SOURCES: libpri-bristuff.patch (NEW) - bristuffed patch from debian
arekm at
Sat Feb 9 11:26:13 CET 2008
Author: arekm Date: Sat Feb 9 10:26:13 2008 GMT
---- Log message:
- bristuffed patch from debian
---- Files affected:
libpri-bristuff.patch (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW)
---- Diffs:
Index: SOURCES/libpri-bristuff.patch
diff -u /dev/null SOURCES/libpri-bristuff.patch:1.1
--- /dev/null Sat Feb 9 11:26:13 2008
+++ SOURCES/libpri-bristuff.patch Sat Feb 9 11:26:07 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,6100 @@
+#! /bin/sh /usr/share/dpatch/dpatch-run
+## bristuff.dpatch by Tzafrir Cohen <tzafrir.cohen at>
+## All lines beginning with `## DP:' are a description of the patch.
+## DP: The libpri part of bristuff, version bristuff-0.4.0-test4
+## DP:
+## DP:
+## DP: newer versions: replace the contets of the patch file literally.
+## DP: The remove Makefile and the strange changes this libpri.patch makes to
+## DP: copyright statements.
+ at DPATCH@
+diff -urN libpri-1.4.1.orig/libpri.h libpri-1.4.1/libpri.h
+--- libpri-1.4.1.orig/libpri.h 2006-04-27 18:09:11.000000000 +0200
++++ libpri-1.4.1/libpri.h 2007-07-11 14:25:15.000000000 +0200
+@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2001, Linux Support Services, Inc.
+ * All Rights Reserved.
++ * Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Junghanns.NET GmbH
++ * Klaus-Peter Junghanns <kpj at>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+@@ -26,8 +28,12 @@
+ #define _LIBPRI_H
+ /* Node types */
+-#define PRI_NETWORK 1
++#define PRI_NETWORK 1 /* PTP modes, default for PRI */
+ #define PRI_CPE 2
++#define BRI_NETWORK_PTMP 3 /* PTMP modes, default for BRI */
++#define BRI_CPE_PTMP 4
++#define BRI_NETWORK 5 /* PTP modes */
++#define BRI_CPE 6
+ /* Debugging */
+ #define PRI_DEBUG_Q921_RAW (1 << 0) /* Show raw HDLC frames */
+@@ -76,6 +82,12 @@
+ #define PRI_EVENT_NOTIFY 16 /* Notification received */
+ #define PRI_EVENT_KEYPAD_DIGIT 18 /* When we receive during ACTIVE state */
++#define PRI_EVENT_HOLD_REQ 19 /* R */
++#define PRI_EVENT_SUSPEND_REQ 21 /* park */
++#define PRI_EVENT_RESUME_REQ 22 /* unpark */
++#define PRI_EVENT_FACILITY 24 /* Facility */
+ /* Simple states */
+ #define PRI_STATE_DOWN 0
+@@ -252,11 +264,17 @@
++#ifdef RELAX_TRB
++#define PRI_RELAX_TRB
++typedef struct q921_call q921_call;
+ typedef struct q931_call q931_call;
+ typedef struct pri_event_generic {
+ /* Events with no additional information fall in this category */
+ int e;
++ int tei;
+ } pri_event_generic;
+ typedef struct pri_event_error {
+@@ -275,18 +293,19 @@
+ int cref;
+ int progress;
+ int progressmask;
+- q931_call *call;
+ char useruserinfo[260]; /* User->User info */
++ q931_call *call;
+ } pri_event_ringing;
+ typedef struct pri_event_answer {
+ int e;
+ int channel;
++ int tei; /* belongs to this tei */
+ int cref;
+ int progress;
+ int progressmask;
+- q931_call *call;
+ char useruserinfo[260]; /* User->User info */
++ q931_call *call;
+ } pri_event_answer;
+ typedef struct pri_event_facname {
+@@ -304,32 +323,37 @@
+ int e;
+ int channel; /* Channel requested */
+ int callingpres; /* Presentation of Calling CallerID */
+- int callingplanani; /* Dialing plan of Calling entity ANI */
++ int callingpresuser; /* Presentation of Calling CallerID */
+ int callingplan; /* Dialing plan of Calling entity */
+- char callingani[256]; /* Calling ANI */
+- char callingnum[256]; /* Calling number */
++ int callingplanuser; /* Dialing plan of Calling entity */
++ int callingplanani; /* Dialing plan of Calling entity ANI */
++ char callingnum[256]; /* Calling number, network provided */
++ char callingani[256]; /* Calling number, user provided */
+ char callingname[256]; /* Calling name (if provided) */
+ int calledplan; /* Dialing plan of Called number */
+ int ani2; /* ANI II */
+ char callednum[256]; /* Called number */
+- char redirectingnum[256]; /* Redirecting number */
+- char redirectingname[256]; /* Redirecting name */
+- int redirectingreason; /* Reason for redirect */
++ char redirectingnum[256]; /* Redirecting number */
++ char redirectingname[256]; /* Redirecting name */
++ int redirectingreason; /* Reason for redirect */
+ int callingplanrdnis; /* Dialing plan of Redirecting Number */
+- char useruserinfo[260]; /* User->User info */
++ char useruserinfo[260]; /* User->User info */
+ int flexible; /* Are we flexible with our channel selection? */
+ int cref; /* Call Reference Number */
+ int ctype; /* Call type (see PRI_TRANS_CAP_* */
+- int layer1; /* User layer 1 */
++ int layer1; /* User layer 1 */
+ int complete; /* Have we seen "Complete" i.e. no more number? */
+ q931_call *call; /* Opaque call pointer */
+- char callingsubaddr[256]; /* Calling parties subaddress */
++ int tei; /* belongs to this tei */
++ char callingsubaddr[256]; /* Calling parties subaddress */
+ int progress;
+ int progressmask;
+ char origcalledname[256];
+ char origcallednum[256];
+ int callingplanorigcalled; /* Dialing plan of Originally Called Number */
+ int origredirectingreason;
++ char lowlayercompat[16];
++ char highlayercompat[4];
+ } pri_event_ring;
+ typedef struct pri_event_hangup {
+@@ -337,6 +361,8 @@
+ int channel; /* Channel requested */
+ int cause;
+ int cref;
++ int tei;
++ int inband_progress;
+ q931_call *call; /* Opaque call pointer */
+ long aoc_units; /* Advise of Charge number of charged units */
+ char useruserinfo[260]; /* User->User info */
+@@ -377,20 +403,80 @@
+ char digits[64];
+ } pri_event_keypad_digit;
++typedef struct pri_event_hold_req {
++ int e;
++ int channel;
++ int cref;
++ int tei;
++ q931_call *call;
++} pri_event_hold_req;
++/* euroisdn faciltiy fun */
++typedef struct pri_event_facility_req {
++ int e;
++ int channel;
++ int cref;
++ int tei;
++ int operation;
++ char forwardnum[256]; /* Redirection destination */
++ q931_call *call;
++} pri_event_facility_req;
++typedef struct pri_event_retrieve_req {
++ int e;
++ int channel;
++ int cref;
++ int tei;
++ q931_call *call;
++} pri_event_retrieve_req;
++typedef struct pri_event_suspend_req {
++ int e;
++ int channel;
++ int cref;
++ int tei;
++ q931_call *call;
++ char callid[10];
++} pri_event_suspend_req;
++typedef struct pri_event_resume_req {
++ int e;
++ int channel;
++ int cref;
++ int tei;
++ q931_call *call;
++ char callid[10];
++} pri_event_resume_req;
++typedef struct pri_event_display {
++ int e;
++ int channel;
++ int cref;
++ q931_call *call;
++ char text[256];
++} pri_event_display;
+ typedef union {
+ int e;
+ pri_event_generic gen; /* Generic view */
+ pri_event_restart restart; /* Restart view */
+ pri_event_error err; /* Error view */
+ pri_event_facname facname; /* Caller*ID Name on Facility */
++ pri_event_facility_req facility; /* sservices */
+ pri_event_ring ring; /* Ring */
+ pri_event_hangup hangup; /* Hang up */
+ pri_event_ringing ringing; /* Ringing */
+ pri_event_answer answer; /* Answer */
+ pri_event_restart_ack restartack; /* Restart Acknowledge */
+ pri_event_proceeding proceeding; /* Call proceeding & Progress */
+ pri_event_setup_ack setup_ack; /* SETUP_ACKNOWLEDGE structure */
+ pri_event_notify notify; /* Notification */
++ pri_event_hold_req hold_req;
++ pri_event_retrieve_req retrieve_req;
++ pri_event_suspend_req suspend_req;
++ pri_event_resume_req resume_req;
++ pri_event_display display;
+ pri_event_keypad_digit digit; /* Digits that come during a call */
+ } pri_event;
+@@ -405,7 +491,9 @@
+ channel operating in HDLC mode with FCS computed by the fd's driver. Also it
+ must be NON-BLOCKING! Frames received on the fd should include FCS. Nodetype
+ must be one of PRI_NETWORK or PRI_CPE. switchtype should be PRI_SWITCH_* */
+-extern struct pri *pri_new(int fd, int nodetype, int switchtype);
++extern struct pri *pri_new(int fd, int nodetype, int switchtype, int span);
++extern void pri_shutdown(struct pri *pri);
+ /* Create D-channel just as above with user defined I/O callbacks and data */
+ extern struct pri *pri_new_cb(int fd, int nodetype, int switchtype, pri_io_cb io_read, pri_io_cb io_write, void *userdata);
+@@ -429,6 +517,9 @@
+ /* Enable transmission support of Facility IEs on the pri */
+ extern void pri_facility_enable(struct pri *pri);
++/* Set file descriptor for debugging to a file */
++extern void pri_set_debug_fd(struct pri *pri, int fd);
+ /* Run PRI on the given D-channel, taking care of any events that
+ need to be handled. If block is set, it will block until an event
+ occurs which needs to be handled */
+@@ -469,6 +560,12 @@
+ /* Send a keypad facility string of digits */
+ extern int pri_keypad_facility(struct pri *pri, q931_call *call, char *digits);
++/* Send a INFO msg with display ie */
++extern int pri_information_display(struct pri *pri, q931_call *call, char *display);
++/* add a display ie to a call, so it can be sent with the next message */
++extern int pri_add_display(struct pri *pri, q931_call *call, char *display);
+ /* Answer the incomplete(call without called number) call on the given channel.
+ Set non-isdn to non-zero if you are not connecting to ISDN equipment */
+ extern int pri_need_more_info(struct pri *pri, q931_call *call, int channel, int nonisdn);
+@@ -477,6 +574,35 @@
+ Set non-isdn to non-zero if you are not connecting to ISDN equipment */
+ extern int pri_answer(struct pri *pri, q931_call *call, int channel, int nonisdn);
++extern int pri_deflect(struct pri *pri, q931_call *call, char *destination);
++/* Ack a HOLD_REQ */
++extern int pri_hold_acknowledge(struct pri *pri, q931_call *call);
++/* Reject a HOLD_REQ */
++extern int pri_hold_reject(struct pri *pri, q931_call *call);
++/* Ack a RETRIEVE_REQ */
++extern int pri_retrieve_acknowledge(struct pri *pri, q931_call *call, int channel);
++/* Reject a RETRIEVE_REQ */
++extern int pri_retrieve_reject(struct pri *pri, q931_call *call);
++/* Ack a SUSPEND_REQ */
++extern int pri_suspend_acknowledge(struct pri *pri, q931_call *call, char *display);
++/* Reject a SUSPEND_REQ */
++extern int pri_suspend_reject(struct pri *pri, q931_call *call, char *display);
++/* Reject a RESUME_REQ */
++extern int pri_resume_reject(struct pri *pri, q931_call *call, char *display);
++/* Ack a RESUME_REQ */
++extern int pri_resume_acknowledge(struct pri *pri, q931_call *call, int channel, char *display);
++/* Send a Facility Message */
++extern int pri_facility(struct pri *pri, q931_call *call, int operation, char *arguments);
+ /* Set CRV reference for GR-303 calls */
+@@ -485,14 +611,14 @@
+ /* backwards compatibility for those who don't use asterisk with libpri */
+ #define pri_release(a,b,c) \
+- pri_hangup(a,b,c)
++ pri_hangup(a,b,c, -1)
+ #define pri_disconnect(a,b,c) \
+- pri_hangup(a,b,c)
++ pri_hangup(a,b,c, -1)
+ /* Hangup a call */
+ #define PRI_HANGUP
+-extern int pri_hangup(struct pri *pri, q931_call *call, int cause);
++extern int pri_hangup(struct pri *pri, q931_call *call, int cause, int aocunits);
+ extern void pri_destroycall(struct pri *pri, q931_call *call);
+@@ -525,7 +651,7 @@
+ extern void pri_sr_free(struct pri_sr *sr);
+ extern int pri_sr_set_channel(struct pri_sr *sr, int channel, int exclusive, int nonisdn);
+-extern int pri_sr_set_bearer(struct pri_sr *sr, int transmode, int userl1);
++extern int pri_sr_set_bearer(struct pri_sr *sr, int transmode, int userl1, char *llc);
+ extern int pri_sr_set_called(struct pri_sr *sr, char *called, int calledplan, int complete);
+ extern int pri_sr_set_caller(struct pri_sr *sr, char *caller, char *callername, int callerplan, int callerpres);
+ extern int pri_sr_set_redirecting(struct pri_sr *sr, char *num, int plan, int pres, int reason);
+@@ -553,8 +679,8 @@
+ /* Override message and error stuff */
+ #define PRI_NEW_SET_API
+-extern void pri_set_message(void (*__pri_error)(struct pri *pri, char *));
+-extern void pri_set_error(void (*__pri_error)(struct pri *pri, char *));
++extern void pri_set_message(void (*__pri_error)(char *, int span));
++extern void pri_set_error(void (*__pri_error)(char *, int span));
+ /* Set overlap mode */
+diff -urN libpri-1.4.1.orig/Makefile libpri-1.4.1/Makefile
+--- libpri-1.4.1.orig/Makefile 2006-12-30 20:17:34.000000000 +0100
++++ libpri-1.4.1/Makefile 2007-07-11 14:25:15.000000000 +0200
+@@ -27,6 +27,16 @@
+ # Uncomment if you want libpri to count number of Q921/Q931 sent/received
++# Uncomment if you want libpri to always keep layer 2 up
++# Uncomment if you want libpri to hangup a call to an NT (p2mp) port if one
++# device sends a RELEASE COMPLETE with cause 17
++# workaround for slowly responding COs
+ CC=gcc
+ OSARCH=$(shell uname -s)
+@@ -36,7 +46,7 @@
+ STATIC_OBJS=copy_string.o pri.o q921.o prisched.o q931.o pri_facility.o
+ DYNAMIC_OBJS=copy_string.lo pri.lo q921.lo prisched.lo q931.lo pri_facility.lo
+-CFLAGS=-Wall -Werror -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -g -fPIC $(ALERTING) $(LIBPRI_COUNTERS)
++CFLAGS=-Wall -Werror -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -g -fPIC $(ALERTING) $(LIBPRI_COUNTERS) $(LAYER2ALWAYSUP) $(FASTBUSYONBUSY) -DRELAX_TRB $(RELAXEDTIMERS)
+ SOFLAGS = -Wl,
+diff -urN libpri-1.4.1.orig/pri.c libpri-1.4.1/pri.c
+--- libpri-1.4.1.orig/pri.c 2006-07-06 23:11:37.000000000 +0200
++++ libpri-1.4.1/pri.c 2007-07-11 14:25:15.000000000 +0200
+@@ -1,24 +1,14 @@
+ /*
+ * libpri: An implementation of Primary Rate ISDN
+ *
+- * Written by Mark Spencer <markster at>
++ * Written by Mark Spencer <markster at>
+ *
+- * Copyright (C) 2001-2005, Digium
+- * All Rights Reserved.
++ * This program is confidential ( <- I dont think so! )
+ *
+- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+- * (at your option) any later version.
+- *
+- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+- * GNU General Public License for more details.
+- *
+- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+- * Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
++ * Copyright (C) 2001, Linux Support Services, Inc.
++ * All Rights Reserved.
++ * Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Junghanns.NET GmbH
++ * Klaus-Peter Junghanns <kpj at>
+ *
+ */
+@@ -48,6 +38,14 @@
+ return "Network";
+ case PRI_CPE:
+ return "CPE";
++ case BRI_NETWORK:
++ return "Network";
++ case BRI_CPE:
++ return "CPE";
++ return "Network (PtMP)";
++ case BRI_CPE_PTMP:
++ return "CPE (PtMP)";
+ default:
+ return "Invalid value";
+ }
+@@ -187,7 +185,7 @@
+ return res;
+ }
+-static struct pri *__pri_new(int fd, int node, int switchtype, struct pri *master, pri_io_cb rd, pri_io_cb wr, void *userdata)
++static struct pri *__pri_new(int fd, int node, int switchtype, struct pri *master, pri_io_cb rd, pri_io_cb wr, void *userdata, int span)
+ {
+ struct pri *p;
+ p = malloc(sizeof(struct pri));
+@@ -207,6 +205,8 @@
+ p->master = master;
+ p->callpool = &p->localpool;
+ pri_default_timers(p, switchtype);
++ p->debugfd = -1;
++ p->span = span;
+ p->q921_rxcount = 0;
+ p->q921_txcount = 0;
+@@ -217,7 +217,7 @@
+ p->protodisc = GR303_PROTOCOL_DISCRIMINATOR;
+ p->sapi = Q921_SAPI_GR303_EOC;
+ p->tei = Q921_TEI_GR303_EOC_OPS;
+- p->subchannel = __pri_new(-1, node, PRI_SWITCH_GR303_EOC_PATH, p, NULL, NULL, NULL);
++ p->subchannel = __pri_new(-1, node, PRI_SWITCH_GR303_EOC_PATH, p, NULL, NULL, NULL, span);
+ if (!p->subchannel) {
+ free(p);
+ p = NULL;
+@@ -226,7 +226,7 @@
+ p->protodisc = GR303_PROTOCOL_DISCRIMINATOR;
+ p->sapi = Q921_SAPI_GR303_TMC_CALLPROC;
+ p->tei = Q921_TEI_GR303_TMC_CALLPROC;
+- p->subchannel = __pri_new(-1, node, PRI_SWITCH_GR303_TMC_SWITCHING, p, NULL, NULL, NULL);
++ p->subchannel = __pri_new(-1, node, PRI_SWITCH_GR303_TMC_SWITCHING, p, NULL, NULL, NULL, span);
+ if (!p->subchannel) {
+ free(p);
+ p = NULL;
+@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@
+ }
+ /* Start Q.921 layer, Wait if we're the network */
+ if (p)
+- q921_start(p, p->localtype == PRI_CPE);
++ q921_start(p, p->localtype == PRI_CPE, 0);
+ }
+ return p;
+ }
+@@ -262,15 +262,16 @@
+ {
+ /* Restart Q.921 layer */
+ if (pri) {
+- q921_reset(pri);
+- q921_start(pri, pri->localtype == PRI_CPE);
++// XXX q921_reset(pri);
++// q921_start(pri, pri->localtype == PRI_CPE);
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+-struct pri *pri_new(int fd, int nodetype, int switchtype)
++struct pri *pri_new(int fd, int nodetype, int switchtype, int span)
+ {
+- return __pri_new(fd, nodetype, switchtype, NULL, __pri_read, __pri_write, NULL);
++ return __pri_new(fd, nodetype, switchtype, NULL, __pri_read, __pri_write, NULL, span);
+ }
+ struct pri *pri_new_cb(int fd, int nodetype, int switchtype, pri_io_cb io_read, pri_io_cb io_write, void *userdata)
+@@ -279,7 +280,7 @@
+ io_read = __pri_read;
+ if (!io_write)
+ io_write = __pri_write;
+- return __pri_new(fd, nodetype, switchtype, NULL, io_read, io_write, userdata);
++ return __pri_new(fd, nodetype, switchtype, NULL, io_read, io_write, userdata, -1);
+ }
+ void *pri_get_userdata(struct pri *pri)
+@@ -443,6 +444,15 @@
+ return;
+ }
++void pri_set_debug_fd(struct pri *pri, int fd)
++ if (!pri)
++ return;
++ pri->debugfd = fd;
++ if (pri->subchannel)
++ pri_set_debug_fd(pri->subchannel, fd);
+ int pri_acknowledge(struct pri *pri, q931_call *call, int channel, int info)
+ {
+ if (!pri || !call)
+@@ -486,6 +496,21 @@
+ return q931_notify(pri, call, channel, info);
+ }
++int pri_information_display(struct pri *pri, q931_call *call, char *display)
++ if (!pri || !call)
++ return -1;
++ return q931_information_display(pri, call, display);
++int pri_add_display(struct pri *pri, q931_call *call, char *display)
++ if (!pri || !call)
++ return -1;
++ return q931_add_display(pri, call, display);
+ void pri_destroycall(struct pri *pri, q931_call *call)
+ {
+ if (pri && call)
+@@ -507,6 +532,83 @@
+ return q931_connect(pri, call, channel, nonisdn);
+ }
++int pri_hold_acknowledge(struct pri *pri, q931_call *call)
++ if (!pri || !call)
++ return -1;
++ return q931_hold_acknowledge(pri, call);
++int pri_hold_reject(struct pri *pri, q931_call *call)
++ if (!pri || !call)
++ return -1;
++ return q931_hold_reject(pri, call);
++int pri_retrieve_acknowledge(struct pri *pri, q931_call *call, int channel)
++ if (!pri || !call)
++ return -1;
++ return q931_retrieve_acknowledge(pri, call, channel);
++int pri_retrieve_reject(struct pri *pri, q931_call *call)
++ if (!pri || !call)
++ return -1;
++ return q931_retrieve_reject(pri, call);
++int pri_suspend_acknowledge(struct pri *pri, q931_call *call, char *display)
++ if (!pri || !call)
++ return -1;
++ return q931_suspend_acknowledge(pri, call, display);
++int pri_suspend_reject(struct pri *pri, q931_call *call, char *display)
++ if (!pri || !call)
++ return -1;
++ return q931_suspend_reject(pri, call, display);
++int pri_resume_reject(struct pri *pri, q931_call *call, char *display)
++ if (!pri || !call)
++ return -1;
++ return q931_resume_reject(pri, call, display);
++int pri_resume_acknowledge(struct pri *pri, q931_call *call, int channel, char *display)
++ if (!pri || !call)
++ return -1;
++ return q931_resume_acknowledge(pri, call, channel, display);
++int pri_facility(struct pri *pri, q931_call *call, int operation, char *arguments)
++ if (!pri || !call)
++ return -1;
<<Diff was trimmed, longer than 597 lines>>
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