SOURCES: x86emu-update.patch (NEW) - updated from
qboosh at
Sat Jan 26 21:11:32 CET 2008
Author: qboosh Date: Sat Jan 26 20:11:32 2008 GMT
---- Log message:
- updated from
---- Files affected:
x86emu-update.patch (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW)
---- Diffs:
Index: SOURCES/x86emu-update.patch
diff -u /dev/null SOURCES/x86emu-update.patch:1.1
--- /dev/null Sat Jan 26 21:11:32 2008
+++ SOURCES/x86emu-update.patch Sat Jan 26 21:11:26 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,3653 @@
+--- x86emu-0.8/scitech/include/x86emu/fpu_regs.h.orig 2001-08-14 19:35:05.000000000 +0200
++++ x86emu-0.8/scitech/include/x86emu/fpu_regs.h 2008-01-26 19:53:19.113610916 +0100
+@@ -41,7 +41,9 @@
+ #ifdef X86_FPU_SUPPORT
+-#pragma pack(1)
++#ifdef PACK
++# pragma PACK
+ /* Basic 8087 register can hold any of the following values: */
+@@ -87,7 +89,9 @@ struct x86_fpu_registers {
+ short x86_fpu_tos, x86_fpu_bos;
+ };
+-#pragma pack()
++#ifdef END_PACK
++# pragma END_PACK
+ /*
+ * There are two versions of the following macro.
+--- x86emu-0.8/scitech/include/x86emu/regs.h.orig 2001-08-14 19:35:05.000000000 +0200
++++ x86emu-0.8/scitech/include/x86emu/regs.h 2008-01-26 19:55:27.564930940 +0100
+@@ -41,7 +41,9 @@
+ /*---------------------- Macros and type definitions ----------------------*/
+-#pragma pack(1)
++#ifdef PACK
++# pragma PACK
+ /*
+ * General EAX, EBX, ECX, EDX type registers. Note that for
+@@ -271,8 +273,7 @@ typedef struct {
+ * Extern interrupt 1 bits
+ * Halted 1 bits
+ */
+- long mode;
+- u8 intno;
++ u32 mode;
+ volatile int intr; /* mask of pending interrupts */
+ int debug;
+ #ifdef DEBUG
+@@ -284,6 +285,8 @@ typedef struct {
+ char decode_buf[32]; /* encoded byte stream */
+ char decoded_buf[256]; /* disassembled strings */
+ #endif
++ u8 intno;
++ u8 __pad[3];
+ } X86EMU_regs;
+ /****************************************************************************
+@@ -296,10 +299,10 @@ mem_base - Base real mode memory
+ mem_size - Size of the real mode memory block for the emulator
+ ****************************************************************************/
+ typedef struct {
+- X86EMU_regs x86;
+ unsigned long mem_base;
+ unsigned long mem_size;
+ void* private;
++ X86EMU_regs x86;
+ } X86EMU_sysEnv;
+ #pragma pack()
+--- x86emu-0.8/scitech/include/x86emu/types.h.orig 2001-08-14 19:35:05.000000000 +0200
++++ x86emu-0.8/scitech/include/x86emu/types.h 2008-01-26 20:02:54.054374923 +0100
+@@ -39,32 +39,67 @@
+ #ifndef __X86EMU_TYPES_H
+ #define __X86EMU_TYPES_H
++#ifndef NO_SYS_HEADERS
+ #include <sys/types.h>
++ * The following kludge is an attempt to work around typedef conflicts with
++ * <sys/types.h>.
++ */
++#define u8 x86emuu8
++#define u16 x86emuu16
++#define u32 x86emuu32
++#define u64 x86emuu64
++#define s8 x86emus8
++#define s16 x86emus16
++#define s32 x86emus32
++#define s64 x86emus64
++#define uint x86emuuint
++#define sint x86emusint
+ /*---------------------- Macros and type definitions ----------------------*/
+ /* Currently only for Linux/32bit */
++#undef __HAS_LONG_LONG__
+ #if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(NO_LONG_LONG)
+ #define __HAS_LONG_LONG__
+ #endif
++/* Taken from Xmd.h */
++#undef NUM32
++#if defined (_LP64) || \
++ defined(__alpha) || defined(__alpha__) || \
++ defined(__ia64__) || defined(ia64) || \
++ defined(__sparc64__) || \
++ defined(__s390x__) || \
++ (defined(__hppa__) && defined(__LP64)) || \
++ defined(__amd64__) || defined(amd64) || \
++ (defined(__sgi) && (_MIPS_SZLONG == 64))
++#define NUM32 int
++#define NUM32 long
+ typedef unsigned char u8;
+ typedef unsigned short u16;
+-typedef unsigned int u32;
++typedef unsigned NUM32 u32;
+ #ifdef __HAS_LONG_LONG__
+ typedef unsigned long long u64;
+ #endif
+ typedef char s8;
+ typedef short s16;
+-typedef long s32;
++typedef NUM32 s32;
+ #ifdef __HAS_LONG_LONG__
+ typedef long long s64;
+ #endif
+-/*typedef unsigned int uint;*/
++typedef unsigned int uint;
+ typedef int sint;
+ typedef u16 X86EMU_pioAddr;
++#undef NUM32
+ #endif /* __X86EMU_TYPES_H */
+--- x86emu-0.8/scitech/include/x86emu.h.orig 2001-08-14 19:35:05.000000000 +0200
++++ x86emu-0.8/scitech/include/x86emu.h 2008-01-26 19:51:50.528562742 +0100
+@@ -55,7 +55,9 @@ typedef int X86EMU_pioAddr;
+ /*---------------------- Macros and type definitions ----------------------*/
+-#pragma pack(1)
++#ifdef PACK
++# pragma PACK /* Don't pack structs with function pointers! */
+ /****************************************************************************
+@@ -129,7 +131,9 @@ extern void X86API wrb(u32 addr, u8 val)
+ extern void X86API wrw(u32 addr, u16 val);
+ extern void X86API wrl(u32 addr, u32 val);
+-#pragma pack()
++#ifdef END_PACK
++# pragma END_PACK
+ /*--------------------- type definitions -----------------------------------*/
+--- x86emu-0.8/scitech/src/x86emu/x86emu/prim_ops.h.orig 2001-08-14 19:35:06.000000000 +0200
++++ x86emu-0.8/scitech/src/x86emu/x86emu/prim_ops.h 2008-01-26 20:07:16.297319297 +0100
+@@ -39,8 +39,6 @@
+ #ifndef __X86EMU_PRIM_OPS_H
+ #define __X86EMU_PRIM_OPS_H
+-#include "x86emu/prim_asm.h"
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+ extern "C" { /* Use "C" linkage when in C++ mode */
+ #endif
+@@ -136,7 +134,7 @@ void push_long (u32 w);
+ u16 pop_word (void);
+ u32 pop_long (void);
+-#if defined(__HAVE_INLINE_ASSEMBLER__) && !defined(PRIM_OPS_NO_REDEFINE_ASM)
++#if 0
+ #define aaa_word(d) aaa_word_asm(&M.x86.R_EFLG,d)
+ #define aas_word(d) aas_word_asm(&M.x86.R_EFLG,d)
+--- x86emu-0.8/scitech/src/x86emu/x86emu/x86emui.h.orig 2001-08-14 19:35:06.000000000 +0200
++++ x86emu-0.8/scitech/src/x86emu/x86emu/x86emui.h 2008-01-26 20:08:31.841624321 +0100
+@@ -68,8 +68,12 @@
+ #include "x86emu/prim_ops.h"
+ #include "x86emu/fpu.h"
+ #include "x86emu/fpu_regs.h"
++#ifndef NO_SYS_HEADERS
+ #include <stdio.h>
++#include <stdlib.h>
+ #include <string.h>
+ /*--------------------------- Inline Functions ----------------------------*/
+--- x86emu-0.8/scitech/src/x86emu/debug.c.orig 2001-08-14 19:35:06.000000000 +0200
++++ x86emu-0.8/scitech/src/x86emu/debug.c 2008-01-26 20:09:37.853386118 +0100
+@@ -38,8 +38,12 @@
+ ****************************************************************************/
+ #include "x86emu/x86emui.h"
++#include <stdio.h>
++#include <string.h>
++#ifndef NO_SYS_HEADERS
+ #include <stdarg.h>
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ /*----------------------------- Implementation ----------------------------*/
+--- x86emu-0.8/scitech/src/x86emu/decode.c.orig 2001-08-14 19:35:06.000000000 +0200
++++ x86emu-0.8/scitech/src/x86emu/decode.c 2008-01-26 20:17:11.595243392 +0100
+@@ -37,6 +37,7 @@
+ *
+ ****************************************************************************/
++#include <stdlib.h>
+ #include "x86emu/x86emui.h"
+ /*----------------------------- Implementation ----------------------------*/
+@@ -102,8 +103,14 @@ DB( if (CHECK_IP_FETCH())
+ if (M.x86.intr) {
+ if (M.x86.intr & INTR_HALTED) {
+-DB( printk("halted\n");
+- X86EMU_trace_regs();)
++DB( if (M.x86.R_SP != 0) {
++ printk("halted\n");
++ X86EMU_trace_regs();
++ }
++ else {
++ if (M.x86.debug)
++ printk("Service completed successfully\n");
++ })
+ return;
+ }
+ if (((M.x86.intr & INTR_SYNCH) && (M.x86.intno == 0 || M.x86.intno == 2)) ||
+@@ -701,7 +708,11 @@ u16* decode_rm_seg_register(
+ return &M.x86.R_DS;
+ case 4:
++ return &M.x86.R_FS;
+ case 5:
++ return &M.x86.R_GS;
+ case 6:
+ case 7:
+@@ -711,6 +722,99 @@ u16* decode_rm_seg_register(
+ }
++ *
++ * return offset from the SIB Byte
++ */
++u32 decode_sib_address(int sib, int mod)
++ u32 base = 0, i = 0, scale = 1;
++ switch(sib & 0x07) {
++ case 0:
++ base = M.x86.R_EAX;
++ break;
++ case 1:
++ base = M.x86.R_ECX;
++ break;
++ case 2:
++ base = M.x86.R_EDX;
++ break;
++ case 3:
++ base = M.x86.R_EBX;
++ break;
++ case 4:
++ base = M.x86.R_ESP;
++ M.x86.mode |= SYSMODE_SEG_DS_SS;
++ break;
++ case 5:
++ if (mod == 0) {
++ base = fetch_long_imm();
++ DECODE_PRINTF2("%08x", base);
++ } else {
++ base = M.x86.R_ESP;
++ M.x86.mode |= SYSMODE_SEG_DS_SS;
++ }
++ break;
++ case 6:
++ base = M.x86.R_ESI;
++ break;
++ case 7:
++ base = M.x86.R_EDI;
++ break;
++ }
++ switch ((sib >> 3) & 0x07) {
++ case 0:
++ i = M.x86.R_EAX;
++ break;
++ case 1:
++ i = M.x86.R_ECX;
++ break;
++ case 2:
++ i = M.x86.R_EDX;
++ break;
++ case 3:
++ i = M.x86.R_EBX;
++ break;
++ case 4:
++ i = 0;
++ break;
++ case 5:
++ i = M.x86.R_EBP;
++ break;
++ case 6:
++ i = M.x86.R_ESI;
++ break;
++ case 7:
++ i = M.x86.R_EDI;
++ break;
++ }
++ scale = 1 << ((sib >> 6) & 0x03);
++ if (((sib >> 3) & 0x07) != 4) {
++ if (scale == 1) {
++ } else {
++ DECODE_PRINTF2("*%d]", scale);
++ }
++ }
++ return base + (i * scale);
+ /****************************************************************************
+ rm - RM value to decode
+@@ -731,26 +835,59 @@ NOTE: The code which specifies the corr
+ if a SS access is needed, set this bit. Otherwise, DS access
+ occurs (unless any of the segment override bits are set).
+ ****************************************************************************/
+-unsigned decode_rm00_address(
++u32 decode_rm00_address(
+ int rm)
+ {
+- unsigned offset;
++ u32 offset;
++ int sib;
++ if (M.x86.mode & SYSMODE_PREFIX_ADDR) {
++ /* 32-bit addressing */
++ switch (rm) {
++ case 0:
++ return M.x86.R_EAX;
++ case 1:
++ return M.x86.R_ECX;
++ case 2:
++ return M.x86.R_EDX;
++ case 3:
++ return M.x86.R_EBX;
++ case 4:
++ sib = fetch_byte_imm();
++ return decode_sib_address(sib, 0);
++ case 5:
++ offset = fetch_long_imm();
++ DECODE_PRINTF2("[%08x]", offset);
++ return offset;
++ case 6:
++ return M.x86.R_ESI;
++ case 7:
++ return M.x86.R_EDI;
++ }
++ HALT_SYS();
++ } else {
++ /* 16-bit addressing */
+ switch (rm) {
+ case 0:
+- return M.x86.R_BX + M.x86.R_SI;
++ return (M.x86.R_BX + M.x86.R_SI) & 0xffff;
+ case 1:
+- return M.x86.R_BX + M.x86.R_DI;
++ return (M.x86.R_BX + M.x86.R_DI) & 0xffff;
+ case 2:
+ M.x86.mode |= SYSMODE_SEG_DS_SS;
+- return M.x86.R_BP + M.x86.R_SI;
++ return (M.x86.R_BP + M.x86.R_SI) & 0xffff;
+ case 3:
+ M.x86.mode |= SYSMODE_SEG_DS_SS;
+- return M.x86.R_BP + M.x86.R_DI;
++ return (M.x86.R_BP + M.x86.R_DI) & 0xffff;
+ case 4:
+ return M.x86.R_SI;
+@@ -766,6 +903,7 @@ unsigned decode_rm00_address(
+ return M.x86.R_BX;
+ }
++ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+@@ -780,40 +918,80 @@ REMARKS:
+ Return the offset given by mod=01 addressing. Also enables the
+ decoding of instructions.
+ ****************************************************************************/
+-unsigned decode_rm01_address(
++u32 decode_rm01_address(
+ int rm)
+ {
+- int displacement = (s8)fetch_byte_imm();
++ int displacement = 0;
++ int sib;
++ /* Fetch disp8 if no SIB byte */
++ if (!((M.x86.mode & SYSMODE_PREFIX_ADDR) && (rm == 4)))
++ displacement = (s8)fetch_byte_imm();
++ if (M.x86.mode & SYSMODE_PREFIX_ADDR) {
++ /* 32-bit addressing */
++ switch (rm) {
++ case 0:
++ DECODE_PRINTF2("%d[EAX]", displacement);
++ return M.x86.R_EAX + displacement;
++ case 1:
++ DECODE_PRINTF2("%d[ECX]", displacement);
++ return M.x86.R_ECX + displacement;
++ case 2:
++ DECODE_PRINTF2("%d[EDX]", displacement);
++ return M.x86.R_EDX + displacement;
++ case 3:
++ DECODE_PRINTF2("%d[EBX]", displacement);
++ return M.x86.R_EBX + displacement;
++ case 4:
++ sib = fetch_byte_imm();
++ displacement = (s8)fetch_byte_imm();
++ DECODE_PRINTF2("%d", displacement);
++ return decode_sib_address(sib, 1) + displacement;
++ case 5:
++ DECODE_PRINTF2("%d[EBP]", displacement);
++ return M.x86.R_EBP + displacement;
++ case 6:
++ DECODE_PRINTF2("%d[ESI]", displacement);
++ return M.x86.R_ESI + displacement;
++ case 7:
++ DECODE_PRINTF2("%d[EDI]", displacement);
++ return M.x86.R_EDI + displacement;
++ }
++ HALT_SYS();
++ } else {
++ /* 16-bit addressing */
+ switch (rm) {
+ case 0:
+ DECODE_PRINTF2("%d[BX+SI]", displacement);
+- return M.x86.R_BX + M.x86.R_SI + displacement;
++ return (M.x86.R_BX + M.x86.R_SI + displacement) & 0xffff;
+ case 1:
+ DECODE_PRINTF2("%d[BX+DI]", displacement);
+- return M.x86.R_BX + M.x86.R_DI + displacement;
++ return (M.x86.R_BX + M.x86.R_DI + displacement) & 0xffff;
+ case 2:
+ DECODE_PRINTF2("%d[BP+SI]", displacement);
+ M.x86.mode |= SYSMODE_SEG_DS_SS;
+- return M.x86.R_BP + M.x86.R_SI + displacement;
++ return (M.x86.R_BP + M.x86.R_SI + displacement) & 0xffff;
+ case 3:
+ DECODE_PRINTF2("%d[BP+DI]", displacement);
+ M.x86.mode |= SYSMODE_SEG_DS_SS;
+- return M.x86.R_BP + M.x86.R_DI + displacement;
++ return (M.x86.R_BP + M.x86.R_DI + displacement) & 0xffff;
+ case 4:
+ DECODE_PRINTF2("%d[SI]", displacement);
+- return M.x86.R_SI + displacement;
++ return (M.x86.R_SI + displacement) & 0xffff;
+ case 5:
+ DECODE_PRINTF2("%d[DI]", displacement);
+- return M.x86.R_DI + displacement;
++ return (M.x86.R_DI + displacement) & 0xffff;
+ case 6:
+ DECODE_PRINTF2("%d[BP]", displacement);
+ M.x86.mode |= SYSMODE_SEG_DS_SS;
+- return M.x86.R_BP + displacement;
++ return (M.x86.R_BP + displacement) & 0xffff;
+ case 7:
+ DECODE_PRINTF2("%d[BX]", displacement);
+- return M.x86.R_BX + displacement;
++ return (M.x86.R_BX + displacement) & 0xffff;
+ }
++ }
+ return 0; /* SHOULD NOT HAPPEN */
+ }
+@@ -828,10 +1006,56 @@ REMARKS:
+ Return the offset given by mod=10 addressing. Also enables the
+ decoding of instructions.
+ ****************************************************************************/
+-unsigned decode_rm10_address(
++u32 decode_rm10_address(
+ int rm)
+ {
+- int displacement = (s16)fetch_word_imm();
++ u32 displacement = 0;
++ int sib;
++ /* Fetch disp16 if 16-bit addr mode */
++ if (!(M.x86.mode & SYSMODE_PREFIX_ADDR))
++ displacement = (u16)fetch_word_imm();
++ else {
++ /* Fetch disp32 if no SIB byte */
++ if (rm != 4)
++ displacement = (u32)fetch_long_imm();
++ }
++ if (M.x86.mode & SYSMODE_PREFIX_ADDR) {
++ /* 32-bit addressing */
++ switch (rm) {
++ case 0:
++ DECODE_PRINTF2("%08x[EAX]", displacement);
++ return M.x86.R_EAX + displacement;
++ case 1:
++ DECODE_PRINTF2("%08x[ECX]", displacement);
++ return M.x86.R_ECX + displacement;
++ case 2:
++ DECODE_PRINTF2("%08x[EDX]", displacement);
++ M.x86.mode |= SYSMODE_SEG_DS_SS;
++ return M.x86.R_EDX + displacement;
++ case 3:
++ DECODE_PRINTF2("%08x[EBX]", displacement);
++ return M.x86.R_EBX + displacement;
++ case 4:
++ sib = fetch_byte_imm();
++ displacement = (u32)fetch_long_imm();
++ DECODE_PRINTF2("%08x", displacement);
++ return decode_sib_address(sib, 2) + displacement;
++ break;
++ case 5:
++ DECODE_PRINTF2("%08x[EBP]", displacement);
++ return M.x86.R_EBP + displacement;
++ case 6:
++ DECODE_PRINTF2("%08x[ESI]", displacement);
++ return M.x86.R_ESI + displacement;
++ case 7:
++ DECODE_PRINTF2("%08x[EDI]", displacement);
++ return M.x86.R_EDI + displacement;
++ }
++ HALT_SYS();
++ } else {
++ /* 16-bit addressing */
+ switch (rm) {
+ case 0:
+ DECODE_PRINTF2("%d[BX+SI]", displacement);
+@@ -862,6 +1086,7 @@ unsigned decode_rm10_address(
+ return (M.x86.R_BX + displacement) & 0xffff;
+ }
++ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+--- x86emu-0.8/scitech/src/x86emu/fpu.c.orig 2001-08-14 19:35:06.000000000 +0200
++++ x86emu-0.8/scitech/src/x86emu/fpu.c 2008-01-26 20:19:21.386639783 +0100
+@@ -95,8 +95,8 @@ static char *x86emu_fpu_op_d9_tab1[] = {
+ void x86emuOp_esc_coprocess_d9(u8 X86EMU_UNUSED(op1))
+ {
<<Diff was trimmed, longer than 597 lines>>
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