SPECS: privoxy.spec - release 2.1; cleanup, but still too crappy f...

radek radek at pld-linux.org
Sun Nov 13 00:56:30 CET 2005

Author: radek                        Date: Sat Nov 12 23:56:30 2005 GMT
Module: SPECS                         Tag: HEAD
---- Log message:
- release 2.1; cleanup, but still too crappy for integer R:
- removed O: junkbuster (never present in PLD)
- sanitized %files (one %defattr per package allowed, privoxy user
  doesn't need to own the config files)
- cut non-PLD changelog

---- Files affected:
   privoxy.spec (1.16 -> 1.17) 

---- Diffs:

Index: SPECS/privoxy.spec
diff -u SPECS/privoxy.spec:1.16 SPECS/privoxy.spec:1.17
--- SPECS/privoxy.spec:1.16	Sun Oct 23 11:46:58 2005
+++ SPECS/privoxy.spec	Sun Nov 13 00:56:25 2005
@@ -1,13 +1,9 @@
 # $Revision$, $Date$
-%define		oldname junkbuster
-%define		privoxyconf %{_sysconfdir}/%{name}
 Summary:	Privoxy - privacy enhancing proxy
 Summary(pl):	Privoxy - proxy rozszerzające prywatność
 Name:		privoxy
 Version:	3.0.3
-Release:	2
+Release:	2.1
 License:	GPL
 Source0:	http://dl.sourceforge.net/ijbswa/%{name}-%{version}-2-stable.src.tar.gz
 # Source0-md5:	d7f6c2fcb926e6110659de6e866b21e4
@@ -31,9 +27,6 @@
 Requires(postun):	/usr/sbin/userdel
 Provides:	group(privoxy)
 Provides:	user(privoxy)
-Obsoletes:	junkbuster
-Obsoletes:	junkbuster-blank
-Obsoletes:	junkbuster-raw
 BuildRoot:	%{tmpdir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n)
@@ -75,7 +68,7 @@
 install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sbindir} \
 	$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mandir}/man1 \
 	$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/log/%{name} \
-	$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{privoxyconf}/templates \
+	$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/templates \
 	$RPM_BUILD_ROOT/etc/{logrotate.d,rc.d/init.d} \
@@ -87,15 +80,15 @@
 # wrong format
 for i in `ls *.action`
-	cat $i | sed -e 's/[[:cntrl:]]*$//' > $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{privoxyconf}/$i
+	sed -e 's/[[:cntrl:]]*$//' $i > $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/$i
-cat default.filter | sed -e 's/[[:cntrl:]]*$//' > $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{privoxyconf}/default.filter
-cat trust | sed -e 's/[[:cntrl:]]*$//' > $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{privoxyconf}/trust
+sed -e 's/[[:cntrl:]]*$//' default.filter > $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/default.filter
+sed -e 's/[[:cntrl:]]*$//' trust > $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/trust
 cd templates
 for i in `ls`
-	cat $i | sed -e 's/[[:cntrl:]]*$//' > $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{privoxyconf}/templates/$i
+	sed -e 's/[[:cntrl:]]*$//' $i > $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/templates/$i
@@ -110,7 +103,7 @@
 ## Changing the sed paramter delimiter to @, so we don't have to
 ## escape the slashes
 cat config | \
-	sed 's@^confdir.*@confdir %{privoxyconf}@g' | \
+	sed 's@^confdir.*@confdir %{_sysconfdir}/%{name}@g' | \
 # sed 's/^permissionsfile.*/permissionsfile \/etc\/%{name}\/permissionsfile/g' | \
 # sed 's/^filterfile.*/default.filter \/etc\/%{name}\/default.filter/g' | \
 # sed 's/^logfile.*/logfile \/var\/log\/%{name}\/logfile/g' | \
@@ -119,27 +112,18 @@
 # sed 's/^aclfile.*/aclfile \/etc\/%{name}\/aclfile/g' > \
 	sed 's@^logdir.*@logdir %{_localstatedir}/log/%{name}@g' | \
 		sed -e 's/[[:cntrl:]]*$//' > \
-		$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{privoxyconf}/config
+		$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/config
 	perl -pe 's/{-no-cookies}/{-no-cookies}\n\.redhat.com/' default.action >\
-		$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{privoxyconf}/default.action
+		$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/default.action
 %groupadd -g 108 privoxy
-%useradd -u 108 -d %{privoxyconf} -s /bin/false -c "%{name} user" -g privoxy privoxy
+%useradd -u 108 -d %{_sysconfdir}/%{name} -s /bin/false -c "%{name} user" -g privoxy privoxy
-# for upgrade from 2.0.x
-[ -f /var/log/%{oldname}/logfile ] && {
-	mv -f /var/log/%{oldname}/logfile /var/log/%{name}/logfile ||: ;
-	chown -R %{name}:%{name} /var/log/%{name} 2>/dev/null ||: ;
-[ -f /var/log/%{name}/%{name} ] && {
-	mv -f /var/log/%{name}/%{name} /var/log/%{name}/logfile ||: ;
-	chown -R %{name}:%{name} %{privoxyconf} 2>/dev/null ||: ;
 /sbin/chkconfig --add privoxy
 %service privoxy restart
@@ -171,58 +155,14 @@
 %attr(755,root,root) %{_sbindir}/%{name}
-# ATTENTION FOR defattr change here !
-%dir %{privoxyconf}
-%dir %{privoxyconf}/templates
-%dir /var/log/%{name}
-# We should not use wildchars here. This could mask missing files problems
-# -- morcego
-%config(noreplace) %verify(not size mtime md5) %{privoxyconf}/config
-%config %{privoxyconf}/standard.action
-%config(noreplace) %verify(not size mtime md5) %{privoxyconf}/user.action
-%config %{privoxyconf}/default.action
-%config %{privoxyconf}/default.filter
-%config %{privoxyconf}/trust
-# Please keep these alphabetized so its easier to find one that
-# is not included.
-%config %{privoxyconf}/templates/blocked
-%config %{privoxyconf}/templates/cgi-error-404
-%config %{privoxyconf}/templates/cgi-error-bad-param
-%config %{privoxyconf}/templates/cgi-error-disabled
-%config %{privoxyconf}/templates/cgi-error-file
-%config %{privoxyconf}/templates/cgi-error-file-read-only
-%config %{privoxyconf}/templates/cgi-error-modified
-%config %{privoxyconf}/templates/cgi-error-parse
-%config %{privoxyconf}/templates/cgi-style.css
-%config %{privoxyconf}/templates/connect-failed
-%config %{privoxyconf}/templates/default
-%config %{privoxyconf}/templates/edit-actions-add-url-form
-%config %{privoxyconf}/templates/edit-actions-for-url
-%config %{privoxyconf}/templates/edit-actions-for-url-filter
-%config %{privoxyconf}/templates/edit-actions-list
-%config %{privoxyconf}/templates/edit-actions-list-button
-%config %{privoxyconf}/templates/edit-actions-list-section
-%config %{privoxyconf}/templates/edit-actions-list-url
-%config %{privoxyconf}/templates/edit-actions-remove-url-form
-%config %{privoxyconf}/templates/edit-actions-url-form
-%config %{privoxyconf}/templates/mod-local-help
-%config %{privoxyconf}/templates/mod-support-and-service
-%config %{privoxyconf}/templates/mod-title
-%config %{privoxyconf}/templates/mod-unstable-warning
-%config %{privoxyconf}/templates/no-such-domain
-%config %{privoxyconf}/templates/show-request
-%config %{privoxyconf}/templates/show-status
-%config %{privoxyconf}/templates/show-status-file
-%config %{privoxyconf}/templates/show-url-info
-%config %{privoxyconf}/templates/show-version
-%config %{privoxyconf}/templates/toggle
-%config %{privoxyconf}/templates/toggle-mini
-%config %{privoxyconf}/templates/untrusted
+%dir %attr(751,privoxy,privoxy) /var/log/%{name}
+%dir %attr(751,root,privoxy) %{_sysconfdir}/%{name}
+%dir %attr(751,root,privoxy) %{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/templates
+%attr(751,root,privoxy) %config(noreplace) %verify(not size mtime md5) %{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/config
+%attr(751,root,privoxy) %config(noreplace) %verify(not size mtime md5) %{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/trust
+%attr(751,root,privoxy) %config(noreplace) %verify(not size mtime md5) %{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/*.*
+%attr(751,root,privoxy) %config(noreplace) %verify(not size mtime md5) %{_sysconfdir}/%{name}/templates/*
 %define date	%(echo `LC_ALL="C" date +"%a %b %d %Y"`)
@@ -230,6 +170,13 @@
 All persons listed below can be reached at <cvs_login>@pld-linux.org
+Revision 1.17  2005/11/12 23:56:25  radek
+- release 2.1; cleanup, but still too crappy for integer R:
+- removed O: junkbuster (never present in PLD)
+- sanitized %files (one %defattr per package allowed, privoxy user
+  doesn't need to own the config files)
+- cut non-PLD changelog
 Revision 1.16  2005/10/23 09:46:58  freetz
 - added privoxy.init and privoxy.logrotate, rel.2
@@ -277,437 +224,4 @@
 - pl description, some cleanups
 Revision 1.1  2002/11/11 20:17:55  hunter
---specfile taken from sf.net
-* Wed Aug 28 2002 Karsten Hopp <karsten at redhat.de>
-- 3.0.0 final, only docu updates
-* Mon Aug 26 2002 Karsten Hopp <karsten at redhat.de>
- - 3.0.0rc1  (good timing, they don't even know our schedule)
- - docu/templates and filter updates.
-* Tue Aug 25 2002 Hal Burgiss <hal at foobox.net>
-- Bump version for 3.0.0 :)
-* Fri Aug 23 2002 Karsten Hopp <karsten at redhat.de>
-- docu and filter updates
-* Sat Aug 10 2002 Karsten Hopp <karsten at redhat.de>
-- Update to next release candidate 2.9.20
-* Thu Aug 08 2002 Karsten Hopp <karsten at redhat.de>
-- Update to next release candidate
-* Tue Aug 06 2002 Karsten Hopp <karsten at redhat.de>
-- 2.9.18
-- autoconf check for pcre.h in subdir
-* Tue Aug 06 2002 Hal Burgiss <hal at foobox.net>
-- Reset version for 2.9.20.
-* Tue Jul 30 2002 Hal Burgiss <hal at foobox.net>
-- Reset version for 2.9.18.
-* Sat Jul 27 2002 Karsten Hopp <karsten at redhat.de>
-- this is a release-candidate for privoxy-3.0
-* Sat Jul 27 2002 Hal Burgiss <hal at foobox.net>
-- Reset version and release for 2.9.16.
-* Fri Jul 12 2002 Karsten Hopp <karsten at redhat.de>
-- don't use ghost files for rcX.d/*, using chkconfig is the
-  correct way to do this job (#68619)
-* Fri Jul 05 2002 Rodrigo Barbosa <rodrigob at tisbrasil.com.br>
-+ privoxy-2.9.15-8
-- Changing delete order for groups and users (users should be first)
-* Wed Jul 03 2002 Rodrigo Barbosa <rodrigob at tisbrasil.com.br>
-+ privoxy-2.9.15-7
-- Changing sed expression that removed CR from the end of the lines. This
-  new one removes any control caracter, and should work with older versions
-  of sed
-* Tue Jul 02 2002 Rodrigo Barbosa <rodrigob at tisbrasil.com.br>
-+ privoxy-2.9.15-6
-- Fixing defattr values. File and directory modes where swapped
-* Tue Jul 02 2002 Rodrigo Barbosa <rodrigob at tisbrasil.com.br>
-+ privoxy-2.9.15-5
-- Bumping Release number (which should be changed every time the specfile
-  is)
-* Tue Jul 02 2002 Hal Burgiss <hal at foobox.net>
-+ privoxy-2.9.15-4
-- Fix typo in templates creation.
-* Wed Jun 26 2002 Rodrigo Barbosa <rodrigob at tisbrasil.com.br>
-+ privoxy-2.9.15-4
-- Fixing issues created by specfile sync between branches
-  - Correcting the release number (WARNING)
-  - Reintroducing text file conversion (dos -> unix)
-  - Reconverting hardcoded directories to macros
-  - Refixing ownership of privoxy files (now using multiple defattr
-    definitions)
-* Thu Jun 20 2002 Karsten Hopp <karsten at redhat.de>
-- fix several .spec file issues to shut up rpmlint
-  - non-standard-dir-perm /var/log/privoxy 0744
-  - invalid-vendor Privoxy.Org (This is ok for binaries compiled by privoxy
-    members, but not for packages from Red Hat)
-  - non-standard-group Networking/Utilities
-  - logrotate and init scripts should be noreplace
-* Mon May 27 2002 Hal Burgiss <hal at foobox.net>
-+ privoxy-2.9.15-1
-- Index.html is now privoxy-index.html for doc usage.
-* Sat May 25 2002 Hal Burgiss <hal at foobox.net>
-+ privoxy-2.9.15-1
-- Add html man page so index.html does not 404.
-* Fri May 24 2002 Hal Burgiss <hal at foobox.net>
-+ privoxy-2.9.15-1
-- Add another template and alphabetize these for easier tracking.
-- Add doc/images directory.
-* Wed May 15 2002 Hal Burgiss <hal at foobox.net>
-+ privoxy-2.9.15-1
-- Add templates/edit-actions-list-button
-* Fri May 03 2002 Rodrigo Barbosa <rodrigob at tisbrasil.com.br>
-+ privoxy-2.9.15-1
-- Version bump
-- Adding noreplace for %%{privoxyconf}/config
-- Included a method to verify if the versions declared on the specfile and
-  configure.in match. Interrupt the build if they don't.
-* Fri Apr 26 2002 Rodrigo Barbosa <rodrigob at tisbrasil.com.br>
-+ privoxy-2.9.14-3
-- Changing Vendor to Privoxy.Org
-* Tue Apr 23 2002 Hal Burgiss <hal at foobox.net>
-+ privoxy-2.9.14-2
-- Adjust for new *actions files.
-* Mon Apr 22 2002 Rodrigo Barbosa <rodrigob at tisbrasil.com.br>
-+ privoxy-2.9.14-2
-- Removed the redhat hack that prevented the user and group from
-  being dealocated. That was a misundestanding of my part regarding
-  redhat policy.
-* Mon Apr 22 2002 Rodrigo Barbosa <rodrigob at tisbrasil.com.br>
-+ privoxy-2.9.14-2
-- Using macros to define uid and gid values
-- Bumping release
-* Mon Apr 22 2002 Rodrigo Barbosa <rodrigob at tisbrasil.com.br>
-+ privoxy-2.9.14-1
-- Changes to fixate the uid and gid values as (both) 73. This is a
-  value we hope to standarize for all distributions. RedHat already
-  uses it, and Conectiva should start as soon as I find where the heck
-  I left my cluebat :-)
-- Only remove the user and group on uninstall if this is not redhat, once
-  redhat likes to have the values allocated even if the package is not
-  installed
-* Tue Apr 16 2002 Hal Burgiss <hal at foobox.net>
-+ privoxy-2.9.13-6
-- Add --disable-dynamic-pcre to configure.
-* Wed Apr 10 2002 Rodrigo Barbosa <rodrigob at tisbrasil.com.br>
-+ privoxy-2.9.13-5
-- Relisting template files on the %%files section
-* Tue Apr 09 2002 Hal Burgiss <hal at foobox.net>
-+ privoxy-2.9.13-4
-- Removed 'make dok'. Docs are all maintained in CVS (and tarball) now.
-* Mon Apr 08 2002 Hal Burgiss <hal at foobox.net>
-+ privoxy-2.9.13-4
-- Add templates/cgi-style.css, faq.txt, p_web.css, LICENSE
-- Remove templates/blocked-compact.
-- Add more docbook stuff to Builderquires.
-* Thu Mar 28 2002 Sarantis Paskalis <sarantis at cnl.di.uoa.gr>
-+ privoxy-2.9.13-3
-- Include correct documentation file.
-* Tue Mar 26 2002 Hal Burgiss <hal at foobox.net>
-+ privoxy-2.9.13-3
-- Fix typo in Description.
-* Tue Mar 26 2002 Rodrigo Barbosa <rodrigob at tisbrasil.com.br>
-+ privoxy-2.9.13-3
-- Added commentary asking to update the release value on the configure
-  script
-* Tue Mar 25 2002 Hal Burgiss <hal at foobox.net>
-+ privoxy-2.9.13-3
-- Added the missing edit-actions-for-url-filter to templates.
-* Mon Mar 25 2002 Rodrigo Barbosa <rodrigob at tisbrasil.com.br>
-+ privoxy-2.9.13-2
-- Fixing Release number
-* Sun Mar 24 2002 Hal Burgiss <hal at foobox.net>
-+ privoxy-2.9.13-2
-- Added faq to docs.
-* Sun Mar 24 2002 Rodrigo Barbosa <rodrigob at suespammers.org>
-+ privoxy-2.9.13-2
-- Fixed the init files entries. Now we use %%ghost
-- improved username (and groupname) handling on the %%pre section. By improved
-  I mean: we do it by brute force now. Much easier to maintain. Yeah, you
-  got it right. No more Mr. Nice Guy.
-- Removed the userdel call on %%post. No need, once it's complety handled on
-  the %%pre section
-* Sun Mar 24 2002 Hal Burgiss <hal at foobox.net>
-+ junkbusterng-2.9.13-1
-  Added autoheader. Added autoconf to buildrequires.
-* Sun Mar 24 2002 Hal Burgiss <hal at foobox.net>
-+ junkbusterng-2.9.13-1
-- Fixed build problems re: name conflicts with man page and logrotate.
-- Commented out rc?d/* configs for time being, which are causing a build
-- failure. /etc/junkbuster is now /etc/privoxy. Stefan did other name
-- changes. Fixed typo ';' should be ':' causing 'rpm -e' to fail.
-* Fri Mar 22 2002 Rodrigo Barbosa <rodrigob at tisbrasil.com.br>
-+ junkbusterng-2.9.13-1
-- References to the expression ijb where changed where possible
-- New package name: junkbusterng (all in lower case, acording to
-  the LSB recomendation)
-- Version changed to: 2.9.13
-- Release: 1
-- Added: junkbuster to obsoletes and conflicts (Not sure this is
-  right. If it obsoletes, why conflict ? Have to check it later)
-- Summary changed: Stefan, please check and aprove it
-- Changes description to use the new name
-- Sed string was NOT changed. Have to wait to the manpage to
-  change first
-- Keeping the user junkbuster for now. It will require some aditional
-  changes on the script (scheduled for the next specfile release)
-- Added post entry to move the old logfile to the new log directory
-- Removing "chkconfig --add" entry (not good to have it automaticaly
-  added to the startup list).
-- Added preun section to stop the service with the old name, as well
-  as remove it from the startup list
-- Removed the chkconfig --del entry from the conditional block on
-  the preun scriptlet (now handled on the %files section)
-* Thu Mar 21 2002 Hal Burgiss <hal at foobox.net>
-- added ijb_docs.css to docs.
-* Mon Mar 11 2002 Hal Burgiss <hal at foobox.net>
-+ junkbuster-2.9.11-8
-- Take out --enable-no-gifs, breaks some browsers.
-* Sun Mar 10 2002 Hal Burgiss <hal at foobox.net>
-+ junkbuster-2.9.11-8
-- Add --enable-no-gifs to configure.
-* Fri Mar 08 2002 Rodrigo Barbosa <rodrigob at tisbrasil.com.br>
-+ junkbuster-2.9.11-7
-- Added BuildRequires to libtool.
-* Tue Mar 06 2002 Rodrigo Barbosa <rodrigob at tisbrasil.com.br>
-+ junkbuster-2.9.11-6
-- Changed the routined that handle the junkbust and junkbuster users on
-  %%pre and %%post to work in a smoother manner
-- %%files now uses hardcoded usernames, to avoid problems with package
-  name changes in the future
-* Tue Mar 05 2002 Rodrigo Barbosa <rodrigob at tisbrasil.com.br>
-+ junkbuster-2.9.11-5
-- Added "make redhat-dok" to the build process
-- Added docbook-utils to BuildRequires
-* Tue Mar 05 2002 Rodrigo Barbosa <rodrigob at tisbrasil.com.br>
-+ junkbuster-2.9.11-4
-- Changing man section in the manpage from 1 to 8
-- We now require packages, not files, to avoid issues with apt
-* Mon Mar 04 2002 Rodrigo Barbosa <rodrigob at tisbrasil.com.br>
-+ junkbuster-2.9.11-3
-- Fixing permissions of the init script
-* Mon Mar 04 2002 Rodrigo Barbosa <rodrigob at tisbrasil.com.br>
-+ junkbuster-2.9.11-2
-- General specfile fixup, using the best recomended practices, including:
-	- Adding -q to %%setup
-	- Using macros whereever possible
-	- Not using wildchars on %%files section
-	- Doubling the percentage char on changelog and comments, to
-	  avoid rpm expanding them
-* Sun Mar 03 2002 Hal Burgiss <hal at foobox.net>
-- /bin/false for shell causes init script to fail. Reverting.
-* Wed Jan 09 2002 Hal Burgiss <hal at foobox.net>
-- Removed UID 73. Included user-manual and developer-manual in docs.
-  Include other actions files. Default shell is now /bin/false.
-  Userdel user=junkbust. ChangeLog was not zipped. Removed
-  RPM_OPT_FLAGS kludge.
-* Fri Dec 28 2001 Thomas Steudten <thomas at steudten.ch>
-- add paranoia check for 'rm -rf %%{buildroot}'
-- add gzip to 'BuildRequires'
-* Sat Dec  1 2001 Hal Burgiss <hal at foobox.net>
-- actionsfile is now ijb.action.
-* Tue Nov  6 2001 Thomas Steudten <thomas at steudten.ch>
-- Compress manpage
-- Add more documents for installation
-- Add version string to name and source
-* Wed Oct 24 2001 Hal Burigss <hal at foobox.net>
-- Back to user 'junkbuster' and fix configure macro.
-* Wed Oct 10 2001 Hal Burigss <hal at foobox.net>
-- More changes for user 'junkbust'. Init script had 'junkbuster'.
-* Sun Sep 23 2001 Hal Burgiss <hal at foobox.net>
-- Change of $RPM_OPT_FLAGS handling. Added new HTML doc files.
-- Changed owner of /etc/junkbuster to shut up PAM/xauth log noise.
-* Thu Sep 13 2001 Hal Burgiss <hal at foobox.net>
-- Added $RPM_OPT_FLAGS support, renaming of old logfile, and
-- made sure no default shell exists for user junkbust.
-* Sun Jun  3 2001 Stefan Waldherr <stefan at waldherr.org>
-- rework of RPM
-* Mon Sep 25 2000 Stefan Waldherr <stefan at waldherr.org>
-- CLF Logging patch by davep at cyw.uklinux.net
-- Hal DeVore <haldevore at earthling.net> fix akamaitech in blocklist
-* Sun Sep 17 2000 Stefan Waldherr <stefan at waldherr.org>
-- Steve Kemp skx at tardis.ed.ac.uk's javascript popup patch.
-- Markus Breitenbach breitenb at rbg.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de supplied
-  numerous fixes and enhancements for Steve's patch.
-- adamlock at netscape.com (Adam Lock) in the windows version:
-  - Taskbar activity spinner always spins even when logging is
-  turned off (which is the default) - people who don't
-  like the spinner can turn it off from a menu option.
-  - Taskbar popup menu has a options submenu - people can now
-  open the settings files for cookies, blockers etc.
-  without opening the JB window.
-  - Logging functionality works again
-  - Buffer overflow is fixed - new code uses a bigger buffer
-  and snprintf so it shouldn't overflow anymore.
-- Fixed userid swa, group learning problem while installing.
-  root must build RPM.
-- Added patch by Benjamin Low <ben at snrc.uow.edu.au> that prevents JB to
-  core dump when there is no log file.
-- Tweaked SuSE startup with the help of mohataj at gmx.net and Doc.B at gmx.de.
-- Fixed man page to include imagefile and popupfile.
-- Sanity check for the statistics function added.
-- "Patrick D'Cruze" <pdcruze at orac.iinet.net.au>: It seems Microsoft
- are transitioning Hotmail from FreeBSD/Apache to Windows 2000/IIS.
- With IIS/5, it appears to omit the trailing \r\n from http header
- only messages.  eg, when I visit http://www.hotmail.com, IIS/5
- responds with a HTTP 302 redirect header.  However, this header
- message is missing the trailing \r\n.  IIS/5 then closes the
- connection.  Junkbuster, unfortunately, discards the header becomes
- it thinks it is incomplete - and it is.  MS have transmitted an
- incomplete header!
-- Added bug reports and patch submission forms in the docs.
-* Mon Mar 20 2000 Stefan Waldherr <stefan at waldherr.org>
-       Andrew <anw at tirana.freewire.co.uk> extended the JB:
-       Display of statistics of the total number of requests and the number
-       of requests filtered by junkbuster, also the percentage of requests
-       filtered. Suppression of the listing of files on the proxy-args page.
-       All stuff optional and configurable.
-* Sun Sep 12 1999 Stefan Waldherr <stefan at waldherr.org>
-       Jan Willamowius (jan at janhh.shnet.org) fixed a bug in the
-       code which prevented the JB from handling URLs of the form
-       user:password at www.foo.com. Fixed.
-* Mon Aug  2 1999 Stefan Waldherr <stefan at waldherr.org>
-	Blank images are no longer cached, thanks to a hint from Markus
-        Breitenbach <breitenb at rbg.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de>. The user
-        agent is NO longer set by the Junkbuster. Sadly, many sites depend
-        on the correct browser version nowadays. Incorporated many
-	suggestions from Jan "Yenya" Kasprzak <kas at fi.muni.cz> for the
-        spec file. Fixed logging problem and since runlevel 2 does not
-        use networking, I replaced /etc/rc.d/rc2.d/S84junkbuster with
-        /etc/rc.d/rc2.d/K09junkbuster thanks to Shaw Walker
-        <walker at netgate.net>. You should now be able to build this RPM as
-        a non-root user (mathias at weidner.sem.lipsia.de).
-* Sun Jan 31 1999 Stefan Waldherr <stefan at waldherr.org>
-	%%{_localstatedir}/log/junkbuster set to nobody. Added /etc/junkbuster/imagelist
-	to allow more sophisticated matching of blocked images. Logrotate
-	logfile. Added files for auto-updating the blocklist et al.
-* Wed Dec 16 1998 Stefan Waldherr <stefan at waldherr.org>
-	Configure blank version via config file. No separate blank
-	version anymore. Added Roland's <roland at spinnaker.rhein.de>
-	patch to show a logo instead of a blank area. Added a suggestion
-	from Alex <alex at cocoa.demon.co.uk>: %%{_localstatedir}/lock/subsys/junkbuster.
-	More regexps in the blocklist. Prepared the forwardfile for
-	squid. Extended image regexp with help from gabriel
-	<somlo at CS.ColoState.EDU>.
-* Thu Nov 19 1998 Stefan Waldherr <stefan at waldherr.org>
-	All RPMs now identify themselves in the show-proxy-args page.
-	Released Windoze version. Run junkbuster as nobody instead of
-	root.
-* Fri Oct 30 1998 Stefan Waldherr <stefan at waldherr.org>
-	Newest version. First release (hence the little version number
-	mixture -- 2.0.2-0 instead of 2.0-7). This version tightens
-	security over 2.0.1; some multi-user sites will need to change
-	the listen-address in the configuration file. The blank version of
-        the Internet Junkbuster has a more sophisticated way of replacing
-	images. All RPMs identify themselves in the show-proxy-args page.
-* Thu Sep 23 1998 Stefan Waldherr <stefan at waldherr.org>
-	Modified the blocking feature, so that only GIFs and JPEGs are
-	blocked and replaced but not HTML pages. Thanks to
-	"Gerd Flender" <plgerd at informatik.uni-siegen.de> for this nice
-	idea. Added numerous stuff to the blocklist. Keep patches in
-        seperate files and no longer in diffs (easier to maintain).
-* Tue Jun 16 1998 Stefan Waldherr <swa at cs.cmu.edu>
-        Moved config files to /etc/junkbuster directory, moved man page,
-	added BuildRoot directive (Thanks to Alexey Nogin <ayn2 at cornell.edu>)
-        Made new version junkbuster-raw (which is only a stripped version of
-        the junkuster rpm, i.e. without my blocklist, etc.)
-* Tue Jun 16 1998 (2.0-1)
-	Uhm, not that much. Just a new junkbuster version that
-	fixes a couple of bugs ... and of course a bigger
-	blocklist with the unique Now-less-ads-than-ever(SM)
-	feature.
-	Oh, one thing: I changed the default user agent to Linux -- no
-	need anymore to support Apple.
-* Tue Jun 16 1998 (2.0-0)
-	Now-less-ads-than-ever (SM)
<<Diff was trimmed, longer than 597 lines>>

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