SOURCES: lynx-CAN-2005-3120.patch (NEW), lynx-CVE-2005-2929.patch ...

glen glen at
Sun Nov 13 19:06:34 CET 2005

Author: glen                         Date: Sun Nov 13 18:06:34 2005 GMT
Module: SOURCES                       Tag: HEAD
---- Log message:
- copied from gentoo

---- Files affected:
   lynx-CAN-2005-3120.patch (NONE -> 1.1)  (NEW), lynx-CVE-2005-2929.patch (NONE -> 1.1)  (NEW)

---- Diffs:

Index: SOURCES/lynx-CAN-2005-3120.patch
diff -u /dev/null SOURCES/lynx-CAN-2005-3120.patch:1.1
--- /dev/null	Sun Nov 13 19:06:34 2005
+++ SOURCES/lynx-CAN-2005-3120.patch	Sun Nov 13 19:06:29 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,414 @@
+diff -urN lynx2-8-5.orig/CHANGES lynx2-8-5/CHANGES
+--- lynx2-8-5.orig/CHANGES	2004-02-04 07:07:09.000000000 -0500
++++ lynx2-8-5/CHANGES	2005-10-12 09:26:54.000000000 -0400
+@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
+ Changes since Lynx 2.8 release
+ ===============================================================================
++2005-0?-?? (2.8.5rel.1)
++* eliminate fixed-size buffers in HTrjis() and related functions to avoid
++  potential buffer overflow in nntp pages (report by Ulf Harnhammar). 
++  Back-ported from Thomas Dickey's patch to 2.8.6dev.13 by Seemant Kulleen
+ 2004-02-04 (2.8.5rel.1)
+ * build fixes for MINGW32 -DK
+ * build fixes for OS/2 (reported by IZ) -TD
+diff -urN lynx2-8-5.orig/WWW/Library/Implementation/HTMIME.c lynx2-8-5/WWW/Library/Implementation/HTMIME.c
+--- lynx2-8-5.orig/WWW/Library/Implementation/HTMIME.c	2004-01-07 21:03:09.000000000 -0500
++++ lynx2-8-5/WWW/Library/Implementation/HTMIME.c	2005-10-12 09:22:59.000000000 -0400
+@@ -2062,15 +2062,9 @@
+ **
+ **	Written by S. Ichikawa,
+ **	partially inspired by encdec.c of <jh at>.
+-**	Assume caller's buffer is LINE_LENGTH bytes, these decode to
+-**	no longer than the input strings.
++**	Caller's buffers decode to no longer than the input strings.
+ */
+-#define LINE_LENGTH 512		/* Maximum length of line of ARTICLE etc */
+-#ifdef ESC
+-#undef ESC
+-#endif /* ESC */
+ #include <LYCharVals.h>  /* S/390 -- gil -- 0163 */
+-#define ESC	CH_ESC
+ PRIVATE char HTmm64[] =
+     "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=" ;
+@@ -2078,11 +2072,14 @@
+ PRIVATE int HTmmcont = 0;
+ PUBLIC void HTmmdec_base64 ARGS2(
+-	char *,		t,
++	char **,		t,
+ 	char *,		s)
+ {
+     int   d, count, j, val;
+-    char  buf[LINE_LENGTH], *bp, nw[4], *p;
++    char  *buf, *bp, nw[4], *p;
++	if ((buf = malloc(strlen(s) * 3 + 1)) == 0)
++		outofmem(__FILE__, "HTmmdec_base64");
+     for (bp = buf; *s; s += 4) {
+ 	val = 0;
+@@ -2113,14 +2110,18 @@
+ 	    *bp++ = nw[2];
+     }
+     *bp = '\0';
+-    strcpy(t, buf);
++    StrAllocCopy(*t, buf);
++	FREE(buf);
+ }
+ PUBLIC void HTmmdec_quote ARGS2(
+-	char *,		t,
++	char **,		t,
+ 	char *,		s)
+ {
+-    char  buf[LINE_LENGTH], cval, *bp, *p;
++    char  *buf, cval, *bp, *p;
++	if ((buf = malloc(strlen(s) + 1)) == 0)
++		outofmem(__FILE__, "HTmmdec_quote");
+     for (bp = buf; *s; ) {
+ 	if (*s == '=') {
+@@ -2147,23 +2148,27 @@
+ 	}
+     }
+     *bp = '\0';
+-    strcpy(t, buf);
++    StrAllocCopy(*t, buf);
++	FREE(buf);
+ }
+ /*
+ **	HTmmdecode for ISO-2022-JP - FM
+ */
+ PUBLIC void HTmmdecode ARGS2(
+-	char *,		trg,
+-	char *,		str)
++	char **,		target,
++	char *,		source)
+ {
+-    char buf[LINE_LENGTH], mmbuf[LINE_LENGTH];
++    char *buf;
++	char *mmbuf = NULL;
++	char *m2buf = NULL;
+     char *s, *t, *u;
+     int  base64, quote;
+-    buf[0] = '\0';
++    if ((buf = malloc(strlen(source) + 1)) == 0)
++		outofmem(__FILE__, "HTmmdecode");
+-    for (s = str, u = buf; *s; ) {
++    for (s = source, u = buf; *s; ) {
+ 	if (!strncasecomp(s, "=?ISO-2022-JP?B?", 16)) {
+ 	    base64 = 1;
+ 	} else {
+@@ -2177,15 +2182,18 @@
+ 	if (base64 || quote) {
+ 	    if (HTmmcont) {
+ 		for (t = s - 1;
+-		    t >= str && (*t == ' ' || *t == '\t'); t--) {
++		    t >= source && (*t == ' ' || *t == '\t'); t--) {
+ 			u--;
+ 		}
+ 	    }
++		if (mmbuf == 0) /* allocate buffer big enough for source */
++			StrAllocCopy(mmbuf, source);
+ 	    for (s += 16, t = mmbuf; *s; ) {
+ 		if (s[0] == '?' && s[1] == '=') {
+ 		    break;
+ 		} else {
+ 		    *t++ = *s++;
++			*t = '\0';
+ 		}
+ 	    }
+ 	    if (s[0] != '?' || s[1] != '=') {
+@@ -2195,10 +2203,10 @@
+ 		*t = '\0';
+ 	    }
+ 	    if (base64)
+-		HTmmdec_base64(mmbuf, mmbuf);
++		HTmmdec_base64(&m2buf, mmbuf);
+ 	    if (quote)
+-		HTmmdec_quote(mmbuf, mmbuf);
+-	    for (t = mmbuf; *t; )
++		HTmmdec_quote(&m2buf, mmbuf);
++	    for (t = m2buf; *t; )
+ 		*u++ = *t++;
+ 	    HTmmcont = 1;
+ 	    /* if (*s == ' ' || *s == '\t') *u++ = *s; */
+@@ -2211,7 +2219,10 @@
+     }
+     *u = '\0';
+ end:
+-    strcpy(trg, buf);
++    StrAllocCopy(*target, buf);
++	FREE(m2buf);
++	FREE(mmbuf);
++	FREE(buf);
+ }
+ /*
+@@ -2219,22 +2230,27 @@
+ **  (The author of this function "rjis" is S. Ichikawa.)
+ */
+ PUBLIC int HTrjis ARGS2(
+-	char *,		t,
++	char **,	t,
+ 	char *,		s)
+ {
+-    char *p, buf[LINE_LENGTH];
++    char *p;
++	char *buf = NULL;
+     int kanji = 0;
+-    if (strchr(s, ESC) || !strchr(s, '$')) {
+-	if (s != t)
+-	    strcpy(t, s);
++    if (strchr(s, CH_ESC) || !strchr(s, '$')) {
++	if (s != *t)
++	    StrAllocCopy(*t, s);
+ 	return 1;
+     }
++	if ((buf = malloc(strlen(s) * 2 + 1)) == 0)
++		outofmem(__FILE__, "HTrjis");
+     for (p = buf; *s; ) {
+ 	if (!kanji && s[0] == '$' && (s[1] == '@' || s[1] == 'B')) {
+ 	    if (HTmaybekanji((int)s[2], (int)s[3])) {
+ 		kanji = 1;
+-		*p++ = ESC;
++		*p++ = CH_ESC;
+ 		*p++ = *s++;
+ 		*p++ = *s++;
+ 		*p++ = *s++;
+@@ -2246,7 +2262,7 @@
+ 	}
+ 	if (kanji && s[0] == '(' && (s[1] == 'J' || s[1] == 'B')) {
+ 	    kanji = 0;
+-	    *p++ = ESC;
++	    *p++ = CH_ESC;
+ 	    *p++ = *s++;
+ 	    *p++ = *s++;
+ 	    continue;
+@@ -2255,7 +2271,8 @@
+     }
+     *p = *s;	/* terminate string */
+-    strcpy(t, buf);
++    StrAllocCopy(*t, buf);
++    FREE(buf);
+     return 0;
+ }
+diff -urN lynx2-8-5.orig/WWW/Library/Implementation/HTMIME.h lynx2-8-5/WWW/Library/Implementation/HTMIME.h
+--- lynx2-8-5.orig/WWW/Library/Implementation/HTMIME.h	2003-01-22 04:43:13.000000000 -0500
++++ lynx2-8-5/WWW/Library/Implementation/HTMIME.h	2005-10-12 09:24:50.000000000 -0400
+@@ -67,21 +67,13 @@
+   For handling Japanese headers.
+ */
+-extern void HTmmdec_base64 PARAMS((
+-	char *	t,
+-	char *	s));
+-extern void HTmmdec_quote PARAMS((
+-	char *	t,
+-	char *	s));
+ extern void HTmmdecode PARAMS((
+-	char *	trg,
+-	char *	str));
++	char **	target,
++	char *	source));
+ extern int HTrjis PARAMS((
+-	char *	t,
+-	char *	s));
++	char **	target,
++	char *	source));
+ extern int HTmaybekanji PARAMS((
+ 	int	c1,
+diff -urN lynx2-8-5.orig/WWW/Library/Implementation/HTNews.c lynx2-8-5/WWW/Library/Implementation/HTNews.c
+--- lynx2-8-5.orig/WWW/Library/Implementation/HTNews.c	2004-01-07 21:03:09.000000000 -0500
++++ lynx2-8-5/WWW/Library/Implementation/HTNews.c	2005-10-12 09:05:14.000000000 -0400
+@@ -940,7 +940,6 @@
+     }
+ }
+-#ifdef SH_EX	/* for MIME */
+ #ifdef NEWS_DEBUG
+ /* for DEBUG 1997/11/07 (Fri) 17:20:16 */
+ void debug_print(unsigned char *p)
+@@ -962,44 +961,15 @@
+ }
+ #endif
+-static char *decode_mime(char *str)
++static char *decode_mime(char **str)
+ {
+-    char temp[LINE_LENGTH];	/* FIXME: what determines the actual size? */
+-    char *p, *q;
+-    if (str == NULL)
+-	return "";
++#ifdef SH_LEX
+     if (HTCJK != JAPANESE)
+-	return str;
+-    LYstrncpy(temp, str, sizeof(temp) - 1);
+-    q = temp;
+-    while ((p = strchr(q, '=')) != 0) {
+-	if (p[1] == '?') {
+-	    HTmmdecode(p, p);
+-	    q = p + 2;
+-	} else {
+-	    q = p + 1;
+-	}
+-    }
+-#ifdef NEWS_DEBUG
+-    printf("new=[");
+-    debug_print(temp);
++		return *str;
+ #endif
+-    HTrjis(temp, temp);
+-    strcpy(str, temp);
+-    return str;
++	HTmmdecode(str, *str);
++	return HTrjis(str, *str) ? *str : "";
+ }
+-#else /* !SH_EX */
+-static char *decode_mime ARGS1(char *, str)
+-    HTmmdecode(str, str);
+-    HTrjis(str, str);
+-    return str;
+ /*	Read in an Article					read_article
+@@ -1087,22 +1057,22 @@
+ 		} else if (match(full_line, "SUBJECT:")) {
+ 		    StrAllocCopy(subject, HTStrip(strchr(full_line,':')+1));
+-		    decode_mime(subject);
++		    decode_mime(&subject);
+ 		} else if (match(full_line, "DATE:")) {
+ 		    StrAllocCopy(date, HTStrip(strchr(full_line,':')+1));
+ 		} else if (match(full_line, "ORGANIZATION:")) {
+ 		    StrAllocCopy(organization,
+ 				 HTStrip(strchr(full_line,':')+1));
+-		    decode_mime(organization);
++		    decode_mime(&organization);
+ 		} else if (match(full_line, "FROM:")) {
+ 		    StrAllocCopy(from, HTStrip(strchr(full_line,':')+1));
+-		    decode_mime(from);
++		    decode_mime(&from);
+ 		} else if (match(full_line, "REPLY-TO:")) {
+ 		    StrAllocCopy(replyto, HTStrip(strchr(full_line,':')+1));
+-		    decode_mime(replyto);
++		    decode_mime(&replyto);
+ 		} else if (match(full_line, "NEWSGROUPS:")) {
+ 		    StrAllocCopy(newsgroups, HTStrip(strchr(full_line,':')+1));
+@@ -1711,8 +1681,8 @@
+ 	int,		last_required)
+ {
+     char line[LINE_LENGTH+1];
+-    char author[LINE_LENGTH+1];
+-    char subject[LINE_LENGTH+1];
++    char *author = NULL;
++    char *subject = NULL;
+     char *date = NULL;
+     int i;
+     char *p;
+@@ -1723,9 +1693,7 @@
+     char *reference = NULL;		/* Href for article */
+     int art;				/* Article number WITHIN GROUP */
+     int status, count, first, last;	/* Response fields */
+-					/* count is only an upper limit */
+-    author[0] = '\0';
+     PUTC('\n');
+@@ -1946,8 +1914,8 @@
+ 			case 'S':
+ 			case 's':
+ 			    if (match(line, "SUBJECT:")) {
+-				LYstrncpy(subject, line+9, sizeof(subject)-1);/* Save subject */
+-				decode_mime(subject);
++				StrAllocCopy(subject, line + 9);
++				decode_mime(&subject);
+ 			    }
+ 			    break;
+@@ -1964,10 +1932,8 @@
+ 			case 'F':
+ 			    if (match(line, "FROM:")) {
+ 				char * p2;
+-				LYstrncpy(author,
+-					author_name(strchr(line,':')+1),
+-					sizeof(author)-1);
+-				decode_mime(author);
++				StrAllocCopy(author, strchr(line, ':') + 1);
++				decode_mime(&author);
+ 				p2 = author + strlen(author) - 1;
+ 				if (*p2==LF)
+ 				    *p2 = '\0'; /* Chop off newline */
+@@ -1988,11 +1954,8 @@
+ 		PUTC('\n');
+-#ifdef SH_EX	/* for MIME */
+-		HTSprintf0(&temp, "\"%s\"", decode_mime(subject));
+-		HTSprintf0(&temp, "\"%s\"", subject);
++		p = decode_mime(&subject);
++		HTSprintf0(&temp, "\"%s\"", NonNull(p));
+ 		if (reference) {
+ 		    write_anchor(temp, reference);
+ 		    FREE(reference);
+@@ -2001,18 +1964,14 @@
+ 		}
+ 		FREE(temp);
+-		if (author[0] != '\0') {
++		if (author != NULL) {
+ 		     PUTS(" - ");
+ 		     if (LYListNewsDates)
+ 			 START(HTML_I);
+-#ifdef SH_EX	/* for MIME */
+-		     PUTS(decode_mime(author));
+-		     PUTS(author);
++		     PUTS(decode_mime(&author));
+ 		     if (LYListNewsDates)
+ 			 END(HTML_I);
+-		     author[0] = '\0';
++		     FREE(author);
+ 		}
+ 		if (date) {
+ 		    if (!diagnostic) {
+@@ -2055,6 +2014,8 @@
+ 	    } /* Handle response to HEAD request */
+ 	} /* Loop over article */
++	FREE(author);
++	FREE(subject);
+     } /* If read headers */
+     PUTC('\n');
+     if (LYListNewsNumbers)

Index: SOURCES/lynx-CVE-2005-2929.patch
diff -u /dev/null SOURCES/lynx-CVE-2005-2929.patch:1.1
--- /dev/null	Sun Nov 13 19:06:34 2005
+++ SOURCES/lynx-CVE-2005-2929.patch	Sun Nov 13 19:06:29 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+--- lynx2-8-5/src/LYCgi.c.cve-2005-2929	2004-02-02 13:02:28.000000000 -0700
++++ lynx2-8-5/src/LYCgi.c	2005-11-12 09:57:35.832520625 -0700
+@@ -140,6 +140,40 @@
+     }
+ }
++ * Wrapper for exec_ok(), confirming with user if the link text is not visible
++ * in the status line.
++ */
++static BOOL can_exec_cgi(const char *linktext, const char *linkargs)
++    const char *format = gettext("Do you want to execute \"%s\"?");
++    char *message = NULL;
++    char *command = NULL;
++    char *p;
++    BOOL result = TRUE;
++    if (!exec_ok(HTLoadedDocumentURL(), linktext, CGI_PATH)) {
++	/* exec_ok gives out msg. */
++	result = FALSE;
++    } else if (user_mode < ADVANCED_MODE) {
++	StrAllocCopy(command, linktext);
++	if (non_empty(linkargs)) {
++	    HTSprintf(&command, " %s", linkargs);
++	}
++	HTUnEscape(command);
++	for (p = command; *p; ++p)
++	    if (*p == '+')
++		*p = ' ';
++	HTSprintf0(&message, format, command);
++	result = HTConfirm(message);
++	FREE(message);
++	FREE(command);
++    }
++    return result;
++#endif /* LYNXCGI_LINKS */
+ #ifdef __MINGW32__
+ 	CONST char *, 		arg,
+@@ -281,8 +315,7 @@
+ 	       strcmp(arg, HTLoadedDocumentURL()) &&
+ 	       HText_AreDifferent(anAnchor, arg) &&
+ 	       HTUnEscape(orig_pgm) &&
+-	       !exec_ok(HTLoadedDocumentURL(), orig_pgm,
+-			CGI_PATH)) { /* exec_ok gives out msg. */
++	       !can_exec_cgi(orig_pgm, "")) {
+ 	/*
+ 	 *  If we have extra path info and are not just reloading
+ 	 *  the current, check the full file path (after unescaping)
+@@ -313,8 +346,7 @@
+ 	       !(reloading && anAnchor->document) &&
+ 	       strcmp(arg, HTLoadedDocumentURL()) &&
+ 	       HText_AreDifferent(anAnchor, arg) &&
+-	       !exec_ok(HTLoadedDocumentURL(), pgm,
+-			CGI_PATH)) { /* exec_ok gives out msg. */
++	       !can_exec_cgi(pgm, pgm_args)) {
+ 	/*
+ 	 *  If we are reloading a lynxcgi document that had already been
+ 	 *  loaded, the various checks above should allow it even if
+--- lynx2-8-5/src/LYGetFile.c.CVE-2005-2929	2003-06-02 02:16:28.000000000 +0100
++++ lynx2-8-5/src/LYGetFile.c	2005-11-11 18:03:27.000000000 +0000
+@@ -1478,6 +1478,8 @@
+ 	    if (strstr(command,"//") == linktext) {
+ 		command += 2;
+ 	    }
++	    CTRACE((tfp, "comparing source\n\t'%s'\n\t'%s'\n", source, tp->src));
++	    CTRACE((tfp, "comparing command\n\t'%s'\n\t'%s'\n", command, tp->path));
+ 	    if (STRNADDRCOMP(source, tp->src, strlen(tp->src)) == 0 &&
+ 		STRNADDRCOMP(command, tp->path, strlen(tp->path)) == 0)
+ 		return TRUE;
+--- lynx2-8-5/CHANGES.CVE-2005-2929	2005-11-11 18:02:29.000000000 +0000
++++ lynx2-8-5/CHANGES	2005-11-11 18:08:10.000000000 +0000
+@@ -3,6 +3,13 @@
+ * eliminate fixed-size buffers in HTrjis() and related functions to avoid
+   potential buffer overflow in nntp pages (report by Ulf Harnhammar) -TD
++2005-10-30 (2.8.6dev.15)
++* modify LYLoadCGI() to prompt user, displaying the command that would be
++  executed, to confirm that it should be.  This makes it easier to notice when
++  a local program would be run by activating a lynxcgi link.  This is not done
++  in advanced mode, since the URL is already visible in the status line (report
++  by vade79, comments by Greg MacManus) -TD
+ 2003-06-01 (2.8.5dev.16)
+ + add zh_CN.po from

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