SVN: toys/stbr/stbr.tcl
shadzik at
Fri May 18 05:57:42 CEST 2007
Author: shadzik
Date: Fri May 18 05:57:41 2007
New Revision: 8605
- increase performance by calling cvs log just once for each spec
Modified: toys/stbr/stbr.tcl
--- toys/stbr/stbr.tcl (original)
+++ toys/stbr/stbr.tcl Fri May 18 05:57:41 2007
@@ -8,14 +8,6 @@
set cvsroot ":pserver:cvs at"
set usage "Usage: !stbr \[help\] \[no\]upgrade spec1\[:BRANCH\] spec2\[:BRANCH\] ..."
-proc cvs {spec branch} {
- global cvsroot
- if {[catch {exec cvs -d $cvsroot log -r$branch SPECS/$spec} results]} {
- return 0
- }
-return 1
proc help {chan nick} {
putserv "privmsg $chan :$nick: Most important is that you understand what the difference between 'upgrade' and 'noupgrade' is. When you call 'noupgrade' it's going to be just an test-build. When you call 'upgrade' the package is going to be upgraded on builders and ftp."
@@ -67,8 +59,8 @@
foreach spec $specs {
if {([string match *:* $spec])} {set splited [split $spec ":"];set spec [lindex $splited 0]; set branch [lindex $splited 1]} {set branch "HEAD"}
if {!([string match *.spec $spec])} { append spec ".spec"}
-if {([cvs $spec $branch] == 0)} {putserv "privmsg $chan :$nick: There is no such spec ($spec) on branch $branch in PLD's repository."; return 0}
set towho [sendto $spec $branch]
+if {($towho == 0)} {putserv "privmsg $chan :$nick: There is no such spec ($spec) on branch $branch in PLD's repository."; return 0}
lappend rspecs $spec; append rspecs ":$branch (to $towho)"
if {[exec $file $nick $first $spec $branch $towho]==0} {putserv "privmsg $chan :$nick: An error occured. Couldn't send STBR Mail for $spec to $towho."; return 1}
exec sqlite $logfile "INSERT INTO application VALUES('$date','$spec','$branch','$towho','$first');"
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