SPECS: splashy.spec (NEW) - initial
arekm at pld-linux.org
Sun May 20 01:07:23 CEST 2007
Author: arekm Date: Sat May 19 23:07:23 2007 GMT
Module: SPECS Tag: HEAD
---- Log message:
- initial
---- Files affected:
splashy.spec (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW)
---- Diffs:
Index: SPECS/splashy.spec
diff -u /dev/null SPECS/splashy.spec:1.1
--- /dev/null Sun May 20 01:07:23 2007
+++ SPECS/splashy.spec Sun May 20 01:07:17 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+# $Revision$, $Date$
+# TODO:
+# - init script
+# - test everything
+Summary: Next generation boot splashing system
+Name: splashy
+Version: 0.3.2
+Release: 0.1
+License: GPL v2
+Group: Applications/System
+Source0: http://alioth.debian.org/frs/download.php/1832/%{name}_%{version}.tar.gz
+# Source0-md5: 9581a5ff78b57c54269d3cda0cdd8b39
+Patch0: %{name}-libs.patch
+URL: http://splashy.alioth.debian.org/
+BuildRequires: DirectFB-static
+BuildRequires: autoconf
+BuildRequires: automake
+BuildRequires: freetype-static
+BuildRequires: libpng-static
+BuildRequires: pkgconfig
+BuildRequires: sysfsutils-static
+BuildRoot: %{tmpdir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n)
+%define _sbindir /sbin
+Splashy is a next generation boot splashing system for Linux systems.
+Unlike other splashing systems, it needs no patches to the kernel and
+it's installed like a normal package. Make your boot process eye-candy
+with Splashy!
+Some of Splash's most noticable features include:
+- Require zero kernel patches/full functionality in user-space
+- Boot/halt/reboot/runlevel-switch support
+- Progressbar support (with optional border)
+- Verbose mode (with F2/ESC keys)
+- Configuration file in XML
+- Cope with any video-mode resolution/size
+- Cope with 8, 16, and 24 bit framebuffers
+- Alpha channel (transparency) support
+- Video mode detection
+- Initramfs support
+- TrueType2 fonts support
+- Lots of image/animation file formats supported: jpg, png, gif, mpg,
+ swf
+- Low dependencies and code in C to best perform
+- Full LSB support
+- Multiple themes support
+- Really easy to create new themes
+- X detection on exit
+- Smooth progressbar movement
+- Animations support
+- Fade in/out effects
+- Totally configurable
+%package libs
+Summary: Libraries
+Group: Libraries
+%description libs
+%package devel
+Summary: Header files and develpment documentation for slplashy
+Group: Development/Libraries
+Requires: %{name}-libs = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
+%description devel
+Header files and develpment documentation for slplashy.
+%package static
+Summary: Static libraries
+Group: Development/Libraries
+Requires: %{name}-devel = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
+%description static
+Static libraries.
+%setup -q
+%patch0 -p1
+sed -i -e 's#-Werror##g' configure.ac
+%{__make} install \
+%post libs -p /sbin/ldconfig
+%postun libs -p /sbin/ldconfig
+%attr(755,root,root) %{_sbindir}/*
+%dir %{_sysconfdir}/splashy
+%config(noreplace) %verify(not md5 mtime size) %{_sysconfdir}/splashy/*.xml
+%config(noreplace) %verify(not md5 mtime size) %{_sysconfdir}/default/splashy
+%files libs
+%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/lib*.so.*
+%files devel
+%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/lib*.so
+%files static
+%define date %(echo `LC_ALL="C" date +"%a %b %d %Y"`)
+* %{date} PLD Team <feedback at pld-linux.org>
+All persons listed below can be reached at <cvs_login>@pld-linux.org
+Revision 1.1 2007/05/19 23:07:17 arekm
+- initial
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