SOURCES: myth_datadirect-dn_r10247.diff (NEW), myth_dn-eit_r10247....
luzik at
Tue Sep 5 13:06:12 CEST 2006
Author: luzik Date: Tue Sep 5 11:06:11 2006 GMT
---- Log message:
SC patches for mythtv
---- Files affected:
myth_datadirect-dn_r10247.diff (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW), myth_dn-eit_r10247.diff (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW), myth_eit-bev-dn_r10247.diff (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW), myth_eit-cache_r10247.diff (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW), myth_eit-fasthuff_r10247.diff (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW), myth_eit-ratelimit_r10247.diff (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW), myth_legacy-switch_r10247.diff (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW), myth_patpmt_r10247.diff (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW), myth_sasc-base_r10247.diff (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW), myth_softcsa_r10247.diff (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW)
---- Diffs:
Index: SOURCES/myth_datadirect-dn_r10247.diff
diff -u /dev/null SOURCES/myth_datadirect-dn_r10247.diff:1.1
--- /dev/null Tue Sep 5 13:06:11 2006
+++ SOURCES/myth_datadirect-dn_r10247.diff Tue Sep 5 13:06:06 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+=== programs/mythfilldatabase/filldata.cpp
+Index: programs/mythfilldatabase/filldata.cpp
+--- programs/mythfilldatabase/filldata.cpp.orig 2006-06-20 17:32:57.000000000 -0400
++++ programs/mythfilldatabase/filldata.cpp 2006-06-20 17:36:06.000000000 -0400
+@@ -60,7 +60,8 @@
+ bool dddataretrieved = false;
+ bool mark_repeats = true;
+ bool channel_updates = false;
++bool add_missing_channels = false;
++bool ignore_on_air = false;
+ int maxDays = 0;
+ int listing_wrap_offset = 0;
+@@ -263,8 +264,12 @@
+ void clearDataBySource(int sourceid, QDateTime from, QDateTime to)
+ {
+ MSqlQuery query(MSqlQuery::InitCon());
+- query.prepare("SELECT chanid FROM channel WHERE "
+- "sourceid = :SOURCE ;");
++ QString queryStr = QString(
++ "SELECT chanid FROM channel WHERE "
++ "sourceid = :SOURCE");
++ if (ignore_on_air)
++ queryStr += QString(" AND useonairguide <> 1");
++ query.prepare(queryStr);
+ query.bindValue(":SOURCE", sourceid);
+ if (!query.exec())
+@@ -795,6 +800,17 @@
+ ddprocessor.updateStationViewTable();
++ if (ignore_on_air)
++ {
++ // Remove xmltvid from all channels with 'useonairguide' set
++ MSqlQuery remove_id(MSqlQuery::DDCon());
++ remove_id.prepare(
++ "UPDATE channel SET xmltvid=NULL WHERE useonairguide = 1 "
++ "AND sourceid = :SOURCEID");
++ remove_id.bindValue(":SOURCEID",;
++ if (!remove_id.exec())
++ MythContext::DBError("Removing xmltvid", remove_id);
++ }
+ // Find all the channels in the dd_v_station temp table
+ // where there is no channel with the same xmltvid in the
+ // DB using the same source.
+@@ -840,9 +856,13 @@
+ }
+ // First check if channel already in DB, but without xmltvid
+- query.prepare("SELECT chanid FROM channel "
++ QString queryStr = QString(
++ "SELECT chanid FROM channel "
+ "WHERE sourceid = :SOURCEID AND "
+ " (channum=:CHANNUM OR atscsrcid=:ATSCSRCID)");
++ if (ignore_on_air)
++ queryStr += QString(" AND useonairguide <> 1");
++ query.prepare(queryStr);
+ query.bindValue(":SOURCEID",;
+ query.bindValue(":CHANNUM", channum);
+ query.bindValue(":ATSCSRCID", atscsrcid);
+@@ -862,7 +882,7 @@
+ "UPDATE channel "
+ "SET xmltvid = :XMLTVID "
+ "WHERE chanid = :CHANID AND sourceid = :SOURCEID");
+ while (
+ {
+ uint chanid = query.value(0).toInt();
+@@ -879,36 +899,39 @@
+ continue; // go on to next channel without xmltv
+ }
+- // The channel doesn't exist in the DB, insert it...
+- int mplexid = -1, majorC, minorC, chanid = 0;
+- long long freq;
+- get_atsc_stuff(channum,, freqid,
+- majorC, minorC, freq);
+- if (minorC > 0 && freq >= 0)
++ if (add_missing_channels)
+ {
+- mplexid = ChannelUtil::CreateMultiplex(
+-, "atsc", freq, "8vsb");
+- }
+- if ((mplexid > 0) || (minorC == 0))
+- chanid = ChannelUtil::CreateChanID(, channum);
+- if (chanid > 0)
+- {
+- QString icon = "";
+- int serviceid = 0;
+- bool oag = false; // use on air guide
+- bool hidden = false;
+- bool hidden_in_guide = false;
+- ChannelUtil::CreateChannel(
+- mplexid,, chanid,
+- callsign, name, channum,
+- serviceid, majorC, minorC,
+- oag, hidden, hidden_in_guide,
+- freqid, icon, tvformat,
+- xmltvid);
++ // The channel doesn't exist in the DB, insert it...
++ int mplexid = -1, majorC, minorC, chanid = 0;
++ long long freq;
++ get_atsc_stuff(channum,, freqid,
++ majorC, minorC, freq);
++ if (minorC > 0 && freq >= 0)
++ {
++ mplexid = ChannelUtil::CreateMultiplex(
++, "atsc", freq, "8vsb");
++ }
++ if ((mplexid > 0) || (minorC == 0))
++ chanid = ChannelUtil::CreateChanID(, channum);
++ if (chanid > 0)
++ {
++ QString icon = "";
++ int serviceid = 0;
++ bool oag = false; // use on air guide
++ bool hidden = false;
++ bool hidden_in_guide = false;
++ ChannelUtil::CreateChannel(
++ mplexid,, chanid,
++ callsign, name, channum,
++ serviceid, majorC, minorC,
++ oag, hidden, hidden_in_guide,
++ freqid, icon, tvformat,
++ xmltvid);
++ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+@@ -3441,6 +3464,14 @@
+ {
+ channel_updates = true;
+ }
++ else if (!strcmp(a.argv()[argpos], "--add_missing_channels"))
++ {
++ add_missing_channels = true;
++ }
++ else if (!strcmp(a.argv()[argpos], "--ignore_eit_channels"))
++ {
++ ignore_on_air = true;
++ }
+ else if (!strcmp(a.argv()[argpos], "--graboptions"))
+ {
+ if (((argpos + 1) >= a.argc()))
+@@ -3646,6 +3677,14 @@
+ cout << " override custom channel names, which is why it is\n";
+ cout << " off by default.\n";
+ cout << "\n";
++ cout << "--add_missing_channels\n";
++ cout << " Insert any channels that are found but not in\n";
++ cout << " the database. This is off by default, as it can\n";
++ cout << " cause issues with DVB channels.\n";
++ cout << "\n";
++ cout << "--ignore_eit_channels\n";
++ cout << " Don't get data for any channels that are marked\n"; cout << " As using the on-air guid.\n";
++ cout << "\n";
+ cout << "--graboptions <\"options\">\n";
+ cout << " Pass options to grabber\n";
+ cout << "\n";
Index: SOURCES/myth_dn-eit_r10247.diff
diff -u /dev/null SOURCES/myth_dn-eit_r10247.diff:1.1
--- /dev/null Tue Sep 5 13:06:12 2006
+++ SOURCES/myth_dn-eit_r10247.diff Tue Sep 5 13:06:06 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+Index: libs/libmythtv/mpeg/mpegdescriptors.cpp
+--- libs/libmythtv/mpeg/mpegdescriptors.cpp.orig 2006-06-20 17:31:10.000000000 -0400
++++ libs/libmythtv/mpeg/mpegdescriptors.cpp 2006-06-20 17:36:06.000000000 -0400
+@@ -223,8 +223,12 @@
+ return QString("Audio");
+ case DescriptorID::caption_service:
+ return QString("Caption Service");
+- case DescriptorID:: content_advisory:
++ case DescriptorID::content_advisory:
+ return QString("Content Advisory");
++ case DescriptorID::dish_ename:
++ return QString("Dishnet EIT Name");
++ case DescriptorID::dish_edescription:
++ return QString("Dishnet EIT Description");
+ case DescriptorID::extended_channel_name:
+ return QString("Extended Channel Name");
+ case DescriptorID::service_location:
+Index: libs/libmythtv/mpeg/mpegdescriptors.h
+--- libs/libmythtv/mpeg/mpegdescriptors.h.orig 2006-06-20 17:31:10.000000000 -0400
++++ libs/libmythtv/mpeg/mpegdescriptors.h 2006-06-20 17:36:06.000000000 -0400
+@@ -115,6 +115,11 @@
+ audio_stream = 0x81,
+ caption_service = 0x86,
+ content_advisory = 0x87,
++ // Dish Network
++ dish_ename = 0x91,
++ dish_edescription = 0x92,
+ extended_channel_name = 0xA0,
+ service_location = 0xA1,
+ atsc_time_shifted_service = 0xA2,
+Index: libs/libmythtv/siparser.cpp
+--- libs/libmythtv/siparser.cpp.orig 2006-06-20 17:31:10.000000000 -0400
++++ libs/libmythtv/siparser.cpp 2006-06-20 17:37:24.000000000 -0400
+@@ -570,6 +570,9 @@
+ break;
+ case 0x42: /* Service Table(s) */
+ case 0x46:
++ VERBOSE(VB_SIPARSER, LOC + QString("Calling ParseSDT (%1 / %2)")
++ .arg(head.table_id, 0, 16).arg(pid, 0, 16));
+ ParseSDT(pid, &head, &buffer[8], size-8);
+ break;
+ #ifdef USING_DVB_EIT
+@@ -577,6 +580,14 @@
+ /* Standard Now/Next Event Information Table(s) */
+ case 0x50 ... 0x6F:
+ /* Standard Future Event Information Table(s) */
++ VERBOSE(VB_SIPARSER, LOC + QString("Calling ParseDVBEIT (%1/%2)")
++ .arg(head.table_id, 0, 16).arg(pid, 0, 16));
++ ParseDVBEIT(pid, &head, &buffer[8], size-8);
++ break;
++ case 0x80 ... 0xFE:
++ /* Dishnet uses this range for longterm(7-9days) EIT */
++ VERBOSE(VB_SIPARSER, LOC + QString("Calling ParseDVBEIT DN(%1/%2)")
++ .arg(head.table_id, 0, 16).arg(pid, 0, 16));
+ ParseDVBEIT(pid, &head, &buffer[8], size-8);
+ break;
+ #endif
+@@ -1180,6 +1191,9 @@
+ uint16_t network_id = buffer[0] << 8 | buffer[1];
+ // TODO: Handle Network Specifics here if they aren't set
++ //TODO : Make this configurable.
++ PrivateTypes.ForceGuidePresent = true;
+ if (PrivateTypesLoaded == false)
+ LoadPrivateTypes(network_id);
+@@ -1266,6 +1280,13 @@
+ Table[EVENTS]->RequestEmit(s.ServiceID);
+ eit_requested = true;
+ }
++ //TODO: This should be tied into the above ?
++ if ((PrivateTypes.ForceGuidePresent) && (!eit_requested))
++ {
++ Table[EVENTS]->RequestEmit(s.ServiceID);
++ eit_requested = true;
++ }
+ #endif
+@@ -1292,6 +1313,10 @@
+ Table[EVENTS]->DependencyMet(SERVICES);
+ //Table[EVENTS]->AddPid(0x12,0x00,0x00,true); // see ticket #755
+ Table[EVENTS]->AddPid(0x12,0x7F,0x80,0x12); // see ticket #755
++ // This should only be added based on the user enabling 7-9day dishnet
++ // EIT events
++ Table[EVENTS]->AddPid(0x300,0x00,0x00,true);
+ }
+ /** \fn SIParser::GetLanguagePriority(const QString&)
+@@ -1967,6 +1992,7 @@
+ {
+ uint descriptorTag = data[0];
+ uint descriptorLength = data[1];
++ int tnum;
+ switch (descriptorTag)
+ {
+@@ -2022,6 +2048,28 @@
+ ProcessContentDescriptor(data, descriptorLength + 2, event);
+ break;
++ case DescriptorID::dish_ename:
++ if (event.TableID > 0x80)
++ tnum = 2;
++ else
++ tnum = 1;
++ Huffman2ToQString((uint8_t *)data+3, data[1]-1, tnum, event.Event_Name);
++ break;
++ case DescriptorID::dish_edescription:
++ if (event.TableID > 0x80)
++ tnum = 2;
++ else
++ tnum = 1;
++ if ((data[3]&0xf8) == 0x80)
++ Huffman2ToQString((uint8_t *)data+4, data[1]-2, tnum, event.Description);
++ else
++ Huffman2ToQString((uint8_t *)data+3, data[1]-1, tnum, event.Description);
++ //VERBOSE(VB_EIT, LOC + QString("Descr : %1").arg(event.Description));
++ break;
+ default:
+ ProcessUnusedDescriptor(pid, data, descriptorLength + 2);
+ break;
Index: SOURCES/myth_eit-bev-dn_r10247.diff
diff -u /dev/null SOURCES/myth_eit-bev-dn_r10247.diff:1.1
--- /dev/null Tue Sep 5 13:06:12 2006
+++ SOURCES/myth_eit-bev-dn_r10247.diff Tue Sep 5 13:06:06 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+Index: libs/libmythtv/siparser.cpp
+--- libs/libmythtv/siparser.cpp.orig 2006-01-21 08:09:02.000000000 -0800
++++ libs/libmythtv/siparser.cpp 2006-01-21 08:09:09.000000000 -0800
+@@ -297,6 +297,21 @@
+ VERBOSE(VB_SIPARSER, LOC + "Forcing Guide Present");
+ }
+ }
++ if (QString(query.value(0).toString()) == "guide_on_single_tid")
++ {
++ if (query.value(1).toString() == "yes")
++ {
++ PrivateTypes.GuideOnSingleTransport = true;
++ VERBOSE(VB_SIPARSER, LOC + "Guide is on single transport");
++ }
++ }
++ if (QString(query.value(0).toString()) == "extended_guide_tid")
++ {
++ PrivateTypes.ExtendedGuideOnTransport = query.value(1).toInt();
++ QString("Dish Network Extended Guide Present on Transport %1")
++ .arg(PrivateTypes.ExtendedGuideOnTransport));
++ }
+ if (QString(query.value(0).toString()) == "guide_fixup")
+ {
+ PrivateTypes.EITFixUp = query.value(1).toInt();
+@@ -590,10 +605,17 @@
+ #ifdef USING_DVB_EIT
+ case 0x4E ... 0x4F:
+ /* Standard Now/Next Event Information Table(s) */
+- case 0x50 ... 0xFF:
+- /* Standard Future Event Information Table(s) */
+ ParseDVBEIT(pid, &head, buffer, size);
+ break;
++ case 0x50 ... 0x6F:
++ /* Standard Future Event Information Table(s) */
++ ParseDVBEIT(pid, &head, buffer, size);
++ break;
++ case 0x70 ... 0xFF:
++ /* Extended Event Information Table */
++ if (PrivateTypes.ForceExtendedGuidePresent)
++ ParseDVBEIT(pid, &head, buffer, size);
++ break;
+ #endif
+ default:
+@@ -1195,17 +1217,26 @@
+ int CurrentTransport = 0;
+- bool get_epg=false;
++ PrivateTypes.ForceExtendedGuidePresent = false;
+ uint16_t network_id = buffer[0] << 8 | buffer[1];
+ // TODO: Handle Network Specifics here if they aren't set
+- PrivateTypes.ForceGuidePresent = true;
+- PrivateTypes.GuideTransportID = 229;
+- PrivateTypes.GuideOnSingleTransport = true;
+ if (PrivateTypesLoaded == false)
+ LoadPrivateTypes(network_id);
++ if (PrivateTypes.GuideOnSingleTransport)
++ PrivateTypes.GuideTransportID = PrivateTypes.CurrentTransportID;
++ if (PrivateTypes.CurrentTransportID == PrivateTypes.ExtendedGuideOnTransport)
++ {
++ PrivateTypes.ForceExtendedGuidePresent = true;
++ QString("SDT: Extended guide present on this TID: %1")
++ .arg(head->table_id_ext));
++ }
+ if (PrivateTypes.SDTMapping)
+ {
+ if (PrivateTypes.CurrentTransportID == head->table_id_ext)
+@@ -1218,8 +1249,8 @@
+ }
+- QString("SDT: This TID: %1 is %2the CurrentTransport")
+- .arg(head->table_id_ext).arg(CurrentTransport ? "" : "not "));
++ QString("SDT: This TID: %1 (nid=%2) is %3the CurrentTransport")
++ .arg(head->table_id_ext).arg(network_id).arg(CurrentTransport ? "" : "not "));
+ ProcessUnusedDescriptor(pid, (uint8_t *)head, sizeof(tablehead_t));
+ ProcessUnusedDescriptor(pid, (uint8_t *)buffer, size);
+@@ -1227,8 +1258,6 @@
+ {
+ if (Table[SERVICES]->AddSection(head,0,0))
+ return;
+- if(head->table_id_ext == PrivateTypes.GuideTransportID)
+- get_epg=true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+@@ -1321,9 +1350,18 @@
+ // TODO: This is temp
+ Table[EVENTS]->DependencyMet(SERVICES);
+- //Table[EVENTS]->AddPid(0x12,0x00,0x00,true); // see ticket #755
+-// Table[EVENTS]->AddPid(0x12,0x7F,0x80,0x12); // see ticket #755
+- Table[EVENTS]->AddPid(0x300,0x00,0x00,true); // Dish 9-day
++ // TODO: Handle BEV extended guide
++ if (PrivateTypes.ForceExtendedGuidePresent)
++ {
++ Table[EVENTS]->AddPid(0x300,0x00,0x00,true); // Dish 9-day
++ }
++ else
++ {
++ // Handle everything else..
++ Table[EVENTS]->AddPid(0x12,0x00,0x00,true); // see ticket #755
++ Table[EVENTS]->AddPid(0x12,0x7F,0x80,0x12); // see ticket #755
++ }
+ }
+ // CRC32 lookup table for polynomial 0x04c11db7
+Index: libs/libmythtv/sitypes.h
+--- libs/libmythtv/sitypes.h.orig 2006-01-21 08:08:49.000000000 -0800
++++ libs/libmythtv/sitypes.h 2006-01-21 08:09:09.000000000 -0800
+@@ -121,6 +121,8 @@
+ bool CustomGuidePID;
+ uint16_t GuidePID;
+ bool GuideOnSingleTransport;
++ bool ForceExtendedGuidePresent;
++ uint16_t ExtendedGuideOnTransport;
+ uint16_t GuideTransportID;
+ /* List of ServiceID:s for which to parse out subtitle from the description.
+ Used in EITFixUpStyle4() */
+Index: libs/libmythtv/dbcheck.cpp
+--- libs/libmythtv/dbcheck.cpp.orig 2006-01-21 08:05:23.000000000 -0800
++++ libs/libmythtv/dbcheck.cpp 2006-01-21 08:09:09.000000000 -0800
+@@ -12,11 +12,18 @@
+ /// This is the DB schema version expected by the running MythTV instance.
+ const QString currentDatabaseVersion = "1122";
++/// This is the DB schema minor version used by supplementary patches
++const QString currentDatabaseVersionMinor = "1";
+ static bool UpdateDBVersionNumber(const QString &newnumber);
++static bool UpdateDBVersionMinor( const QString &newminor);
+ static bool performActualUpdate(const QString updates[], QString version,
+ QString &dbver);
++static bool performMinorUpdate(const QString updates[], QString minor,
++ QString &dbminor);
+ static bool InitializeDatabase(void);
+ static bool doUpgradeTVDatabaseSchema(void);
++static bool dbMinorUpdate(void);
+ /** \defgroup db_schema MythTV Database Schema
+@@ -353,6 +360,48 @@
+ return true;
+ }
++static bool UpdateDBVersionMinor(const QString &newminor)
++ // delete old schema version
++ MSqlQuery query(MSqlQuery::InitCon());
++ QString thequery = "DELETE FROM settings WHERE value='DBSchemaVerMinor';";
++ query.prepare(thequery);
++ query.exec();
++ if (query.lastError().type() != QSqlError::None)
++ {
++ QString msg =
++ QString("DB Error (Deleting old DB minor version number): \n"
++ "Query was: %1 \nError was: %2 \nnew version: %3")
++ .arg(thequery)
++ .arg(MythContext::DBErrorMessage(query.lastError()))
++ .arg(newminor);
++ return false;
++ }
++ // set new schema minor
++ thequery = QString("INSERT INTO settings (value, data, hostname) "
++ "VALUES ('DBSchemaVerMinor', %1, NULL);").arg(newminor);
++ query.prepare(thequery);
++ query.exec();
++ if (query.lastError().type() != QSqlError::None)
++ {
++ QString msg =
++ QString("DB Error (Setting new DB minor version number): \n"
++ "Query was: %1 \nError was: %2 \nnew minor version: %3")
++ .arg(thequery)
++ .arg(MythContext::DBErrorMessage(query.lastError()))
++ .arg(newminor);
++ return false;
++ }
++ return true;
+ /** \fn performActualUpdate(const QString[], QString, QString&)
+ * \brief Runs a number of SQL commands, and updates the schema version.
+ *
+@@ -400,6 +449,44 @@
+ return true;
+ }
++static bool performMinorUpdate(const QString updates[], QString minor,
++ QString &dbminor)
++ MSqlQuery query(MSqlQuery::InitCon());
++ VERBOSE(VB_IMPORTANT, QString("Upgrading to schema minor ") + minor);
++ int counter = 0;
++ QString thequery = updates[counter];
++ while (thequery != "")
++ {
++ query.prepare(thequery);
++ query.exec();
++ if (query.lastError().type() != QSqlError::None)
++ {
++ QString msg =
++ QString("DB Error (Performing database upgrade): \n"
++ "Query was: %1 \nError was: %2 \nnew minor: %3")
++ .arg(thequery)
++ .arg(MythContext::DBErrorMessage(query.lastError()))
++ .arg(minor);
++ return false;
++ }
++ counter++;
++ thequery = updates[counter];
++ }
++ if (!UpdateDBVersionMinor(minor))
++ return false;
++ dbminor = minor;
++ return true;
+ /** \fn UpgradeTVDatabaseSchema(void)
+ * \brief This is the function called from outside dbcheck.cpp to update the schema.
+ *
+@@ -416,14 +503,18 @@
+ bool UpgradeTVDatabaseSchema(void)
+ {
+ QString dbver = gContext->GetSetting("DBSchemaVer");
++ QString dbminor = gContext->GetSetting("DBSchemaVerMinor");
+- VERBOSE(VB_IMPORTANT, QString("Current Schema Version: %1").arg(dbver));
++ VERBOSE(VB_IMPORTANT, QString("Current Schema Version: %1.%2").arg(dbver)
++ .arg(dbminor));
+- if (dbver == currentDatabaseVersion)
++ if ((dbver == currentDatabaseVersion) &&
++ (dbminor == currentDatabaseVersionMinor))
+ return true;
+- VERBOSE(VB_IMPORTANT, QString("Newest Schema Version : %1")
+- .arg(currentDatabaseVersion));
++ VERBOSE(VB_IMPORTANT, QString("Newest Schema Version : %1.%2")
++ .arg(currentDatabaseVersion)
++ .arg(currentDatabaseVersionMinor));
+ MSqlQuery lockquery(MSqlQuery::InitCon());
<<Diff was trimmed, longer than 597 lines>>
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