SOURCES: ouw902_bg.lng (NEW), ouw902_cs.lng (NEW), ouw902_da.lng (...
ankry at
Sun Oct 1 23:39:56 CEST 2006
Author: ankry Date: Sun Oct 1 21:39:56 2006 GMT
---- Log message:
- for opera 9.02
---- Files affected:
ouw902_bg.lng (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW), ouw902_cs.lng (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW), ouw902_da.lng (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW), ouw902_de.lng (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW), ouw902_el.lng (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW), ouw902_en-GB.lng (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW), ouw902_en-US.lng (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW), ouw902_es-ES.lng (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW), ouw902_es-LA.lng (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW), ouw902_fi.lng (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW), ouw902_fr-CA.lng (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW), ouw902_fr.lng (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW), ouw902_fy.lng (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW), ouw902_hr.lng (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW), ouw902_hu.lng (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW), ouw902_it.lng (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW), ouw902_ja.lng (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW), ouw902_ka.lng (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW), ouw902_ko.lng (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW), ouw902_lt.lng (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW), ouw902_nb.lng (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW), ouw902_nl.lng (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW), ouw902_nn.lng (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW), ouw902_pa.lng (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW), ouw902_pl.lng (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW), ouw902_pt-BR.lng (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW), ouw902_pt.lng (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW
), ouw902_ru.lng (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW), ouw902_sv.lng (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW), ouw902_tr.lng (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW)
---- Diffs:
Index: SOURCES/ouw902_bg.lng
diff -u /dev/null SOURCES/ouw902_bg.lng:1.1
--- /dev/null Sun Oct 1 23:39:56 2006
+++ SOURCES/ouw902_bg.lng Sun Oct 1 23:39:50 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,5745 @@
+; Opera language file version 2.0
+; Copyright Š 1995-2006 Opera Software ASA. All rights reserved.
+; Created on 2006-09-19 09:10
+; Lines starting with ; (like this) are comments and need not be translated
+; The string below is the language name in its own language
+; General strings
+; Used in a popup error message when Opera can't connect to the remote
+; server due to other phenomena than the one stated in 32873.
ĐżŃи ĐžĐżĐ¸Ń ĐˇĐ° вŃŃСка Ń ĐžŃдаНоŃон ŃŃŃвŃŃ"
+; The error code corresponding to this string is used in a number of
+; situations when the server has abruptly closed the connection, and then
+; the string can be used in a popup error message.
+406813980="ĐŃдаНоŃон ŃŃŃвŃŃ ĐżŃокŃĐ°Ńи вŃŃСкаŃĐ°"
+; Used in a popup error message when Opera has failed to load a requested
+; page more than once.
ĐżŃи нокОНкОкŃĐ°Ńни ОпиŃи ŃŃŃаниŃĐ°ŃĐ° Đ´Đ° ŃĐľ СаŃоди напŃНнО.\r\n\r\nĐОМо йи ŃайОŃĐ°ŃĐ° на ŃŃŃвŃŃĐ° Đľ СаŃŃŃднона."
+; Used in a popup error message when Operas request to connect to a server
+; is refused. (For example when the server exists but does not answer on
+; the specified port.)
ĐżŃи ĐžĐżĐ¸Ń ĐˇĐ° вŃŃСка Ń ĐžŃдаНоŃон ŃŃŃвŃŃ. ĐĐľŃĐžŃŃнО ОпиŃŃŃ ĐˇĐ° вŃŃСка Đľ ĐžŃŃ
+; Used in a popup error message when Opera has tried to resolve a server
+; name with the DNS to fetch a requested document from it, and the server
+; domain exists but the server itself does not (for example
ĐżŃи ŃŃŃŃоно на ĐžŃдаНоŃон ŃŃŃвŃŃ"
+; Used in a popup error message when Opera has tried to resolve a server
+; name with the DNS to fetch a requested document from it, and the server
+; domain doesn't exist (for example http://invalid).
+-1504149836="ĐĐ´ŃĐľŃŃŃ Đ˝Đľ Đľ Đ´ĐžŃŃŃпон ĐžŃ ŃОСи кОПпŃŃŃŃ."
+; Used as default error message in a popup error message, when no other
+; network error message applies.
+-1467543495="ĐŃĐľŃка в ОйПона на данни пО ĐźŃоМаŃĐ°"
+; Used in a popup error message when there is no route from the client's
+; subnet to the server's subnet, likely due to a badly configured network.
+948480566="ĐŃоМаŃĐ° но Đľ Đ´ĐžŃŃŃпна. ĐĐąŃŃноŃĐľ ŃĐľ ĐşŃĐź ŃиŃŃĐľĐźĐ˝Đ¸Ń Đ°Đ´ĐźĐ¸Đ˝Đ¸ŃŃŃĐ°ŃĐžŃ."
+; Used in a number of error situations, when the user has entered a
+; malformed URL, such as opera:nonexistant, into the URL field. The http
+; respose error code 400 (Bad request), and some other http error codes
+; between 400 and 500 (signifying client errors) also give the same
+; result.
+-14659052="ĐокОŃокŃон Đ°Đ´ŃĐľŃ."
+; Used in a popup error message when the network of the underlying system is
+; down. This could be due to errors in the protocol stack, network card or
+; driver, or in the physical network outside of the system.
+1420893634="ĐĐ°ŃŃŃднонио в ŃŃĐťŃгиŃĐľ на НОкаНна(ŃĐ°) ĐźŃоМа иНи ĐżŃи вŃŃСкаŃĐ° Ń Đ˝ĐľŃ"
+; Used in a popup error message when the server has tried to redirect a
+; document request from Opera to an adress and Opera fails to connect to
+; that server.
+890657822="ĐĄŃŃвŃŃŃŃ ŃкаСва ĐżŃонаŃĐžŃвано ĐşŃĐź нокОŃокŃон Đ°Đ´ŃĐľŃ.\r\nТОва воŃĐžŃŃнО Đľ ĐłŃĐľŃка в ŃĐ°ĐšŃĐ°."
+; Used in a popup error message when a proxy server has been specified for a
+; specific request type, and the proxy server doesn't answer when an URL
+; of that type is entered in the URL field.
ĐżŃи ĐžĐżĐ¸Ń ĐˇĐ° вŃŃСка Ń ĐżŃОкŃи ŃŃŃвŃŃ (ŃŃŃвŃŃ ĐżĐžŃŃодник)"
+; Used in a popup error message when Opera has tried to resolve a proxy
+; server name with the DNS to fetch a requested document from it, and the
+; server domain exists but the server itself does not (for example
ĐżŃи ŃŃŃŃоно на ĐżŃОкŃи ŃŃŃвŃŃ (ŃŃŃвŃŃ ĐżĐžŃŃодник). "
+; Used in a popup error message when Opera has tried to resolve a proxy
+; server name with the DNS to fetch a requested document from it, and the
+; server domain doesn't exist (for example fjdlsakhngfjf).
ĐżŃи ĐžĐżĐ¸Ń ĐˇĐ° Đ´ĐžŃŃŃĐż Đ´Đž ĐżŃОкŃи ŃŃŃвŃŃ (ŃŃŃвŃŃ ĐżĐžŃŃодник). (ĐОПоКнŃŃ Đ˝Đ° ĐżŃОкŃи ŃŃŃвŃŃĐ° воŃĐžŃŃнО но Đľ ŃогиŃŃŃиŃĐ°Đ˝)"
+; Used in a popup error message when Operas request to connect to a proxy
+; server is refused. (For example when the server exists but does not
+; answer on the specified port.)
ĐżŃи ĐžĐżĐ¸Ń ĐˇĐ° вŃŃСка Ń ĐżŃОкŃи ŃŃŃвŃŃ (ŃŃŃвŃŃ ĐżĐžŃŃодник). ĐŃкаСан Đ´ĐžŃŃŃĐż"
+; Used when Opera has tried to open a network socket to a server and the
+; socket is busy. This message should be handled internally most of the
+; time.
+-1157672946="ĐĐ°ĐľŃ ĐźŃоМОв канаН (socket) на ŃиŃŃоПаŃĐ°"
+; Used in a popup error message when a non-recoverable error has occurred in
+; the network protocol stack or network drivers of the system.
+182377296="ĐŃОйНоПи в ŃайОŃĐ°ŃĐ° на ĐźŃоМОв канаН (socket) на ŃиŃŃоПаŃĐ°. ĐОНŃ, ĐżŃОвоŃĐľŃĐľ даНи пОддŃŃМкаŃĐ° на ĐźŃоМаŃĐ° ŃŃнкŃиОниŃĐ° ĐżŃавиНнО."
+799744891="ĐŃокаНонО СайавŃно на ĐžŃгОвОŃĐ° на ĐžŃдаНоŃон ŃŃŃвŃŃ. ĐОНŃ, ОпиŃĐ°ĐšŃĐľ пак пО-ĐşŃŃнО."
+; Used in a popup error message when not enough socket resources (file
+; handles, network buffers) are free.
+-1550530872="ĐŃĐľŃОваŃон ĐźŃоМОв канаН на ŃиŃŃоПаŃĐ°. ĐпиŃĐ°ĐšŃĐľ пак"
+; Used in a popup error message when Opera discovers that the network
+; implementation lacks functionality needed to handle the protocol that is
+; needed to fulfill a request.
+-964370023="ĐСпОНСванаŃĐ° воŃŃĐ¸Ń Đ˝Đ° Winsock (ĐźŃоМОв канаН на Windows) но ĐżŃиŃоМава ноОйŃ
ОдиПа ŃŃнкŃиОнаНнОŃŃ."
+-377063689="ĐĐľŃŃиŃŃĐ° на Winsock (ĐźŃоМОв канаН на Windows) но Đľ кОŃокŃна"
+; The default error message, used in any situation where no more specific
+; error message can be created.
+109608805="ĐŃŃŃĐľŃна ĐżŃОгŃаПна ĐłŃĐľŃка."
+-352821964="ĐОНŃ, иСŃакаКŃĐľ ĐżŃикНŃŃваноŃĐž на ŃокŃŃĐ°ŃĐ° ŃайОŃĐ° на ĐżŃинŃĐľŃĐ°"
ĐżŃи ŃŃСдавано на нОв ĐżŃОСОŃĐľŃ. ĐаПоŃŃĐ° иНи ŃĐľŃŃŃŃиŃĐľ ŃĐľ иСŃĐľŃпваŃ."
+; Used in a popup error message when the address type is unknown or
+; unsupported.
+1118839518="ĐĐ´ŃĐľŃŃŃ Đľ ĐžŃ Đ˝ĐľŃĐ°ĐˇĐżĐžĐˇĐ˝Đ°Ń Đ¸ĐťĐ¸ нопОддŃŃМан Ńип"
+; Might be used in a popup error message when the user has clicked the Home
+; button and no home page is set in preferences and we don't have a quick
+; UI (if we have Quick we use the Set homepage dialog).
+2075232397="ĐĐľ Đľ ŃкаСана наŃаНна ŃŃŃаниŃĐ°. ĐОНŃ, ŃкаМоŃĐľ Ńакава."
ĐżŃи ĐžĐżĐ¸Ń ĐˇĐ° вŃŃСка Ń ĐżŃинŃĐľŃĐ°"
+; Used in an error popup message when the printer has encountered an error
+; while printing (as opposed to 20013 which pops up if the printing can't
+; even start, which is more likely.)
ĐżŃи ĐžŃпоŃĐ°Ńвано на ŃŃŃаниŃĐ°. ĐОНŃ, ĐżŃОвоŃĐľŃĐľ даНи ĐżŃинŃĐľŃŃŃ Đľ Đ´ĐžŃŃŃпон"
+156962827="ĐĐľŃĐ°Ńано на ŃŃŃаниŃĐ°"
+; Used in a popup error message when the user has requested a file from the
+; server that it's not allowed to fetch (HTTP response code 4?? unless
+; handled specifically), if the user has set the Network/Server
+; errors/Always show dialog box preference.
+821358772="ĐŃŃСка пО HTTP: ĐŃдаНоŃониŃŃ ŃŃŃвŃŃ ĐžŃкаСва Đ´Đ° иСпŃНни СаŃвкаŃĐ°.\r\nĐодОŃŃĐ°ŃŃŃни ĐżŃава Са Đ´ĐžŃŃŃĐż Đ´Đž Đ°Đ´ŃĐľŃĐ°."
+; Used in a popup error message when the user has requested a file from the
+; server that does not exist (HTTP response code 404), if the user has set
+; the Network/Server errors/Always show dialog box preference.
+-1304259437="ĐонаПоŃон Đ°Đ´ŃĐľŃ:"
+; Used in a popup error message as a default message when the user has made
+; a valid request for a file from the server, and the server encounters an
+; error that prevents it to fulfill the request (HTTP response code 5xx
+; and 6xx), if the user has set the Network/Server errors/Always show
+; dialog box preference.
+-1534197113="ĐŃŃСка пО HTTP: ĐŃдаНоŃониŃŃ ŃŃŃвŃŃ Đ¸ĐťĐ¸ ŃаКН но Đľ наПоŃон. "
+; Used in a popup error message when the user has requested a file from the
+; server, and the server could not fulfill the request since this
+; functionality wasn't implemented (HTTP error code 501), if the user has
+; set the Network/Server errors/Always show dialog box preference.
+692443531="ĐŃŃСка пО HTTP: ĐŃдаНоŃониŃŃ ŃŃŃвŃŃ Đ˝Đľ ŃаСпОНага Ń Đ˝ĐľĐžĐąŃ
ОдиПа ŃŃнкŃиОнаНнОŃŃ"
+; Used in a popup error message when the user has requested a document from
+; the server, the server sends the document using HTTP compression, and
+; the document decoder couldn't decode the data properly.
+324835147="ĐŃСниква ĐżŃОйНоП ĐżŃи ОйŃайОŃкаŃĐ° на данни, воŃĐžŃŃнО пОŃади пОвŃода на данниŃĐľ."
+; Used in a popup error message when the user has submitted a form using a
+; HTTP request method (specified with the METHOD attribute to the FORM tag
+; in the HTML form) that the server does not accept (HTTP error code 405),
+; if the user has set the Network/Server errors/Always show dialog box
+; preference.
+1580841951="ĐŃŃСка пО HTTP: ĐĐľŃОдŃŃ Đ˝Đ° ĐžŃĐżŃавŃно на данниŃĐľ в СаŃвкаŃĐ° но йо ĐżŃĐ¸ĐľŃ ĐžŃ ŃŃŃвŃŃĐ°"
+; Used in a popup error message when the user tries to fetch a document by
+; clicking a link, and the server cannot send the requested document in a
+; format that matches the content of the HTTP accept headers sent in the
+; request (HTTP error code 406), if the user has set the Network/Server
+; errors/Always show dialog box preference. However, Opera accepts all
+; document formats and sends *.* in its accept header, so this is unlikely
+; to happen.
+1149298043="ĐŃŃСка пО HTTP: ĐĄŃŃвŃŃŃŃ ĐžŃвŃŃŃĐ° Ń Đ´Đ°Đ˝Đ˝Đ¸ Ń Đ˝ĐľĐżŃиоПНив ŃĐžŃПаŃ"
+; Used in a popup error message when the user has requested a document from
+; the server, the server needs more data from Opera to fulfill the
+; request, and Opera fails to deliver the data before the server times out
+; and cancels the request (HTTP error code 408). Unlikely to happen very
+; often. Visible if the user has set the Network/Server errors/Always show
+; dialog box preference
+-751126418="ĐŃŃСка пО HTTP: ĐĄŃŃвŃŃŃŃ Đ¸ĐťĐ¸ вŃŃСкаŃĐ° Ń Đ˝ĐľĐłĐž ŃĐ° ŃĐľ СайавŃŃ ŃвŃŃĐ´Đľ Đ´ŃНгО Ń Đ¸ĐˇĐżŃНнониоŃĐž на СаŃвкаŃĐ°"
+; Used in a popup error message when Opera has sent a HTTP request to fetch
+; or send a document to the server, and the server determins that there's
+; a conflict with a third part regarding the document, that can be solved
+; by the user (HTTP error message 409). This could happen when the user
+; submits a form that leads to a change of an online document, and the
+; server detects that the changes conflicts with other changes already
+; made to the document. Visible if the user has set the Network/Server
+; errors/Always show dialog box preference
+1517647577="ĐŃŃСка пО HTTP: ĐĄŃŃвŃŃŃŃ ŃŃŃанОвŃва кОнŃĐťĐ¸ĐşŃ ĐżŃи ĐžĐżĐ¸Ń ĐˇĐ° Đ´ĐžŃŃавŃно на СаŃĐ˛ĐľĐ˝Đ¸Ń ŃĐľŃŃŃŃ"
+; Used in a popup error message when the user has requested a document and
+; the server answers that the document has been there, but has been
+; permanently removed (HTTP error code 410). Visible if the user has set
+; the Network/Server errors/Always show dialog box preference.
+-711230064="ĐŃŃСка пО HTTP: ĐĐ° ŃОСи Đ°Đ´ŃĐľŃ Đ˛ĐľŃĐľ но ĐžŃгОваŃŃ ŃĐľŃŃŃŃ"
+; Used in a popup error message if the user has sent a request to the
+; server, and the server answers that it needs a Content-Length header to
+; process the request (HTTP error code 411). Opera never sends requests
+; without a valid Content-Lenght header. Visible if the user has set the
+; Network/Server errors/Always show dialog box preference.
+758757449="ĐŃŃСка пО HTTP: РСаŃвкаŃĐ° НипŃва ноОйŃ
ОдиПО ŃкаСанио Са ŃаСПоŃĐ° Đš"
+; Used in a popup error message if the user has sent a request to the server
+; containing one or more precondition headers, and one or more of these
+; preconditions evaluated false on the server (HTTP error code 412). The
+; precondition headers could be If-Range and If-Modifified-Since, that
+; could be used to fetch the missing parts of a earlier partially fetched
+; documents, if the document is still the same. Unlikely to happen.
+; Visible if the user has set the Network/Server errors/Always show dialog
+; box preference.
+329914774="ĐŃŃСка пО HTTP: ĐСиŃкваниŃŃĐ° на СаŃвкаŃĐ° но ŃĐľ ŃдОвНоŃвОŃŃваŃ"
+; Used in a popup error message when the user has sent a request to a
+; server, and the server signalled that the request entity (the actual
+; request data) was too large (HTTP error code 413). Visible if the user
+; has set the Network/Server errors/Always show dialog box preference.
+-1058835823="ĐŃŃСка пО HTTP: ĐанниŃĐľ в СаŃвкаŃĐ° ĐşŃĐź ŃŃŃвŃŃĐ° ŃĐ° ŃвŃŃĐ´Đľ ОйоПни"
+; Used in a popup error message when the user has sent a request to a server
+; and the URL is longer than the server can handle (HTTP error code 414).
+; Visible if the user has set the Network/Server errors/Always show dialog
+; box preference.
+-1079658918="ĐŃŃСка пО HTTP: ĐĐ´ŃĐľŃŃŃ Đľ ŃвŃŃĐ´Đľ Đ´ŃĐťŃĐł"
+; Used in a popup error message when the user has sent a request to a server
+; and the server didn't recognize the content type of the request entitiy
+; (HTTP error code 415). Visible if the user has set the Network/Server
+; errors/Always show dialog box preference.
+-1140372240="ĐŃŃСка пО HTTP: ĐĄŃŃвŃŃŃŃ Đ˝Đľ ŃаСпОСнава Ńипа на ŃŃĐ´ŃŃМаниоŃĐž на СаŃвкаŃĐ°"
+; Used in a popup error message if Opera has requested a part of a file that
+; does not exist (HTTP error code 416). This shouldn't happen. Visible if
+; the user has set the Network/Server errors/Always show dialog box
+; preference.
+-616120726="ĐŃŃСка пО HTTP: ĐĄŃŃвŃŃŃŃ Đ˝Đľ ПОМо Đ´Đ° ĐžŃвŃŃно ŃŃŃ ĐˇĐ°ŃвонаŃĐ° ŃĐ°ŃŃ Đ˝Đ° ŃаКНа"
+; Used in a popup error message if Opera has sent a request with certain
+; expectations in the HTTP header 'Expect', and the server can't meet that
+; expectation because vital features are not implemented. For example, the
+; server can be expected to handle HTTP_CONTINUE (HTTP reply code 100)
+; when sending in forms (HTTP error code 417). Visible if the user has set
+; the Network/Server errors/Always show dialog box preference.
+857450575="ĐŃŃСка пО HTTP: ĐĄŃŃвŃŃŃŃ ŃŃиŃĐ°, ŃĐľ но ПОМо Đ´Đ° ĐžŃвŃŃно пОдОйаваŃĐž на СаŃвкаŃĐ°"
+; Used in a popup error message when Opera has sent a request to a HTTP
+; proxy server, and the upstream server returned an invalid response code
+; (HTTP error code 502). Visible if the user has set the Network/Server
+; errors/Always show dialog box preference.
+-1195254785="ĐŃŃСка пО HTTP: ĐĐľŃŃпоŃ
ĐżŃи ОйПон на данни ĐżŃоС ПоМдинон ŃĐťŃС"
+; Used in a popup error message when the user has requested a document and
+; the server can't fulfill the request since it's overloaded or offline
+; (HTTP error code 503). Visible if the user has set the Network/Server
+; errors/Always show dialog box preference.
+1578430811="ĐŃŃСка пО HTTP: ĐŁŃĐťŃгаŃĐ° Đľ ĐżŃĐľŃОваŃона иНи иСкНŃŃона. ĐОНŃ, ОпиŃĐ°ĐšŃĐľ пО-ĐşŃŃнО"
+; Used in a popup error message when the user has sent a request to a proxy
+; server, and the upstream server did not answer before the proxy server
+; timed out (HTTP error code 504). Visible if the user has set the
+; Network/Server errors/Always show dialog box preference.
+-1311914337="ĐŃŃСка пО HTTP: ĐŃŃСкаŃĐ° Đľ ŃвŃŃĐ´Đľ йавна и но ПОМо Đ´Đ° ĐżŃоОдОНоо ПоМдинон ŃĐťŃС"
+; Used in a popup error message when the user has requested a document from
+; a server, and the server doesn't support the HTTP version used (HTTP
+; error code 505). Visible if the user has set the Network/Server
+; errors/Always show dialog box preference.
+1531026242="ĐŃŃСка пО HTTP: ĐĄŃŃвŃŃŃŃ Đ˝Đľ ĐżŃиоПа иСпОНСванаŃĐ° воŃŃĐ¸Ń Đ˝Đ° HTTP"
+; Used in a warning popup message when the user has tried to fetch a
+; document from a server, using HTTP digest authentication to check the
+; documents integrity, and the authentication failed.
+-740353027="ĐŃŃСка пО HTTP: ĐĐľŃŃпоŃ
ĐżŃи ŃĐ´ĐžŃŃОвоŃŃвано. РиŃкОванО Đľ Đ´Đ° ŃĐľ дОвоŃŃваŃĐľ на ŃŃĐ´ŃŃМаниоŃĐž"
+; Used in a warning popup message when the user has tried to fetch a
+; document from a proxy server, using HTTP digest authentication to check
+; the documents integrity, and the authentication failed.
ĐżŃи ŃĐ´ĐžŃŃОвоŃŃвано ĐżŃод ĐżŃОкŃи ŃŃŃвŃŃ (ŃŃŃвŃŃ ĐżĐžŃŃодник). РиŃкОванО Đľ Đ´Đ° ŃĐľ дОвоŃŃваŃĐľ на ŃŃĐ´ŃŃМаниоŃĐž"
+; Used in a popup error message when the user has entered an FTP URL into
+; the URL field, and the server answered that the ftp service was not
+; currently available (FTP error 421).
+620822149="ĐŃŃСка пО FTP: ĐŁŃĐťŃгаŃĐ° но Đľ Đ´ĐžŃŃŃпна в ПОПонŃĐ°"
+; Used in a popup error message as a default error message when the user has
+; entered an FTP URL into the URL field and an error has occurred.
+195626167="ĐŃŃŃĐľŃна ĐłŃĐľŃка в пОддŃŃМкаŃĐ° на FTP"
+; Used in a popup error message when the user has entered an FTP URL into
+; the URL field, and the server has rejected the connection.
+; Can be used when the the user has entered an FTP URL into the URL field,
+; and the server has rejected the connection because the provided user
+; name didn't exist. Normally an authentication dialog is shown instead.
+-1848604135="ĐŃŃСка пО FTP: ĐĄŃŃвŃŃŃŃ Đ˝Đľ ŃаСпОСнава ĐˇĐ°Đ´Đ°Đ´ĐľĐ˝Đ¸Ń ĐżĐžŃŃойиŃоН"
+; Can be used when the the user has entered an FTP URL without user name and
+; password into the URL field to do an anonymous login, and the server did
+; not accept anonymous logins. Normally an authentication dialog is shown
+; instead.
+1189442079="ĐŃŃСка пО FTP: ТОСи ŃŃŃвŃŃ Đ¸ĐˇĐ¸Ńква ĐżŃодŃŃавŃно Ń Đ¸ĐźĐľ и паŃОНа"
+; Used in a popup error message when the user has entered an FTP URL into
+; the URL field, and the directory did not exist
+1347458739="ĐŃŃСка пО FTP: ĐĄŃŃвŃŃŃŃ Đ˝Đľ ŃаСпОНага ŃŃŃ ĐˇĐ°ŃвонаŃĐ° диŃокŃĐžŃиŃ"
+; Used in a popup error message when the user has entered an FTP URL into
+; the URL field, and the file did not exist.
+677350004="ĐŃŃСка пО FTP: ĐĄŃŃвŃŃŃŃ Đ˝Đľ ŃаСпОНага ŃŃŃ ĐˇĐ°ŃĐ˛ĐľĐ˝Đ¸Ń ŃаКН"
+; Used in a popup error message when an initiated FTP file download is
+; interrupted by the server, either by the connection being closed (FTP
+; error 426) or the download action being aborted (FTP error 451).
+749039349="ĐŃŃСка пО FTP: ĐŃдаНоŃониŃŃ ŃŃŃвŃŃ ĐżŃокŃĐ°Ńи вŃŃСкаŃĐ°"
+; Used in a popup error message when the user has entered an FTP URL in the
+; URL field to request a file download, and the server signals that it
+; can't set up a passive data channel to transfer the file (FTP error
+; 425).
+114420836="ĐŃŃСка пО FTP: ĐĐľŃŃпоŃ
ĐżŃи ĐžĐżĐ¸Ń Đ˝Đ° ĐžŃдаНоŃĐľĐ˝Đ¸Ń ŃŃŃвŃŃ Đ´Đ° ŃŃСдадо канаН Са ОйПон на данни"
+; Used in a popup error message when the user has entered a file URL
+; pointing to a file that does not exist in the URL field.
ĐżŃи ĐžŃваŃŃно на ŃаКН"
+29719148="ĐĐ°ŃĐ°ĐąŃŃ Đ˝Đ° ĐžŃпоŃĐ°Ńвано ПОМо Đ´Đ° ĐąŃĐ´Đľ ĐźĐľĐśĐ´Ń 20 и 400%. ĐОНŃ, вŃводоŃĐľ дОпŃŃŃиПа ŃŃОКнОŃŃ"
+-1531609405="ĐĐ°ĐşŃиПаНниŃŃ ĐąŃОК однОвŃоПонни вŃŃСки ĐşŃĐź один ŃŃŃвŃŃ ŃŃŃйва Đ´Đ° ĐąŃĐ´Đľ ĐźĐľĐśĐ´Ń 1 и 99."
+1990780688="ĐĐąŃиŃŃ ĐąŃОК вŃŃСки ŃŃŃйва Đ´Đ° ĐąŃĐ´Đľ ĐźĐľĐśĐ´Ń 1 и 999"
+-841488811="ĐŃĐžŃŃ ŃодОво в Ń
ŃОнОНОгиŃŃĐ° ŃŃŃйва Đ´Đ° Đľ ĐžŃ 0 Đ´Đž 999."
+; Used in a popup error message when the user has requested a file from the
+; server, and the server recieves the request but no data exists to return
+; (HTTP error code 204), if the user has set the Network/Server
+; errors/Always show dialog box preference.
+-889828450="ĐŃŃСка пО HTTP: ĐŃдаНоŃониŃŃ ŃŃŃвŃŃ ĐżŃио СаŃвкаŃĐ°, нО но ĐžŃвŃŃна Ń Đ´Đ°Đ˝Đ˝Đ¸"
+; Used in a popup error message when the user has entered a file URL in the
+; URL field and the file is read-protected.
+-308415646="ФаКНŃŃ Đ˝Đľ Đľ Đ´ĐžŃŃŃпон Са ŃĐľŃоно."
+; Used in a popup error message when the user has entered a file URL in the
+; URL field and the file does not exist.
+1307823342="ФаКНŃŃ Đ˝Đľ ŃŃŃĐľŃŃвŃва"
+; Used in a popup error message when Opera has tried to write a file to disk
+; and there was not enough disk space left. This happens for example when
+; trying to save a page to disk, but also in many other places and
+; situations, not always connected with something that the user does.
+; Used in a popup error message when Opera has failed to write data into the
+; cache, for example when fetching a document.
+435718529="ĐŃŃŃĐľŃна ĐłŃĐľŃка ĐżŃи ŃайОŃĐ° Ń ĐşĐľŃĐ° (СапаСониŃĐľ ĐşĐžĐżĐ¸Ń Đ˝Đ° ŃŃŃаниŃи и данни)"
+520154852="ĐодОŃŃиг на ŃĐľŃŃŃŃи. ĐĐľŃŃпоŃ
ĐżŃи СаŃоМдано на ниС"
+; Used as default text on file upload input elements in forms in HTML
+; documents.
+-1783794762="ĐĐˇĐąĐžŃ Đ˝Đ° ŃаКН"
+; Used in a popup error message when the user has entered a telnet URL
+; (starts with 'telnet:') in the URL field to start a telnet session, and
+; no telnet application is specified in preferences.
+-510694030="ĐĐľ Đľ ŃкаСана ĐżŃОгŃаПа Са Telnet вŃŃСка. ĐОНŃ, ŃкаМоŃĐľ в наŃŃŃОКкиŃĐľ ĐżŃŃ Đ´Đž ĐżŃОгŃаПа Са вŃŃСка пО Telnet"
+; Used in a popup error message when the user has entered a telnet URL
+; (starts with 'telnet:') in the URL field to start a telnet session, and
+; no hostname has been specificed in the url.
+426171406="ĐĐľ Đľ ŃкаСанО иПо на ŃŃŃвŃŃ ĐˇĐ° вŃŃСка пО Telnet"
+; Used in a popup error message when the user has entered a TN3270 URL
+; (starting with tn3270:) in the URL field, to connect to a server with
+; TN3270, and no path to a TN3270 terminal application has been specified
+; in the preferences. (TN3270 is a variant of telnet used mainly on IBM
+; mainframes).
+-1755894156="ĐĐľ Đľ ŃкаСана ĐżŃОгŃаПа Са TN3270 вŃŃСка. ĐОНŃ, ŃкаМоŃĐľ в наŃŃŃОКкиŃĐľ ĐżŃŃ Đ´Đž ĐżŃОгŃаПа Са вŃŃСка пО TN3270"
+; Used in a popup error message when the user has entered a TN3270 URL
+; (starting with tn3270:) in the URL field, to connect to a server with
+; TN3270, and no hostname has been specified. (TN3270 is a variant of
+; telnet used mainly on IBM mainframes).
+-819028720="ĐĐľ Đľ ŃкаСанО иПо на ŃŃŃвŃŃ ĐˇĐ° вŃŃСка пО TN3270"
+-1072146715="ĐйНиŃи (*.zip)|*.zip|ĐŃиŃки ŃаКНОво (*.*)|*.*|"
+-1005530747="HTML-ŃаКНОво|*.htm;*.html|Уой Đ°ŃŃ
иви|*.mht|ТокŃŃОви ŃаКНОво|*.txt|GIF-ŃаКНОво|*.gif|PNG-ŃаКНОво|*.png|JPEG-ŃаКНОво|*.jpg;*.jpeg|BMP-ŃаКНОво|*.bmp|SVG-ŃаКНОво|*.svg;*.svgz|ĐвŃкОви ŃаКНОво|*.wav|AVI-видоО ŃаКНОво|*.avi|MIDI-ĐźŃСикаНни ŃаКНОво|*.mid;*.midi|ĐĄĐľŃии Са Opera|*.win|XML ŃаКНОво|*.xml|ĐĄŃиНОво CSS|*.css|ĐŃиŃки ŃаКНОво (*.*)|*.*|"
+; Used in the File/Open dialog to let the user select what type of files the
+; dialog should show. The labels are visible in the File type dropdown
+; list.
+1697415490="HTML-ŃŃŃаниŃи (*.htm;*.html)|*.htm;*.html|ТокŃŃОви ŃаКНОво (*.txt)|*.txt|GIF-иСОйŃĐ°ĐśĐľĐ˝Đ¸Ń (*.gif)|*.gif|PNG-иСОйŃĐ°ĐśĐľĐ˝Đ¸Ń (*.png)|*.png|JPEG-иСОйŃĐ°ĐśĐľĐ˝Đ¸Ń (*.jpg)|*.jpg|BMP-иСОйŃĐ°ĐśĐľĐ˝Đ¸Ń (*.bmp)|*.bmp|SVG-ŃаКНОво|*.svg;*.svgz|ĐŃиŃки ŃаКНОво (*.*)|*.*|"
+1485048895="ĐŃОгŃаПи (*.exe)|*.exe|ĐŃиŃки ŃаКНОво (*.*)|*.*|"
+-1970773635="ĐвŃкОви ŃаКНОво (*.wav)|*.wav|ĐŃиŃки ŃаКНОво (*.*)|*.*|"
+592736239="X509 (*.usr)|*.usr|ĐĄ Đľ-ĐżĐžĐ´ĐżĐ¸Ń PKCS #7 (*.p7s)|*.p7s|PKCS #7 (*.p7)|*.p7|PKCS #12 (Ń ŃĐ°ŃŃон кНŃŃ) (*.p12)|*.p12;*.pfx|PEM ŃаКН (*.pem)|*.pem|ĐŃиŃки ŃаКНОво|*.*|"
+1738062614="X509 (*.usr)|*.usr|ĐĄ Đľ-ĐżĐžĐ´ĐżĐ¸Ń PKCS #7 (*.p7s)|*.p7s|PKCS #7 (*.p7)|*.p7|PKCS #12 (Ń ŃĐ°ŃŃон кНŃŃ) (*.p12)|*.p12;*.pfx|PEM ŃаКН (*.pem)|*.pem|"
+-1668392241="X509 (*.ca)|*.ca;*.crt;*.cer;*.509;*.der|ĐĄ ĐżĐžĐ´ĐżĐ¸Ń PKCS #7 (*.p7s)|*.p7s|PKCS #7(*.p7)|*.p7|PEM ŃаКН (*.pem)|*.pem|ĐŃиŃки ŃаКНОво|*.*|"
+1902934622="ĐŃдоНони ŃŃŃ ĐˇĐ°ĐżĐľŃаи данни (*.csv)|*.csv|ĐŃиŃки ŃаКНОво (*.*)|*.*|"
+; Used in the authentication dialog when the user tries to access a password
+; protected document.
+190440433="ĐОНŃ, вŃводоŃĐľ иПо и паŃОНа Са ŃаСи ŃŃŃаниŃĐ°."
+; Used in the authentication dialog when the user has tried to access a
+; password protected HTML page and authentication has failed.
ĐżŃи ĐżŃодŃŃавŃно ĐżŃод ŃŃŃаниŃĐ°ŃĐ°. ĐОНŃ, вŃводоŃĐľ пак иПо и паŃОНа."
+; Used when the user has tried to access an URL type that according to the
+; settings in preferences should be accessed through a proxy server, and
+; the proxy server requires authentication.
+-877069358="ĐОНŃ, вŃводоŃĐľ иПо и паŃОНа Са ŃОСи ĐżŃОкŃи ŃŃŃвŃŃ (ŃŃŃвŃŃ ĐżĐžŃŃодник)."
+; Used when the user has tried to access an URL type that according to the
+; settings in preferences should be accessed through a proxy server, and
+; the authentication to the proxy server fails.
ĐżŃи ĐżŃодŃŃавŃно ĐżŃод ĐżŃОкŃи ŃŃŃвŃŃĐ° (ŃŃŃвŃŃĐ° пОŃŃодник). ĐОНŃ, вŃводоŃĐľ пак иПо и паŃОНа."
+-1381160483="ĐĐ°Ńкадни ŃŃиНОво (*.css)|*.css|HTML-ŃŃŃаниŃи (*.htm,*.html)|*.htm;*.html|ĐŃиŃки ŃаКНОво (*.*)|*.*|"
+-1548879258="ĐСОйŃаМониŃ|*.gif;*.png;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.jpe;*.bmp|ĐŃиŃки ŃаКНОво|*.*|"
+-1764642929="ĐСпŃĐ°Ńони ŃŃОйŃониŃ"
+; Used in a popup error message when Opera finds that the document type is
+; unknown, or no document exists. This is hard to produce, though, since
+; handle all unknown file/mime types by letting the user decide what to do
+; with them - save, open or other alternatives, and empty documents are
+; just ignored.
+-1334353290="ĐоиСвоŃŃон, нопОŃĐžŃон иНи ноСаŃодон дОкŃПонŃ."
ĐżŃи ŃŃСдавано на диŃокŃĐžŃĐ¸Ń Đ˝Đ° Opera. ĐОНŃ, ОпиŃĐ°ĐšŃĐľ пак Ń ĐşĐžŃокŃнО иПо на диŃокŃĐžŃиŃ"
+; Used in an error popup dialog when the user has entered a gopher or WAIS
+; url in the URL field, and no corresponding proxy has been set in
+; preferences.
+1915388591="ĐĐ°ŃвониŃŃ Đ°Đ´ŃĐľŃ Đ¸ĐˇĐ¸Ńква пОНСваноŃĐž на ĐżŃОкŃи ŃŃŃвŃŃ (ŃŃŃвŃŃ ĐżĐžŃŃодник). ĐОНŃ, СадаКŃĐľ ĐżŃОкŃи ŃŃŃвŃŃ Đ˛ наŃŃŃОКкиŃĐľ"
+; Used as the default text to substitute an image in an HTML document, if
+; the image can't be loaded (or viewing of images is turned off) and the
+; images alt attribute is empty.
+; Used as the default prompt string to a searchable index specified with the
+; ISINDEX tag (an early form of forms functionality, deprecated in HTML
+; 4.X) in a HTML document, and is rendered in the document above an input
+; text area. (The label can be changed from this default with the PROMPT
+; attribute to the ISINDEX tag.)
+257961784="УкаСаŃоН Са ŃŃŃŃоно"
+; Used at the end of an HTML document that has not been fully loaded because
+; the user has cancelled the request with the Stop button.
+729579061=" ĐĐžŃОкŃŃ ĐžŃ Đ´Đ°Đ˝Đ˝Đ¸ Đľ ĐżŃокŃŃнаŃ!"
+-1291368336="ТОСи Ńип Đľ вгŃадон и но ПОМо Đ´Đ° ĐąŃĐ´Đľ иСŃŃиван."
+1761196910="ĐСŃŃивано на ŃОСи Ńип"
+-349261683="ĐСŃŃивано на ŃкаСаниоŃĐž Са ŃаКНОво ĐžŃ Ńипа: [%s] ?\n\nĐкО пОŃвŃŃдиŃĐľ, Opera Đ˝ŃПа Đ´Đ° "Снао" как Đ´Đ° йОŃави Ń ŃаКНОво ĐžŃ ŃОСи Ńип."
ĐżŃи ŃŃŃŃоно на ŃиŃŃĐľĐźĐ˝Đ¸Ń ŃаКН WSOCK32.DLL. ĐĐľŃĐžŃŃнО ŃĐľ наНага (ĐżŃĐľ)инŃŃаНиŃано на пОддŃŃМкаŃĐ° на ĐźŃоМаŃĐ°."
+-272576070="ĐНокŃŃОнна пОŃĐ° ĐžŃ Opera"
+-1869569473="ĐОМоŃĐľ Đ´Đ° ОгŃаниŃиŃĐľ Ńипа на ŃокНаПиŃĐľ ŃŃоС пОпŃНвано на данниŃĐľ"
+; Search strings
+1731818968="ĐŁŃĐťŃга Са ŃŃŃŃоно"
+; Search with x
ĐżŃи ĐžĐżĐ¸Ń ĐˇĐ° ŃŃСдавано на ĐżŃОСОŃĐľŃ. Đ ĐľŃŃŃŃиŃĐľ на ŃиŃŃоПаŃĐ° ŃĐľ иСŃĐľŃпваŃ.\nĐОНŃ, ĐžŃвОйОдоŃĐľ ŃайОŃни ŃĐľŃŃŃŃи ŃŃоС СаŃваŃŃно на Đ´ŃŃги ĐżŃОСОŃŃи в Opera иНи на Đ´ŃŃги ŃайОŃĐľŃи в ПОПонŃĐ° ĐżŃОгŃаПи."
+-2072462430="Đ ĐľŃŃŃŃи на Windows"
+-965895029="Đ ĐľŃŃŃŃиŃĐľ на ŃиŃŃоПаŃĐ° ŃĐľ иСŃĐľŃпваŃ"
+2018876050="ФаКН ŃŃŃ ĐˇĐ˛ŃĐş"
+69268550="&ĐŃваŃŃно на ŃаКНа"
+-1294999549="&ĐŃваŃŃно Ń %s"
+-826112101="ĐСйоŃĐľŃĐľ доКŃŃвио:"
+-691888469="ĐниПанио! Đинаги ĐżŃОвоŃŃваКŃĐľ ŃаКНОвоŃĐľ Са виŃŃŃи ĐżŃоди ĐžŃваŃŃно!"
+912272472="ĐоиСвоŃŃон ŃŃŃвŃŃ"
+; Used in the dialog title when user tried to download file to an invalid
+; directory.
+-1233519848="ĐокОŃокŃна диŃокŃĐžŃĐ¸Ń ĐˇĐ° ŃваНŃно"
+; The user tried to download a file to an invalid directory.
+-510986057="ĐиŃокŃĐžŃиŃŃĐ° Са СапаСвано на ŃаКНа но Đľ ваНидна."
+1900489595="РаСПоŃŃŃ Đ˝Đ° ĐžŃŃŃŃпиŃĐľ ŃŃŃйва Đ´Đ° ĐąŃĐ´Đľ ĐźĐľĐśĐ´Ń 0 и 5 ŃĐź (2 инŃĐ°)"
+1484203207="ĐĐľ Đľ ŃкаСан пОНŃŃĐ°ŃоН. ĐОНŃ, ŃкаМоŃĐľ пОНŃŃĐ°ŃоН иНи ĐłŃŃпа в Usenet"
ĐżŃи ĐżŃŃкано на СвŃкОв/видоО ŃаКН. ĐОМо йи ŃŃĐžŃвоŃнОŃĐž ŃŃŃŃОКŃŃвО но инŃŃаНиŃанО ĐżŃавиНнО."
ĐżŃи ĐżŃŃкано на ŃŃĐžŃвоŃнОŃĐž ĐżŃиНОМонио. ĐНи паПоŃŃĐ° Đľ иСŃĐľŃпана, иНи Đľ пОвŃодон ŃаКН на ĐżŃиНОМониоŃĐž."
+22184271="ĐонаПоŃон ŃаКН."
+-292716452="ĐонаПоŃон ĐżŃŃ."
ĐżŃи ĐżŃŃкано на ŃŃĐžŃвоŃнОŃĐž ĐżŃиНОМонио. ĐаПоŃŃĐ° Đľ иСŃĐľŃпана."
ĐżŃи ĐżŃŃкано на ŃŃĐžŃвоŃнОŃĐž ĐżŃиНОМонио. ĐĐľŃĐžŃŃнО Đľ пОвŃодона ноОйŃ
ОдиПа йийНиОŃока (DLL ŃаКН)."
ĐżŃи ĐżŃŃкано на ŃŃĐžŃвоŃнОŃĐž ĐżŃиНОМонио. ĐŃиНОМониоŃĐž ŃĐľ Đ˝ŃМдао ĐžŃ 32-йиŃОвиŃĐľ ŃаСŃиŃĐľĐ˝Đ¸Ń Đ˝Đ° Windows."
+1960318198="ĐŃПа ŃŃĐžŃвоŃнО ĐżŃиНОМонио Са ŃаКНОво Ń ŃОва ŃаСŃиŃонио."
ĐżŃи ĐżŃŃкано на ŃŃĐžŃвоŃнОŃĐž ĐżŃиНОМонио."
ĐżŃи ĐžŃваŃŃно на ĐżŃиНОМонио. ĐНи паПоŃŃĐ° Đľ иСŃĐľŃпана, иНи Đľ пОвŃодон ŃаКН на ĐżŃиНОМониоŃĐž."
+1669329573="ĐонаПоŃона ĐżŃОгŃаПа."
+1354428850="ĐонаПоŃон ĐżŃŃ Đ´Đž ĐżŃОгŃаПа."
ĐżŃи ĐżŃŃкано на ĐżŃиНОМонио. ĐаПоŃŃĐ° Đľ иСŃĐľŃпана."
ĐżŃи ĐżŃŃкано на ĐżŃиНОМонио. ĐСгНоМда Đľ пОвŃодона ноОйŃ
ОдиПа йийНиОŃока (DLL ŃаКН)."
ĐżŃи ĐżŃŃкано на ĐżŃиНОМонио. ĐŃиНОМониоŃĐž иСиŃква 32-йиŃОвиŃĐľ ŃаСŃиŃĐľĐ˝Đ¸Ń Đ˝Đ° Windows."
ĐżŃи ĐżŃŃкано на ĐżŃиНОМонио."
+-1880596941="ТŃŃйва Đ´Đ° ŃкаМоŃĐľ Ńип пО MIME."
+-104559212="ĐĐľ Đľ ŃкаСан Ńип пО MIME"
+-591099552="ĐĐľŃĐľ иПа СададонО ĐżŃавиНО Са ŃОСи MIME-Ńип.\n\n%s\n\nĐоНаоŃĐľ Ни Đ´Đ° гО СаПониŃĐľ Ń Đ˝ĐžĐ˛ĐžŃĐž?"
+198289025="ĐĐ°ĐźŃна на MIME-Ńипа?"
+; Popup error message when the user has tried to print a document and the
+; printer signals that it's out of paper. Currently unsorted.
ĐżŃи ĐžŃпоŃĐ°Ńвано на ŃŃŃаниŃĐ°ŃĐ°. ĐĽĐ°ŃŃиŃŃĐ° в ĐżŃинŃĐľŃĐ° Đľ иСŃĐľŃпана."
+; Used in the document window when showing an ftp file listing.
+236947530="РОдиŃоНŃка диŃокŃĐžŃиŃ"
+; Used in the 'type' column of the created directory listing when a file URL
+; pointing to a directory (for example file://localhost/C:/) has been
+; entered in the URL field, when the list item type is a directory.
+; Used in the column titles of the created directory listing when a file URL
+; pointing to a directory (for example file://localhost/C:/) has been
+; entered in the URL field.
+-1603847837="Уой ŃŃŃаниŃи, ОйиŃаон ŃокŃŃ"
+1996324275="Уой ŃŃŃаниŃи, ĐˇĐ°ĐłĐťĐ°Đ˛Đ¸Ń <h1>"
+1996324276="Уой ŃŃŃаниŃи, ĐˇĐ°ĐłĐťĐ°Đ˛Đ¸Ń <h2>"
+1996324277="Уой ŃŃŃаниŃи, ĐˇĐ°ĐłĐťĐ°Đ˛Đ¸Ń <h3>"
+1996324278="Уой ŃŃŃаниŃи, ĐˇĐ°ĐłĐťĐ°Đ˛Đ¸Ń <h4>"
+1996324279="Уой ŃŃŃаниŃи, ĐˇĐ°ĐłĐťĐ°Đ˛Đ¸Ń <h5>"
+1996324280="Уой ŃŃŃаниŃи, ĐˇĐ°ĐłĐťĐ°Đ˛Đ¸Ń <h6>"
+1454201505="Уой ŃŃŃаниŃи, пОдŃодон ŃокŃŃ <pre>"
+581096763="ĐŃŃСки <a>"
+148398850="ФОŃĐźŃĐťŃŃи, однОŃодОви пОНоŃĐ°"
+1826320747="ФОŃĐźŃĐťŃŃи, ПнОгОŃодОви пОНоŃĐ°"
+-1626533879="ФОŃĐźŃĐťŃŃи, ŃокŃŃ Đ˝Đ° ĐąŃŃОни"
+1650965499="CSS, ОйиŃаон ŃĐľŃиŃон"
+941022991="CSS, ОйиŃаон ноŃĐľŃиŃон"
+-251987805="CSS, ОйиŃаон ĐşŃŃŃивон"
+-1459975592="CSS, ОйиŃаон ŃĐ°Đ˝ŃаСиŃ"
+-496949433="CSS, ОйиŃаон ŃавнОŃиŃОк"
+1628598700="ĐĐ´ŃĐľŃŃŃ Đľ ŃвŃŃĐ´Đľ Đ´ŃĐťŃĐł."
+; Used in a popup error message when there is not enough free memory for
+; Opera to complete the current task.
+1037842700="ĐСŃĐľŃпвано на паПоŃŃĐ°."
+1556424467="ĐонŃĐ° на пОŃŃойиŃоНŃ"
+-1352710556="- ХвОйОднО -"
+-1759909084="ĐОва папка"
+1647828869="ĐОв пОдпŃОСОŃĐľŃ"
+278263762="ĐŚŃĐť окŃĐ°Đ˝"
+879407488="ĐĐ°ŃваŃŃно на вŃиŃки ĐżŃОСОŃŃи?"
+; Used in the progress bar when a request for fetching a document has been
+; enqueued for sending to the server.
+837164424="ĐОдгОŃвона СаŃвка Đ´Đž %s..."
+; Used in the progress bar when Opera is looking up the name for the host to
<<Diff was trimmed, longer than 597 lines>>
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