SOURCES (rpm-4_4_9): rpm-rpmv3-support.patch (NEW) - copy from mandriva: ...

glen glen at
Sun Oct 26 16:52:37 CET 2008

Author: glen                         Date: Sun Oct 26 15:52:37 2008 GMT
Module: SOURCES                       Tag: rpm-4_4_9
---- Log message:
- copy from mandriva:

---- Files affected:
   rpm-rpmv3-support.patch (NONE ->  (NEW)

---- Diffs:

Index: SOURCES/rpm-rpmv3-support.patch
diff -u /dev/null SOURCES/rpm-rpmv3-support.patch:
--- /dev/null	Sun Oct 26 16:52:37 2008
+++ SOURCES/rpm-rpmv3-support.patch	Sun Oct 26 16:52:31 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+--- ./lib/package.c.rpmv3-support	2006-04-03 01:09:07.000000000 +0200
++++ ./lib/package.c	2006-07-26 14:45:41.000000000 +0200
+@@ -94,6 +94,148 @@
+  */
+ #define hdrchkRange(_dl, _off)		((_off) < 0 || (_off) > (_dl))
++static int dncmp(const void * a, const void * b)
++       /*@*/
++    const char *const * first = a;
++    const char *const * second = b;
++    return strcmp(*first, *second);
++ * Convert absolute path tag to (dirname,basename,dirindex) tags.
++ * @param h             header
++ */
++static void compressFilelist(Header h)
++	/*@modifies h @*/
++    HGE_t hge = (HGE_t)headerGetEntryMinMemory;
++    HAE_t hae = (HAE_t)headerAddEntry;
++    HRE_t hre = (HRE_t)headerRemoveEntry;
++    HFD_t hfd = headerFreeData;
++    char ** fileNames;
++    const char ** dirNames;
++    const char ** baseNames;
++    int_32 * dirIndexes;
++    rpmTagType fnt;
++    int count;
++    int i, xx;
++    int dirIndex = -1;
++    /*
++     * This assumes the file list is already sorted, and begins with a
++     * single '/'. That assumption isn't critical, but it makes things go
++     * a bit faster.
++     */
++    if (headerIsEntry(h, RPMTAG_DIRNAMES)) {
++	xx = hre(h, RPMTAG_OLDFILENAMES);
++	return;		/* Already converted. */
++    }
++    if (!hge(h, RPMTAG_OLDFILENAMES, &fnt, (void **) &fileNames, &count))
++	return;		/* no file list */
++    if (fileNames == NULL || count <= 0)
++	return;
++    dirNames = alloca(sizeof(*dirNames) * count);	/* worst case */
++    baseNames = alloca(sizeof(*dirNames) * count);
++    dirIndexes = alloca(sizeof(*dirIndexes) * count);
++    if (fileNames[0][0] != '/') {
++	/* HACK. Source RPM, so just do things differently */
++	dirIndex = 0;
++	dirNames[dirIndex] = "";
++	for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
++	    dirIndexes[i] = dirIndex;
++	    baseNames[i] = fileNames[i];
++	}
++	goto exit;
++    }
++    /*@-branchstate@*/
++    for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
++	const char ** needle;
++	char savechar;
++	char * baseName;
++	int len;
++	if (fileNames[i] == NULL)	/* XXX can't happen */
++	    continue;
++	baseName = strrchr(fileNames[i], '/') + 1;
++	len = baseName - fileNames[i];
++	needle = dirNames;
++	savechar = *baseName;
++	*baseName = '\0';
++	if (dirIndex < 0 ||
++	    (needle = bsearch(&fileNames[i], dirNames, dirIndex + 1, sizeof(dirNames[0]), dncmp)) == NULL) {
++	    char *s = alloca(len + 1);
++	    memcpy(s, fileNames[i], len + 1);
++	    s[len] = '\0';
++	    dirIndexes[i] = ++dirIndex;
++	    dirNames[dirIndex] = s;
++	} else
++	    dirIndexes[i] = needle - dirNames;
++	*baseName = savechar;
++	baseNames[i] = baseName;
++    }
++    /*@=branchstate@*/
++    if (count > 0) {
++	xx = hae(h, RPMTAG_DIRINDEXES, RPM_INT32_TYPE, dirIndexes, count);
++			baseNames, count);
++			dirNames, dirIndex + 1);
++    }
++    fileNames = hfd(fileNames, fnt);
++    xx = hre(h, RPMTAG_OLDFILENAMES);
++/* rpm v3 compatibility */
++static void rpm3to4(Header h) {
++    char * rpmversion;
++    rpmTagType rpmversion_type;
++    (void) headerGetEntry(h, RPMTAG_RPMVERSION, NULL, (void **) &rpmversion, &rpmversion_type);
++    if ((!rpmversion) || rpmversion[0] < '4') {
++        int *epoch;
++        const char * name, *version, *release;
++        const char *pEVR;
++        char *p;
++        int_32 pFlags = RPMSENSE_EQUAL;
++        if (headerNVR(h, &name, &version, &release) == 0) {
++            pEVR = p = alloca(21 + strlen(version) + 1 + strlen(release) + 1);
++            *p = '\0';
++            if (headerGetEntry(h, RPMTAG_EPOCH, NULL, (void **) &epoch, NULL)) {
++                sprintf(p, "%d:", *epoch);
++                while (*p != '\0')
++                p++;
++            }
++            (void) stpcpy( stpcpy( stpcpy(p, version) , "-") , release);
++            headerAddOrAppendEntry(h, RPMTAG_PROVIDENAME, RPM_STRING_ARRAY_TYPE, &name, 1);
++            headerAddOrAppendEntry(h, RPMTAG_PROVIDEFLAGS, RPM_INT32_TYPE, &pFlags, 1);
++            headerAddOrAppendEntry(h, RPMTAG_PROVIDEVERSION, RPM_STRING_ARRAY_TYPE, &pEVR, 1);
++        }
++        compressFilelist(h);
++    }
++    headerFreeTag(h, (void *) rpmversion, rpmversion_type);
++    return;
+ void headerMergeLegacySigs(Header h, const Header sigh)
+ {
+     HFD_t hfd = (HFD_t) headerFreeData;
+@@ -1062,6 +1204,8 @@
+ 	/* Append (and remap) signature tags to the metadata. */
+ 	headerMergeLegacySigs(h, sigh);
++    rpm3to4(h);
+ 	/* Bump reference count for return. */
+ /*@-boundswrite@*/
+ 	*hdrp = headerLink(h);

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