vfmg: README, vfmg, vfmg-zsh, vfmg.html, vfmg.init, vfmgrc (REMOVE...

sparky sparky at pld-linux.org
Mon Feb 19 10:36:08 CET 2007

Author: sparky                       Date: Mon Feb 19 09:36:08 2007 GMT
Module: vfmg                          Tag: HEAD
---- Log message:
- back to old version, before funcionality changes

---- Files affected:
   README (1.16 -> 1.17) , vfmg (1.98 -> 1.99) , vfmg-zsh (1.15 -> 1.16) , vfmg.html (1.11 -> 1.12) , vfmg.init (1.15 -> 1.16) , vfmgrc (1.17 -> NONE)  (REMOVED)
   ASCII_out.pm (1.2 -> NONE)  (REMOVED), DR17_out.pm (1.3 -> NONE)  (REMOVED), aewm_out.pm (1.1 -> NONE)  (REMOVED), afterstep_out.pm (1.1 -> NONE)  (REMOVED), blackbox_out.pm (1.1 -> NONE)  (REMOVED), e16_out.pm (1.1 -> NONE)  (REMOVED), e17-desktop_out.pm (1.1 -> NONE)  (REMOVED), e17-eap_out.pm (1.2 -> NONE)  (REMOVED), enlightenment_out.pm (1.1 -> NONE)  (REMOVED), fbpanel_out.pm (1.1 -> NONE)  (REMOVED), fluxbox_out.pm (1.1 -> NONE)  (REMOVED), fvwm2_out.pm (1.1 -> NONE)  (REMOVED), fvwm_out.pm (1.1 -> NONE)  (REMOVED), icewm_out.pm (1.1 -> NONE)  (REMOVED), metisse_out.pm (1.1 -> NONE)  (REMOVED), olvwm_out.pm (1.1 -> NONE)  (REMOVED), openbox_out.pm (1.1 -> NONE)  (REMOVED), qvwm_out.pm (1.1 -> NONE)  (REMOVED), wmaker-old_out.pm (1.1 -> NONE)  (REMOVED), wmaker_out.pm (1.1 -> NONE)  (REMOVED), wmii_out.pm (1.1 -> NONE)  (REMOVED), xfce4_out.pm (1.1 -> NONE)  (REMOVED), xpde_out.pm (1.1 -> NONE)  (REMOVED)

---- Diffs:

Index: vfmg/README
diff -u vfmg/README:1.16 vfmg/README:1.17
--- vfmg/README:1.16	Tue Apr 18 22:28:24 2006
+++ vfmg/README	Mon Feb 19 10:36:02 2007
@@ -1,11 +1,13 @@
 - GoTaR <gotar at poczta.onet.pl>
-- Przemyslaw Iskra <sparky at pld-linux.org>
+- AfterStep, qvwm and xpde don't shrink icons (e.g. bigger png ones) - it looks funny;)
-- default configuration for:
-  aewm, afterstep, blackbox, blackbox, olvwm, wmaker, xpde
+- destination directory
 - main menu name
+- icons cache
 - check for empty $file
 - default f/a icon option
 - old style afterstep menu

Index: vfmg/vfmg
diff -u vfmg/vfmg:1.98 vfmg/vfmg:1.99
--- vfmg/vfmg:1.98	Fri Dec  1 20:42:20 2006
+++ vfmg/vfmg	Mon Feb 19 10:36:02 2007
@@ -2,483 +2,269 @@
 use strict;
-use File::Find qw(find);
-use Getopt::Long qw(GetOptions :config bundling);
-use Encode qw(encode decode);
+use File::Find;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use Encode;
-my $VERSION = "0.9.95";
-# header {{{
-# default options {{{
 my $o_help=0;
-my $o_version=0;
 my $o_tags=0;
 my $o_end=0;
+my $o_icons=0;
+my $o_exec=0;
+my $o_clear=0;
+my $o_promote=0;
 my $o_verbose=0;
-my %defopt = (
-	exec		=> 0,
-	exec_full	=> 0,
-	icons		=> 1,
-	icons_ext	=> 0,
-	icons_full	=> 0,
-	icons_scale	=> 0,
-	icons_fork	=> 0,
-	icons_dir	=> "",
-	icons_oext	=> "png",
-	utf			=> 0,
-	encoding	=> "",
-	clear		=> 0,
-	promote		=> 0,
-	strip		=> 0,
-	nomenu		=> 0,
-	only_in		=> "",
-	xterm		=> "xterm -name xterm-%1 -e %2",
-	convert		=> "convert -geometry 16x16 \%in \%out",
-	full_regen	=> 0,
-	destdir		=> "",
-my %opt;
-my $o_output;
-$defopt{xterm}="$ENV{'VFMG_TERM'}" if $ENV{'VFMG_TERM'};
-my @wms = qw(ASCII DR17 aewm afterstep blackbox e16 enlightenment fbpanel
-	fluxbox fvwm fvwm2 icewm metisse olvwm openbox qvwm wmaker wmaker-old wmii
-	xfce4 xpde);
-# %destdir and %iconsdir should only contain directories propsed by WM
-my %destdir = (
-	DR17			=>	"$ENV{'HOME'}/.e/e/applications/favorite",
-	afterstep		=>	"$ENV{'HOME'}/GNUstep/Library/AfterStep/start",
-	e16				=>	"$ENV{'HOME'}/.e16/menus",
-	enlightenment	=>	"$ENV{'HOME'}/.enlightenment/menus",
-	xpde			=>	"$ENV{'HOME'}/.xpde/Start Menu/Programs",
-my %iconsdir = (
-	DR17			=>	"$ENV{'HOME'}/.e/e/applications/all",
-	e16				=>	"$ENV{'HOME'}/.e16/icons",
-	enlightenment	=>	"$ENV{'HOME'}/.enlightenment/icons",
-# }}}
-GetOptions( # {{{
-	'help|h'			=>	\$o_help,
-	'version|V'			=>	\$o_version,
-	'tags|t'			=>	\$o_tags,
-	'end|e'				=>	\$o_end,
-	'verbose|v'			=>	\$o_verbose,
-	'exec|x!'			=>	\$opt{exec},
-	'exec-full|full-exec|X!'
-						=>	\$opt{exec_full},
-	'icons|i!'			=>	\$opt{icons},
-	'icons-ext|T!'		=>	\$opt{icons_ext},
-	'icons-full|full-icons|I!'	
-						=>	\$opt{icons_full},
-	'icons-scale|scale-icons|S!'
-						=>	\$opt{icons_scale},
-	'icons-fork!'		=>	\$opt{icons_fork},
-	'icons-dir|d=s'		=>	\$opt{icons_dir},
-	'icons-oext|O=s'	=>	\$opt{icons_oext},
-	'text-icon=s'		=>	\$opt{text_icon},
-	'wcnt-file=s'		=>	\$opt{wcnt_file},
-	'termapp-class=s'	=>	\$opt{termapp_class},
-	'termapp-name=s'	=>	\$opt{termapp_name},
-	'utf8|u!'			=>	\$opt{utf},
-	'encoding|E=s'		=>	\$opt{encoding},
-	'clear|c!'			=>	\$opt{clear},
-	'promote|p!'		=>	\$opt{promote},
-	'strip|s!'			=>	\$opt{strip},
-	'nomenu|m!'			=>	\$opt{nomenu},
-	'only-in|o=s'		=>	\$opt{only_in},
-	'xterm|r=s'			=>	\$opt{xterm},
-	'convert|C=s'		=>	\$opt{convert},
-	'full-regen|f!'		=>	\$opt{full_regen},
-	'destdir|D=s'		=>	\$opt{destdir},
-	); # }}}
-if($o_help) { # {{{
-	local $" = ", ";
-	print<<EOF;
-Usage:	$0 [options] {@wms}
-    -h, --help	  - print this help and exit
-    -V, --version	  - print version information and exit
-  Diagnostics:
-    -t, --tags    - echo omitted tags to stderr
-    -e, --end     - echo omitted XDG file ending to stderr
-    -v, --verbose - verbose stderr output
-  Executables and icons:
-    -x, --exec        - check for binaries existence
-    -X, --exec-full   - extend binaries to full path (implies -x)
-    -i, --icons       - add icons to menu (default: yes)
-    -T, --icons-ext   - check for icons existence and add extension if required
-    -I, --icons-full  - check for icons existence and extend to full path
-    -S, --icons-scale - scale (shrink) icons (implies -i -I)
-        --icons-fork  - scale icons after fork
-    -d, --icons-dir=  - output dir for icons
-    -O, --icons-oext= - output icons extension (default: png)
-  Output encoding:
-    -u, --utf8        - output in utf8 (default is locale setting)
-    -E, --encoding=   - output in given encoding (e.g. iso-8859-2)
-  Menu structure:
-    -c, --clear    - remove empty menus
-    -p, --promote  - promote submenus with single entry
-    -s, --strip    - strip 1st level menu
-    -m, --nomenu   - don't add additional menu info
-                     (valid for blackbox, fluxbox, openbox, xfce4)
-    -o, --only-in  - coma separated list of accepted OnlyShowIn= WMs
-    -r, --xterm=   - set x terminal application
-                     default: "$defopt{xterm}"
-                     example "gnome-terminal -t Terminal.%1 -x %2"
-    -C, --convert= - command to use to scale icons
-                     default: "$defopt{convert}"
-    -f, --full-regen - regenerate everything (delete scaled icons)
-    -D, --destdir=   - directory to save multifile menu
-  All but diagnostics boolean options have oposite --no-<name> version too.
-	exit;
-} # }}}
+my $o_full=0;
+my $o_strip=0;
+my $o_output="";
+my $o_utf=0;
+my $o_enc="";
+my $o_xterm="xterm -name xterm-%1 -e %2";
+my $o_nomenu=0;
+$o_xterm="$ENV{'VFMG_TERM'}" if $ENV{'VFMG_TERM'};
+	'tags'=>\$o_tags,
+	'end|e'=>\$o_end,
+	'icons'=>\$o_icons,
+	'exec|x'=>\$o_exec,
+	'clear'=>\$o_clear,
+	'promote'=>\$o_promote,
+	'verbose'=>\$o_verbose,
+	'full'=>\$o_full,
+	'strip'=>\$o_strip,
+	'utf8'=>\$o_utf,
+	'nomenu|m'=>\$o_nomenu,
+	'output=s'=>\$o_enc,
+	'xterm|r=s'=>\$o_xterm
+	);
-if ($o_version) {
-	(my $date = '$Date$' ) =~ s/^.Date: (.*) \$$/$1/;
-	print "VFolders Menu Generator version: $VERSION\n";
-	print "Last update: $date\n";
+if($o_help) {
+	print "Usage:	$0 [options] {aewm, afterstep, blackbox, enlightenment, fbpanel, fluxbox, fvwm, fvwm2, icewm, metisse, openbox, olvwm, qvwm, wmaker, wmaker-old, xfce4, xpde}
+	-h, --help	- print this help
+	-t, --tags	- echo omitted tags to stderr
+	-e, --end	- echo omitted XDG file ending to stderr
+	-v, --verbose	- verbose stderr output
+	-i, --icons	- check for icons existence
+	-x, --exec	- check for binaries existence
+	-f, --full	- extend icons and binaries to full path (needs -i or -x)
+	-c, --clear	- remove empty menus
+	-p, --promote	- promote submenus with single entry
+	-s, --strip	- strip 1st level menu
+	-u, --utf8	- output in utf8 (default is locale setting)
+	-m, --nomenu	- don't add additional menu info (valid for blackbox, fluxbox, openbox, xfce4)
+	-o, --output=	- output in given encoding (e.g. iso-8859-2)
+	-r, --xterm=	- set x terminal application (default \"xterm -name xterm-%1 -e %2\")
+				example \"gnome-terminal -t Terminal.%1 -x %2\"\n";
-unless (exists $ARGV[0]) {
-	local $" = ", ";
-	die "Missing argument {@wms}\n";
+die "Missing argument {aewm, afterstep, blackbox, enlightenment, fbpanel, fluxbox, fvwm, fvwm2, icewm, metisse, openbox, olvwm, qvwm, wmaker, wmaker-old, xfce4, xpde}\n"
+	unless exists $ARGV[0];
 die "Unrecognized argument: $o_output\n"
-	unless grep { $o_output eq $_ } @wms;
-# vfmgrc {{{
-my @rcFiles = ("/etc/vfmgrc", "$ENV{'HOME'}/.vfmgrc");
-push @rcFiles, "$ENV{'HOME_ETC'}/.vfmgrc" if exists $ENV{'HOME_ETC'};
-my @rcBody;
-foreach my $rc (grep -r, @rcFiles) {
-	open F_IN, $rc or next;
-	my $read = 1;
-	while (<F_IN>) {
-		next if ( /^\s*#/ );
-		$_ .= <F_IN> while s/\\\n$//;
-		$read = 0 if /^\[/;
-		if ( /^\[$o_output\]/ ) {
-			$read = 1;
-			next;
-		}
-		push @rcBody, $_ if $read;
-	}
-	close F_IN;
+	unless $o_output=~/^(aewm|afterstep|blackbox|enlightenment|fbpanel|fluxbox|fvwm|fvwm2|icewm|metisse|openbox|olvwm|qvwm|wmaker|wmaker-old|xfce4|xpde)$/;
-my %rcopt = map { /^\s*(.*?)\s*=\s*(.*)\s*$/ } @rcBody;
-# }}}
+$o_full=1 if $o_icons and $o_output=~/^(enlightenment|metisse)$/;
+my $tmp="$ENV{'HOME'}/.local/share";
+my @tmp=("/usr/local/share","/usr/share");
+ at tmp=split(/:+/,$ENV{'XDG_DATA_DIRS'}) if $ENV{'XDG_DATA_DIRS'};
+my @xdg_data_dirs=grep -d, $tmp, at tmp;
+ at tmp=("/etc/xdg");
+ at tmp=split(/:+/,$ENV{'XDG_CONFIG_DIRS'}) if $ENV{'XDG_CONFIG_DIRS'};
+my @xdg_config_dirs=map{"$_/menus"} grep -d, $tmp, at tmp;
-foreach my $opt (keys %opt) {
-	$opt{$opt} = $rcopt{$opt} unless defined $opt{$opt};
-	$opt{$opt} = $defopt{$opt} unless defined $opt{$opt};
-	next unless defined $opt{$opt};
-	$opt{$opt} =~ s/\${HOME}/$ENV{'HOME'}/go;
-# check dependencies
-$opt{exec}=1 if $opt{exec_full};
-if ( grep { $o_output eq $_ } keys %iconsdir ) {
-	$opt{icons_dir} = $iconsdir{$o_output} unless (length $opt{icons_dir});
-if ($opt{icons_scale}) {
-	if ( length $opt{icons_dir} ) {
-		my $conv = (split /\s/, $opt{convert})[0];
-		if ( length `which $conv` ) {
-			$opt{icons} = 1;
-			$opt{icons_full} = 1;
-		} else {
-			$opt{icons_scale} = 0;
-			warn "$conv is not executable, not scaling icons.\n";
-		}
-	} else {
-		$opt{icons_scale} = 0;
-		warn "Icons destination directory is not specified, not scaling.\n";
-	}
-$opt{icons_ext} = 1 if $opt{icons_full};
-$opt{encoding}="utf8" if $opt{utf};
-if ( grep { $o_output eq $_ } keys %destdir ) {
-	$opt{destdir} = $destdir{$o_output} unless (length $opt{destdir});
-} else {
-	delete $opt{destdir};
-my %OSI_accept;
-if ( defined $opt{only_in} ) {
-	%OSI_accept = map {($_, 1)} split /[,\s]+/, $opt{only_in};
-# header }}}
-# search dirs {{{
-my @xdg_data_dirs = grep -d,
-  ( exists $ENV{'XDG_DATA_HOME'}
-	: "$ENV{'HOME'}/.local/share"
-  ),
-  ( exists $ENV{'XDG_DATA_DIRS'}
-	? split /:+/, $ENV{'XDG_DATA_DIRS'}
-	: qw(/usr/local/share /usr/share)
-  );
-my @xdg_config_dirs = map { "$_/menus" } grep -d,
-  ( exists $ENV{'XDG_CONFIG_HOME'}
-	: "$ENV{'HOME'}/.config"
-  ),
-  ( exists $ENV{'XDG_CONFIG_DIRS'}
-	? split /:+/, $ENV{'XDG_CONFIG_DIRS'}
-	: qw(/etc/xdg)
-  );
-my @icondirs = (
-	grep (-d,
-		"$ENV{'HOME'}/.icons/",
-		map({"$_/icons/"} @xdg_data_dirs),
-		qw(/usr/share/pixmaps/
-		  /usr/share/icons/default.kde/48x48/apps/
-		  /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/)
-	),
-	'',
+ at tmp=map {"$_/icons/"} @xdg_data_dirs;
+my @icondirs=(grep (-d, ("$ENV{'HOME'}/.icons/", at tmp,"/usr/share/pixmaps/","/usr/share/icons/default.kde/48x48/apps/","/usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/")), "");
 my @path;
-if ( $opt{exec} ) {
-	@path = (grep (-d, split(/:+/,$ENV{'PATH'})), "");
-	if( length $opt{xterm} ) {
-		my $exists = 0;
-		my $bin = $opt{xterm};
-		$bin =~ s/(\S+).*/$1/;
-		foreach my $dir (@path) {
-			if (-x "$dir/$bin") {
-				$exists = 1;
-				$opt{xterm} = "$dir/$opt{xterm}" if $opt{exec_full};
+if($o_exec) {
+	@path=(grep (-d, split(/:+/,$ENV{'PATH'})), "");
+	if($o_xterm) {
+		my $exists=0;
+		my $bin=$o_xterm;
+		$bin=~s/(\S+).*/$1/;  #v---------v
+		foreach my $dir(@path) {	 # would be "//dir/.../file" correct?
+			if(-x "$dir/$bin") {#----^
+				$exists=1;
+				$o_xterm="$dir/$o_xterm" if $o_full;
-		unless ($exists) {
-			$opt{xterm} = "";
-			warn "Can't find $bin.",
-				" Terminal applications will not be included.\n";
-		}
+		$o_xterm="" unless $exists;
-# search dirs }}}
-# get locale (for Name[*]) {{{
-my @lang;
-sub addlang {
-	my $l = $_[0];
-	push @lang, $l unless grep {$_ eq $l} @lang;
-	$l =~ s/@.*//;
-	push @lang, $l unless grep {$_ eq $l} @lang;
-	$l =~ s/\..*//;
-	push @lang, $l unless grep {$_ eq $l} @lang;
-	$l =~ s/_.*//;
-	push @lang, $l unless grep {$_ eq $l} @lang;
-addlang($ENV{'LC_ALL'})			if exists $ENV{'LC_ALL'};
-addlang($ENV{'LC_MESSAGES'})	if exists $ENV{'LC_MESSAGES'};
-if (exists $ENV{'LANGUAGE'}) {
-	foreach my $lang (split /:/, $ENV{'LANGUAGE'}) {
-		addlang($lang);
-	}
-addlang($ENV{'LANG'})	if exists $ENV{'LANG'};
-my $langs = join "|", @lang;
-sub findfirstlang {
-	foreach my $lang (@lang) {
-		foreach (@_) {
-			return $_ if /\[$lang\]/;
-		}
-	}
-	return (grep !/\[.*\]/, @_)[0];
-} # }}}
+# get locale (for Name[*])
+my $lang4="";
+$lang4=$ENV{'LANG'} if exists $ENV{'LANG'};
+$lang4=$ENV{'LC_MESSAGES'} if exists $ENV{'LC_MESSAGES'};
+$lang4=$ENV{'LC_ALL'} if exists $ENV{'LC_ALL'};
+my $lang3=$lang4;
+my $lang2=$lang3;
+my $lang1=$lang2;
 # what is $DESKTOP_FILE_PATH?
 my @apps;	# $apps{name}{category}=[icon,exec]
-my @desktop;
+my @happs;
 find(\&wanted, grep -d, map {"$_/applications"} @xdg_data_dirs);
-sub wanted { # {{{
-	return unless -f && /^[^.].*\.desktop$/;
-	my $file = $_;
-	open F_IN, $file or warn "$File::Find::name: $!\n" and return;
-	my %tags = (
-		file		=> $file,
-		Icon		=> '',
-		Categories	=> '',
-		Type		=> '',
-		NoDisplay	=> 'false',
-		map {
-			## "foo = bar" or "Name[baz] = bar"
-			/^\s*
-			(Name(?:\[(?:$langs)\])?
-			 |GenericName(?:\[(?:$langs)\])?
-			 |Comment(?:\[(?:$langs)\])?
-			 |Icon|Exec|Categories|Terminal|Type|Encoding|NoDisplay
-			 |OnlyShowIn)
-			\s* = \s* (.+?)
-			\s*$/ox
-		  } <F_IN>,
-	);
+sub wanted {
+	return if (!-f || /^\./ || !/\.desktop$/);
+	my $file=$_;
+	my $name="";
+	my $exec="";
+	my $icon="";
+	my $cats="";
+	my $term=0;
+	my $lang=0;
+	my $app=0;
+	my $enc="iso-8859-1";
+	open F_IN, "$file" or warn "$File::Find::name: $!\n" and return;
+	while(<F_IN>) {
+		if (/^\s*Name\s*=\s*(.+?)\s*$/ && $lang<1) {
+			$name=$1;
+		}
+		if (/^\s*Name\[$lang1\]\s*=\s*(.+?)\s*$/ && $lang<2) {
+			$name=$1;
+			$lang=1;
+		}
+		if (/^\s*Name\[$lang2\]\s*=\s*(.+?)\s*$/ && $lang<3) {
+			$name=$1;
+			$lang=2;
+		}
+		if (/^\s*Name\[$lang3\]\s*=\s*(.+?)\s*$/ && $lang<4) {
+			$name=$1;
+			$lang=3;
+		}
+		if (/^\s*Name\[$lang4\]\s*=\s*(.+?)\s*$/ && $lang<5) {
+			$name=$1;
+			$lang=4;
+		}
+		$icon=$1 if /^\s*Icon\s*=\s*(.+?)\s*$/;
+		$exec=$1 if /^\s*Exec\s*=\s*(.+?)\s*$/;
+		$cats=$1 if /^\s*Categories\s*=\s*(.+?)\s*$/;
+		$term=1 if /^\s*Terminal\s*=\s*(?i:1|true)/;
+		$app=1 if /^\s*Type\s*=\s*(?i:application)/;
+		$enc=$1 if /^\s*Encoding\s*=\s*(.+?)\s*$/;
+	}
 	close F_IN;
-	return unless lc $tags{Type} eq 'application';
-	return if lc $tags{NoDisplay} eq 'true';
-	if ( defined $tags{OnlyShowIn} ) {
-		return unless
-			grep {exists $OSI_accept{$_}} split /;+/, $tags{OnlyShowIn};
-	}
-	$tags{term} =
-	  ($tags{Terminal} && $tags{Terminal} =~ /^(?:1|true)$/i) ? 1 : 0;
-	return if $tags{term} and not $opt{xterm};
-	($tags{bin}) = ($tags{Exec} =~ /(\S+)/);
-	if ( $opt{exec} ) {
-		my $exists = 0;
-		foreach my $dir (@path) {
-			if (-x "$dir/$tags{bin}") {
-				$exists++;
-				$tags{Exec} = "$dir/$tags{Exec}" if $opt{exec_full};
+	return unless $app;
+	return if $term and not $o_xterm;
+	my $bin=$exec;
+		$bin=~s/(\S+).*/$1/;  #v---------v
+	if($o_exec) {
+		my $exists=0;
+		foreach my $dir(@path) {	 # would be "//dir/.../file" correct?
+			if(-x "$dir/$bin") {#----^
+				$exists=1;
+				$exec="$dir/$exec" if $o_full;
 		return unless $exists;
-	if ( $tags{term} ) {
-		$tags{bin} =~ s#.*/##;
-		$_ = $opt{xterm};
-		s/%1/$tags{bin}/g;
-		s/%2/$tags{Exec}/g;
-		$tags{Exec} = $_;
-	}
-	if ( $opt{icons_ext} ) {
-		my $exists = 0;
-		ALLDIRS: foreach my $dir (@icondirs) {
-			foreach my $ext ('', qw(.svg .xpm .png)) {
-				if (-f $dir . $tags{Icon} . $ext) {
-					$tags{Icon} .= $ext;
-					$tags{Icon} = $dir . $tags{Icon} if $opt{icons_full};
-					$exists = 1;
-					last ALLDIRS;
-				}
+	if($term) {
+		$bin=~s|.*/||;
+		$_=$o_xterm;
+		s/%1/$bin/;
+		s/%2/$exec/;
+		$exec=$_;
+	}
+	if($o_icons) {
+		my $exists=0;
+		foreach my $dir(@icondirs) {
+			if(-f "$dir$icon") {
+			} elsif(-f "$dir$icon.svg") {
+				$icon.=".svg";
+			} elsif(-f "$dir$icon.xpm") {
+				$icon.=".xpm";
+			} elsif(-f "$dir$icon.png") {
+				$icon.=".png";
+			} else {
+				next;
-		}
-		$tags{Icon} = '' unless $exists;
-	}
-	$tags{Encoding} = exists $tags{Encoding} ? $tags{Encoding} : 'iso-8859-1';
-	my @to_decode = qw(Name);
-	push @to_decode, qw(GenericName Comment)
-		if $o_output eq "DR17" or $o_output eq "ASCII";
-	foreach my $tag_name (@to_decode) {
-		my @all = (grep /^$tag_name/, keys %tags);
-		next if ($#all < 0);
-		my $first = findfirstlang(@all);
-		my $enc = $tags{Encoding};
<<Diff was trimmed, longer than 597 lines>>

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