SOURCES: xmltv-tv_grab_ee.patch (NEW) - 20060918 - New tv_grab_ee ...

glen glen at
Fri Sep 22 00:20:15 CEST 2006

Author: glen                         Date: Thu Sep 21 22:20:15 2006 GMT
Module: SOURCES                       Tag: HEAD
---- Log message:
- 20060918 - New tv_grab_ee test version available, repatched with rpm from
  cougar's site:

---- Files affected:
   xmltv-tv_grab_ee.patch (NONE -> 1.1)  (NEW)

---- Diffs:

Index: SOURCES/xmltv-tv_grab_ee.patch
diff -u /dev/null SOURCES/xmltv-tv_grab_ee.patch:1.1
--- /dev/null	Fri Sep 22 00:20:15 2006
+++ SOURCES/xmltv-tv_grab_ee.patch	Fri Sep 22 00:20:10 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,562 @@
+--- xmltv-0.5.41/grab/ee/tv_grab_ee	2005-10-21 09:01:08.000000000 +0300
++++ xmltv-0.5.41/grab/ee/tv_grab_ee	2006-09-18 00:28:54.000000000 +0300
+@@ -10,24 +13,34 @@
+ tv_grab_ee --help
+-tv_grab_ee [--config-file FILE] --configure [--gui OPTION]
++tv_grab_ee --configure [--config-file FILE] [--gui OPTION]
++tv_grab_ee [--config-file FILE]
++           [--days N] [--offset N]
++           [--output FILE] [--quiet] [--debug]
++tv_grab_ee --list-channels  [--config-file FILE]
++           [--output FILE] [--quiet] [--debug]
+-tv_grab_ee [--config-file FILE] [--output FILE] [--days N]
+-           [--offset N] [--quiet]
++tv_grab_ee --capabilities
+-tv_grab_ee --list-channels
++tv_grab_ee --version
+-Output TV listings for several channels available in Estonia.
+-The data comes from
++Output TV listings in XMLTV format for many stations available in Estonia.
++The data comes from
++First you must run B<tv_grab_ee --configure> to choose which stations
++you want to receive.
++Then running B<tv_grab_ee> with no arguments will get a listings in XML
++format for the stations you chose for available days including today.
+-First run B<tv_grab_ee --configure> to choose, which channels you want
+-to download. Then running B<tv_grab_ee> with no arguments will output
+-listings in XML format to standard output.
++=head1 OPTIONS
+-B<--configure> Prompt for which channels,
+-and write the configuration file.
++B<--configure> Prompt for which stations to download and write the
++configuration file.
+ B<--config-file FILE> Set the name of the configuration file, the
+ default is B<~/.xmltv/tv_grab_ee.conf>.  This is the file written by
+@@ -38,256 +51,312 @@
+ Additional allowed values of OPTION are 'Term' for normal terminal output
+ (default) and 'TermNoProgressBar' to disable the use of XMLTV::ProgressBar.
+-B<--output FILE> write to FILE rather than standard output.
++B<--output FILE> When grabbing, write output to FILE rather than
++standard output.
+-B<--days N> grab N days.  The default is -1 which means everything
++B<--days N> When grabbing, grab N days rather than all available days.
+-B<--offset N> start N days in the future.  The default is to start
+-from today.
++B<--offset N> Start grabbing at today + N days.  N may be negative.
+-B<--quiet> suppress the progress messages normally written to standard
++B<--quiet> Suppress the progress-bar normally shown on standard error.
+-B<--list-channels> write output giving <channel> elements for every
++B<--debug> Provide more information on progress to stderr to help in
++B<--list-channels> Write output giving <channel> elements for every
+ channel available (ignoring the config file), but no programmes.
+-B<--help> print a help message and exit.
++B<--capabilities> Show which capabilities the grabber supports. For more
++information, see L<>
+-=head1 SEE ALSO
++B<--version> Show the version of the grabber.
++B<--help> Print a help message and exit.
++If the grabber fails to download data for some channel on a specific day, 
++it will print an errormessage to STDERR and then continue with the other
++channels and days. The grabber will exit with a status code of 1 to indicate 
++that the data is incomplete. 
++The environment variable HOME can be set to change where configuration
++files are stored. All configuration is stored in $HOME/.xmltv/. On Windows,
++it might be necessary to set HOME to a path without spaces in it.
++For information on supported channels, see
+ =head1 AUTHOR
+-Cougar < cougar at >
++Cougar < cougar at >. This documentation and parts of the code
++based on various other tv_grabbers from the XMLTV-project.
+-=head1 BUGS
++=head1 SEE ALSO
+-The data source does not include full channels information and the
+-channels are identified by short names rather than the RFC2838 form
+-recommended by the XMLTV DTD.
+ =cut
+-my $xmlurl = '';
+-my $langs = ['et', 'en', 'ru'];
++my $default_root_url = '';
+ use strict;
+-use Getopt::Long;
+-use LWP::Simple;
+-use Time::Local;
+ use XMLTV;
+-use XMLTV::Ask;
+-use XMLTV::Config_file;
+-use XMLTV::Mode;
+-use XMLTV::Date;
+-my $xmlstr;
+-my $xmldata;
+-my %channels;
+-my ($encoding, $credits, $ch, $progs);
+-my $ds1;		# start timestamp YYYYMMDD
+-my $ds2;		# end + 1 day
+-my $opt_days = -1;	# return all data
+-my $opt_offset = 0;
+-my $opt_help;
+-my $opt_configure;
+-my $opt_config_file;
+-my $opt_gui;
+-my $opt_output;
+-my $opt_quiet = 0;
+-my $opt_list_channels;
+-my $bar;
+-use XMLTV::Usage <<END
+-$0: get Estonian television listings in XMLTV format
+-To configure: $0 --configure [--config-file FILE]
+-To grab listings: $0 [--config-file FILE] [--output FILE] [--days N]
+-        [--offset N]
+-To list channels: $0 --list-channels
++use XMLTV::ProgressBar;
++use XMLTV::Options qw/ParseOptions/;
++use XMLTV::Configure::Writer;
++use XMLTV::Memoize; XMLTV::Memoize::check_argv 'get';
++use XML::LibXML;
++use Date::Manip;
++use Compress::Zlib;
++use File::Path;
++use File::Basename;
++use LWP::Simple qw($ua get);
++sub t;
++my $warnings = 0;
++my $all_days = 1;
++# Hack to override XMLTV defaults for $opt{days} even if --days was not given
++if ((scalar(@ARGV) > 0) && (join(':', @ARGV) =~ /--days/)) {
++	$all_days = 0;
++my ($opt, $conf) = ParseOptions({
++	grabber_name		=> "tv_grab_ee",
++	capabilities		=> [qw/baseline manualconfig tkconfig apiconfig cache/],
++	stage_sub		=> \&config_stage,
++	listchannels_sub	=> \&list_channels,
++	load_old_config_sub	=> \&load_old_config,
++	version			=> '$Id$',
++	description		=> "Estonia (",
++if (not defined ($conf->{'root-url'})) {
++	print STDERR "No root-url defined.\n" .
++	             "Please run the grabber with --configure.\n";
++	exit(1);
++my ($encoding, $credits, $ch, $progs) = fetch_channels($conf);
++my $bar = undef;
++$bar = new XMLTV::ProgressBar({
++	name	=> 'downloading listings',
++	count	=> scalar(@{$conf->{channel}}),
++}) if (not $opt->{quiet}) && (not $opt->{debug});
++my @alldata;
++foreach my $channel_id (@{$conf->{channel}}) {
++	if (exists $ch->{$channel_id}) {
++		(my $id = $channel_id) =~ s/^(\d\d).*/$1/;
++		t "$channel_id -> $id";
++		my $dataurl = $conf->{'root-url'}->[0] . '/' . $id . '_channeldata.xml';
++		my $xmlstr = get($dataurl) or warning('Failed to fetch ' . $dataurl);
++		if (defined $xmlstr) {
++			my $data = XMLTV::parse($xmlstr);
++			push @alldata, $data;
++		}
++	} else {
++		warning('Missing channel: ' . $channel_id);
++	}
++	$bar->update() if defined $bar;
++$bar->finish() if defined $bar;
++my %w_args;
++if (((defined $opt->{offset}) && ($opt->{offset} != 0)) || (! $all_days)) {
++	$w_args{offset} = (defined $opt->{offset} ? $opt->{offset} : 0);
++	$w_args{days} = ($all_days ? 60 : $opt->{days});
++	$w_args{cutoff} = '000000';
++# XML::Writer doesn't use default ouput but STDOUT directly if not specified
++if (defined $opt->{output}) {
++	my $fd = select();
++	$w_args{OUTPUT} = $fd;
++my $data = XMLTV::cat(@alldata);
++$data->[1]{'generator-info-name'} = '$Id$ ';
++$data->[1]{'generator-info-url'} = 'mailto:cougar at';
+-sub get_xmlstr
++XMLTV::write_data($data, %w_args);
++# Signal that something went wrong if there were warnings.
++exit(1) if $warnings;
++# All data fetched ok.
++t 'Exiting without warnings.';
++sub t
+ {
+-	$xmlstr = get($xmlurl);
+-	die "get_xmldata: could not open \"$xmlurl\": $!" unless defined $xmlstr;
++	my ($message) = @_;
++	print STDERR $message . "\n" if $opt->{debug};
+ }
+-sub parse_xmlstr
++sub warning
+ {
+-	$xmldata = XMLTV::parse($xmlstr);
+-	($encoding, $credits, $ch, $progs) = @$xmldata;
++	my ($message) = @_;
++	print STDERR $message . "\n";
++	$warnings++;
++sub fetch_channels
++	my ($conf) = @_;
++	t 'Fetching channels';
++	my $compressed = get($conf->{'root-url'}->[0] . '/channels.xml.gz')
++		or die 'Failed to fetch ' . $conf->{'root-url'}->[0] . '/channels.xml.gz';
++	my $xmlstr = Compress::Zlib::memGunzip(\$compressed);
++	my $data = XMLTV::parse($xmlstr);
++	return @$data;
+ }
+-sub filter_xmldata
++sub list_channels
+ {
++	my ($conf, $opt) = @_;
++	my ($encoding, $credits, $ch, $progs) = fetch_channels($conf);
++	my $result;
+ 	my %w_args;
+ 	$w_args{encoding} = $encoding;
+-	if (defined $opt_output) {
+-		my $fh = new IO::File(">$opt_output");
+-		die "cannot write to $opt_output: $!" if not defined $fh;
+-		$w_args{OUTPUT} = $fh;
+-	}
+-	$bar = new XMLTV::ProgressBar('writing XMLTV data', 1) if not $opt_quiet;
++	$w_args{OUTPUT} = \$result;
+ 	my $writer = new XMLTV::Writer(%w_args);
+ 	$writer->start($credits);
+ 	foreach (sort keys %$ch) {
+-		next unless ((defined $channels{$ch->{$_}->{'id'}}) ||
+-		             (defined $opt_list_channels));
+ 		$writer->write_channel($ch->{$_});
+ 	}
+-	if (! defined $opt_list_channels) {
+-		foreach (@$progs) {
+-			next unless (defined $channels{$_->{'channel'}});
+-			next unless (&checktime($_->{'start'}));
+-			$writer->write_programme($_);
+-		}
+-	}
+ 	$writer->end();	
+-	update $bar if not $opt_quiet;
+-	$bar->finish() if not $opt_quiet;
++	return $result;
+ }
+-sub get_begin_and_end_ds
++sub config_stage
+ {
+-	my ($offset, $num) = @_;
+-	my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst);
+-	my ($ds1, $ds2);
+-	my $time = time();
+-	($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst)
+-		= localtime($time + ($offset * 86400));
+-	$ds1 = sprintf("%04d%02d%02d", $year + 1900, $mon + 1, $mday);
+-	if ($num == -1) {
+-		$ds2 = "99999999";
++	my ($stage, $conf) = @_;
++	if ($stage eq 'start') {
++		return config_stage_start($stage, $conf);
+ 	} else {
+-		($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst)
+-			= localtime($time + (($offset + $num) * 86400));
+-		$ds2 = sprintf("%04d%02d%02d", $year + 1900, $mon + 1, $mday);
++		die "Unknown stage $stage";
+ 	}
+-	return ($ds1, $ds2);
+ }
+-sub checktime
++sub config_stage_start
+ {
+-	my ($d) = @_;
++	my ($stage, $conf) = @_;
+-	my $dp = XMLTV::Date::parse_date($d);
+-	$dp =~ s/^(\d\d\d\d\d\d\d\d).*/$1/;	# keep only YYYYMMDD
+-	my $r = (($dp >= $ds1) && ($dp < $ds2));
+-	return $r;
+-	'days=i'	=> \$opt_days,
+-	'offset=i'	=> \$opt_offset,
+-	'help'		=> \$opt_help,
+-	'configure'	=> \$opt_configure,
+-	'config-file=s'	=> \$opt_config_file,
+-	'gui:s'		=> \$opt_gui,
+-	'output=s'	=> \$opt_output,
+-	'quiet'		=> \$opt_quiet,
+-	'list-channels'	=> \$opt_list_channels,
+-	) or usage(0);
+-usage(1) if $opt_help;
+-my $mode = XMLTV::Mode::mode('grab',	# default
+-                             $opt_configure => 'configure',
+-                             $opt_list_channels => 'list-channels',);
+-my $config_file
+-	= XMLTV::Config_file::filename($opt_config_file, 'tv_grab_ee', $opt_quiet);
+-my @config_lines;			# used only in grab mode
+-if ($mode eq 'configure') {
+-	XMLTV::Config_file::check_no_overwrite($config_file);
+-} elsif ($mode eq 'grab') {
+-	@config_lines = XMLTV::Config_file::read_lines($config_file);
+-} elsif ($mode eq 'list-channels') {
+-	# Config file not used
+-} else {
+-	die
+-$bar = new XMLTV::ProgressBar('getting XMLTV data', 1) if not $opt_quiet;
+-update $bar if not $opt_quiet;
+-$bar->finish() if not $opt_quiet;
+-$bar = new XMLTV::ProgressBar('parsing XMLTV data', 1) if not $opt_quiet;
+-update $bar if not $opt_quiet;
+-$bar->finish() if not $opt_quiet;
+-if ($mode eq 'configure') {
+-	my @chs;
+-	my @names;
+-	open(CONF, ">$config_file") or die "cannot write to $config_file: $!";
+-	foreach (values %$ch) {
+-		my ($text, $lang) = @{XMLTV::best_name($langs, $_->{'display-name'})};
+-		push @chs, $_->{id};
+-		push @names, $text;
+-	}
+-	my @qs = map { "add channel $_?" } @names;
+-	my @want = ask_many_boolean(1, @qs);
++	die "Unknown stage $stage" if $stage ne "start";
+-	foreach (@chs) {
+-		my $w = shift @want;
+-		warn("cannot read input, stopping channel questions"), last if not defined $w;
+-		# No need to print to user - XMLTV::Ask is verbose enough.
+-		# Print a config line, but comment it out if channel not wanted.
+-		print CONF '#' if not $w;
+-		my $name = shift @names;
+-		print CONF "channel $_ $name\n";
+-	}
++	my $result;
++	my $writer = new XMLTV::Configure::Writer(OUTPUT   => \$result,
++	                                          encoding => 'utf-8');
++	$writer->start({grabber => 'tv_grab_ee'});
++	$writer->write_string({
++		id		=> 'root-url', 
++		title		=> [ 
++				     [ 'Root URL for grabbing data',	'en' ],
++				     [ 'Kavade kataloogi URL',		'et' ]
++				   ],
++		description	=> [ 
++				     [ 'This URL describes root directory ' .
++				       'where channels file and all ' .
++				       'channel data can be found.',	'en' ],
++				     [ 'Selles kataloogis peavad asuma ' .
++				       'kanaleid kirjeldav fail ning ' .
++				       'kĂľikide kanalite telekavad.',	'et' ]
++				   ],
++		default		=> $default_root_url,
++	});
++	$writer->end('select-channels');
+-	close CONF or warn "cannot close $config_file: $!";
+-	say("Finished configuration.");
+-	exit();
+-} elsif ($mode eq 'list-channels') {
+-	&filter_xmldata();
+-	exit();
+-} elsif ($mode eq 'grab') {
+-	$bar = new XMLTV::ProgressBar('reading configuration data', 1) if not $opt_quiet;
+-	my $line_num = 1;
+-	foreach (@config_lines) {
+-		++ $line_num;
+-		next if not defined;
+-		if (/^channel:?\s+(\S+)\s+([^\#]+)/) {
+-			my $ch_did = $1;
+-			my $ch_name = $2;
+-			$ch_name =~ s/\s*$//;
+-			$channels{$ch_did} = $ch_name;
++	return $result;
++sub load_old_config
++	my ($config_file) = @_;
++	my %chanmap = (
++		'10'	=>	'11',	# ETV
++		'12'	=>	'13',	# TV 3
++		'13'	=>	'12',	# Kanal 2
++		'14'	=>	'131',	# STV
++		'15'	=>	'15',	# YLE 1
++		'16'	=>	'16',	# YLE 2
++		'17'	=>	'17',	# MTV 3
++		'20'	=>	'18',	# Nelonen
++		'22'	=>	'54',	# PRO 7
++		'23'	=>	'105',	# NTV+ Vene
++		'24'	=>	'53',	# RTL2
++		'25'	=>	'50',	# RTL
++		'27'	=>	'28',	# PBK
++		'29'	=>	'14',	# TV1000 Eesti
++		'32'	=>	'46',	# Viasat Explorer
++		'35'	=>	'27',	# TV3+
++		'36'	=>	'41',	# Discovery Channel
++		'37'	=>	'125',	# NTV Discovery
++		'38'	=>	'44',	# Discovery Travel&Living
++		'39'	=>	'42',	# Discovery Civilisation
++		'40'	=>	'43',	# Discovery Science
++		'41'	=>	'22',	# National Geographic
++		'42'	=>	'45',	# Viasat History
++		'43'	=>	'59',	# Arte
++		'44'	=>	'60',	# Eurosport
++		'45'	=>	'70',	# MTV
++		'46'	=>	'72',	# VH1
++		'47'	=>	'73',	# Viva
++		'48'	=>	'74',	# Mezzo
++		'49'	=>	'128',	# NTV Sport
++		'50'	=>	'123',	# NTV Jalgpall
++	);
++	t 'Loading old config format';
++	my @lines = XMLTV::Config_file::read_lines($config_file);
++	my $conf = {};
++	$conf->{'root-url'}->[0] = $default_root_url;
++	$conf->{'channel'} = [];
++	$conf->{'no_channel'} = [];
++	foreach my $line (@lines) {
++		next unless defined $line;
++		if ($line !~ /^(#?)channel (\d+)\.tv\.delfi\.ee /) {
++			t 'Illegal config line "' . $line . '"';
++			next;
++		}
++		my $status = $1;
++		my $oldchan = $2;
++		if (! defined $chanmap{$oldchan}) {
++			t 'Unknown channel ' . $2 . ' from "' . $line . '"';
++			next;
++		}
++		if ($status eq '') {
++			push @{$conf->{'channel'}}, "$";
++			t 'Converting ' . $line . ' -> ' . "channel=$";
+ 		} else {
+-			warn "$config_file:$line_num: bad line\n";
++			push @{$conf->{'no_channel'}}, "$";
++			t 'Converting ' . $line . ' -> ' . "channel!$";
+ 		}
+ 	}
+-	update $bar if not $opt_quiet;
+-	$bar->finish() if not $opt_quiet;
+-	die "No channels specified, run me with --configure\n" if not keys %channels;
+-	($ds1, $ds2) = get_begin_and_end_ds($opt_offset, $opt_days);
+-	&filter_xmldata();
+-} else {
+-	die
++	return $conf;
+ }

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