SOURCES: Dark-Glass-Dos2Unix.patch (NEW) - new
rotom at
Thu Nov 1 16:48:24 CET 2007
Author: rotom Date: Thu Nov 1 15:48:24 2007 GMT
---- Log message:
- new
---- Files affected:
Dark-Glass-Dos2Unix.patch (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW)
---- Diffs:
Index: SOURCES/Dark-Glass-Dos2Unix.patch
diff -u /dev/null SOURCES/Dark-Glass-Dos2Unix.patch:1.1
--- /dev/null Thu Nov 1 16:48:24 2007
+++ SOURCES/Dark-Glass-Dos2Unix.patch Thu Nov 1 16:48:19 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
+--- buildset.orgi 2007-10-29 01:37:52.000000000 +0100
++++ buildset 2007-11-01 16:27:21.000000000 +0100
+@@ -1,191 +1,181 @@
+-# (C) Nick Bargnesi nbargnesi at
+-# This script is distributed under the GPL. See the file GPL.
+-# If you make any improvements, feel free to email me any changes. nbargnesi at
+-#Updated By: Guppetto (guppetto at
+-#Updated On: 09/11/2004
+-#Version: buildset 1.1
+-#Changes: Mandrake kmenu Icon creation code added, Error Messages were updated,
+-# Kmenu icon creation message was updated, index.desktop update comment was added
+-# PACKAGENAME is the final tarred, compressed, iconset.
+-REQUIRED_SIZES="32x32 22x22 16x16"
+-# These are sizes for everything except the actions folder, which contains
+-# menu and toolbar related stuff for KDE. Add or remove a size here, I
+-# would recommend not removing the 32, 22, and 16 sizes.
+-# Note:
+-# If you add additional sizes, you must update your index.desktop file to
+-# access the additional icons. I've added the non-standard 56x56 category
+-# as an example.
+-SIZES="128x128 96x96 72x72 64x64 56x56 48x48 $REQUIRED_SIZES"
+-DIRS="apps devices filesystems mimetypes actions" # no actions directory needed, its hardcoded
+-function checkCompressor() {
+- echo -ne "Checking for bzip2... "
+- FOUND=`which bzip2`
+- if [ "$FOUND" != "" ]; then
+- echo -ne "found $FOUND\n"
+- return
+- else
+- echo -ne " no.\n"
+- echo -ne "Checking for gzip... "
+- FOUND=`which gzip`
+- if [ "$FOUND" != "" ]; then
+- echo -ne "found $FOUND\n"
+- return
+- else
+- echo -ne " no.\n"
+- echo -ne "\nNo compressor found (bzip2 | gzip).\n"
+- exit 1
+- fi
+- fi
+-function checkNeeded() {
+- echo -ne "Checking for tar... "
+- FOUND=`which tar`
+- if [ "$FOUND" != "" ]; then
+- echo -ne " found $FOUND\n"
+- echo -ne "Checking for convert... "
+- FOUND=`which convert`
+- if [ "$FOUND" != "" ]; then
+- echo -ne " found $FOUND\n"
+- return
+- else
+- echo -ne " no.\n"
+- echo -ne "\nNo convert found in path.\n"
+- exit 1
+- fi
+- else
+- echo -ne " no.\n"
+- echo -ne "\nNo tar found in path.\n"
+- exit 1
+- fi
+-function printFound() {
+- echo -ne "\nDependencies met - this script is using:\n"
+- echo -ne "\t\t$COMPRESSOR as compressor\n"
+- echo -ne "\t\t$TAR_PATH as tar path\n"
+- echo -ne "\t\t$CONVERT_PATH as convert path\n"
+-echo -ne "This script builds an installable KDE iconset using bash and convert.\n"
+-echo -ne "Change what you want, add additional sizes, whatever... :)\n"
+-echo -ne "You get your choice of kmenu icons. If your distribution uses a special naming "
+-echo -ne "convention for the kmenu icon (i.e. Mandrake) you should add the special name for the "
+-echo -ne "kmenu icon to the build script and submit the updated script to nbargnesi at, "
+-echo -ne "u_nbargnesi at, or guppetto at Hopefully in the future this script will be "
+-echo -ne "able to create the correct Kmenu icon for every distribution (I can dream cant I). Check "
+-echo -ne "the 128x128/apps/ directory for alternate icons that can be selected as the kmenu icon \n"
+-echo -ne "\nSelect a kmenu icon from the following choices: \n"
+-echo -ne "\n\kmenu_suse,kmeun_slackware,kmenu_baghira,kmenu_blue_1,kmenu_debian,kmenu_fedora,kmenu_green_1,kmenu_happy,kmenu_kde_cool,kmenu_kde_old,kmenu_kde,kmenu_tux, and enter it now (case sensitive - dont put (.png) at the end of your selection): "
+-echo -ne "\nUsing the $KMENU_ICON.png icon as your kmenu icon.\n"
+-# Add your distributions kmenu specific icon name below.
+-# The line cp -f 128x128/apps/$KMENU_ICON.png 128x128/apps/menuk-mdk.png
+-# was added to create the required icon for Mandrake Linux.
+-if test -f 128x128/apps/$KMENU_ICON.png
+- then
+- cp -f 128x128/apps/$KMENU_ICON.png 128x128/apps/kmenu.png
+- cp -f 128x128/apps/$KMENU_ICON.png 128x128/apps/go.png
+-# Mandrake Specific Kmenu Icon to create
+- cp -f 128x128/apps/$KMENU_ICON.png 128x128/apps/menuk-mdk.png
+-# Distribution Specific Kmenu Icon to create
+- else
+- echo -ne "Invalid selection ($KMENU_ICON), the $KMENU_ICON icon was not found in the .128x128/apps/ directory....exiting...\n"
+- exit 1
+-echo -ne "Ready to go! Converting all icons! (about 15 seconds on an Athlon 64)\n"
+-#Loop directory creation according to SIZES specified at startup
+-for size in $SIZES
+- mkdir -p $size/actions $size/apps $size/devices $size/mimetypes $size/filesystems
+-# Required sizes for actions
+-mkdir -p 32x32/actions 22x22/actions 16x16/actions
+-# Mmmm... loops...
+-for dir in $DIRS
+- cd 128x128/$dir
+- for icon in *
+- do
+- # Loop the specified sizes
+- for size in $SIZES
+- do
+- convert "$icon" -resize $size ../../$size/$dir/"$icon"
+- done
+- done
+- # Move from 128x128/$directory to toplevel
+- cd ../../
+-# Move from 128x128/ to 32x32/
+-cd 32x32/actions
+-for icon in *
+- convert "$icon" -resize 32x32 ../../32x32/actions/"$icon"
+- convert "$icon" -resize 22x22 ../../22x22/actions/"$icon"
+- convert "$icon" -resize 16x16 ../../16x16/actions/"$icon"
+-# Move to top directory
+-cd ../../
+-cp -R 128x128 $PACKAGENAME
+-cp -R 32x32 $PACKAGENAME
+-cp index.desktop $PACKAGENAME
+-cp buildset $PACKAGENAME
+-# Move/Remove the created directories so the user can rebuild if needed.
+-rm -fr 32x32/apps 32x32/devices 32x32/mimetypes 32x32/filesystems
+-for size in $SIZES
+- if [ "$size" != "32x32" ]; then # Already did the 32x32 size above
+- mv $size $PACKAGENAME
+- fi
+-echo -ne "\nDone with conversions.\n"
+-echo -ne "Tarring and compressing.\n"
+-if test -f $COMPRESSOR
+- then
+- echo -ne "\nThe $PACKAGENAME icon set has been built. Use kcontrol to install the icon set.\n"
+- echo && ls -sh $PACKAGENAME.tar* && echo
+-echo -ne "Removing all temporary directories...\n"
+-echo -ne "\nAll done. ;)\n"
++# (C) Nick Bargnesi nbargnesi at
++# This script is distributed under the GPL. See the file GPL.
++# If you make any improvements, feel free to email me any changes. nbargnesi at
++#Updated By: Guppetto (guppetto at
++#Updated On: 09/11/2004
++#Version: buildset 1.1
++#Changes: Mandrake kmenu Icon creation code added, Error Messages were updated,
++# Kmenu icon creation message was updated, index.desktop update comment was added
++# PACKAGENAME is the final tarred, compressed, iconset.
++REQUIRED_SIZES="32x32 22x22 16x16"
++# These are sizes for everything except the actions folder, which contains
++# menu and toolbar related stuff for KDE. Add or remove a size here, I
++# would recommend not removing the 32, 22, and 16 sizes.
++# Note:
++# If you add additional sizes, you must update your index.desktop file to
++# access the additional icons. I've added the non-standard 56x56 category
++# as an example.
++SIZES="128x128 96x96 72x72 64x64 56x56 48x48 $REQUIRED_SIZES"
++DIRS="apps devices filesystems mimetypes actions" # no actions directory needed, its hardcoded
++function checkCompressor() {
++ echo -ne "Checking for bzip2... "
++ FOUND=`which bzip2`
++ if [ "$FOUND" != "" ]; then
++ echo -ne "found $FOUND\n"
++ return
++ else
++ echo -ne " no.\n"
++ echo -ne "Checking for gzip... "
++ FOUND=`which gzip`
++ if [ "$FOUND" != "" ]; then
++ echo -ne "found $FOUND\n"
++ return
++ else
++ echo -ne " no.\n"
++ echo -ne "\nNo compressor found (bzip2 | gzip).\n"
++ exit 1
++ fi
++ fi
++function checkNeeded() {
++ echo -ne "Checking for tar... "
++ FOUND=`which tar`
++ if [ "$FOUND" != "" ]; then
++ echo -ne " found $FOUND\n"
++ echo -ne "Checking for convert... "
++ FOUND=`which convert`
++ if [ "$FOUND" != "" ]; then
++ echo -ne " found $FOUND\n"
++ return
++ else
++ echo -ne " no.\n"
++ echo -ne "\nNo convert found in path.\n"
++ exit 1
++ fi
++ else
++ echo -ne " no.\n"
++ echo -ne "\nNo tar found in path.\n"
++ exit 1
++ fi
++function printFound() {
++ echo -ne "\nDependencies met - this script is using:\n"
++ echo -ne "\t\t$COMPRESSOR as compressor\n"
++ echo -ne "\t\t$TAR_PATH as tar path\n"
++ echo -ne "\t\t$CONVERT_PATH as convert path\n"
++echo -ne "This script builds an installable KDE iconset using bash and convert.\n"
++echo -ne "Change what you want, add additional sizes, whatever... :)\n"
++# Add your distributions kmenu specific icon name below.
++# The line cp -f 128x128/apps/$KMENU_ICON.png 128x128/apps/menuk-mdk.png
++# was added to create the required icon for Mandrake Linux.
++if test -f 128x128/apps/$KMENU_ICON.png
++ then
++ cp -f 128x128/apps/$KMENU_ICON.png 128x128/apps/kmenu.png
++ cp -f 128x128/apps/$KMENU_ICON.png 128x128/apps/go.png
++# Mandrake Specific Kmenu Icon to create
++ cp -f 128x128/apps/$KMENU_ICON.png 128x128/apps/menuk-mdk.png
++# Distribution Specific Kmenu Icon to create
++ else
++ echo -ne "Invalid selection ($KMENU_ICON), the $KMENU_ICON icon was not found in the .128x128/apps/ directory....exiting...\n"
++ exit 1
++echo -ne "Ready to go! Converting all icons! (about 15 seconds on an Athlon 64)\n"
++#Loop directory creation according to SIZES specified at startup
++for size in $SIZES
++ mkdir -p $size/actions $size/apps $size/devices $size/mimetypes $size/filesystems
++# Required sizes for actions
++mkdir -p 32x32/actions 22x22/actions 16x16/actions
++# Mmmm... loops...
++for dir in $DIRS
++ cd 128x128/$dir
++ for icon in *
++ do
++ # Loop the specified sizes
++ for size in $SIZES
++ do
++ convert "$icon" -resize $size ../../$size/$dir/"$icon"
++ done
++ done
++ # Move from 128x128/$directory to toplevel
++ cd ../../
++# Move from 128x128/ to 32x32/
++cd 32x32/actions
++for icon in *
++ convert "$icon" -resize 32x32 ../../32x32/actions/"$icon"
++ convert "$icon" -resize 22x22 ../../22x22/actions/"$icon"
++ convert "$icon" -resize 16x16 ../../16x16/actions/"$icon"
++# Move to top directory
++cd ../../
++cp -R 128x128 $PACKAGENAME
++cp -R 32x32 $PACKAGENAME
++cp index.desktop $PACKAGENAME
++cp buildset $PACKAGENAME
++# Move/Remove the created directories so the user can rebuild if needed.
++rm -fr 32x32/apps 32x32/devices 32x32/mimetypes 32x32/filesystems
++for size in $SIZES
++ if [ "$size" != "32x32" ]; then # Already did the 32x32 size above
++ mv $size $PACKAGENAME
++ fi
++echo -ne "\nDone with conversions.\n"
++echo -ne "Tarring and compressing.\n"
++if test -f $COMPRESSOR
++ then
++ echo -ne "\nThe $PACKAGENAME icon set has been built. Use kcontrol to install the icon set.\n"
++ echo && ls -sh $PACKAGENAME.tar* && echo
++echo -ne "Removing all temporary directories...\n"
++echo -ne "\nAll done. ;)\n"
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