ppcrcd/trunk: add.pkgs base.pkgs fs.pkgs net.pkgs
cvs at pld-linux.org
Sat Jan 7 04:34:16 CET 2006
Author: sparky
Date: Sat Jan 7 04:34:13 2006
New Revision: 6756
- yet more fixes in base.pkgs
- add, fs and net pkgs mostly updated for new structure
Modified: ppcrcd/trunk/add.pkgs
--- ppcrcd/trunk/add.pkgs (original)
+++ ppcrcd/trunk/add.pkgs Sat Jan 7 04:34:13 2006
@@ -1,84 +1,106 @@
I += bzip2-libs bzip2
-SPEC-bzip2-libs = bzip2.spec
+$(R)/bzip2 $(R)/bzip2-libs: $(P)/bzip2
I += dlm
+$(R)/dlm: $(P)/dlm
I += libxml2
BCOND-libxml2 = --without python
# -python
+$(R)/libxml2: $(P)/libxml2
I += libgcc libstdc++
# will not build it
+$(R)/libgcc libstdc++:
+ echo out/rpm/RPMS/$(notdir $@)-4.1.0-0.20051206r108118.1.ppc.rpm > $@
include fs.pkgs
I += openssl openssl-tools openssl-tools-perl
+$(R)/openssl $(R)/openssl-tools $(R)/openssl-tools-perl: $(P)/openssl
I += expat
+$(R)/expat: $(P)/expat
I += gpm-libs gpm
-SPEC-gpm-libs = gpm.spec
S += gpm
+$(R)/gpm $(R)/gpm-libs: $(P)/gpm
I += pcre pcregrep
+$(R)/pcre $(R)/pcregrep: $(P)/pcre
I += libjpeg
+$(R)/libjpeg: $(P)/libjpeg
include net.pkgs
I += sysfsutils
+$(R)/sysfsutils: $(P)/sysfsutils
I += diffutils
+$(R)/diffutils: $(P)/diffutils
I += fix-info-dir
+$(R)/fix-info-dir: $(P)/fix-info-dir
I += groff
BCOND-groff = --without xditview
# -xditview
+$(R)/groff: $(P)/groff
I += libmagic file
-SPEC-libmagic = file.spec
-BCOND-libmagic = --without python
+BCOND-file = --without python
# -python
+$(R)/file $(R)/libmagic: $(P)/file
I += less
+$(R)/less: $(P)/less
I += man-config man
-SPEC-man-config = man.spec
+$(R)/man $(R)/man-config: $(P)/man
I += which
+$(R)/which: $(P)/which
I += fbset
S += fbset
+$(R)/fbset: $(P)/fbset
I += memtester
REV-memtester = auto-ac-memtester-2_93_1-2
+$(R)/memtester: $(P)/memtester
I += strace
+$(R)/strace: $(P)/strace
I += tmpwatch
+$(R)/tmpwatch: $(P)/tmpwatch
I += pbbuttonsd pbbcmd
BCOND-pbbuttonsd = --without alsa --without oss
# -alsa -oss
S += pbbuttonsd
+$(R)/pbbuttonsd $(R)/pbbcmd: $(P)/pbbuttonsd
I += ed
+$(R)/ed: $(P)/ed
I += vim vim-rt xxd
-BCOND-vim = --without static --without athena --without motif --without gtk --without gnome --without kde \
- --without ispell
+BCOND-vim = --without static --without athena --without motif --without gtk \
+ --without gnome --without kde --without ispell
# -static -athena -motif -gtk -gnome -kde +perl +python +ruby +tcl +bonobo -selinux -ispell -home_etc
INSTOPTS-vim = --nodeps
+$(R)/vim $(R)/vim-rt $(R)/xxd: $(P)/vim
#I += john
# +mmx
I += words
+$(R)/words: $(P)/words
I += joe
+$(R)/joe: $(P)/joe
#I += pico
#SPEC-pico = pine.spec
@@ -88,101 +110,122 @@
I += mc
BCOND-mc = --with ext2undel --without x
# +ext2undel -perl_vfs +samba +x
+$(R)/mc: $(P)/mc
I += slang-libs slang
-SPEC-slang-libs = slang.spec
-BCOND-slang-libs = --without png
+BCOND-slang = --without png
+$(R)/slang $(R)/slang-libs: $(P)/slang
I += dml
+$(R)/dml: $(P)/dml
I += pldconf
+$(R)/pldconf: $(P)/pldconf
I += ccrypt
+$(R)/ccrypt: $(P)/ccrypt
I += elfutils-libelf elfutils
-SPEC-elfutils-libelf = elfutils.spec
-BCOND-elfutils-libelf = --without tests
+BCOND-elfutils = --without tests
# -tests
+$(R)/elfutils $(R)/elfutils-libelf: $(P)/elfutils
I += beecrypt
REV-beecrypt = AC-branch
BCOND-beecrypt = --without python --without java
# +javaglue -python
+$(R)/beecrypt: $(P)/beecrypt
I += rpm-lib rpm-base rpm rpm-utils
-SPEC-rpm-lib = rpm.spec
-REV-rpm-lib = AC-branch
-BCOND-rpm-lib = --without doc --without python --without apidocs
+REV-rpm = AC-branch
+BCOND-rpm = --without doc --without python --without apidocs
# +static -doc -python -selinux +distver
+$(R)/rpm $(R)/rpm-base $(R)/rpm-lib $(R)/rpm-utils: $(P)/rpm
I += cpipe
+$(R)/cpipe: $(P)/cpipe
I += lsof
+$(R)/lsof: $(P)/lsof
I += md5deep
+$(R)/md5deep: $(P)/md5deep
I += statserial
+$(R)/statserial: $(P)/statserial
I += bash-completion
POST += compl_no_mount
+$(R)/bash-completion: $(P)/bash-completion
I += vlock
+$(R)/vlock: $(P)/vlock
I += lshw
BCOND-lshw = --without gui
+$(R)/lshw: $(P)/lshw
I += time
+$(R)/time: $(P)/time
I += minicom
+$(R)/minicom: $(P)/minicom
I += zip
+$(R)/zip: $(P)/zip
I += ziptool
+$(R)/ziptool: $(P)/ziptool
I += unzip
+$(R)/unzip: $(P)/unzip
I += unrar
+$(R)/unrar: $(P)/unrar
I += ncompress
+$(R)/ncompress: $(P)/ncompress
I += cpio
+$(R)/cpio: $(P)/cpio
I += afio
+$(R)/afio: $(P)/afio
I += unace
+$(R)/unace: $(P)/unace
I += lha
+$(R)/lha: $(P)/lha
I += lzma
+$(R)/lzma: $(P)/lzma
#I += arj
#I += libltdl
-SPEC-libltdl = libtool.spec
+#SPEC-libltdl = libtool.spec
I += syslog-ng
+$(R)/syslog-ng: $(P)/syslog-ng
I += poldek-libs poldek
-SPEC-poldek-libs = poldek.spec
-REV-poldek-libs = AC-branch
+REV-poldek = AC-branch
# +static -imode +curl
+$(R)/poldek $(R)/poldek-libs: $(P)/poldek
### SPECIAL ###
-.pldconf_prep: .pldconf_pre pldconf.patch
- sed -e '/^# Source/aPatch666: %{name}-ppcrcd.patch' -i rpm/SPECS/pldconf.spec
- sed -e '/^%setup/a%patch666 -p1' -i rpm/SPECS/pldconf.spec
- cp pldconf.patch rpm/SOURCES/pldconf-ppcrcd.patch
+out/rpm/prep/pldconf: out/rpm/sources/pldconf pldconf.patch
+ sed -e '/^# Source/aPatch666: %{name}-ppcrcd.patch' \
+ -e '/^%setup/a%patch666 -p1' \
+ -i out/rpm/SPECS/pldconf.spec
+ cp pldconf.patch out/rpm/SOURCES/pldconf-ppcrcd.patch
touch $@
- echo rpm/RPMS/libstdc++-$(GCCVER).ppc.rpm > $@
- echo rpm/RPMS/libgcc-$(GCCVER).ppc.rpm > $@
- $(SU) sed -e '/complet.*mount/s/^/#/' -i root.stripped/etc/bash_completion
+ $(SU) sed -e '/complet.*mount/s/^/#/' \
+ -i out/root/stripped/etc/bash_completion
# vim: syntax=make
Modified: ppcrcd/trunk/base.pkgs
--- ppcrcd/trunk/base.pkgs (original)
+++ ppcrcd/trunk/base.pkgs Sat Jan 7 04:34:13 2006
@@ -79,7 +79,8 @@
$(R)/udev: $(P)/udev
I += device-mapper
-# -selinux
+BCOND-device-mapper = --without initrd
+# -initrd -selinux
$(R)/device-mapper: $(P)/device-mapper
I += shadow
@@ -298,19 +299,19 @@
$(P)/module-init-tools: out/rpm/sources/module-init-tools
sed -e '/BuildR/s/static/devel/' \
- -i $(OUT)/rpm/SPECS/module-init-tools.spec
+ -i out/rpm/SPECS/module-init-tools.spec
sed -e "/^%patch2/ased -e 's/insmod.static//' -i Makefile.am" \
- -i $(OUT)/rpm/SPECS/module-init-tools.spec
+ -i out/rpm/SPECS/module-init-tools.spec
sed -e "/^%patch2/ased -n -e '/insmod_static/!p' -i Makefile.am" \
- -i $(OUT)/rpm/SPECS/module-init-tools.spec
+ -i out/rpm/SPECS/module-init-tools.spec
touch $@
$(P)/kernel: out/rpm/sources/kernel
rm -f $(touch)/kerneleq
- cd $(OUT)/rpm/SPECS && patch -p0 < $(PWD)/kernel.spec-patch
- cp linux-squashfs2.2_lzma.patch $(OUT)/rpm/SOURCES
- cp kernel.config $(OUT)/rpm/SOURCES/kernel-ppc.config
- cp kernel.config $(OUT)/rpm/SOURCES/kernel-ppc-smp.config
+ cd out/rpm/SPECS && patch -p0 < $(PWD)/kernel.spec-patch
+ cp linux-squashfs2.2_lzma.patch out/rpm/SOURCES
+ cp kernel.config out/rpm/SOURCES/kernel-ppc.config
+ cp kernel.config out/rpm/SOURCES/kernel-ppc-smp.config
touch $@
$(P)/busybox: out/rpm/sources/busybox
Modified: ppcrcd/trunk/fs.pkgs
--- ppcrcd/trunk/fs.pkgs (original)
+++ ppcrcd/trunk/fs.pkgs Sat Jan 7 04:34:13 2006
@@ -1,106 +1,139 @@
I += rmt dump
-SPEC-rmt = dump.spec
+$(R)/dump $(R)/rmt: $(P)/dump
I += pdisk
+$(R)/pdisk: $(P)/pdisk
I += mac-fdisk
+$(R)/mac-fdisk: $(P)/mac-fdisk
I += parted
BCOND-parted = --without nls
# +static -nls -readline +uClibc
+$(R)/parted: $(P)/parted
I += gulm
+$(R)/gulm: $(P)/gulm
I += lvm2
#REV-lvm2 = auto-ac-lvm2-2_00_33-1
BCOND-lvm2 = --without initrd
# -initrd -uClibc -clvmd -selinux
+$(R)/lvm2: $(P)/lvm2
I += magma
+$(R)/magma: $(P)/magma
I += ccs
+$(R)/ccs: $(P)/ccs
I += dmraid
BCOND-dmraid = --without initrd
# -initrd
+$(R)/dmraid: $(P)/dmraid
I += eject
+$(R)/eject: $(P)/eject
I += mt-st
+$(R)/mt-st: $(P)/mt-st
I += mtx
+$(R)/mtx: $(P)/mtx
I += hddtemp
+$(R)/hddtemp: $(P)/hddtemp
I += ide-smart
+$(R)/ide-smart: $(P)/ide-smart
I += smartmontools
S += smartd
+$(R)/smartmontools: $(P)/smartmontools
I += scsiutils
+$(R)/scsiutils: $(P)/scsiutils
I += progsreiserfs
+$(R)/progsreiserfs: $(P)/progsreiserfs
I += reiserfsprogs
+$(R)/reiserfsprogs: $(P)/reiserfsprogs
I += libaal
+$(R)/libaal: $(P)/libaal
I += reiser4progs
+$(R)/reiser4progs: $(P)/reiser4progs
I += xfsprogs
# +static
+$(R)/xfsprogs: $(P)/xfsprogs
I += dmapi
+$(R)/dmapi: $(P)/dmapi
I += xfsdump
+$(R)/xfsdump: $(P)/xfsdump
I += jfsutils
# -fsck
+$(R)/jfsutils: $(P)/jfsutils
I += ntfsprogs
BCOND-ntfsprogs = --without gnome --without crypto --without fuse
# -gnome
+$(R)/ntfsprogs: $(P)/ntfsprogs
I += dosfstools
+$(R)/dosfstools: $(P)/dosfstools
#I += lufs kernel-fs-lufs
-BCOND-lufs = --without smp
+#BCOND-lufs = --without smp
# -dist_kerel -kernel -smp -userspace +verbose
-.lufs_prep: .lufs_pre .kerneleq
- touch $@
+#.lufs_prep: .lufs_pre .kerneleq
+# touch $@
I += mtd
+$(R)/mtd: $(P)/mtd
I += recoverdm
+$(R)/recoverdm: $(P)/recoverdm
I += dd_rescue
+$(R)/dd_rescue: $(P)/dd_rescue
I += e2salvage
+$(R)/e2salvage: $(P)/e2salvage
I += e2retrieve
+$(R)/e2retrieve: $(P)/e2retrieve
I += ext2resize
+$(R)/ext2resize: $(P)/ext2resize
I += recover
+$(R)/recover: $(P)/recover
I += testdisk
+$(R)/testdisk: $(P)/testdisk
I += disktype
+$(R)/disktype: $(P)/disktype
I += cdrtools cdrtools-readcd cdrtools-utils cdrtools-mkisofs
+$(R)/cdrtools $(R)/cdrtools-readcd: $(P)/cdrtools
+$(R)/cdrtools-utils $(R)/cdrtools-mkisofs: $(P)/cdrtools
I += cdrdao
BCOND-cdrdao = --without mp3 --without ogg
# +gnome -mp3 -ogg
-#I += lame-libs
-SPEC-lame-libs = lame.spec
-BCOND-lame-libs = --without gtk
-# -gtk
+$(R)/cdrdao: $(P)/cdrdao
I += cdmrw
+$(R)/cdmrw: $(P)/cdmrw
# vim: syntax=make
Modified: ppcrcd/trunk/net.pkgs
--- ppcrcd/trunk/net.pkgs (original)
+++ ppcrcd/trunk/net.pkgs Sat Jan 7 04:34:13 2006
@@ -2,14 +2,12 @@
I += pcmcia-cs
S += pcmcia
BCOND-pcmcia-cs = --without x11
+$(R)/pcmcia-cs: $(P)/pcmcia-cs
I += kernel-fs-shfs shfs
-SPEC-kernel-fs-shfs = shfs.spec
-PREP-kernel-fs-shfs = .kerneleq
-BCOND-kernel-fs-shfs = --without smp
+BCOND-shfs = --without smp
# -dist_kernel -kernel -smp +verbose -userspace
-.kernel-fs-shfs_prep: .kernel-fs-shfs_pre .kerneleq
- touch $@
+$(R)/shfs $(R)/kernel-fs-shfs: $(P)/shfs out/touch/kerneleq
#I += eagle-usb kernel-usb-eagle
# -dist_kernel -kernel -smp -userspace +verbose
@@ -39,145 +37,193 @@
# -dist_kernel -kernel -smp -userspace +verbose
I += libpcap
+$(R)/libpcap: $(P)/libpcap
I += srp-libs
-SPEC-srp-libs = srp.spec
+$(R)/srp $(R)/srp-libs: $(P)/srp
I += linux-atm linux-atm-rc-scripts
# -vbr
S += atm
+$(R)/linux-atm $(R)/linux-atm-rc-scripts: $(P)/linux-atm
I += ppp ppp-plugin-pppoatm
# -pppoatm
#.ppp_prep: .ppp_pre .pppneq
# touch $@
+$(R)/ppp $(R)/ppp-plugin-pppoatm: $(P)/ppp
I += speedtouch
+$(R)/speedtouch: $(P)/speedtouch
I += ppp-plugin-ifcfg-password
.ppp-plugin-ifcfg-password_prep: .ppp-plugin-ifcfg-password_pre .pppeq
touch $@
+$(R)/ppp-plugin-ifcfg-password: $(P)/ppp-plugin-ifcfg-password
I += rp-pppoe
+$(R)/rp-pppoe: $(P)/rp-pppoe
I += dhcpcd
+$(R)/dhcpcd: $(P)/dhcpcd
I += dhcp dhcp-relay dhcp-client
# +ldap
S += dhcpd dhcp-relay
+$(R)/dhcp $(R)/dhcp-relay $(R)/dhcp-client: $(P)/dhcp dhcp-relay dhcp-client
I += pump
+$(R)/pump: $(P)/pump
#I = wvdial
I += ethtool
+$(R)/ethtool: $(P)/ethtool
I += iftop
+$(R)/iftop: $(P)/iftop
I += cdpr
+$(R)/cdpr: $(P)/cdpr
I += libnet
+$(R)/libnet: $(P)/libnet
I += arping
+$(R)/arping: $(P)/arping
I += iputils iputils-ping iputils-arping
BCOND-iputils = --without doc
# -doc
+$(R)/iputils $(R)/iputils-ping $(R)/iputils-arping: $(P)/iputils
I += bind-libs bind-utils
-SPEC-bind-libs = bind.spec
-BCOND-bind-libs = --without ldap
+BCOND-bind = --without ldap
# -ssl -ipv6 -ldap
+$(R)/bind $(R)/bind-libs $(R)/bind-utils: $(P)/bind
I += rsh rlogin rexec
+$(R)/rsh $(R)/rlogin $(R)/rexec: $(P)/rsh
I += libedit
+$(R)/libedit: $(P)/libedit
I += openssh openssh-clients
BCOND-openssh = --without gtk --without kerberos5
# -chroot +gnome -gtk +ldap -libedit -kerberos5 -selinux +sshagentsh
+$(R)/openssh $(R)/openssh-clients: $(P)/openssh
I += ftp ftp-pftp
+$(R)/ftp $(R)/ftp-pftp: $(P)/ftp
I += lftp
# -ssl
+$(R)/lftp: $(P)/lftp
I += tftp-hpa
+$(R)/tftp-hpa: $(P)/tftp-hpa
I += ncftp
+$(R)/ncftp: $(P)/ncftp
I += wget
+$(R)/wget: $(P)/wget
I += libidn
BCOND-libidn = --without python
# +java -python
+$(R)/libidn: $(P)/libidn
I += js
+$(R)/js: $(P)/js
I += elinks
BCOND-elinks = --without guile --without lua
# +x +gnutls -256 -cgi -guile -idn -ipv6 -js -led -lua -openssl -perl
+$(R)/elinks: $(P)/elinks
I += traceroute-nanog
+$(R)/traceroute-nanog: $(P)/traceroute-nanog
I += mtr
BCOND-mtr = --without x
# -x
+$(R)/mtr: $(P)/mtr
I += tcptrace
+$(R)/tcptrace: $(P)/tcptrace
I += tcpdump
BCOND-tcpdump = --without libsmi
# -libsmi
+$(R)/tcpdump: $(P)/tcpdump
I += ngrep
+$(R)/ngrep: $(P)/ngrep
I += arpscan
+$(R)/arpscan: $(P)/arpscan
I += rdate
S += rdate
+$(R)/rdate: $(P)/rdate
I += bsd-finger
+$(R)/bsd-finger: $(P)/bsd-finger
I += fwhois
+$(R)/fwhois: $(P)/fwhois
I += rwho
S += rwhod
+$(R)/rwho: $(P)/rwho
I += libwrap tcp_wrappers
-SPEC-libwrap = tcp_wrappers.spec
+$(R)/tcp_wrappers $(R)/libwrap: $(P)/tcp_wrappers
I += redir
+$(R)/redir: $(P)/redir
I += nbtscan
+$(R)/nbtscan: $(P)/nbtscan
I += p0f
S += p0f
+$(R)/p0f: $(P)/p0f
I += nmap
BCOND-nmap = --without x
# -x
+$(R)/nmap: $(P)/nmap
I += vrfy
+$(R)/vrfy: $(P)/vrfy
I += nbd
+$(R)/nbd: $(P)/nbd
#I += libcap
I += idnkit
+$(R)/idnkit: $(P)/idnkit
I += irssi
# -perl -ipv6 -ssl
+$(R)/irssi: $(P)/irssi
I += ekg libgadu
BCOND-ekg = --without aspell --without python --without voip
# -aspell -voip -python +pthread +ioctl_daemon
+$(R)/ekg $(R)/libgadu: $(P)/ekg
-I += ekg2 ekg2-plugin-protocol-gg ekg2-plugin-protocol-irc ekg2-plugin-protocol-jabber ekg2-plugin-sim
-BCOND-ekg2 = --without aspell --without python --without sqlite --without xosd --without libgsm
+I += ekg2 ekg2-plugin-protocol-gg ekg2-plugin-protocol-irc \
+ ekg2-plugin-protocol-jabber ekg2-plugin-sim
+BCOND-ekg2 = --without aspell --without python --without sqlite \
+ --without xosd --without libgsm
# +yesterday_snapshot -aspell -gadugadu -jabber -libgsm -python -sqlite -xosd
+$(R)/ekg2 $(R)/ekg2-plugin-protocol-gg $(R)/ekg2-plugin-protocol-irc: $(P)/ekg2
+$(R)/ekg2-plugin-protocol-jabber $(R)/ekg2-plugin-sim: $(P)/ekg2
I += iptables iptables-init
BCOND-iptables = --without doc
@@ -185,7 +231,7 @@
S += iptables ip6tables
.iptables_prep: .iptables_pre .kerneleq
touch $@
+$(R)/iptables $(R)/iptables-init: $(P)/iptables
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