SOURCES: wpkg-samba.conf - hide backup and rpm config files

glen glen at
Sun Nov 13 18:01:57 CET 2005

Author: glen                         Date: Sun Nov 13 17:01:57 2005 GMT
Module: SOURCES                       Tag: HEAD
---- Log message:
- hide backup and rpm config files

---- Files affected:
   wpkg-samba.conf (1.4 -> 1.5) 

---- Diffs:

Index: SOURCES/wpkg-samba.conf
diff -u SOURCES/wpkg-samba.conf:1.4 SOURCES/wpkg-samba.conf:1.5
--- SOURCES/wpkg-samba.conf:1.4	Sun Nov 13 17:57:54 2005
+++ SOURCES/wpkg-samba.conf	Sun Nov 13 18:01:52 2005
@@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
   comment = Windows Packager
-  path = /etc/wpkg 
+  path = /etc/wpkg
   read only = yes
   browseable = no
 #  valid users = guest, nobody
   guest ok = Yes
 # write list =
-# admin list = 
+# admin list =
+  hide files = /*~/*.rpmsave/*.rpmnew/
 # Optionally - depending on your client setup (below)
-# - you will also have to copy three .exe files 
+# - you will also have to copy three .exe files
 # - srvany.exe, instsrv.exe and scripten.exe,
 # if you don't have them on your clients. To simplify, first copy them to
 # your server - for example to /home/samba/wpkg/files - and from there
 # distribute them to your clients. This is described in a "Client side" below.
-# If you don't run Samba, but a Windows server with Active Directory instead 
+# If you don't run Samba, but a Windows server with Active Directory instead
 # - your server setup should be similar (creating a share etc.).
 # Additionally, create a small batch script called wpkg-start.bat and put it on your server:

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