SPECS: ism.spec -, using zip as source
glen at pld-linux.org
Mon Sep 25 13:48:23 CEST 2006
Author: glen Date: Mon Sep 25 11:48:23 2006 GMT
Module: SPECS Tag: HEAD
---- Log message:
-, using zip as source
---- Files affected:
ism.spec (1.11 -> 1.12)
---- Diffs:
Index: SPECS/ism.spec
diff -u SPECS/ism.spec:1.11 SPECS/ism.spec:1.12
--- SPECS/ism.spec:1.11 Thu Sep 21 21:21:04 2006
+++ SPECS/ism.spec Mon Sep 25 13:48:18 2006
@@ -1,53 +1,21 @@
# $Revision$, $Date$
-%define iso_md5 25b6816378904eb61d0aee7aba2991fd
-%define _ver %(echo %{version} | tr -d .)
Summary: Intel Server Management
Summary(pl): Intel Server Management - oprogramowanie do zarządzania serwerem
Name: ism
-Version: 8.3.0
Release: 1
License: restricted, non-distributable
Group: Applications/System
-# downloading from http://downloadfinder.intel.com/scripts-df/Product_Filter.asp?ProductID=1071
-Source0: http://aiedownload.intel.com/df-support/8590/eng/%{name}%{_ver}aa
-# NoSource0-md5: 79c19ec710a578a111b519508f7eb453
+URL: http://downloadfinder.intel.com/scripts-df-external/Product_Filter.aspx?ProductID=1071
+Source0: http://downloadmirror.intel.com/df-support/9546/eng/%{name}840.zip
+# NoSource0-md5: 88674ce9932169580d1150dda7b458e8
NoSource: 0
-Source1: http://aiedownload.intel.com/df-support/8590/eng/%{name}%{_ver}ab
-# NoSource1-md5: 7acac599f01864d733cc15ad2a39c7ee
-NoSource: 1
-Source2: http://aiedownload.intel.com/df-support/8590/eng/%{name}%{_ver}ac
-# NoSource2-md5: 17189944f06516a20d95fe3ffded2043
-NoSource: 2
-Source3: http://aiedownload.intel.com/df-support/8590/eng/%{name}%{_ver}ad
-# NoSource3-md5: 624a30eea7e8012d4cfb45c1fd2f769a
-NoSource: 3
-Source4: http://aiedownload.intel.com/df-support/8590/eng/%{name}%{_ver}ae
-# NoSource4-md5: 6cea4b86dbca6aa82aaeaa57d1e93b6e
-NoSource: 4
-Source5: http://aiedownload.intel.com/df-support/8590/eng/%{name}%{_ver}af
-# NoSource5-md5: dabc4acb0964415cdb586e585cadc37e
-NoSource: 5
-Source6: http://aiedownload.intel.com/df-support/8590/eng/%{name}%{_ver}ag
-# NoSource6-md5: 7b50ab061bc49dfdba3c3055b8ece87b
-NoSource: 6
-Source7: http://aiedownload.intel.com/df-support/8590/eng/%{name}%{_ver}ah
-# NoSource7-md5: 55510bc5c5b3166dc14915e91ecd5ad8
-NoSource: 7
-Source8: http://aiedownload.intel.com/df-support/8590/eng/%{name}%{_ver}ai
-# NoSource8-md5: d18d195baec683b3aa565191907d6a20
-NoSource: 8
-Source9: http://aiedownload.intel.com/df-support/8590/eng/%{name}%{_ver}aj
-# NoSource9-md5: 4233b377ea46a37f06d3fa7222cd2188
-NoSource: 9
-Source10: http://aiedownload.intel.com/df-support/8590/eng/%{name}%{_ver}ak
-# NoSource10-md5: 2d426246767550ee4eeae06fac1bd9f5
-NoSource: 10
Source101: %{name}-cli.init
Source102: dpcproxy.sysconfig
BuildRequires: cdrtools-utils
BuildRequires: mawk
-BuildRequires: rpmbuild(macros) >= 1.268
BuildRequires: rpm-utils
+BuildRequires: rpmbuild(macros) >= 1.268
BuildRequires: unzip
ExclusiveArch: %{ix86}
BuildRoot: %{tmpdir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n)
@@ -74,30 +42,10 @@
sterowania platformą.
-%setup -q -c -T
-cat %{SOURCE0} &&
-cat %{SOURCE1} &&
-cat %{SOURCE2} &&
-cat %{SOURCE3} &&
-cat %{SOURCE4} &&
-cat %{SOURCE5} &&
-cat %{SOURCE6} &&
-cat %{SOURCE7} &&
-cat %{SOURCE8} &&
-cat %{SOURCE9} &&
-cat %{SOURCE10} ) > iso.tmp
-md5=$(md5sum -b < iso.tmp | awk '{print $1}')
-if [ "$md5" != "%{iso_md5}" ]; then
- echo >&2 "iso md5 mismatch: got $md5, need %{iso_md5}"
- exit 1
-mv -f iso.tmp %{name}-%{version}.iso
+%setup -qc
-isoinfo -i %{name}-%{version}.iso -x /ISM/SOFTWARE/LINUX/32BIT/CLI/EL3.0/CLI-2~1.RPM > cli.rpm
+isoinfo -i *.iso -x /ISM/SOFTWARE/LINUX/32BIT/CLI/EL3.0/CLI-2~1.RPM > cli.rpm
rpm2cpio cli.rpm | cpio -i -d
@@ -134,6 +82,9 @@
All persons listed below can be reached at <cvs_login>@pld-linux.org
+Revision 1.12 2006/09/25 11:48:18 glen
+-, using zip as source
Revision 1.11 2006/09/21 19:21:04 glen
- md5 got updated
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