SOURCES: nagios-nxe-2.0.patch (NEW) - saved from sf bugs of the pr...
glen at
Fri Apr 7 01:33:19 CEST 2006
Author: glen Date: Thu Apr 6 23:33:19 2006 GMT
---- Log message:
- saved from sf bugs of the project
---- Files affected:
nagios-nxe-2.0.patch (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW)
---- Diffs:
Index: SOURCES/nagios-nxe-2.0.patch
diff -u /dev/null SOURCES/nagios-nxe-2.0.patch:1.1
--- /dev/null Fri Apr 7 01:33:19 2006
+++ SOURCES/nagios-nxe-2.0.patch Fri Apr 7 01:33:14 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,313 @@
+diff -ur ./ p/
+--- ./ 2006-04-07 01:47:03.183530479 +0300
++++ p/ 2006-04-07 01:46:59.253442739 +0300
+@@ -1,10 +1,36 @@
+ #!/usr/bin/perl -w
+ #
+ ###################################################
+-#$Version: 1.0$
++#$Version: 1.1$
+ #$Author$
++#$Upated by Alan McClure - HTMLCorp 2-21-2005$
+ #
+-# NXE - Nagios XML Engine for Nagios 1.x
++# NXE 1.1 - Nagios XML Engine for Nagios 2.x (developed on 2.0b2 (newest now))
++# ** NEW FEATURE! Now see your check results in local time!
++# This updated version is being submited to accommodate for the new Nagios 2.x
++# status.dat file which replaced status.log from Nagios 1.x genra.
++# For compatibility, I didn't add all of the new fields included in the new log
++# format. So everyone who wrote thier own XSLT code around NXE will be pleased
++# to know thier code "should" still work with the new Nagios 2.x log format.
++# It did for us!
++# Experienced perl programmers: Please note, it has been exactly
++# 1 week to the day since I got mad enough to say "dammit, I'll fix it!"
++# (edited for content) and learned perl. My previous
++# programming experience was a 2 week "C" class 3 years ago, so don't say
++# "I could have done this in 6 lines." Why the hell didn't you?
++# To update your version of NXE, simply overwrite the old "" file with this one.
++# Thanks again to the author, Daniel Koffler.
++# For license and copyright information, see below.
++#### Previous Version 1.0 Documentation ###########
++#NXE - Nagios XML Engine for Nagios 1.x
+ #
+ # This application provides several methods of reporting data from Nagios in XML format
+ # as well as transforming that XML via XSLT. An XML based command interpreter is also included.
+@@ -38,6 +64,12 @@
+ # Revision History:
+ # Revision 1.0 June 2003 Daniel Koffler
+ ####################################################
++# Revision History:
++# Revision 1.1 February 2005 Alan McClure - HTMLCorp
++# * Supports new Nagios 2.x (tested through 2.0b2)
++# * NEW FEATURE - See your check results in local time
++# * Did NOT add the new status fields found in the new version of the log format
+ #
+ # Modify the $CONFIG_FILE variable below to reflect the path to the nxe.config file.
+@@ -128,6 +160,10 @@
+ my %services;
+ my %hosts;
+ my @nagproc;
++ my $string;
++ my @data;
++ my $delta;
+ $wr->startTag("NXE_RESULT",
+ "NAME" => "Nagios XML Engine Report",
+@@ -135,24 +171,56 @@
+ foreach my $target (@targets){
+ open(STATUS, $files{$target}) || bail "Can't open Nagios Status File $target. Check config file.";
+- while (defined (my $line = <STATUS>)){
+- chomp($line);
+- if ($line =~ s/^# //){
+- $nagver = $line;
+- next;
+- }
+- my @ent = split(/;/,$line);
+- my @type = ($ent[0] =~ /^(\[)(\d+)(\]\s)(\w+)/) or bail "Invalid format in the following entry:\n $line";
+- shift(@ent);
+- if ($type[3] eq "PROGRAM"){
+- @nagproc = ($type[1], at ent);
+- }elsif ($type[3] eq "HOST"){
+- @hosts{$ent[0]} = [$type[1], @ent];
+- }elsif ($type[3] eq "SERVICE"){
+- @services{"$ent[0] - $ent[1]"} = [$type[1], @ent];
+- }else {bail "Unkown Entry Type"}
++ while ($_ = <STATUS>) {
++ chomp;
++ #s/#.*$//; # ignore comments by erasing them
++ if ($_ =~s/^\sversion=//) {
++ $nagver = "HTML Nagios $_";
++ chomp $nagver;
++ }
++ if ($_ =~ s/^\screated//) {
++ s/=//;
++ $delta = $_;
++ chomp $delta;
++ }
++ if ($_ =~ /^(\w+)/) { # Search for words at the beginning of the line
++ s/\s.*$//; # delete trailing white space + everything else
++ $string.=$_; # Push into string $string
++ }
++ if ($_ =~ /\}/) { # find the "}"
++ s/\s//; # delete white space
++ $string.=$_;
++ }
++ if ($_ =~ s/.*=/\|/) { # Search for the = and delete everything before it
++ $string.=$_;
++ @data = split ('\}', $string); # dump string into array
+ }
++ }
++ foreach (@data){
++ chomp;
++ s/\n//g;
++ s/\s+$//;
++ s/\s+/ /g;
++ $_ .= "\n";
++ $_ = "[$delta] $_";
++ }
++ shift (@data);
++ foreach my $data (@data) {
++ my @ent = split (/\|/,$data);
++ chomp (@ent);
++ my @type = split (' ',$ent[0]);
++ shift(@ent);
++ if ($type[1] eq "program"){
++ @nagproc = ($type[0], at ent);
++ }elsif ($type[1] eq "host"){
++ @hosts{$ent[0]} = [$type[0], @ent];
++ }elsif ($type[1] eq "service"){
++ @services{"$ent[0] - $ent[1]"} = [$type[0], @ent];
++ }else {die "Unkown Entry Type"}
++ }
+ close(STATUS) || bail "Filehandle to $target was interupted";
+ $wr->startTag("NAG_PROC",
+@@ -160,82 +228,111 @@
+ "LAST_UPDATE" => $nagproc[0],
+ "VERSION" => $nagver,
+ "HOST_NAME" => hostname,
+- "P_START_TIME" => $nagproc[1],
+- "P_PID" => $nagproc[2],
+- "DAEMON" => $nagproc[3],
+- "P_LAST_CHECK" => $nagproc[4],
+- "LOG_ROTATION" => $nagproc[5],
+- "NOTIFIC" => $nagproc[6],
+- "EXEC_SVC_CHK" => $nagproc[7],
+- "ACEP_PASV_CHK" => $nagproc[8],
+- "EVENT_HNDLR" => $nagproc[9],
+- "OBSS_SVC" => $nagproc[10],
+- "FLAP_DETECT" => $nagproc[11],
+- "FAIL_PREDICT" => $nagproc[12],
+- "PERF_DATA" => $nagproc[13]);
++ "P_START_TIME" => $nagproc[5],
++ "P_PID" => $nagproc[3],
++ "DAEMON" => $nagproc[4],
++ "P_LAST_CHECK" => $nagproc[6],
++ "LOG_ROTATION" => $nagproc[7],
++ "NOTIFIC" => $nagproc[8],
++ "EXEC_SVC_CHK" => $nagproc[9],
++ "ACEP_PASV_CHK" => $nagproc[10],
++ "EVENT_HNDLR" => $nagproc[13],
++ "OBSS_SVC" => $nagproc[14],
++ "FLAP_DETECT" => $nagproc[18],
++ "FAIL_PREDICT" => $nagproc[19],
++ "PERF_DATA" => $nagproc[20]);
+ my @hostkeys = sort( keys(%hosts));
+ foreach my $key (@hostkeys){
+ my @host = @{$hosts{$key}};
++## Begin AJ edit ##############################
++ if ($host[9] =~ "0") {
++ $host[9] = "UP";
++ }elsif ($host[9] =~ "1") {
++ $host[9] = "DOWN";
++ }elsif ($host[9] =~ "2") {
++ $host[9] = "UNKNOWN";
++ }
++ if ($host[14] =~ s/(\d+)/localtime($1)/e) {}
+ $wr -> emptyTag("HOST",
+ "LAST_UPDATE" => $host[0],
+ "HOSTNAME" => $host[1],
+- "HST_STATUS" => $host[2],
+- "LAST_CHECK" => $host[3],
+- "LAST_STATE_CHANGE" => $host[4],
+- "HST_ACK" => $host[5],
+- "TIME_UP" => $host[6],
+- "TIME_DOWN" => $host[7],
+- "TIME_UNREACH" => $host[8],
+- "LAST_NOTIFIC" => $host[9],
+- "CURR_NOTF_NUM" => $host[10],
+- "NOTF_EN" => $host[11],
+- "EVENT_HNDLR_EN" => $host[12],
+- "CHECKS_EN" => $host[13],
+- "FLAP_EN" => $host[14],
+- "FAIL_PREDICT_EN" => $host[15],
+- "PERF_DATA" => $host[16],
+- "HST_FLAPING" => $host[17],
+- "PERC_STATE_CHNG" => $host[18],
+- "SCHD_DWTM_DEPTH" => $host[19],
+- "HST_PLUG_OUTPUT" => $host[20]);
++ "HST_STATUS" => $host[9],
++ "LAST_CHECK" => $host[14],
++ "LAST_STATE_CHANGE" => $host[19],
++ "HST_ACK" => $host[29],
++ "TIME_UP" => $host[21],
++ "TIME_DOWN" => $host[22],
++ "TIME_UNREACH" => $host[23],
++ "LAST_NOTIFIC" => $host[24],
++ "CURR_NOTF_NUM" => $host[27],
++ "NOTF_EN" => $host[28],
++ "EVENT_HNDLR_EN" => $host[33],
++ "CHECKS_EN" => $host[31],
++ "FLAP_EN" => $host[34],
++ "FAIL_PREDICT_EN" => $host[35],
++ "PERF_DATA" => $host[36],
++ "HST_FLAPING" => $host[39],
++ "PERC_STATE_CHNG" => $host[40],
++ "SCHD_DWTM_DEPTH" => $host[41],
++ "HST_PLUG_OUTPUT" => $host[12]);
+ }
+ my @srvkeys = sort( keys(%services));
+ foreach my $key (@srvkeys){
+ my @service = @{$services{$key}};
++## Begin AJ edit ##############################
++ if ($service[10] =~ "0") {
++ $service[10] = "OK";
++ }elsif ($service[10] =~ "1") {
++ $service[10] = "WARNING";
++ }elsif ($service[10] =~ "2") {
++ $service[10] = "CRITICAL";
++ }elsif ($service[10] =~ "3") {
++ $service[10] = "UNKNOWN";
++ }
++ if ($service[23] =~ s/(\d+)/localtime($1)/e) {}
+ $wr->emptyTag("SERVICE",
+ "LAST_UPDATE" => $service[0],
+ "HOSTNAME" => $service[1],
+ "SVC_DESC" => $service[2],
+- "SVC_STATUS" => $service[3],
+- "LAST_HSTATE" => $service[4],
+- "RETRY" => $service[5],
+- "STATE_TYPE" => $service[6],
+- "LAST_CHECK" => $service[7],
+- "NEXT_CHECK" => $service[8],
+- "CHECK_TYPE" => $service[9],
+- "LAST_STATE_CHANGE" => $service[10],
+- "CHECKS_EN" => $service[11],
+- "PASV_EN" => $service[12],
+- "EVENT_HNDLR_EN" => $service[13],
+- "SVC_ACK" => $service[14],
+- "TIME_UP" => $service[15],
+- "TIME_UNKWN" => $service[16],
+- "TIME_WARN" => $service[17],
+- "TIME_CRIT" => $service[18],
+- "LAST_NOTIFIC" => $service[19],
+- "CURR_NOTF_NUM" => $service[20],
+- "NOTF_EN" => $service[21],
+- "LATENCY" => $service[22],
+- "EXEC_TIME" => $service[23],
+- "FLAP_EN" => $service[24],
+- "SVC_FLAPING" => $service[25],
+- "FAIL_PREDICT_EN" => $service[26],
+- "PERC_STATE_CHNG" => $service[27],
+- "SCHD_DWTM_DEPTH" => $service[28],
+- "PERF_DATA" => $service[29],
+- "SVC_OBSS_EN" => $service[30],
+- "SVC_PLUG_OUTPUT" => $service[31]);
++ "SVC_STATUS" => $service[10],
++ "LAST_HSTATE" => $service[11],
++ "RETRY" => $service[12],
++ "STATE_TYPE" => $service[14],
++ "LAST_CHECK" => $service[23],
++ "NEXT_CHECK" => $service[24],
++ "CHECK_TYPE" => $service[25],
++ "LAST_STATE_CHANGE" => $service[15],
++ "CHECKS_EN" => $service[31],
++ "PASV_EN" => $service[32],
++ "EVENT_HNDLR_EN" => $service[33],
++ "SVC_ACK" => $service[34],
++ "TIME_UP" => $service[17],
++ "TIME_UNKWN" => $service[19],
++ "TIME_WARN" => $service[18],
++ "TIME_CRIT" => $service[20],
++ "LAST_NOTIFIC" => $service[27],
++ "CURR_NOTF_NUM" => $service[26],
++ "NOTF_EN" => $service[30],
++ "LATENCY" => $service[9],
++ "EXEC_TIME" => $service[8],
++ "FLAP_EN" => $service[36],
++ "SVC_FLAPING" => $service[41],
++ "FAIL_PREDICT_EN" => $service[37],
++ "PERC_STATE_CHNG" => $service[42],
++ "SCHD_DWTM_DEPTH" => $service[43],
++ "PERF_DATA" => $service[22],
++ "SVC_OBSS_EN" => $service[39],
++ "SVC_PLUG_OUTPUT" => $service[21]);
+ }
+ }
+ $wr->endTag();
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