PLDWWW: DevelopingPLD/FirefoxBuilderNotes

glen glen at
Fri Mar 28 18:40:32 CET 2008

Author: glen   Date: Fri Mar 28 17:40:31 2008 GMT
Module: PLDWWW   URL:
---- Log message:

---- Page affected: DevelopingPLD/FirefoxBuilderNotes

---- Diffs:

+ When upgrading {{{firefox}}} these packages should be rebuilt on ac:
- Upgrading {{{xulrunner}}} requires rebuild of packages that have strict dep on version with {{{xulrunner}}}
- Packages actually requiring rebuilt when {{{xulrunner}}} version is updated:
+ mozilla-firefox-lang-{ca,cs,da,de,el,es,fi,fr,ka,ku,lt,pl,ro,ru,sk,sl}.spec
- #totem.spec
- devhelp.spec
- epiphany-extensions.spec
- epiphany.spec
- kazehakase.spec
- liferea.spec
- yelp.spec
- galeon.spec
- blam.spec
- NOTE: be sure to send blam last as it would otherwise skip other packages as .NET framework is not available on all platforms.
- When upgrading {{{firefox}}} these packages should be rebuilt:
- {{{
- mozilla-firefox-lang-ca
- mozilla-firefox-lang-es
- mozilla-firefox-lang-pl
- }}}

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