vfmg: VFMG/e17-eap_out.pm (NEW), VFMG/DR17_out.pm (NEW) - backend ...

sparky sparky at pld-linux.org
Sat Dec 2 01:41:25 CET 2006

Author: sparky                       Date: Sat Dec  2 00:41:25 2006 GMT
Module: vfmg                          Tag: HEAD
---- Log message:
- backend for old e17 menu (using eap)

---- Files affected:
   e17-eap_out.pm (NONE -> 1.1)  (NEW), DR17_out.pm (NONE -> 1.1)  (NEW)

---- Diffs:

Index: vfmg/VFMG/e17-eap_out.pm
diff -u /dev/null vfmg/VFMG/e17-eap_out.pm:1.1
--- /dev/null	Sat Dec  2 01:41:25 2006
+++ vfmg/VFMG/e17-eap_out.pm	Sat Dec  2 01:41:20 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+package VFMG::Output;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use File::Path qw(mkpath);
+sub decode_tags() {
+	return qw(GenericName Comment);
+sub destdir() {
+	return "$ENV{'HOME'}/.e/e/applications/favorite";
+sub icons_dir() {
+	return "$ENV{'HOME'}/.e/e/applications/all";
+my %DR;
+sub e17($$$);
+sub e17($$$) {
+	my ($no, $dir, $tab) = @_;
+	my $dirs = "";
+	my $apps = "";
+	my @edje = qw(edje_cc -id . -fd . icon.edc icon.eap);
+	foreach my $entry (sort main::cmpdname keys %{$main::menu[$no]}) {
+		my $icon_exists = 0;
+		my $d = $main::desktop[$entry];
+		my $name = $$d{Name};
+		print $tab.$name.".." if $main::o_verbose;
+		my $icon = $$d{Icon};
+		if ( defined $DR{existing}->{$$d{file}} ) {
+			my $e = $DR{existing}->{$$d{file}};
+			if (
+				-r "$main::opt{icons_dir}/$$d{file}.eap"
+					and
+				(
+					(not defined $$e{Name} and not defined $$d{Name}) 
+						or ($$e{Name} eq $$d{Name})
+				)
+				and
+				(
+					(not defined $$e{GenericName} and not defined $$d{GenericName})
+						or ($$e{GenericName} eq $$d{GenericName})
+				)
+				and
+				(
+					(not defined $$e{Comment} and not defined $$d{Comment})
+						or ($$e{Comment} eq $$d{Comment})
+				)
+				and
+				(
+					(not defined $$e{Exec} and not defined $$d{Exec})
+						or ($$e{Exec} eq $$d{Exec} )
+				)
+			)
+			{
+				if ( -r $icon ) {
+					(my $md5 = `md5sum $icon`) =~ s/\s+.*//s;
+					if ( defined $$e{IconMD5} ) {
+						$icon_exists = 1 if ( $md5 eq $$e{IconMD5} );
+					}
+				} else {
+					$icon_exists = 1 unless defined $$e{IconMD5};
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		unless ( $icon_exists ) {
+			delete $DR{existing}->{$$d{file}}
+				if exists $DR{existing}->{$$d{file}};
+			my $md5;
+			if ( -r $icon ) {
+				($md5 = `md5sum $icon`) =~ s/\s+.*//s;
+			}
+			my $e = {
+				Name	=> $$d{Name},
+				GenericName	=> $$d{GenericName},
+				Comment	=> $$d{Comment},
+				Exec	=> $$d{Exec},
+				IconMD5	=> $md5
+			};
+			$DR{existing}->{$$d{file}} = $e;
+			unlink $DR{icon};
+			if ( not -r $icon and defined $DR{text_icon} ) {
+				( my $exe = $DR{text_icon} ) =~ s/%1/"$name"/;
+				system($exe);
+			} else {
+				$icon = $DR{tmp}."/blank.xpm" unless -r $icon;
+				main::scale_icon($icon);
+			}
+			die "No icon $DR{icon}\n" unless -r $DR{icon};
+			print ".." if $main::o_verbose;
+		}
+		if ($main::menu[$no]{$entry} < 0) {
+			if ( $icon_exists ) {
+				$apps .= $$d{file} . ".eap\n";
+				print "..EXISTS\n" if $main::o_verbose;
+				next;
+			}
+			my $file = "$main::opt{icons_dir}/$$d{file}.eap";
+			unlink "icon.eap";
+			system(@edje);
+			print ".." if $main::o_verbose;
+			my @eapp = qw(enlightenment_eapp icon.eap);
+			push @eapp, "-set-name",$name;
+			push @eapp, "-set-generic",$$d{GenericName}
+				if $$d{GenericName};
+			push @eapp, "-set-comment",$$d{Comment}
+				if $$d{Comment};
+			push @eapp, "-set-exe",$$d{Exec};
+			if ( defined $DR{wcnt} and exists $DR{wcnt}{$$d{file}} ) {
+				my $wcnt = $DR{wcnt}{$$d{file}};
+				push @eapp, "-set-win-class", $$wcnt[0]
+					if defined $$wcnt[0];
+				push @eapp, "-set-win-name", $$wcnt[1] if defined $$wcnt[1];
+				push @eapp, "-set-win-title", $$wcnt[2]
+					if defined $$wcnt[2];
+				push @eapp, "-set-win-role", $$wcnt[3] if defined $$wcnt[3];
+			} else {
+				if ( $$d{term} == 1 ) {
+					if ( defined $main::opt{termapp_class} ) {
+						(my $tapp = $main::opt{termapp_class}) =~ s/%1/$$d{bin}/;
+						push @eapp, "-set-win-class", $tapp;
+					}
+					if ( defined $main::opt{termapp_name} ) {
+						(my $tapp = $main::opt{termapp_name}) =~ s/%1/$$d{bin}/;
+						push @eapp, "-set-win-name", $tapp;
+					}
+				} else {
+					(my $exe = (split /\s/, $$d{Exec})[0]) =~ s#.*/##;
+					$exe = ucfirst lc $exe;
+					push @eapp, "-set-win-class", $exe;
+				}
+			}
+			system(@eapp);
+			rename "icon.eap", $file;
+			print "..DONE\n" if $main::o_verbose;
+			$apps .= $$d{file} . ".eap\n";
+		} else {
+			my $subdir = sprintf "%s/%s", $dir, $$d{file};
+			my $file = $subdir . "/.directory.eap";
+			my $file2 = "$main::opt{icons_dir}/$$d{file}.eap";
+			mkpath($subdir,0,0700);
+			print ".." if $main::o_verbose;
+			unless ( $icon_exists ) {
+				unlink "icon.eap";
+				system(@edje);
+				print ".." if $main::o_verbose;
+				system("enlightenment_eapp","icon.eap",
+					"-set-name",$name);
+			}
+			rename "icon.eap", $file2;
+			symlink ($file2, $file);
+			print "..DONE\n" if $main::o_verbose;
+			e17($main::menu[$no]{$entry},$subdir,"$tab\t");
+			$dirs .= $$d{file}."\n";
+		}
+	}
+	open F_OUT, ">> $dir/.order" or warn "$dir/.order: $!\n";
+	print F_OUT $dirs;
+	print F_OUT $apps;
+	close F_OUT;	
+sub do_menu() {
+	die "Enlightenment DR17 requires icon scaling\n"
+		unless $main::opt{icons_scale};
+	die "Enlightenment DR17 conflicts with icons fork\n"
+		if $main::opt{icons_fork};
+	$| = 1;
+	print "Generating DR17 menu, this may take a long time\n";
+	$DR{tmp} = $ENV{'TMPDIR'};
+	$DR{tmp} = $ENV{'TMP'}  unless -d $DR{tmp};
+	$DR{tmp} = "/tmp"  unless -d $DR{tmp};
+	$DR{icon} = $DR{tmp}."/icon.".$main::opt{icons_oext};
+	$main::opt{convert} =~ s/\%out/$DR{icon}/g;
+	chdir($DR{tmp});
+	unlink $DR{icon};
+	# icon is allways needed
+	open F_OUT, "> blank.xpm"; # {{{
+	print F_OUT <<EOF;
+		static char *blank[] = {
+			"1 1 1 1",
+			". c None",
+			"."
+		};
+	close F_OUT; # }}}
+	open F_OUT, "> icon.edc"; # {{{
+	print F_OUT << "EOF";
+	images {
+		image: "icon.$main::opt{icons_oext}" COMP;
+	}
+	collections {
+		group {
+			name: "icon";
+			max: 48 48;
+			 parts {
+				part {
+					name: "image";
+					mouse_events: 0;
+					description {
+						state: "default" 0.0;
+						aspect: 1.0 1.0;
+						image.normal: "icon.$main::opt{icons_oext}";
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	close F_OUT; # }}}
+	$main::opt{wcnt_file} = "" unless defined $main::opt{wcnt_file};
+	$DR{wcnt} = {};
+	foreach my $wcnt_file (split /\s*;\s*/, $main::opt{wcnt_file}) { # {{{
+		unless (open F_IN, $wcnt_file) {
+			warn "Can't open WCNT file '$wcnt_file': $!\n";
+			next;
+		}
+		while ( <F_IN> ) {
+			next if /^\s*#/;
+			next unless s/^\s*(\S+)//;
+			my $name = $1;
+			$DR{wcnt}{$name} = [undef, undef, undef];
+			foreach my $num (0..3) {
+				last unless s/^\s*"(([^"]|\")*?[^\\])"// or s/^\s*(\S+)//;
+				$DR{wcnt}{$name}[$num] = $1 unless $1 eq "*";
+			}
+			warn "Omitted: $_\n" if length($_) and $main::o_verbose;
+		}
+		close F_IN;
+	} # }}}
+	$DR{wcnt} = undef unless %{$DR{wcnt}};
+	$DR{text_icon} = $main::opt{text_icon};
+	if ( defined $DR{text_icon} ) {
+		$DR{text_icon} =~ s#\%in#$DR{tmp}/blank.xpm#g;
+		$DR{text_icon} =~ s#\%out#$DR{icon}#g;
+	}
+	$DR{existing} = {};
+	if (not $main::opt{full_regen} and
+		open F_IN, "$main::opt{icons_dir}/.existing") {
+		my $icon = "broken?";
+		while (my $line = <F_IN>) {
+			if ( $line =~ /^\[(.*)\]$/ ) {
+				$icon = $1;
+				$DR{existing}->{$icon} = {};
+			} elsif ( $line =~ /^(\S+?):\t(.*)$/ ) {
+				$DR{existing}->{$icon}->{$1} = $2;
+			}
+		}
+		close F_IN;
+	}
+	warn "icon: $DR{icon}\n";
+	e17($main::opt{strip}, $main::opt{destdir}, "");
+	unlink "blank.xpm";
+	unlink "icon.edc";
+	unlink "icon.eap";
+	unlink $DR{icon};
+	unlink "$main::opt{icons_dir}/.eap.cache.cfg"
+		if -r "$main::opt{icons_dir}/.eap.cache.cfg";
+	for my $dir (qw(all bar favorite restart startup)) {
+		unlink "$main::opt{destdir}/../$dir/.eap.cache.cfg"
+			if -r "$main::opt{destdir}/../$dir/.eap.cache.cfg";
+	}
+	utime undef, undef, "$main::opt{destdir}/../bar/.order";
+	open F_OUT, "> $main::opt{icons_dir}/.existing";
+	foreach my $icon ( keys %{$DR{existing}} ) {
+		print F_OUT "[$icon]\n";
+		foreach my $entry ( keys %{$DR{existing}->{$icon}} ) {
+			print F_OUT "$entry:	$DR{existing}->{$icon}->{$entry}\n"
+				if defined $DR{existing}->{$icon}->{$entry};
+		}
+	}
+	close F_OUT;
+	exit;

Index: vfmg/VFMG/DR17_out.pm
diff -u /dev/null vfmg/VFMG/DR17_out.pm:1.1
--- /dev/null	Sat Dec  2 01:41:25 2006
+++ vfmg/VFMG/DR17_out.pm	Sat Dec  2 01:41:20 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+package VFMG::Output;
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use File::Path qw(mkpath);
+sub decode_tags() {
+	return qw(GenericName Comment);
+sub destdir() {
+	return "$ENV{'HOME'}/.e/e/applications/favorite";
+sub icons_dir() {
+	return "$ENV{'HOME'}/.e/e/applications/all";
+my %DR;
+sub e17($$$);
+sub e17($$$) {
+	my ($no, $dir, $tab) = @_;
+	my $dirs = "";
+	my $apps = "";
+	my @edje = qw(edje_cc -id . -fd . icon.edc icon.eap);
+	foreach my $entry (sort main::cmpdname keys %{$main::menu[$no]}) {
+		my $icon_exists = 0;
+		my $d = $main::desktop[$entry];
+		my $name = $$d{Name};
+		print $tab.$name.".." if $main::o_verbose;
+		my $icon = $$d{Icon};
+		if ( defined $DR{existing}->{$$d{file}} ) {
+			my $e = $DR{existing}->{$$d{file}};
+			if (
+				-r "$main::opt{icons_dir}/$$d{file}.eap"
+					and
+				(
+					(not defined $$e{Name} and not defined $$d{Name}) 
+						or ($$e{Name} eq $$d{Name})
+				)
+				and
+				(
+					(not defined $$e{GenericName} and not defined $$d{GenericName})
+						or ($$e{GenericName} eq $$d{GenericName})
+				)
+				and
+				(
+					(not defined $$e{Comment} and not defined $$d{Comment})
+						or ($$e{Comment} eq $$d{Comment})
+				)
+				and
+				(
+					(not defined $$e{Exec} and not defined $$d{Exec})
+						or ($$e{Exec} eq $$d{Exec} )
+				)
+			)
+			{
+				if ( -r $icon ) {
+					(my $md5 = `md5sum $icon`) =~ s/\s+.*//s;
+					if ( defined $$e{IconMD5} ) {
+						$icon_exists = 1 if ( $md5 eq $$e{IconMD5} );
+					}
+				} else {
+					$icon_exists = 1 unless defined $$e{IconMD5};
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		unless ( $icon_exists ) {
+			delete $DR{existing}->{$$d{file}}
+				if exists $DR{existing}->{$$d{file}};
+			my $md5;
+			if ( -r $icon ) {
+				($md5 = `md5sum $icon`) =~ s/\s+.*//s;
+			}
+			my $e = {
+				Name	=> $$d{Name},
+				GenericName	=> $$d{GenericName},
+				Comment	=> $$d{Comment},
+				Exec	=> $$d{Exec},
+				IconMD5	=> $md5
+			};
+			$DR{existing}->{$$d{file}} = $e;
+			unlink $DR{icon};
+			if ( not -r $icon and defined $DR{text_icon} ) {
+				( my $exe = $DR{text_icon} ) =~ s/%1/"$name"/;
+				system($exe);
+			} else {
+				$icon = $DR{tmp}."/blank.xpm" unless -r $icon;
+				main::scale_icon($icon);
+			}
+			die "No icon $DR{icon}\n" unless -r $DR{icon};
+			print ".." if $main::o_verbose;
+		}
+		if ($main::menu[$no]{$entry} < 0) {
+			if ( $icon_exists ) {
+				$apps .= $$d{file} . ".eap\n";
+				print "..EXISTS\n" if $main::o_verbose;
+				next;
+			}
+			my $file = "$main::opt{icons_dir}/$$d{file}.eap";
+			unlink "icon.eap";
+			system(@edje);
+			print ".." if $main::o_verbose;
+			my @eapp = qw(enlightenment_eapp icon.eap);
+			push @eapp, "-set-name",$name;
+			push @eapp, "-set-generic",$$d{GenericName}
+				if $$d{GenericName};
+			push @eapp, "-set-comment",$$d{Comment}
+				if $$d{Comment};
+			push @eapp, "-set-exe",$$d{Exec};
+			if ( defined $DR{wcnt} and exists $DR{wcnt}{$$d{file}} ) {
+				my $wcnt = $DR{wcnt}{$$d{file}};
+				push @eapp, "-set-win-class", $$wcnt[0]
+					if defined $$wcnt[0];
+				push @eapp, "-set-win-name", $$wcnt[1] if defined $$wcnt[1];
+				push @eapp, "-set-win-title", $$wcnt[2]
+					if defined $$wcnt[2];
+				push @eapp, "-set-win-role", $$wcnt[3] if defined $$wcnt[3];
+			} else {
+				if ( $$d{term} == 1 ) {
+					if ( defined $main::opt{termapp_class} ) {
+						(my $tapp = $main::opt{termapp_class}) =~ s/%1/$$d{bin}/;
+						push @eapp, "-set-win-class", $tapp;
+					}
+					if ( defined $main::opt{termapp_name} ) {
+						(my $tapp = $main::opt{termapp_name}) =~ s/%1/$$d{bin}/;
+						push @eapp, "-set-win-name", $tapp;
+					}
+				} else {
+					(my $exe = (split /\s/, $$d{Exec})[0]) =~ s#.*/##;
+					$exe = ucfirst lc $exe;
+					push @eapp, "-set-win-class", $exe;
+				}
+			}
+			system(@eapp);
+			rename "icon.eap", $file;
+			print "..DONE\n" if $main::o_verbose;
+			$apps .= $$d{file} . ".eap\n";
+		} else {
+			my $subdir = sprintf "%s/%s", $dir, $$d{file};
+			my $file = $subdir . "/.directory.eap";
+			my $file2 = "$main::opt{icons_dir}/$$d{file}.eap";
+			mkpath($subdir,0,0700);
+			print ".." if $main::o_verbose;
+			unless ( $icon_exists ) {
+				unlink "icon.eap";
+				system(@edje);
+				print ".." if $main::o_verbose;
+				system("enlightenment_eapp","icon.eap",
+					"-set-name",$name);
+			}
+			rename "icon.eap", $file2;
+			symlink ($file2, $file);
+			print "..DONE\n" if $main::o_verbose;
+			e17($main::menu[$no]{$entry},$subdir,"$tab\t");
+			$dirs .= $$d{file}."\n";
+		}
+	}
+	open F_OUT, ">> $dir/.order" or warn "$dir/.order: $!\n";
+	print F_OUT $dirs;
+	print F_OUT $apps;
+	close F_OUT;	
+sub do_menu() {
+	die "Enlightenment DR17 requires icon scaling\n"
+		unless $main::opt{icons_scale};
+	die "Enlightenment DR17 conflicts with icons fork\n"
+		if $main::opt{icons_fork};
+	$| = 1;
+	print "Generating DR17 menu, this may take a long time\n";
+	$DR{tmp} = $ENV{'TMPDIR'};
+	$DR{tmp} = $ENV{'TMP'}  unless -d $DR{tmp};
+	$DR{tmp} = "/tmp"  unless -d $DR{tmp};
+	$DR{icon} = $DR{tmp}."/icon.".$main::opt{icons_oext};
+	$main::opt{convert} =~ s/\%out/$DR{icon}/g;
+	chdir($DR{tmp});
+	unlink $DR{icon};
+	# icon is allways needed
+	open F_OUT, "> blank.xpm"; # {{{
+	print F_OUT <<EOF;
+		static char *blank[] = {
+			"1 1 1 1",
+			". c None",
+			"."
+		};
+	close F_OUT; # }}}
+	open F_OUT, "> icon.edc"; # {{{
+	print F_OUT << "EOF";
+	images {
+		image: "icon.$main::opt{icons_oext}" COMP;
+	}
+	collections {
+		group {
+			name: "icon";
+			max: 48 48;
+			 parts {
+				part {
+					name: "image";
+					mouse_events: 0;
+					description {
+						state: "default" 0.0;
+						aspect: 1.0 1.0;
+						image.normal: "icon.$main::opt{icons_oext}";
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	close F_OUT; # }}}
+	$main::opt{wcnt_file} = "" unless defined $main::opt{wcnt_file};
+	$DR{wcnt} = {};
+	foreach my $wcnt_file (split /\s*;\s*/, $main::opt{wcnt_file}) { # {{{
+		unless (open F_IN, $wcnt_file) {
+			warn "Can't open WCNT file '$wcnt_file': $!\n";
+			next;
+		}
+		while ( <F_IN> ) {
+			next if /^\s*#/;
+			next unless s/^\s*(\S+)//;
+			my $name = $1;
+			$DR{wcnt}{$name} = [undef, undef, undef];
+			foreach my $num (0..3) {
+				last unless s/^\s*"(([^"]|\")*?[^\\])"// or s/^\s*(\S+)//;
+				$DR{wcnt}{$name}[$num] = $1 unless $1 eq "*";
+			}
+			warn "Omitted: $_\n" if length($_) and $main::o_verbose;
+		}
+		close F_IN;
+	} # }}}
+	$DR{wcnt} = undef unless %{$DR{wcnt}};
+	$DR{text_icon} = $main::opt{text_icon};
+	if ( defined $DR{text_icon} ) {
+		$DR{text_icon} =~ s#\%in#$DR{tmp}/blank.xpm#g;
+		$DR{text_icon} =~ s#\%out#$DR{icon}#g;
+	}
+	$DR{existing} = {};
+	if (not $main::opt{full_regen} and
+		open F_IN, "$main::opt{icons_dir}/.existing") {
+		my $icon = "broken?";
+		while (my $line = <F_IN>) {
+			if ( $line =~ /^\[(.*)\]$/ ) {
+				$icon = $1;
+				$DR{existing}->{$icon} = {};
+			} elsif ( $line =~ /^(\S+?):\t(.*)$/ ) {
+				$DR{existing}->{$icon}->{$1} = $2;
+			}
+		}
+		close F_IN;
+	}
+	warn "icon: $DR{icon}\n";
+	e17($main::opt{strip}, $main::opt{destdir}, "");
+	unlink "blank.xpm";
+	unlink "icon.edc";
+	unlink "icon.eap";
+	unlink $DR{icon};
+	unlink "$main::opt{icons_dir}/.eap.cache.cfg"
+		if -r "$main::opt{icons_dir}/.eap.cache.cfg";
+	for my $dir (qw(all bar favorite restart startup)) {
+		unlink "$main::opt{destdir}/../$dir/.eap.cache.cfg"
+			if -r "$main::opt{destdir}/../$dir/.eap.cache.cfg";
+	}
+	utime undef, undef, "$main::opt{destdir}/../bar/.order";
+	open F_OUT, "> $main::opt{icons_dir}/.existing";
+	foreach my $icon ( keys %{$DR{existing}} ) {
+		print F_OUT "[$icon]\n";
+		foreach my $entry ( keys %{$DR{existing}->{$icon}} ) {
+			print F_OUT "$entry:	$DR{existing}->{$icon}->{$entry}\n"
+				if defined $DR{existing}->{$icon}->{$entry};
+		}
+	}
+	close F_OUT;
<<Diff was trimmed, longer than 597 lines>>

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