SOURCES: kde-i18n-locale-names.patch - don't use patch as mv

qboosh qboosh at
Wed Aug 27 19:52:47 CEST 2008

Author: qboosh                       Date: Wed Aug 27 17:52:47 2008 GMT
Module: SOURCES                       Tag: HEAD
---- Log message:
- don't use patch as mv

---- Files affected:
   kde-i18n-locale-names.patch (1.2 -> 1.3) 

---- Diffs:

Index: SOURCES/kde-i18n-locale-names.patch
diff -u SOURCES/kde-i18n-locale-names.patch:1.2 SOURCES/kde-i18n-locale-names.patch:1.3
--- SOURCES/kde-i18n-locale-names.patch:1.2	Sat Feb 16 00:39:48 2008
+++ SOURCES/kde-i18n-locale-names.patch	Wed Aug 27 19:52:41 2008
@@ -33,766 +33,6 @@
  #>+ 2
---- 1/kde-i18n-sr at Latn-3.5.8/data/kdeedu/khangman/sr at latin.txt	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ 2/kde-i18n-sr at Latn-3.5.8/data/kdeedu/khangman/sr at latin.txt	2007-11-11 12:16:53.270639018 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
-\ Brak znaku nowej linii na końcu pliku
---- 1/kde-i18n-sr at Latn-3.5.8/data/kdeedu/khangman/sr at Latn.txt	2005-09-10 11:40:15.000000000 +0200
-+++ 2/kde-i18n-sr at Latn-3.5.8/data/kdeedu/khangman/sr at Latn.txt	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-\ Brak znaku nowej linii na końcu pliku
---- 1/kde-i18n-sr at Latn-3.5.8/data/kdeedu/kturtle/ at latin.xml	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-+++ 2/kde-i18n-sr at Latn-3.5.8/data/kdeedu/kturtle/ at latin.xml	2007-11-11 12:16:53.337309005 +0100
-@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
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---- 1/kde-i18n-sr at Latn-3.5.8/data/kdeedu/kturtle/ at latin.xml	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
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-@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
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-+  </command>
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-+    <alias>pt</alias>
-+  </command>
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-+    <alias>pm</alias>
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-+  </command>
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-+    <keyword>prelom</keyword>
-+  </command>
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---- 1/kde-i18n-sr at Latn-3.5.8/data/kdeedu/kturtle/ at Latn.xml	2005-09-10 11:40:15.000000000 +0200
-+++ 2/kde-i18n-sr at Latn-3.5.8/data/kdeedu/kturtle/ at Latn.xml	1970-01-01 01:00:00.000000000 +0100
-@@ -1,224 +0,0 @@
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--<!-- execution controllers -->
--  <command name="while">
--    <keyword>dok</keyword>
--  </command>
--  <command name="if">
--    <keyword>ako</keyword>
--  </command>
--  <command name="else">
--    <keyword>inače</keyword>
--  </command>
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--    <keyword>za</keyword>
--  </command>
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--    <keyword>do</keyword>
--  </command>
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--    <keyword>vrati</keyword>
--  </command>
--  <command name="break">
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--  </command>
--  <command name="foreach">
--    <keyword>zasvako</keyword>
--  </command>
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--    <keyword>u</keyword>
--  </command>
--  <command name="do">
<<Diff was trimmed, longer than 597 lines>>

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