SPECS: perl-Class-C3.spec - pl
qboosh at pld-linux.org
Sat Apr 15 15:29:14 CEST 2006
Author: qboosh Date: Sat Apr 15 13:29:14 2006 GMT
Module: SPECS Tag: HEAD
---- Log message:
- pl
---- Files affected:
perl-Class-C3.spec (1.1 -> 1.2)
---- Diffs:
Index: SPECS/perl-Class-C3.spec
diff -u SPECS/perl-Class-C3.spec:1.1 SPECS/perl-Class-C3.spec:1.2
--- SPECS/perl-Class-C3.spec:1.1 Sat Apr 8 18:21:30 2006
+++ SPECS/perl-Class-C3.spec Sat Apr 15 15:29:09 2006
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
%define pdir Class
%define pnam C3
Summary: Class::C3 - A pragma to use the C3 method resolution order algortihm
+Summary(pl): Class::C3 - pragma do używania algorytmu C3 kolejności rozwiązywania metod
Name: perl-Class-C3
Version: 0.11
Release: 1
@@ -26,18 +26,31 @@
BuildRoot: %{tmpdir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n)
-This is currently an experimental pragma to change Perl 5's standard method resolution order
-from depth-first left-to-right (a.k.a - pre-order) to the more sophisticated C3 method resolution
-C3 is the name of an algorithm which aims to provide a sane method resolution order under multiple
-inheritence. It was first introduced in the langauge Dylan (see links in the SEE ALSO section),
-and then later adopted as the prefered MRO (Method Resolution Order) for the new-style classes in
-Python 2.3. Most recently it has been adopted as the 'canonical' MRO for Perl 6 classes, and the
-default MRO for Parrot objects as well.
-# %description -l pl
+This is currently an experimental pragma to change Perl 5's standard
+method resolution order from depth-first left-to-right (a.k.a -
+pre-order) to the more sophisticated C3 method resolution order.
+C3 is the name of an algorithm which aims to provide a sane method
+resolution order under multiple inheritance. It was first introduced
+in the Dylan language (see links in the manual SEE ALSO section), and
+then later adopted as the preferred MRO (Method Resolution Order) for
+the new-style classes in Python 2.3. Most recently it has been adopted
+as the 'canonical' MRO for Perl 6 classes, and the default MRO for
+Parrot objects as well.
+%description -l pl
+Jest to aktualnie eksperymentalna pragma do zmiany standardowej
+kolejności rozwiązywania metod w Perlu 5 z pierwszej co do głębokości,
+od lewej do prawej (czyli pre-order) na bardziej przemyślaną kolejność
+rozwiązywania metod C3.
+C3 to nazwa algorytmu, którego celem jest dostarczenie rozsądnej
+kolejności rozwiązywania metod przy wielokrotnym dziedziczeniu. Po raz
+pierwszy został wprowadzony w języku Dylan (odnośniki w sekcji SEE
+ALSO manuala), a następnie zaadoptowany jako preferowana MRO (Method
+Resolution Order - kolejność rozwiązywania metod) dla nowego stylu
+klas w Pythonie 2.3. Ostatnio został zaadoptowany jako "kanoniczna"
+MRO dla klas Perla 6 i domyślna MRO dla obiektów Parrota.
%setup -q -n %{pdir}-%{pnam}-%{version}
@@ -70,6 +83,8 @@
All persons listed below can be reached at <cvs_login>@pld-linux.org
+Revision 1.2 2006/04/15 13:29:09 qboosh
+- pl
Revision 1.1 2006/04/08 16:21:30 migo
- initial revision
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