SOURCES: lighttpd-branch.diff (NEW) - updated from branch: * add...
glen at
Tue Jun 26 21:37:20 CEST 2007
Author: glen Date: Tue Jun 26 19:37:20 2007 GMT
---- Log message:
- updated from branch:
* added static-file.etags, etag.use-inode, etag.use-mtime, etag.use-size
to customize the generation of ETags for static files. (#1209)
(patch by <Yusufg at>)
* fixed typecast of NULL on execl() (#1235)
(patch by F. Denis)
* fixed circumventing url.access-deny by trailing slash (#1230)
* fixed crash on duplicate headers with trailing WS (#1232)
* fixed accepting more connections then requested (#1216)
* fixed mem-leak in mod_auth (reported by Stefan Esser)
* fixed crash with md5-sess and cnonce not set in mod_auth (reported by Stefan Esser)
* fixed missing check for base64 encoded string in mod_auth and Basic auth
(reported by Stefan Esser)
* fixed possible crash in Auth-Digest header parser on trailing WS in
mod_auth (reported by Stefan Esser)
---- Files affected:
lighttpd-branch.diff (1.15 -> 1.16) (NEW)
---- Diffs:
Index: SOURCES/lighttpd-branch.diff
diff -u /dev/null SOURCES/lighttpd-branch.diff:1.16
--- /dev/null Tue Jun 26 21:37:20 2007
+++ SOURCES/lighttpd-branch.diff Tue Jun 26 21:37:15 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,1175 @@
+Index: src/base.h
+--- src/base.h (.../tags/lighttpd-1.4.15) (revision 1878)
++++ src/base.h (.../branches/lighttpd-1.4.x) (revision 1878)
+@@ -269,6 +269,9 @@
+ unsigned short use_ipv6;
+ unsigned short is_ssl;
+ unsigned short allow_http11;
++ unsigned short etag_use_inode;
++ unsigned short etag_use_mtime;
++ unsigned short etag_use_size;
+ unsigned short force_lowercase_filenames; /* if the FS is case-insensitive, force all files to lower-case */
+ unsigned short max_request_size;
+Index: src/connections.c
+--- src/connections.c (.../tags/lighttpd-1.4.15) (revision 1878)
++++ src/connections.c (.../branches/lighttpd-1.4.x) (revision 1878)
+@@ -1252,6 +1252,16 @@
+ socklen_t cnt_len;
+ /* accept it and register the fd */
++ /**
++ * check if we can still open a new connections
++ *
++ * see #1216
++ */
++ if (srv->conns->used >= srv->max_conns) {
++ return NULL;
++ }
+ cnt_len = sizeof(cnt_addr);
+ if (-1 == (cnt = accept(srv_socket->fd, (struct sockaddr *) &cnt_addr, &cnt_len))) {
+@@ -1265,6 +1275,9 @@
+ case ECONNABORTED: /* this is a FreeBSD thingy */
+ /* we were stopped _after_ we had a connection */
+ break;
++ case EMFILE:
++ /* out of fds */
++ break;
+ default:
+ log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "ssd", "accept failed:", strerror(errno), errno);
+ }
+@@ -1432,6 +1445,7 @@
+ } else if (con->in_error_handler) {
+ /* error-handler is back and has generated content */
+ /* if Status: was set, take it otherwise use 200 */
++ con->http_status = con->error_handler_saved_status;
+ }
+ if (con->http_status == 0) con->http_status = 200;
+Index: src/mod_staticfile.c
+--- src/mod_staticfile.c (.../tags/lighttpd-1.4.15) (revision 1878)
++++ src/mod_staticfile.c (.../branches/lighttpd-1.4.x) (revision 1878)
+@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
+ typedef struct {
+ array *exclude_ext;
++ unsigned short etags_used;
+ } plugin_config;
+ typedef struct {
+@@ -82,6 +83,7 @@
+ config_values_t cv[] = {
+ { "static-file.exclude-extensions", NULL, T_CONFIG_ARRAY, T_CONFIG_SCOPE_CONNECTION }, /* 0 */
++ { "static-file.etags", NULL, T_CONFIG_BOOLEAN, T_CONFIG_SCOPE_CONNECTION }, /* 1 */
+ };
+@@ -94,8 +96,10 @@
+ s = calloc(1, sizeof(plugin_config));
+ s->exclude_ext = array_init();
++ s->etags_used = 1;
+ cv[0].destination = s->exclude_ext;
++ cv[1].destination = &(s->etags_used);
+ p->config_storage[i] = s;
+@@ -114,6 +118,7 @@
+ plugin_config *s = p->config_storage[0];
+ PATCH(exclude_ext);
++ PATCH(etags_used);
+ /* skip the first, the global context */
+ for (i = 1; i < srv->config_context->used; i++) {
+@@ -129,7 +134,9 @@
+ if (buffer_is_equal_string(du->key, CONST_STR_LEN("static-file.exclude-extensions"))) {
+ PATCH(exclude_ext);
+- }
++ } else if (buffer_is_equal_string(du->key, CONST_STR_LEN("static-file.etags"))) {
++ PATCH(etags_used);
++ }
+ }
+ }
+@@ -446,11 +453,17 @@
+ response_header_overwrite(srv, con, CONST_STR_LEN("Accept-Ranges"), CONST_STR_LEN("bytes"));
+ if (allow_caching) {
+- if (NULL == array_get_element(con->response.headers, "ETag")) {
+- /* generate e-tag */
+- etag_mutate(con->physical.etag, sce->etag);
++ etag_flags_t flags;
+- response_header_overwrite(srv, con, CONST_STR_LEN("ETag"), CONST_BUF_LEN(con->physical.etag));
++ flags = (con->conf.etag_use_mtime ? ETAG_USE_MTIME : 0) | (con->conf.etag_use_inode ? ETAG_USE_INODE : 0) | (con->conf.etag_use_size ? ETAG_USE_SIZE : 0);
++ if (p->conf.etags_used && flags != 0 && !buffer_is_empty(sce->etag)) {
++ if (NULL == array_get_element(con->response.headers, "ETag")) {
++ /* generate e-tag */
++ etag_mutate(con->physical.etag, sce->etag);
++ response_header_overwrite(srv, con, CONST_STR_LEN("ETag"), CONST_BUF_LEN(con->physical.etag));
++ }
+ }
+ /* prepare header */
+Index: src/configfile.c
+--- src/configfile.c (.../tags/lighttpd-1.4.15) (revision 1878)
++++ src/configfile.c (.../branches/lighttpd-1.4.x) (revision 1878)
+@@ -89,7 +89,9 @@
+ { "server.core-files", NULL, T_CONFIG_BOOLEAN, T_CONFIG_SCOPE_CONNECTION }, /* 45 */
+ { "ssl.cipher-list", NULL, T_CONFIG_STRING, T_CONFIG_SCOPE_SERVER }, /* 46 */
+ { "ssl.use-sslv2", NULL, T_CONFIG_BOOLEAN, T_CONFIG_SCOPE_CONNECTION }, /* 47 */
++ { "etag.use-inode", NULL, T_CONFIG_BOOLEAN, T_CONFIG_SCOPE_SERVER }, /* 48 */
++ { "etag.use-mtime", NULL, T_CONFIG_BOOLEAN, T_CONFIG_SCOPE_SERVER }, /* 49 */
++ { "etag.use-size", NULL, T_CONFIG_BOOLEAN, T_CONFIG_SCOPE_SERVER }, /* 50 */
+ { "", "use server.bind instead", T_CONFIG_DEPRECATED, T_CONFIG_SCOPE_UNSET },
+ { "server.docroot", "use server.document-root instead", T_CONFIG_DEPRECATED, T_CONFIG_SCOPE_UNSET },
+ { "server.virtual-root", "load mod_simple_vhost and use simple-vhost.server-root instead", T_CONFIG_DEPRECATED, T_CONFIG_SCOPE_UNSET },
+@@ -162,6 +164,9 @@
+ #endif
+ s->kbytes_per_second = 0;
+ s->allow_http11 = 1;
++ s->etag_use_inode = 1;
++ s->etag_use_mtime = 1;
++ s->etag_use_size = 1;
+ s->range_requests = 1;
+ s->force_lowercase_filenames = 0;
+ s->global_kbytes_per_second = 0;
+@@ -206,6 +211,9 @@
+ cv[46].destination = s->ssl_cipher_list;
+ cv[47].destination = &(s->ssl_use_sslv2);
++ cv[48].destination = &(s->etag_use_inode);
++ cv[49].destination = &(s->etag_use_mtime);
++ cv[50].destination = &(s->etag_use_size);
+ srv->config_storage[i] = s;
+@@ -280,8 +288,10 @@
+ PATCH(ssl_ca_file);
+ PATCH(ssl_cipher_list);
+ PATCH(ssl_use_sslv2);
++ PATCH(etag_use_inode);
++ PATCH(etag_use_mtime);
++ PATCH(etag_use_size);
+ return 0;
+ }
+@@ -323,6 +333,12 @@
+ PATCH(max_read_idle);
+ } else if (buffer_is_equal_string(du->key, CONST_STR_LEN("mimetype.use-xattr"))) {
+ PATCH(use_xattr);
++ } else if (buffer_is_equal_string(du->key, CONST_STR_LEN("etag.use-inode"))) {
++ PATCH(etag_use_inode);
++ } else if (buffer_is_equal_string(du->key, CONST_STR_LEN("etag.use-mtime"))) {
++ PATCH(etag_use_mtime);
++ } else if (buffer_is_equal_string(du->key, CONST_STR_LEN("etag.use-size"))) {
++ PATCH(etag_use_size);
+ } else if (buffer_is_equal_string(du->key, CONST_STR_LEN("ssl.pemfile"))) {
+ PATCH(ssl_pemfile);
+ } else if (buffer_is_equal_string(du->key, CONST_STR_LEN(""))) {
+Index: src/etag.c
+--- src/etag.c (.../tags/lighttpd-1.4.15) (revision 1878)
++++ src/etag.c (.../branches/lighttpd-1.4.x) (revision 1878)
+@@ -8,12 +8,22 @@
+ return 0;
+ }
+-int etag_create(buffer *etag, struct stat *st) {
+- buffer_copy_off_t(etag, st->st_ino);
+- buffer_append_string_len(etag, CONST_STR_LEN("-"));
+- buffer_append_off_t(etag, st->st_size);
+- buffer_append_string_len(etag, CONST_STR_LEN("-"));
+- buffer_append_long(etag, st->st_mtime);
++int etag_create(buffer *etag, struct stat *st,etag_flags_t flags) {
++ if (0 == flags) return 0;
++ if (flags & ETAG_USE_INODE) {
++ buffer_copy_off_t(etag, st->st_ino);
++ buffer_append_string_len(etag, CONST_STR_LEN("-"));
++ }
++ if (flags & ETAG_USE_SIZE) {
++ buffer_append_off_t(etag, st->st_size);
++ buffer_append_string_len(etag, CONST_STR_LEN("-"));
++ }
++ if (flags & ETAG_USE_MTIME) {
++ buffer_append_long(etag, st->st_mtime);
++ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+Index: src/mod_scgi.c
+--- src/mod_scgi.c (.../tags/lighttpd-1.4.15) (revision 1878)
++++ src/mod_scgi.c (.../branches/lighttpd-1.4.x) (revision 1878)
+@@ -803,7 +803,7 @@
+ buffer_append_string_buffer(b, host->bin_path);
+ /* exec the cgi */
+- execle("/bin/sh", "sh", "-c", b->ptr, NULL, env.ptr);
++ execle("/bin/sh", "sh", "-c", b->ptr, (char *)NULL, env.ptr);
+ log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "sbs",
+ "execl failed for:", host->bin_path, strerror(errno));
+Index: src/etag.h
+--- src/etag.h (.../tags/lighttpd-1.4.15) (revision 1878)
++++ src/etag.h (.../branches/lighttpd-1.4.x) (revision 1878)
+@@ -7,8 +7,10 @@
+ #include "buffer.h"
++typedef enum { ETAG_USE_INODE = 1, ETAG_USE_MTIME = 2, ETAG_USE_SIZE = 4 } etag_flags_t;
+ int etag_is_equal(buffer *etag, const char *matches);
+-int etag_create(buffer *etag, struct stat *st);
++int etag_create(buffer *etag, struct stat *st, etag_flags_t flags);
+ int etag_mutate(buffer *mut, buffer *etag);
+Index: src/request.c
+--- src/request.c (.../tags/lighttpd-1.4.15) (revision 1878)
++++ src/request.c (.../branches/lighttpd-1.4.x) (revision 1878)
+@@ -284,8 +284,6 @@
+ int done = 0;
+- data_string *ds = NULL;
+ /*
+ * Request: "^(GET|POST|HEAD) ([^ ]+(\\?[^ ]+|)) (HTTP/1\\.[01])$"
+ * Option : "^([-a-zA-Z]+): (.+)$"
+@@ -715,12 +713,24 @@
+ switch(*cur) {
+ case '\r':
+ if (con->parse_request->ptr[i+1] == '\n') {
++ data_string *ds = NULL;
+ /* End of Headerline */
+ con->parse_request->ptr[i] = '\0';
+ con->parse_request->ptr[i+1] = '\0';
+ if (in_folding) {
+- if (!ds) {
++ buffer *key_b;
++ /**
++ * we use a evil hack to handle the line-folding
++ *
++ * As array_insert_unique() deletes 'ds' in the case of a duplicate
++ * ds points somewhere and we get a evil crash. As a solution we keep the old
++ * "key" and get the current value from the hash and append us
++ *
++ * */
++ if (!key || !key_len) {
+ /* 400 */
+ if (srv->srvconf.log_request_header_on_error) {
+@@ -737,7 +747,15 @@
+ con->response.keep_alive = 0;
+ return 0;
+ }
+- buffer_append_string(ds->value, value);
++ key_b = buffer_init();
++ buffer_copy_string_len(key_b, key, key_len);
++ if (NULL != (ds = (data_string *)array_get_element(con->request.headers, key_b->ptr))) {
++ buffer_append_string(ds->value, value);
++ }
++ buffer_free(key_b);
+ } else {
+ int s_len;
+ key = con->parse_request->ptr + first;
+@@ -969,7 +987,12 @@
+ first = i+1;
+ is_key = 1;
+ value = 0;
+- key_len = 0;
++#if 0
++ /**
++ * for Bug 1230 keep the key_len a live
++ */
++ key_len = 0;
+ in_folding = 0;
+ } else {
+ if (srv->srvconf.log_request_header_on_error) {
+Index: src/stat_cache.c
+--- src/stat_cache.c (.../tags/lighttpd-1.4.15) (revision 1878)
++++ src/stat_cache.c (.../branches/lighttpd-1.4.x) (revision 1878)
+@@ -608,14 +608,16 @@
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+- etag_create(sce->etag, &(sce->st));
++ etag_create(sce->etag, &(sce->st),
++ (con->conf.etag_use_mtime ? ETAG_USE_MTIME : 0) | (con->conf.etag_use_inode ? ETAG_USE_INODE : 0) | (con->conf.etag_use_size ? ETAG_USE_SIZE : 0));
+ #ifdef HAVE_XATTR
+- if (buffer_is_empty(sce->content_type)) {
++ if (con->conf.use_xattr && buffer_is_empty(sce->content_type)) {
+ stat_cache_attr_get(sce->content_type, name->ptr);
+ }
+ #endif
+ } else if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) {
+- etag_create(sce->etag, &(sce->st));
++ etag_create(sce->etag, &(sce->st),
++ (con->conf.etag_use_mtime ? ETAG_USE_MTIME : 0) | (con->conf.etag_use_inode ? ETAG_USE_INODE : 0) | (con->conf.etag_use_size ? ETAG_USE_SIZE : 0));
+ }
+ #ifdef HAVE_FAM_H
+Index: src/http_auth.c
+--- src/http_auth.c (.../tags/lighttpd-1.4.15) (revision 1878)
++++ src/http_auth.c (.../branches/lighttpd-1.4.x) (revision 1878)
+@@ -830,8 +830,14 @@
+ username = buffer_init();
+- base64_decode(username, realm_str);
++ if (!base64_decode(username, realm_str)) {
++ buffer_free(username);
++ log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "sb", "decodeing base64-string failed", username);
++ return 0;
++ }
+ /* r2 == user:password */
+ if (NULL == (pw = strchr(username->ptr, ':'))) {
+ buffer_free(username);
+@@ -967,7 +973,7 @@
+ for (c = b->ptr; *c; c++) {
+ /* skip whitespaces */
+ while (*c == ' ' || *c == '\t') c++;
+- if (!c) break;
++ if (!*c) break;
+ for (i = 0; dkv[i].key; i++) {
+ if ((0 == strncmp(c, dkv[i].key, dkv[i].key_len))) {
+@@ -1016,9 +1022,24 @@
+ log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "s",
+ "digest: missing field");
++ buffer_free(b);
+ return -1;
+ }
++ /**
++ * protect the md5-sess against missing cnonce and nonce
++ */
++ if (algorithm &&
++ 0 == strcasecmp(algorithm, "md5-sess") &&
++ (!nonce || !cnonce)) {
++ log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "s",
++ "digest: (md5-sess: missing field");
++ buffer_free(b);
++ return -1;
++ }
+ m = get_http_method_name(con->request.http_method);
+ /* password-string == HA1 */
+Index: src/mod_status.c
+--- src/mod_status.c (.../tags/lighttpd-1.4.15) (revision 1878)
++++ src/mod_status.c (.../branches/lighttpd-1.4.x) (revision 1878)
+@@ -220,6 +220,7 @@
+ " <style type=\"text/css\">\n"
+ " table.status { border: black solid thin; }\n"
++ " td { white-space: nowrap; }\n"
+ " { background-color: #f0f0f0; text-align: right }\n"
+ " td.string { background-color: #f0f0f0; text-align: left }\n"
+ " th.status { background-color: black; color: white; font-weight: bold; }\n"
+@@ -520,6 +521,16 @@
+ buffer_append_string_encoded(b, CONST_BUF_LEN(c->uri.path), ENCODING_HTML);
+ }
++ if (!buffer_is_empty(c->uri.query)) {
++ buffer_append_string_encoded(b, CONST_BUF_LEN(c->uri.query), ENCODING_HTML);
++ }
++ if (!buffer_is_empty(c->request.orig_uri)) {
++ buffer_append_string_encoded(b, CONST_BUF_LEN(c->request.orig_uri), ENCODING_HTML);
++ }
+ BUFFER_APPEND_STRING_CONST(b, "</td><td class=\"string\">");
+ buffer_append_string_buffer(b, c->physical.path);
+Index: src/mod_ssi.c
+--- src/mod_ssi.c (.../tags/lighttpd-1.4.15) (revision 1878)
++++ src/mod_ssi.c (.../branches/lighttpd-1.4.x) (revision 1878)
+@@ -702,7 +702,7 @@
+ /* close stdin */
+ close(STDIN_FILENO);
+- execl("/bin/sh", "sh", "-c", cmd, NULL);
++ execl("/bin/sh", "sh", "-c", cmd, (char *)NULL);
+ log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "sss", "spawing exec failed:", strerror(errno), cmd);
+Index: src/spawn-fcgi.c
+--- src/spawn-fcgi.c (.../tags/lighttpd-1.4.15) (revision 1878)
++++ src/spawn-fcgi.c (.../branches/lighttpd-1.4.x) (revision 1878)
+@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@
+ strcat(b, appPath);
+ /* exec the cgi */
+- execl("/bin/sh", "sh", "-c", b, NULL);
++ execl("/bin/sh", "sh", "-c", b, (char *)NULL);
+ exit(errno);
+Index: src/mod_fastcgi.c
+--- src/mod_fastcgi.c (.../tags/lighttpd-1.4.15) (revision 1878)
++++ src/mod_fastcgi.c (.../branches/lighttpd-1.4.x) (revision 1878)
+@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
+ buffer *unixsocket; /* config.socket + "-" + id */
+ unsigned port; /* config.port + pno */
+- buffer *connection_name; /* either tcp:<host>:<port> or unix:<socket> for debuggin purposes */
++ buffer *connection_name; /* either tcp:<host>:<port> or unix:<socket> for debugging purposes */
+ pid_t pid; /* PID of the spawned process (0 if not spawned locally) */
+@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
+ size_t requests; /* see max_requests */
+ struct fcgi_proc *prev, *next; /* see first */
+- time_t disabled_until; /* this proc is disabled until, use something else until than */
++ time_t disabled_until; /* this proc is disabled until, use something else until then */
+ int is_local;
+@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
+ PROC_STATE_UNSET, /* init-phase */
+ PROC_STATE_RUNNING, /* alive */
+ PROC_STATE_OVERLOADED, /* listen-queue is full,
+- don't send something to this proc for the next 2 seconds */
++ don't send anything to this proc for the next 2 seconds */
+ PROC_STATE_DIED, /* marked as dead, should be restarted */
+ PROC_STATE_KILLED /* was killed as we don't have the load anymore */
+@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@
+ unsigned short disable_time;
+ /*
+- * same fastcgi processes get a little bit larger
++ * some fastcgi processes get a little bit larger
+ * than wanted. max_requests_per_proc kills a
+ * process after a number of handled requests.
+ *
+@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@
+ * bin-path is the path to the binary
+ *
+ * check min_procs and max_procs for the number
+- * of process to start-up
++ * of process to start up
+ */
+ buffer *bin_path;
+@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@
+ unsigned short mode;
+ /*
+- * check_local tell you if the phys file is stat()ed
++ * check_local tells you if the phys file is stat()ed
+ * or not. FastCGI doesn't care if the service is
+ * remote. If the web-server side doesn't contain
+ * the fastcgi-files we should not stat() for them
+@@ -228,7 +228,7 @@
+ /*
+ *
+- * php needs this if cgi.fix_pathinfo is provied
++ * php needs this if cgi.fix_pathinfo is provided
+ *
+ */
+@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@
+ num_procs.
+ only if a process is killed max_id waits for the process itself
+- to die and decrements its afterwards */
++ to die and decrements it afterwards */
+ buffer *strip_request_uri;
+@@ -826,7 +826,7 @@
+ } else {
+ struct hostent *he;
+- /* set a usefull default */
++ /* set a useful default */
+ fcgi_addr_in.sin_addr.s_addr = htonl(INADDR_ANY);
+@@ -869,7 +869,7 @@
+ }
+ if (-1 == connect(fcgi_fd, fcgi_addr, servlen)) {
+- /* server is not up, spawn in */
++ /* server is not up, spawn it */
+ pid_t child;
+ int val;
+@@ -1029,10 +1029,11 @@
+ "child exited with status",
+ WEXITSTATUS(status), host->bin_path);
+ log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "s",
+- "if you try do run PHP as FastCGI backend make sure you use the FastCGI enabled version.\n"
++ "If you're trying to run PHP as a FastCGI backend, make sure you're using the FastCGI-enabled version.\n"
+ "You can find out if it is the right one by executing 'php -v' and it should display '(cgi-fcgi)' "
+- "in the output, NOT (cgi) NOR (cli)\n"
+- "For more information check");
++ "in the output, NOT '(cgi)' NOR '(cli)'.\n"
++ "For more information, check"
++ "If this is PHP on Gentoo, add 'fastcgi' to the USE flags.");
+ } else if (WIFSIGNALED(status)) {
+ log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "sd",
+ "terminated by signal:",
+@@ -1040,9 +1041,9 @@
+ if (WTERMSIG(status) == 11) {
+ log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "s",
+- "to be exact: it seg-fault, crashed, died, ... you get the idea." );
++ "to be exact: it segfaulted, crashed, died, ... you get the idea." );
+ log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "s",
+- "If this is PHP try to remove the byte-code caches for now and try again.");
++ "If this is PHP, try removing the bytecode caches for now and try again.");
+ }
+ } else {
+ log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "sd",
+@@ -1066,7 +1067,7 @@
+ if (p->conf.debug) {
+ log_error_write(srv, __FILE__, __LINE__, "sb",
+- "(debug) socket is already used, won't spawn:",
++ "(debug) socket is already used; won't spawn:",
+ proc->connection_name);
+ }
+ }
+@@ -1508,7 +1509,7 @@
+ *
+ * next step is resetting this attemp and setup a connection again
+ *
+- * if we have more then 5 reconnects for the same request, die
++ * if we have more than 5 reconnects for the same request, die
+ *
+ * 2.
+ *
+@@ -1626,7 +1627,7 @@
<<Diff was trimmed, longer than 597 lines>>
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