PLDWWW: Donations/Hardware

arekm arekm at
Sun Nov 9 21:08:27 CET 2008

Author: arekm   Date: Sun Nov  9 20:08:27 2008 GMT
Module: PLDWWW   URL:
---- Log message:

---- Page affected: Donations/Hardware

---- Diffs:

    * 3 x SATA or SAS disks (cheap version - 3 x 500GB SATA - cost ~770PLN netto/939PLN brutto)
    * 4GB of FB-DIMM memory (cost ~400PLN netto/488PLN brutto)
- Collected so far: '''1270.98PLN''' (missing 156PLN)
+ Required sum collected: '''1430.98PLN'''
  Contact information:
    Arkadiusz Miƛkiewicz

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