PLDWWW: Docs/man/Installing PLD Linux based on Rescue CD
grizz at
Tue Oct 21 12:07:31 CEST 2008
Author: grizz Date: Tue Oct 21 10:07:31 2008 GMT
---- Log message:
initial - there is still a lot of work
---- Page affected: Docs/man/Installing PLD Linux based on Rescue CD
---- Diffs:
The comment on the change is:
initial - there is still a lot of work
= Installing PLD Linux based on Rescue CD =
== TOC ==
- [#Requirements]
== Requirements ==
Download RescueCD from : []
You need at least a i486 machine with 40MB RAM to run PLD RescueCD.
+ == Partition disk ==
+ Use for example {{{cfdisk}}} to partition your destination disk.
+ Usually root partition (/) and swap is enough.
+ [[BR]] <!> Write something more here <!>
+ == Filesystem ==
+ Initiate swap space
+ {{{
+ # mkswap /dev/sda1
+ }}}
+ Make filesystem (ex. ext3)
+ {{{
+ # mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda2
+ }}}
+ We need to create mountpoint, and mounnt partition into it.
+ {{{
+ # mkdir /pldroot
+ # mount /dev/hda2 /pldroot
+ }}}
+ If We want to use more partitions (ex. /boot), We need to mount it too.
+ == Network configuration ==
+ `RescueCd` should configure (using DHCP) our network automatically during a boot process.
+ If DHCP is not present, We need to do it manually. Let's assume We want to set IP to
+ '''/etc/sysconfig/interfaces/ifcfg-eth0''' should looks like:
+ {{{
+ DEVICE=eth0
+ ONBOOT=yes
+ }}}
+ In file '''/etc/sysconfig/static-routes''' We added route to gateway (ex.:
+ {{{
+ eth0 default via
+ }}}
+ In file '''/etc/resolv.conf''' we add at least one adress of DNS server:
+ {{{
+ nameserver
+ }}}
+ In the end We need to reload network configuration:
+ {{{
+ # service network restart
+ }}}
+ == Poldek's configuration ==
+ In file '''/etc/poldek/pld-source.conf''' We need to set '''_arch = ''' to chosen architecture ex.
+ {{{
+ _arch = x86_64
+ }}}
+ == Packages installation ==
+ {{{
+ # poldek --root /pldroot
+ poldek> install setup FHS dev pwdutils chkconfig dhcpcd poldek vim geninitrd \
+ modutils cpio lilo mount login mingetty
+ }}}
+ [[BR]] <!> Write something more here <!>
+ == Prepare to install kernel ==
+ {{{
+ # mount /proc /pldroot/proc -o bind
+ }}}
+ Configure '''/etc/fstab''' ex.:
+ {{{
+ /dev/sda1 swap swap defaults 0 0
+ /dev/sda2 / ext3 defaults 0 0
+ }}}
+ [[BR]] <!> Write something more here <!>
+ == Kernel installation ==
+ {{{
+ # poldek --root /pldroot -i kernel
+ }}}
+ == Bootloader ==
+ [[BR]] <!> Write something more here <!>
+ == udev ==
+ [[BR]] <!> Write something more here <!>
+ == User accounts ==
+ [[BR]] <!> Write something more here <!>
+ == Finishing ==
+ [[BR]] <!> Write something more here <!>
[:../: TOC]
+ ----
+ CategoryUpdateNeeded
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