SOURCES: cvsspam-branch.diff (NEW) - added
glen at
Thu Dec 21 16:47:47 CET 2006
Author: glen Date: Thu Dec 21 15:47:47 2006 GMT
---- Log message:
- added
---- Files affected:
cvsspam-branch.diff (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW)
---- Diffs:
Index: SOURCES/cvsspam-branch.diff
diff -u /dev/null SOURCES/cvsspam-branch.diff:1.1
--- /dev/null Thu Dec 21 16:47:47 2006
+++ SOURCES/cvsspam-branch.diff Thu Dec 21 16:47:42 2006
@@ -0,0 +1,541 @@
+--- cvsspam-0.2.12/CREDITS 2005-07-11 18:53:29.000000000 +0300
++++ cvsspam/CREDITS 2006-12-21 11:44:26.837358000 +0200
+@@ -29,3 +29,10 @@
+ Elan Ruusamäe
+ Steve Fox
+ Christopher Petro
++ Robin Getz
++ Glen Starrett
++ Jonathan Rafkind
++ Ryan Dlugosz
++ Steve Woodcock
++ Andy Selle
++ Charles Duffy
+--- cvsspam-0.2.12/collect_diffs.rb 2005-07-11 18:53:29.000000000 +0300
++++ cvsspam/collect_diffs.rb 2006-12-21 11:44:26.827358000 +0200
+@@ -27,6 +27,13 @@
+ $dirtemplate = "#cvsspam.#{Process.getpgrp}.#{Process.uid}"
+ def find_data_dir
++ if $from_address
++ safe_from = make_fromaddr_safe_for_filename($from_address)
++ Dir["#{$tmpdir}/#{$dirtemplate}.#{safe_from}-*"].each do |dir|
++ stat = File.stat(dir)
++ return dir if stat.owned?
++ end
++ end
+ Dir["#{$tmpdir}/#{$dirtemplate}-*"].each do |dir|
+ stat = File.stat(dir)
+ return dir if stat.owned?
+@@ -35,6 +42,14 @@
+ end
++# transform any special / unexpected characters appearing in the argument to
++# --from so that they will not cause problems if the value is inserted into
++# a file or directory name
++def make_fromaddr_safe_for_filename(addr)
++ addr.gsub(/[^a-zA-Z0-1.,_-]/, "_")
+ def blah(msg)
+ if $debug
+ $stderr.puts "collect_diffs.rb: #{msg}"
+@@ -129,7 +144,14 @@
+ changes =
+ i = 0
+ while i < cvs_info.length
+- changes <<[i], cvs_info[i+=1], cvs_info[i+=1])
++ change_file = cvs_info[i]
++ # It's been reported,
++ #
++ # that sometimes the second revision number that CVS gives us contains a
++ # trailing newline character, so we strip ws from these values before use,
++ change_from = cvs_info[i+=1].strip
++ change_to = cvs_info[i+=1].strip
++ changes <<, change_from, change_to)
+ i+=1
+ end
+ return changes
+@@ -222,6 +244,7 @@
+ diff_cmd = << $cvs_prog << "-nq" << "diff" << "-Nu"
+ diff_cmd << "-kk" if $diff_ignore_keywords
++ diff_cmd << "-b" if $diff_ignore_whitespace
+ if change.isAddition
+ file.write "#A "
+@@ -333,9 +356,11 @@
+ end
+ $config = nil
++$from_address = nil
+ $cvs_prog = "cvs"
+ $debug = false
+ $diff_ignore_keywords = false
++$diff_ignore_whitespace = false
+ $task_keywords = []
+ unless ENV.has_key?('CVSROOT')
+@@ -387,6 +412,7 @@
+ end
+ $config = arg if opt=="--config"
+ $debug = true if opt == "--debug"
++ $from_address = arg if opt == "--from"
+ end
+ blah("CVSROOT is #{ENV['CVSROOT']}")
+--- cvsspam-0.2.12/cvsspam-doc.xml 2005-07-11 18:53:29.000000000 +0300
++++ cvsspam/cvsspam-doc.xml 2006-12-21 11:44:26.837358000 +0200
+@@ -452,6 +452,23 @@
+ </screen></informalexample>
+ </para>
+ </section>
++ <section>
++ <title>RT</title>
++ <para>For Gforge, when a CVS log comment contains text like <userinput>Fix
++ for Bug [#123]</userinput>, or <userinput>Task [T456] ...</userinput>, the
++ text "[#123]" or "[T456]" will become a hyper-link to that Gforge page in
++ the generated email. The format [#<replaceable>nnn</replaceable>] and
++ [T<replaceable>nnn</replaceable>] is taken from the existing plugin for
++ Gforge called cvstracker.</para>
++ <para>To enable, give your Gforge's URL in CVSspam's configuration file:
++<informalexample><screen>$gforgeBugURL = ""
++$gforgeTaskURL = ""</screen></informalexample>
++ The marker %s tells CVSspam where in the URL to put the bugId from the
++ log message.</para>
++ </section>
+ </section>
+ <section><title>CVS Web Frontends</title>
+--- cvsspam-0.2.12/cvsspam.conf 2005-07-11 18:53:30.000000000 +0300
++++ cvsspam/cvsspam.conf 2006-12-21 11:44:26.827358000 +0200
+@@ -34,11 +34,19 @@
+ #
+ # When $jiraURL is given, text of the form 'project-1234' will be linked
+ # to this issue in JIRA.
++# When $xplannerStoryURL, $xplannerIterationURL and $xplannerProjectURL are
++# given, text of the form XS1234 will be linked to XPlanner stories; text of
++# the form XI1234 will be linked to XPlanner iterations; and text of the form
++# XP1234 will be linked to XPlanner projects.
+ #$bugzillaURL = ""
+ #$jiraURL = ""
++#$xplannerStoryURL = ""
++#$xplannerIterationURL = ""
++#$xplannerProjectURL = ""
+ # Link to Wiki systems
+ #
+@@ -119,12 +127,21 @@
+ # cvsdiff keyword ignoring (Default: show changes in keywords)
+ #
+ # Changes in CVS keywords can be distracting. For instance, the
+-# $Revision$ keyword will change on each commit. Set this value to true
++# $Revision$ keyword will change on each commit. Set this value to true
+ # to exclude changes in keyword fields (adds the -kk option to cvs diff).
+ #$diff_ignore_keywords = true
++# cvsdiff whitespace ignoring (Default: show whitespace-only changes)
++# Whitespace-only changes can distract from the rest of a diff. Set this
++# value to true to exclude changes in the amount of whitespace (adds the -b
++# option to cvs diff).
++$diff_ignore_whitespace = true
+ # $no_removed_file_diff and $no_added_file_diff
+ #
+ # Set both these options, and emails will only include diffs for files
+@@ -177,3 +194,13 @@
+ # them happy, you can say $files_in_subject = true here.
+ #$files_in_subject = false
++# Email size limit (Default: around 2MB)
++# When large changes are committed, large CVSspam emails can result. Here
++# you can set the size of email that CVSspam is not allowed to append any
++# more diffs onto. Specify the number of bytes.
++#$mail_size_limit = 2097152
+--- cvsspam-0.2.12/cvsspam.rb 2005-07-11 18:53:29.000000000 +0300
++++ cvsspam/cvsspam.rb 2006-12-21 17:36:44.342608880 +0200
+@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
+ $version = "0.2.12"
++require 'time'
+ $maxSubjectLength = 200
+ $maxLinesPerDiff = 1000
+@@ -35,10 +36,6 @@
+ a<b ? a : b
+ end
+-# NB must ensure the time is UTC
+-# (the Ruby Time object's strftime() doesn't supply a numeric timezone)
+-DATE_HEADER_FORMAT = "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000"
+ # Perform (possibly) multiple global substitutions on a string.
+ # the regexps given as keys must not use capturing subexpressions '(...)'
+ class MultiSub
+@@ -116,6 +113,8 @@
+ UNDERSCORE = chr("_")
+ SPACE = chr(" ")
+ TAB = chr("\t")
++ HOOK = chr("?")
++ EQUALS = chr("=")
+ # encode a header value according to the RFC-2047 quoted-printable spec,
+ # allowing non-ASCII characters to appear in header values, and wrapping
+@@ -137,7 +136,7 @@
+ # return a string representing the given character-code in quoted-printable
+ # format
+ def quoted_encode_char(b)
+- if b>126 || b==UNDERSCORE || b==TAB
++ if b>126 || b==UNDERSCORE || b==TAB || b==HOOK || b==EQUALS
+ sprintf("=%02x", b)
+ elsif b == SPACE
+ "_"
+@@ -388,6 +387,7 @@
+ class FileEntry
+ def initialize(path)
+ @path = path
++ @fromVer = @toVer = nil
+ @lineAdditions = @lineRemovals = 0
+ @repository = Repository.get(path)
+ @repository.merge_common_prefix(basedir())
+@@ -533,6 +533,14 @@
+ # TODO: consolidate these into a nicer framework,
+ mailSub = proc { |match| "<a href=\"mailto:#{match}\">#{match}</a>" }
+ urlSub = proc { |match| "<a href=\"#{match}\">#{match}</a>" }
++gforgeTaskSub = proc { |match|
++ match =~ /([0-9]+)/
++ "<a href=\"#{$gforgeTaskURL.sub(/%s/, $1)}\">#{match}</a>"
++gforgeBugSub = proc { |match|
++ match =~ /([0-9]+)/
++ "<a href=\"#{$gforgeBugURL.sub(/%s/, $1)}\">#{match}</a>"
+ bugzillaSub = proc { |match|
+ match =~ /([0-9]+)/
+ "<a href=\"#{$bugzillaURL.sub(/%s/, $1)}\">#{match}</a>"
+@@ -544,11 +552,27 @@
+ match =~ /([0-9]+)/
+ "<a href=\"#{$ticketURL.sub(/%s/, $1)}\">#{match}</a>"
+ }
++issueSub = proc { |match|
++ match =~ /([0-9]+)/
++ "<a href=\"#{$issueURL.sub(/%s/, $1)}\">#{match}</a>"
+ wikiSub = proc { |match|
+- match =~ /\[\[(.*)\]\]/
++ match =~ /\[\[(.*?)\]\]/
+ raw = $1
+ "<a href=\"#{$wikiURL.sub(/%s/, urlEncode(raw))}\">[[#{raw}]]</a>"
+ }
++xplannerIterationSub = proc { |match|
++ match =~ /([0-9]+)/
++ "<a href=\"#{$xplannerIterationURL.sub(/%s/, $1)}\">#{match}</a>"
++xplannerProjectSub = proc { |match|
++ match =~ /([0-9]+)/
++ "<a href=\"#{$xplannerProjectURL.sub(/%s/, $1)}\">#{match}</a>"
++xplannerStorySub = proc { |match|
++ match =~ /([0-9]+)/
++ "<a href=\"#{$xplannerStoryURL.sub(/%s/, $1)}\">#{match}</a>"
+ commentSubstitutions = {
+ '(?:mailto:)?[\w\.\-\+\=]+\@[\w\-]+(?:\.[\w\-]+)+\b' => mailSub,
+ '\b(?:http|https|ftp):[^ \t\n<>"]+[\w/]' => urlSub
+@@ -670,6 +694,12 @@
+ def diff(file)
+ '->'
+ end
++ # may be overridden by subclasses that are able to make a hyperlink to a
++ # history log for a file
++ def log(file)
++ ''
++ end
+ end
+ # Superclass for objects that can link to CVS frontends on the web (ViewCVS,
+@@ -710,6 +740,14 @@
+ "<a href=\"#{diff_url(file)}\">#{super(file)}</a>"
+ end
++ def log(file)
++ link = log_url(file)
++ if link
++ return "<span id=\"info\">(<a href=\"#{link}\">log</a>)</span>"
++ end
++ return nil
++ end
+ protected
+ def add_repo(url)
+ if @repository_name
+@@ -722,6 +760,10 @@
+ url
+ end
+ end
++ def log_url(file)
++ nil
++ end
+ end
+ # Link to ViewCVS
+@@ -745,6 +787,15 @@
+ def diff_url(file)
+ add_repo("#{@base_url}#{urlEncode(file.path)}.diff?r1=#{file.fromVer}&r2=#{file.toVer}")
+ end
++ def log_url(file)
++ if file.toVer
++ log_anchor = "#rev#{file.toVer}"
++ else
++ log_anchor = ""
++ end
++ add_repo("#{@base_url}#{urlEncode(file.path)}#{log_anchor}")
++ end
+ end
+ # Link to Chora, from the Horde framework
+@@ -767,9 +818,9 @@
+ class CVSwebFrontend < WebFrontend
+ def path_url(path, tag)
+ if tag == nil
+- add_repo(@base_url + urlEncode(path))
++ add_repo(@base_url + urlEncode(path) + "/")
+ else
+- add_repo("#{@base_url}#{urlEncode(path)}?only_with_tag=#{urlEncode(tag)}")
++ add_repo("#{@base_url}#{urlEncode(path)}/?only_with_tag=#{urlEncode(tag)}")
+ end
+ end
+@@ -780,6 +831,17 @@
+ def diff_url(file)
+ add_repo("#{@base_url}#{urlEncode(file.path)}.diff?r1=text&tr1=#{file.fromVer}&r2=text&tr2=#{file.toVer}&f=h")
+ end
++ protected
++ def log_url(file)
++ if file.toVer
++ log_anchor = "#rev#{file.toVer}"
++ else
++ log_anchor = ""
++ end
++ add_repo("#{@base_url}#{urlEncode(file.path)}#{log_anchor}")
++ end
+ end
+@@ -958,7 +1020,7 @@
+ end
+ shift(nil)
+ if @truncatedLineCount>0
+- println("<strong class=\"error\" title=\"#{@truncatedLineCount} lines truncated at column #{$maxDiffLineLength}\">[Note: Some over-long lines of diff output only partialy shown]</strong>")
++ println("<strong class=\"error\" title=\"#{@truncatedLineCount} lines truncated at column #{$maxDiffLineLength}\">[Note: Some over-long lines of diff output only partially shown]</strong>")
+ end
+ end
+@@ -1247,10 +1309,16 @@
+ $no_diff = false
+ $task_keywords = ['TODO', 'FIXME']
+ $bugzillaURL = nil
++$gforgeBugURL = nil
++$gforgeTaskURL = nil
+ $wikiURL = nil
+ $jiraURL = nil
+ $ticketURL = nil
++$issueURL = nil
+ $viewcvsURL = nil
++$xplannerIterationURL = nil
++$xplannerProjectURL = nil
++$xplannerStoryURL = nil
+ $choraURL = nil
+ $cvswebURL = nil
+ $from_address = nil
+@@ -1261,6 +1329,7 @@
+ # 2MiB limit on attached diffs,
+ $mail_size_limit = 1024 * 1024 * 2
+ $arg_charset = nil
++$cvsroot_email_header = false
+ require 'getoptlong'
+@@ -1353,7 +1422,13 @@
+ if $bugzillaURL != nil
+- commentSubstitutions['\b[Bb][Uu][Gg]\s*#?[0-9]+'] = bugzillaSub
++ commentSubstitutions['\b[Bb]([Uu][Gg])?\s*[#:]?\s*\[?[0-9]+\]?'] = bugzillaSub
++if $gforgeBugURL != nil
++ commentSubstitutions['\B\[#[0-9]+\]'] = gforgeBugSub
++if $gforgeTaskURL != nil
++ commentSubstitutions['\B\[[Tt][0-9]+\]'] = gforgeTaskSub
+ end
+ if $jiraURL != nil
+ commentSubstitutions['\b[a-zA-Z]+-[0-9]+\b'] = jiraSub
+@@ -1361,9 +1436,21 @@
+ if $ticketURL != nil
+ commentSubstitutions['\b[Tt][Ii][Cc][Kk][Ee][Tt]\s*#?[0-9]+\b'] = ticketSub
+ end
++if $issueURL != nil
++ commentSubstitutions['\b[Ii][Ss][Ss][Uu][Ee]\s*#?[0-9]+\b'] = issueSub
+ if $wikiURL != nil
+ commentSubstitutions['\[\[.+\]\]'] = wikiSub
+ end
++if $xplannerIterationURL != nil
++ commentSubstitutions['\bXI\[?[0-9]+\]?'] = xplannerIterationSub
++if $xplannerProjectURL != nil
++ commentSubstitutions['\bXP\[?[0-9]+\]?'] = xplannerProjectSub
++if $xplannerStoryURL != nil
++ commentSubstitutions['\bXS\[?[0-9]+\]?'] = xplannerStorySub
+ $commentEncoder =
+@@ -1546,11 +1633,14 @@
+ elsif file.removal?
+ name = "<span id=\"removed\">#{name}</span>"
+ end
++ mail.print("<td>")
+ if file.has_diff?
+- mail.print("<td><tt>#{prefix}<a href=\"#file#{file_count}\">#{name}</a></tt></td>")
++ mail.print("<tt>#{prefix}<a href=\"#file#{file_count}\">#{name}</a></tt>")
+ else
+- mail.print("<td><tt>#{prefix}#{name}</tt></td>")
++ mail.print("<tt>#{prefix}#{name}</tt>")
+ end
++ mail.print(" #{$frontend.log(file)}")
++ mail.print("</td>")
+ if file.isEmpty
+ mail.print("<td colspan=\"2\" align=\"center\"><small id=\"info\">[empty]</small></td>")
+ elsif file.isBinary
+@@ -1686,6 +1776,8 @@
+ # sensible header formatting, and for ensuring that the body is seperated
+ # from the message headers by a blank line (as it is required to be).
+ class MailContext
++ ENCODE_HEADERS = ["Subject", "X-CVSspam-Module-Path"]
+ def initialize(io)
+ @done_headers = false
+ @io = io
+@@ -1695,8 +1787,8 @@
+ # called
+ def header(name, value)
+ raise "headers already commited" if @done_headers
+- if name == "Subject"
+- $encoder.encode_header(@io, "Subject", value)
++ if ENCODE_HEADERS.include?(name)
++ $encoder.encode_header(@io, name, value)
+ else
+ @io.puts("#{name}: #{value}")
+ end
+@@ -1769,7 +1861,7 @@
+ ctx.header("To",{|addr| addr.encoded}.join(','))
+ blah("Mail From: <#{from}>")
+ ctx.header("From", from.encoded) if from
+- ctx.header("Date",
++ ctx.header("Date",
+ yield ctx
+ end
+ end
+@@ -1800,10 +1892,10 @@
+ return unless $fileEntries.length == 1
+ file = $fileEntries[0]
+ name = zap_header_special_chars(file.path)
+- unless file.fromVer == "NONE"
++ if file.fromVer
+ mail.header("References", make_msg_id("#{name}.#{file.fromVer}", $hostname))
+ end
+- unless file.toVer == "NONE"
++ if file.toVer
+ mail.header("Message-ID", make_msg_id("#{name}.#{file.toVer}", $hostname))
+ end
+ end
+@@ -1834,6 +1926,14 @@
+ end
+ end
+ mail.header("X-Mailer", "CVSspam #{$version} <>")
++ if $cvsroot_email_header
++ mod = '/'
++ if Repository.count == 1
++ rep = Repository.array.first
++ mod << rep.common_prefix
++ end
++ mail.header("X-CVSspam-Module-Path", mod)
++ end
+ mail.body do |body|
+ make_html_email(body)
+--- cvsspam-0.2.12/record_lastdir.rb 2005-07-11 18:53:29.000000000 +0300
++++ cvsspam/record_lastdir.rb 2006-12-21 11:44:26.827358000 +0200
+@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
+ #
+ # Copyright (c) David Holroyd
+-$repositorydir = ARGV.shift
+ $tmpdir = ENV["TMPDIR"] || "/tmp"
+@@ -19,6 +18,36 @@
+ nil
+ end
++# transform any special / unexpected characters appearing in the argument to
++# --from so that they will not cause problems if the value is inserted into
++# a file or directory name
++def make_fromaddr_safe_for_filename(addr)
++ addr.gsub(/[^a-zA-Z0-1.,_-]/, "_")
++# Option processing doesn't use GetoptLong (for the moment) bacause arguments
++# given to this script by CVS include the names of committed files. It
++# seems quite possible that one of those file names could begin with a '-'
++# and therefore be treated by GetoptLong as a value which requires processing.
++# This would probably result in an error.
++# [That could be worked around by placing a '--' option (which tells GetoptLong
++# to stop processing option arguments) at the very end of the arguments to
++# record_lastdir.rb in commitinfo, but that's very easily forgotten, and isn't
++# really backwards compatable with the behaviour of older CVSspam releases.]
++if ARGV.first == "--from"
++ # we could, of course, be tricked, if the first committed file in the list
++ # happened to be named '--from' :S
++ # drop the "--from"
++ ARGV.shift
++ # and use the value which was given following the option,
++ $dirtemplate << "." << make_fromaddr_safe_for_filename(ARGV.shift)
++$repositorydir = ARGV.shift
+ $datadir = find_data_dir()
+ if $datadir==nil
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