= 1.6.1
BuildRequires: nasm
+BuildRequires: rpm-perlprov >= 4.1-13
+BuildRequires: sed >= 4.0
BuildRequires: transcode >= 0.6.8
BuildRequires: xvid-devel >= 1:0.9.1
BuildRequires: zlib-devel
@@ -59,16 +61,25 @@
This is a consolidation of all the official MythTV plugins that used
to be distributed as separate downloads from mythtv.org.
+%description -l pl
+Jest to zbiór wszystkich oficjalnych wtyczek MythTV, które były
+wcześniej rozpowszechniane jako osobne pakiety na mythtv.org.
%package -n mythmusic
-Summary: The music player add-on module for MythTV.
+Summary: The music player add-on module for MythTV
+Summary(pl): Moduł odtwarzacza muzyki dla MythTV
Group: Applications/Multimedia
Requires: mythtv-frontend-api = %{api_ver}
%description -n mythmusic
-Music add-on for mythtv.
+Music add-on for MythTV.
+%description -n mythmusic -l pl
+Odtwarzacz muzyki dla MythTV.
%package -n mythvideo
-Summary: A generic video player frontend module for MythTV.
+Summary: A generic video player frontend module for MythTV
+Summary(pl): Moduł ogólnego interfejsu do odtwarzania obrazu dla MythTV
Group: Applications/Multimedia
Requires: mplayer
Requires: mythtv-frontend-api = %{api_ver}
@@ -76,53 +87,83 @@
%description -n mythvideo
A generic video player frontend module for MythTV.
+%description -n mythvideo -l pl
+Moduł ogólnego interfejsu do odtwarzania obrazu dla MythTV.
%package -n mythweather
-Summary: A MythTV module that displays a weather forcast.
+Summary: A MythTV module that displays a weather forcast
+Summary(pl): Moduł MythTV wyświetlający prognozę pogody
Group: Applications/Multimedia
Requires: mythtv-frontend-api = %{api_ver}
%description -n mythweather
A MythTV module that displays a weather forcast.
+%description -n mythweather -l pl
+Moduł MythTV wyświetlający prognozę pogody.
%package -n mythgallery
-Summary: A gallery/slideshow module for MythTV.
+Summary: A gallery/slideshow module for MythTV
+Summary(pl): Moduł galerii/pokazu slajdów dla MythTV
Group: Applications/Multimedia
Requires: mythtv-frontend-api = %{api_ver}
%description -n mythgallery
A gallery/slideshow module for MythTV.
+%description -n mythgallery -l pl
+Moduł galerii/pokazu slajdów dla MythTV.
%package -n mythgame
-Summary: A game frontend (xmame, nes, snes, pc) for MythTV.
+Summary: A game frontend (xmame, nes, snes, pc) for MythTV
+Summary(pl): Interfejs do gier (xmame, nes, snes, pc) dla MythTV
Group: Applications/Multimedia
Requires: mythtv-frontend-api = %{api_ver}
%description -n mythgame
A game frontend (xmame, nes, snes, pc) for MythTV.
+%description -n mythgame -l pl
+Interfejs do gier (xmame, nes, snes, pc) dla MythTV.
%package -n mythdvd
-Summary: A DVD player module for MythTV.
+Summary: A DVD player module for MythTV
+Summary(pl): Moduł odtwarzacza DVD dla MythTV
Group: Applications/Multimedia
Requires: mythtv-frontend-api = %{api_ver}
Requires: transcode >= 0.6.8
%description -n mythdvd
-MythDVD is a MythTV module that allows you to play DVD's on a myth-box
+MythDVD is a MythTV module that allows you to play DVDs on a myth-box
and (optionally) rip DVD's and transcode their video and audio content
to other (generally smaller) formats. The playing features are simply
myth-style wrappers for your favourite DVD playing software (mplayer,
ogle, xine, etc). The transcoding is based on and derived from the
excellent transcode package.
+%description -n mythdvd -l pl
+MythDVD to moduł MythTV umożliwiający odtwarzanie płyt DVD w MythTV i
+(opcjonalnie) rippowanie ich oraz przekodowywanie obrazu i dźwięku do
+innych (zwykle mniej zajmujących) formatów. Możliwości odtwarzania to
+po prostu obudowanie w stylu myth dla ulubionego oprogramowania do
+odtwarzania DVD (mplayer, ogle, xine itp.). Przekodowywanie jest
+oparte i wywodzi się z wspaniałego pakietu transcode.
%package -n mythnews
-Summary: A RSS News Feed Plugin for MythTV.
+Summary: A RSS News Feed plugin for MythTV
+Summary(pl): Wtyczka czytnika nowinek RSS dla MythTV
Group: Applications/Multimedia
Requires: mythtv-frontend-api = %{api_ver}
%description -n mythnews
+A RSS News Feed plugin for MythTV.
+%description -n mythnews -l pl
+Wtyczka czytnika nowinek RSS dla MythTV.
%package -n mythbrowser
-Summary: A small web browser module for MythTV.
+Summary: A small web browser module for MythTV
+Summary(pl): Moduł małej przeglądarki WWW dla MythTV
Group: Applications/Multimedia
Requires: mythtv-frontend-api = %{api_ver}
@@ -130,22 +171,39 @@
MythBrowser is a full fledged web-browser (multiple tabs) to display
webpages in full-screen mode. Simple page navigation is possible.
Starting with version 0.13 it also has full support for mouse driven
-navigation (right mouse opens and clos es the popup menu).
+navigation (right mouse opens and closes the popup menu).
MythBrowser also contains a BookmarkManager to manage the website
links in a simple mythplugin.
+%description -n mythbrowser -l pl
+MythBrowser to w pełni funkcjonalna przeglądarka WWW (z wieloma
+zakładkami) wyświetlająca strony WWW w trybie pełnoekranowym. Możliwa
+jest prosta nawigacja po stronie. Począwszy od wersji 0.13 ma pełną
+obsługę nawigacji myszką (prawy przycisk otwiera i zamywa wyskakujące
+MythBrowser zawiera także BookmarkManagera do zarządzania odnośnikami
+do stron w prostej wtyczce myth.
%package -n mythphone
-Summary: A video conferencing module for MythTV.
+Summary: A video conferencing module for MythTV
+Summary(pl): Moduł wideokonferencji dla MythTV
Group: Applications/Multimedia
Requires: mythtv-frontend-api = %{api_ver}
%description -n mythphone
-Mythphone is a phone and videophone capability on MYTH using the
+Mythphone is a phone and videophone capability on Myth using the
standard SIP protocol. It is compatible with Microsoft XP Messenger
and with SIP Service Providers such as Free World Dialup
+%description -n mythphone -l pl
+Mythphone to funkcjonalność telefonu i wideofonu w Myth przy użyciu
+standardowego protokołu SIP. Jest kompatybilny z Microsoft XP
+Messengerem oraz dostawcami usług SIP, takimi jak Free World Dialup
%setup -q
%patch0 -p1
@@ -161,17 +219,15 @@
sed -i -e 's|/share/Movies/dvd|/var/lib/mythvideo|' mythvideo/mythvideo/globalsettings.cpp
sed -i -e 's|/mnt/cdrom:/mnt/camera|/media/cdrom:/mnt/camera|' mythgallery/mythgallery/gallerysettings.cpp
# include mythtv build settings
cp %{_datadir}/mythtv/build/config.mak .
sed -i -e '1iinclude(config.mak)' settings.pro
%ifarch %{x8664}
# mmx asm isn't x86_64 compatible in mythmusic
- echo 'DEFINES -= HAVE_MMX' >> settings.pro
+ echo 'DEFINES -= HAVE_MMX' >> settings.pro
export QTDIR="%{_prefix}"
# Not gnu configure
@@ -197,7 +253,8 @@
export QTDIR="%{_prefix}"
-%{__make} install INSTALL_ROOT=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT
+%{__make} install \
install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/lib/{mythmusic,mythvideo,pictures}
install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/mythtv/games/nes/{roms,screens}
@@ -378,6 +435,9 @@
All persons listed below can be reached at <cvs_login>@pld-linux.org
+Revision 1.9 2005/09/22 18:12:01 qboosh
+- pl
Revision 1.8 2005/09/14 09:38:19 glen
- more settings paths changes in programs
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