SPECS: serendipity.spec (NEW) - initial release
alucard at pld-linux.org
Sun Jan 7 20:20:28 CET 2007
Author: alucard Date: Sun Jan 7 19:20:28 2007 GMT
Module: SPECS Tag: HEAD
---- Log message:
- initial release
---- Files affected:
serendipity.spec (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW)
---- Diffs:
Index: SPECS/serendipity.spec
diff -u /dev/null SPECS/serendipity.spec:1.1
--- /dev/null Sun Jan 7 20:20:28 2007
+++ SPECS/serendipity.spec Sun Jan 7 20:20:23 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,673 @@
+# $Revision$, $Date$
+Summary: Personal publishing system
+Summary(pl): Osobisty system publikacji
+Name: serendipity
+Version: 1.1
+Release: 1
+License: BSD
+Group: Applications/Publishing
+Source0: http://dl.sourceforge.net/php-blog/%{name}-%{version}.tar.bz2
+# Source0-md5: 6b743609dde3557c22424dfda3176ce5
+Source1: %{name}.conf
+URL: http://www.s9y.org/
+Requires: %{name}(DB_driver)
+Requires: %{name}-event_browsercompatibility = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires: %{name}-event_emoticate = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires: %{name}-event_nl2br = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires: %{name}-event_spamblock = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires: %{name}-event_s9ymarkup = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires: ImageMagick
+Requires: php(gd)
+Requires: php(gettext)
+Requires: php(iconv)
+Requires: php(mbstring)
+Requires: php(openssl)
+Requires: php(pcre)
+Requires: php(xml)
+Requires: php(xmlrpc)
+Requires: php(zlib)
+Requires: webapps
+Requires: webserver(php) >= 4.3.0
+BuildArch: noarch
+BuildRoot: %{tmpdir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n)
+%define _appdir %{_datadir}/%{name}
+%define _webapps /etc/webapps
+%define _webapp %{name}
+%define _sysconfdir %{_webapps}/%{_webapp}
+%description -l pl
+%package db-pgsql
+Summary: Serendipity DB Driver for PostgreSQL
+Summary(pl): Sterownik bazy danych PostreSQL dla Serendipity
+Group: Applications/WWW
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires: php(pgsql)
+Provides: %{name}(DB_driver) = %{version}-%{release}
+%description db-pgsql
+This virtual package provides PostgreSQL database backend for
+%description db-pgsql -l pl
+Ten wirtualny pakiet dostarcza backend bazy danych PostgreSQL dla
+%package db-mysql
+Summary: Serendipity DB Driver for MySQL
+Summary(pl): Sterownik bazy danych MySQL dla Serendipity
+Group: Applications/WWW
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires: php(mysql)
+Provides: %{name}(DB_driver) = %{version}-%{release}
+%description db-mysql
+This virtual package provides MySQL database backend for Serendipity.
+%description db-mysql -l pl
+Ten wirtualny pakiet dostarcza backend bazy danych MySQL dla
+%package db-sqlite3
+Summary: Serendipity DB Driver for SQLite3
+Summary(pl): Sterownik bazy danych SQLite3 dla Serendipity
+Group: Applications/WWW
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires: php(sqlite3)
+Provides: %{name}(DB_driver) = %{version}-%{release}
+%description db-sqlite3
+This virtual package provides SQLite3 database backend for
+%description db-sqlite3 -l pl
+Ten wirtualny pakiet dostarcza backend bazy danych SQLite3 dla
+%package event_bbcode
+Summary: Event extension for Serendipity
+Summary(pl): Rozszerzenie obsługi zdarzeń dla Serendipity
+Group: Applications/WWW
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description event_bbcode
+BBcode hooks for Serendipity editor
+%description event_bbcode -l pl
+Rozszerzenia BBCode dla edytora Serendipity
+%package event_browsercompatibility
+Summary: Event extension for Serendipity
+Summary(pl): Rozszerzenie obsługi zdarzeń dla Serendipity
+Group: Applications/WWW
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description event_browsercompatibility
+%description event_browsercompatibility -l pl
+%package event_contentrewrite
+Summary: Event extension for Serendipity
+Summary(pl): Rozszerzenie obsługi zdarzeń dla Serendipity
+Group: Applications/WWW
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description event_contentrewrite
+Extension for Serendipity editor that enables rewriting user defined
+%description event_contentrewrite -l pl
+Rozszerzenie dla edytora Serendipity pozwalające na podmienianie
+zdefiniowanych przez użytkownia słów kluczowych
+%package event_creativecommons
+Summary: Event extension for Serendipity
+Summary(pl): Rozszerzenie obsługi zdarzeń dla Serendipity
+Group: Applications/WWW
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires: %{name}-plugin_creativecommons = %{version}-%{release}
+%description event_creativecommons
+Extension that that displays on sidebar user choosed Creatice Common
+%description event_creativecommons -l pl
+Rozszerzenie wyświetlające na panelu wybraną przez użytkownika
+licencję Creative Commons
+%package event_emoticate
+Summary: Event extension for Serendipity
+Summary(pl): Rozszerzenie obsługi zdarzeń dla Serendipity
+Group: Applications/WWW
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description event_emoticate
+Extension for Serendipity editor that converts smilies to icons
+%description event_emoticate -l pl
+Rozszerzenie dla edytora Serendipity wstawiające za tekst emotikony
+%package event_entryproperties
+Summary: Event extension for Serendipity
+Summary(pl): Rozszerzenie obsługi zdarzeń dla Serendipity
+Group: Applications/WWW
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description event_entryproperties
+%description event_entryproperties -l pl
+%package event_karma
+Summary: Event extension for Serendipity
+Summary(pl): Rozszerzenie obsługi zdarzeń dla Serendipity
+Group: Applications/WWW
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description event_karma
+%description event_karma -l pl
+%package event_livesearch
+Summary: Event extension for Serendipity
+Summary(pl): Rozszerzenie obsługi zdarzeń dla Serendipity
+Group: Applications/WWW
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description event_livesearch
+%description event_livesearch -l pl
+%package event_mailer
+Summary: Event extension for Serendipity
+Summary(pl): Rozszerzenie obsługi zdarzeń dla Serendipity
+Group: Applications/WWW
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description event_mailer
+Extension allowing to send article to user defined email
+%description event_mailer -l pl
+Rozszerzenie pozwalące wysłać artykuł na wskazany adres email
+%package event_nl2br
+Summary: Event extension for Serendipity
+Summary(pl): Rozszerzenie obsługi zdarzeń dla Serendipity
+Group: Applications/WWW
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description event_nl2br
+Extension for Serendipity editor converting any newline from entry
+creation into HTML break
+%description event_nl2br -l pl
+Rozszerzenie edytora Serendipity zmieniające wystąpienia nowych linii
+w edytowanym tekście na odpowiedni kod HTML
+%package event_s9ymarkup
+Summary: Event extension for Serendipity
+Summary(pl): Rozszerzenie obsługi zdarzeń dla Serendipity
+Group: Applications/WWW
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description event_s9ymarkup
+Native extension for Serendipity editor
+%description event_s9ymarkup -l pl
+Natywne rozszerzenie dla edytora Serendipity
+%package event_searchhighlight
+Summary: Event extension for Serendipity
+Summary(pl): Rozszerzenie osbługi zdarzeń dla Serendipity
+Group: Applications/WWW
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description event_searchhighlight
+%description event_searchhighlight -l pl
+%package event_spamblock
+Summary: Event extension for Serendipity
+Summary(pl): Rozszerzenie obsługi zdarzeń dla Serendipity
+Group: Applications/WWW
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description event_spamblock
+%description event_spamblock -l pl
+%package event_spartacus
+Summary: Sidebar plugin manager for Serendipity
+Summary(pl): Zarządca wtyczek dla Serendipity
+Group: Applications/WWW
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description event_spartacus
+Sidebar plugin manager for Serendipity that allows installing plugins
+from Serendipity repository
+%description event_spartacus -l pl
+Rozszerzenie pozwalające na instalację dodatkowych wtyczek z
+repozytorium Serendipity
+%package event_statistics
+Summary: Event extension for Serendipity
+Summary(pl): Rozszerzenie obsługi zdarzeń dla Serendipity
+Group: Applications/WWW
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description event_statistics
+Extension adding link to internal Serendipity statistics
+%description event_statistics -l pl
+Rozszerzenie dodające link do wewnętrznych statystyk Serendipity
+%package event_templatechooser
+Summary: Event extension for Serendipity
+Summary(pl): Rozszerzenie obsługi zdarzeń dla Serendipity
+Group: Applications/WWW
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires: %{name}-plugin_templatechooser = %{version}-%{release}
+%description event_templatechooser
+%description event_templatechooser -l pl
+%package event_textile
+Summary: Event extension for Serendipity
+Summary(pl): Rozszerzenie obsługi zdarzeń dla Serendipity
+Group: Applications/WWW
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description event_textile
+Textile hooks for Serendipity editor
+%description event_textile -l pl
+Rozszerzenia Textile dla edytora Serendipity
+%package event_textwiki
+Summary: Event extension for Serendipity
+Summary(pl): Rozszerzenie obsługi zdarzeń dla Serendipity
+Group: Applications/WWW
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description event_textwiki
+Textwiki hooks for Serendipity editor
+%description event_textwiki -l pl
+Rozszerzenia Textwiki dla edytora Serendipity
+%package event_trackexits
+Summary: Event extension for Serendipity
+Summary(pl): Rozszerzenie obsługi zdarzeń dla Serendipity
+Group: Applications/WWW
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description event_trackexits
+Extension encondig URLs in articles that giving statistics about
+wayouts from blog
+%description event_trackexits -l pl
+Rozszerzenie zmieniające kod odnośników w artykułach zbierające dane
+na temat kliknięć (wyjść z blogu)
+%package event_weblogping
+Summary: Editor extension for Serendipity
+Summary(pl): Rozszerzenie edytora dla Serendipity
+Group: Applications/WWW
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description event_weblogping
+%description event_weblogping -l pl
+%package event_xhtmlcleanup
+Summary: Editor extension for Serendipity
+Summary(pl): Rozszerzenie edytora dla Serendipity
+Group: Applications/WWW
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description event_xhtmlcleanup
+%description event_xhtmlcleanup -l pl
+%package plugin_comments
+Summary: Sidebar plugin for Serendipity
+Summary(pl): Wtyczka dla panelów panelów Serendipity
+Group: Applications/WWW
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description plugin_comments
+Displays a list of recently submitted comments
+%description plugin_comments -l pl
+Wyświetla listę ostatnio dodanych komentarzy
+%package plugin_creativecommons
+Summary: Sidebar plugin for Serendipity
+Summary(pl): Wtyczka dla panelów Serendipity
+Group: Applications/WWW
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires: %{name}-event_creativecommons = %{version}-%{release}
+%description plugin_creativecommons
+Displays chosen Creative Commons license data
+%description plugin_creativecommons -l pl
+Wyświetla wybraną licencję Creative Commons
+%package plugin_entrylinks
+Summary: Sidebar plugin for Serendipity
+Summary(pl): Wtyczka dla panelów Serendipity
+Group: Applications/WWW
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description plugin_entrylinks
+%description plugin_entrylinks -l pl
+%package plugin_eventwrapper
+Summary: Sidebar plugin for Serendipity
+Summary(pl): Wtyczka dla panelów Serendipity
+Group: Applications/WWW
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description plugin_eventwrapper
+Plugin allowing using event extensions in sidebar
+%description plugin_eventwrapper -l pl
+Wtyczka pozwalająca używać rozszerzeń (event_) wewnątrz paneli
+%package plugin_history
+Summary: Sidebar plugin for Serendipity
+Summary(pl): Wtyczka dla panelów Serendipity
+Group: Applications/WWW
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description plugin_history
+%description plugin_history -l pl
+%package plugin_recententries
+Summary: Sidebar plugin for Serendipity
+Summary(pl): Wtyczka dla panelów Serendipity
+Group: Applications/WWW
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description plugin_recententries
+Shows a quick list of recently made entries
+%description plugin_recententries -l pl
+Pokazuje krótką listą ostatnio dodanych wpisów
+%package plugin_remoterss
+Summary: Sidebar plugin for Serendipity
+Summary(pl): Wtyczka dla panelów Serendipity
+Group: Applications/WWW
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description plugin_remoterss
+Plugin that enables to display foreign RSS feed embedded into blog.
+%description plugin_remoterss -l pl
+Wtyczka pozwalająca na wyświetlanie za pomocą RSS treści innych blogów
+%package plugin_shoutbox
+Summary: Sidebar plugin for Serendipity
+Summary(pl): Wtyczka dla panelów Serendipity
+Group: Applications/WWW
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description plugin_shoutbox
+Shows a simple form area where users can enter any comments they want.
+Those comments are displayed immediately on sidebar
+%description plugin_shoutbox -l pl
+Wtyczka wyświetlająca prosty formularz, przez który użytkownicy mogą
+dodawać komentarze wyświetlane natychmiast na panelu
+%package plugin_templatedropdown
+Summary: Sidebar plugin for Serendipity
+Summary(pl): Wtyczka dla panelów Serendipity
+Group: Applications/WWW
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires: %{name}-event_templatedropdown = %{version}-%{release}
+%description plugin_templatedropdown
+Shows on sidebar availaible themes, which could be chosen by any
+visitor to change the layout displayed to him
+%description plugin_templatedropdown -l pl
+Wtyczka wyświetlająca na panelu dostępne motywy, którymi użytkownicy
+mogą dostosywywać wyświetlanie wg swoich preferencji
+%setup -q -n %{name}
+rm -f docs/LICENSE
+rm -rf templates_c uploads
+install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT{%{_appdir},%{_sysconfdir}}
+install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/var/lib/%{name}/{archives,templates_c,uploads}
+ln -s /var/lib/%{name}/uploads $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_appdir}/uploads
+ln -s /var/lib/%{name}/archives $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_appdir}/archives
+ln -s /var/lib/%{name}/templates_c $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_appdir}/templates_c
+cp -R * $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_appdir}
+install %{SOURCE1} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/httpd.conf
+install %{SOURCE1} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/apache.conf
+touch $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_appdir}/.htaccess
+touch $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_appdir}/serendipity_config_local.inc.php
+ln -s %{_appdir}/serendipity_config_local.inc.php $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/%{name}.conf
+%banner -e %{name} <<-EOF
+To finish your configuration DO NOT FORGET to:
+1) Create some SQL database owned by some user
+2) Run a browser and visit: http://`hostname`/serendipity/index.php
+%triggerin -- apache1 < 1.3.37-3, apache1-base
+%webapp_register apache %{_webapp}
+%triggerun -- apache1 < 1.3.37-3, apache1-base
+%webapp_unregister apache %{_webapp}
+%triggerin -- apache < 2.2.0, apache-base
+%webapp_register httpd %{_webapp}
+%triggerun -- apache < 2.2.0, apache-base
+%webapp_unregister httpd %{_webapp}
+%dir %attr(750,root,http) %{_sysconfdir}
+%attr(640,root,root) %config(noreplace) %verify(not md5 mtime size) %{_sysconfdir}/apache.conf
+%attr(640,root,root) %config(noreplace) %verify(not md5 mtime size) %{_sysconfdir}/httpd.conf
+%dir %{_appdir}/
+%dir %{_appdir}/sql
+%dir %{_appdir}/plugins
+%dir /var/lib/%{name}
+%dir %attr(770,root,http) /var/lib/%{name}/*
+%exclude %{_appdir}/include/db/mysql.inc.php
+%exclude %{_appdir}/include/db/mysqli.inc.php
+%exclude %{_appdir}/include/db/postgres.inc.php
+%exclude %{_appdir}/include/db/sqlite.inc.php
+%attr(660,root,http) %config(noreplace) %verify(not md5 mtime size) %{_appdir}/.htaccess
+%attr(660,root,http) %config(noreplace) %verify(not md5 mtime size) %{_appdir}/serendipity_config_local.inc.php
+%files db-pgsql
+%files db-mysql
+%files db-sqlite3
+%files event_bbcode
+%files event_browsercompatibility
+%files event_contentrewrite
+%files event_creativecommons
+%files event_emoticate
+%files event_entryproperties
+%files event_karma
+%files event_livesearch
+%files event_mailer
+%files event_nl2br
+%files event_s9ymarkup
+%files event_searchhighlight
<<Diff was trimmed, longer than 597 lines>>
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