SPECS: ezcomponents.spec (NEW) - new, not tested at all
glen at pld-linux.org
Tue Jan 13 20:44:33 CET 2009
Author: glen Date: Tue Jan 13 19:44:33 2009 GMT
Module: SPECS Tag: HEAD
---- Log message:
- new, not tested at all
---- Files affected:
ezcomponents.spec (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW)
---- Diffs:
Index: SPECS/ezcomponents.spec
diff -u /dev/null SPECS/ezcomponents.spec:1.1
--- /dev/null Tue Jan 13 20:44:33 2009
+++ SPECS/ezcomponents.spec Tue Jan 13 20:44:27 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,784 @@
+# $Revision$, $Date$
+%include /usr/lib/rpm/macros.php
+Summary: eZ Components
+Name: ezcomponents
+Version: 2008.2
+Release: 0.1
+License: New BSD License
+Group: Development/Languages/PHP
+Source0: http://ezcomponents.org/files/downloads/%{name}-%{version}.tar.bz2
+# Source0-md5: 57b211e2e85670633ebb165e14742f95
+URL: http://www.ezcomponents.org/
+BuildRequires: php-common >= 4:5.1
+BuildRequires: rpm-php-pearprov >= 4.4.2-11
+BuildRequires: rpmbuild(macros) >= 1.461
+BuildArch: noarch
+BuildRoot: %{tmpdir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n)
+%define _appdir %{php_data_dir}/%{name}
+eZ Components is an enterprise ready general purpose PHP components
+library used independently or together for PHP application
+development. With eZ Components, developers do not have to reinvent
+the wheel, instead they can concentrate on solving customer-specific
+%package Archive
+Summary: Archive
+Group: Development/Languages/PHP
+URL: http://www.ezcomponents.org/docs/api/2008.2/classtrees_Archive.html
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description Archive
+The component allows you to create, modify, and extract archive files
+of various formats. The currently supported archives formats are Tar
+(with the flavours: ustar, v7, pax, and gnu) and Zip.
+%package Authentication
+Summary: Authentication
+Group: Development/Languages/PHP
+URL: http://www.ezcomponents.org/docs/api/2008.2/classtrees_Authentication.html
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description Authentication
+The purpose of the Authentication component is to provide support for
+different means of identification and authentication of users using
+different providers and protocols.
+%package AuthenticationDatabaseTiein
+Summary: AuthenticationDatabaseTiein
+Group: Development/Languages/PHP
+URL: http://www.ezcomponents.org/docs/api/2008.2/classtrees_AuthenticationDatabaseTiein.html
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description AuthenticationDatabaseTiein
+The purpose of the Authentication component is to provide support for
+different means of identification and authentication of users using
+different providers and protocols.
+%package Base
+Summary: Base
+Group: Development/Languages/PHP
+URL: http://www.ezcomponents.org/docs/api/2008.2/classtrees_Base.html
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description Base
+The Base package provides the basic infrastructure that all packages
+rely on. Therefore every component relies on this package.
+%package Cache
+Summary: Cache
+Group: Development/Languages/PHP
+URL: http://www.ezcomponents.org/docs/api/2008.2/classtrees_Cache.html
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description Cache
+A solution for caching, supporting multiple backends allowing you to
+specify the best performing solution for your caching-problem.
+%package Configuration
+Summary: Configuration
+Group: Development/Languages/PHP
+URL: http://www.ezcomponents.org/docs/api/2008.2/classtrees_Configuration.html
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description Configuration
+A component that allows you to use configuration files in different
+formats. The formats include the standard .ini file, and an array
+based format.
+%package ConsoleTools
+Summary: ConsoleTools
+Group: Development/Languages/PHP
+URL: http://www.ezcomponents.org/docs/api/2008.2/classtrees_ConsoleTools.html
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description ConsoleTools
+A set of classes to do different actions with the console (also called
+shell). It can render a progress bar, tables and a status bar and
+contains a class for parsing command line options.
+%package Database
+Summary: Database
+Group: Development/Languages/PHP
+URL: http://www.ezcomponents.org/docs/api/2008.2/classtrees_Database.html
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description Database
+A lightweight database layer on top of PHP's PDO that allows you to
+utilize a database without having to take care of differences in SQL
+%package DatabaseSchema
+Summary: DatabaseSchema
+Group: Development/Languages/PHP
+URL: http://www.ezcomponents.org/docs/api/2008.2/classtrees_DatabaseSchema.html
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description DatabaseSchema
+A set of classes that allow you to extract information from a database
+schema, compare database schemas and apply a set of changes to a
+database schema.
+%package Debug
+Summary: Debug
+Group: Development/Languages/PHP
+URL: http://www.ezcomponents.org/docs/api/2008.2/classtrees_Debug.html
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description Debug
+This component provides a set of classes that help you to debug an
+application. It provides timers and report generators for different
+formats that give a summary of warnings and errors that occurred
+within your application.
+%package Document
+Summary: Document
+Group: Development/Languages/PHP
+URL: http://www.ezcomponents.org/docs/api/2008.2/classtrees_Document.html
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description Document
+The Document components provides a general conversion framework for
+different semantic document markup languages like XHTML, Docbook, RST
+and similar.
+%package EventLog
+Summary: EventLog
+Group: Development/Languages/PHP
+URL: http://www.ezcomponents.org/docs/api/2008.2/classtrees_EventLog.html
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description EventLog
+Allows you to log events or audit trails into files or other storage
+spaces in different formats.
+%package EventLogDatabaseTiein
+Summary: EventLogDatabaseTiein
+Group: Development/Languages/PHP
+URL: http://www.ezcomponents.org/docs/api/2008.2/classtrees_EventLogDatabaseTiein.html
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description EventLogDatabaseTiein
+Contains the database writer backend for the EventLog component.
+%package Execution
+Summary: Execution
+Group: Development/Languages/PHP
+URL: http://www.ezcomponents.org/docs/api/2008.2/classtrees_Execution.html
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description Execution
+Provides functionality to give feedback to your application's users
+when a fatal error happened or an uncaught exception was thrown.
+%package Feed
+Summary: Feed
+Group: Development/Languages/PHP
+URL: http://www.ezcomponents.org/docs/api/2008.2/classtrees_Feed.html
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description Feed
+This component handles parsing and creating RSS1, RSS2 and ATOM feeds,
+with support for different feed modules (dc, content, creativeCommons,
+geo, iTunes).
+%package File
+Summary: File
+Group: Development/Languages/PHP
+URL: http://www.ezcomponents.org/docs/api/2008.2/classtrees_File.html
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description File
+Provides support for file operations which are not covered by PHP or
+are just missing.
+%package Graph
+Summary: Graph
+Group: Development/Languages/PHP
+URL: http://www.ezcomponents.org/docs/api/2008.2/classtrees_Graph.html
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description Graph
+A component for creating pie charts, line graphs and other kinds of
+%package GraphDatabaseTiein
+Summary: GraphDatabaseTiein
+Group: Development/Languages/PHP
+URL: http://www.ezcomponents.org/docs/api/2008.2/classtrees_GraphDatabaseTiein.html
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description GraphDatabaseTiein
+The GraphDatabaseTiein provides functionality to directly use PDO
+statements as basis for ezcGraph Datasets.
+%package ImageAnalysis
+Summary: ImageAnalysis
+Group: Development/Languages/PHP
+URL: http://www.ezcomponents.org/docs/api/2008.2/classtrees_ImageAnalysis.html
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description ImageAnalysis
+This class allows you to analyse image files in different ways. At
+least the MIME type of the file is returned. In some cases (JPEG, TIFF
+and GIF) additional information is gathered as well.
+%package ImageConversion
+Summary: ImageConversion
+Group: Development/Languages/PHP
+URL: http://www.ezcomponents.org/docs/api/2008.2/classtrees_ImageConversion.html
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description ImageConversion
+A set of classes to apply different filters on images, such as colour
+changes, resizing and special effects.
+%package Mail
+Summary: Mail
+Group: Development/Languages/PHP
+URL: http://www.ezcomponents.org/docs/api/2008.2/classtrees_Mail.html
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description Mail
+The component allows you construct and/or parse Mail messages
+conforming to the mail standard. It has support for attachments,
+multipart messages and HTML mail. It also interfaces with SMTP to send
+mail or IMAP, POP3 or mbox to retrieve e-mail.
+%package MvcMailTiein
+Summary: MvcMailTiein
+Group: Development/Languages/PHP
+URL: http://www.ezcomponents.org/docs/api/2008.2/classtrees_MvcMailTiein.html
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description MvcMailTiein
+This component provides a request parser that extracts request data
+from e-mail messages.
+%package MvcTemplateTiein
+Summary: MvcTemplateTiein
+Group: Development/Languages/PHP
+URL: http://www.ezcomponents.org/docs/api/2008.2/classtrees_MvcTemplateTiein.html
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description MvcTemplateTiein
+This component provides a view handler that renders result data with
+the Template component.
+%package MvcTools
+Summary: MvcTools
+Group: Development/Languages/PHP
+URL: http://www.ezcomponents.org/docs/api/2008.2/classtrees_MvcTools.html
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description MvcTools
+The MvcTools component provides functionality for request parsing,
+routing, dispatching, views and response writing. With the tools in
+this component you can very easily build an MVC framework.
+%package PersistentObject
+Summary: PersistentObject
+Group: Development/Languages/PHP
+URL: http://www.ezcomponents.org/docs/api/2008.2/classtrees_PersistentObject.html
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description PersistentObject
+This component allows you to store an arbitrary data structures to a
+fixed database table. The component provides all the functionality
+needed to fetch, list, delete etc these datastructures.
+%package PersistentObjectDatabaseSchemaTiein
+Summary: PersistentObjectDatabaseSchemaTiein
+Group: Development/Languages/PHP
+URL: http://www.ezcomponents.org/docs/api/2008.2/classtrees_PersistentObjectDatabaseSchemaTiein.html
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description PersistentObjectDatabaseSchemaTiein
+This component allows the automatic generation of PersistentObject
+definition files from DatabaseSchema definitions.
+%package PhpGenerator
+Summary: PhpGenerator
+Group: Development/Languages/PHP
+URL: http://www.ezcomponents.org/docs/api/2008.2/classtrees_PhpGenerator.html
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description PhpGenerator
+Provides a simple interface for creating PHP files and executing PHP
+%package Search
+Summary: Search
+Group: Development/Languages/PHP
+URL: http://www.ezcomponents.org/docs/api/2008.2/classtrees_Search.html
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description Search
+The Search component provides an interface to index and query
+documents with different search engine backends.
+%package SignalSlot
+Summary: SignalSlot
+Group: Development/Languages/PHP
+URL: http://www.ezcomponents.org/docs/api/2008.2/classtrees_SignalSlot.html
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description SignalSlot
+The SignalSlot component implements a mechanism for inter and intra
+object communication through the use of signals and slots.
+%package SystemInformation
+Summary: SystemInformation
+Group: Development/Languages/PHP
+URL: http://www.ezcomponents.org/docs/api/2008.2/classtrees_SystemInformation.html
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description SystemInformation
+Provides access to common system variables, such as CPU type and
+speed, and the available amount of memory.
+%package Template
+Summary: Template
+Group: Development/Languages/PHP
+URL: http://www.ezcomponents.org/docs/api/2008.2/classtrees_Template.html
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description Template
+A fully functional Templating system, supporting template compilation
+in different levels, user defined functions and operators, an
+optimizer, output escaping for different output handlers to prevent
+XSS and other security problems and a plug in system for extra
+functionality (such as a Translation system).
+%package TemplateTranslationTiein
+Summary: TemplateTranslationTiein
+Group: Development/Languages/PHP
+URL: http://www.ezcomponents.org/docs/api/2008.2/classtrees_TemplateTranslationTiein.html
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description TemplateTranslationTiein
+Provides functionality to use translations inside templates.
+%package Translation
+Summary: Translation
+Group: Development/Languages/PHP
+URL: http://www.ezcomponents.org/docs/api/2008.2/classtrees_Translation.html
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description Translation
+A component that reads XML translation definitions (the Qt Linguist
+format), supports caching of translation contexts and presents you
+with a class to apply translations to strings. A filter system allows
+you to transform translation definitions for special use.
+%package TranslationCacheTiein
+Summary: TranslationCacheTiein
+Group: Development/Languages/PHP
+URL: http://www.ezcomponents.org/docs/api/2008.2/classtrees_TranslationCacheTiein.html
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description TranslationCacheTiein
+This component adds the TranslationCache backend to the Translation
+component and allows cached translations.
+%package Tree
+Summary: Tree
+Group: Development/Languages/PHP
+URL: http://www.ezcomponents.org/docs/api/2008.2/classtrees_Tree.html
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description Tree
+The Tree component handles the creating, manipulating and querying of
+tree structures. The component supports different storage algorithms
+for optimal performance.
+%package TreeDatabaseTiein
+Summary: TreeDatabaseTiein
+Group: Development/Languages/PHP
+URL: http://www.ezcomponents.org/docs/api/2008.2/classtrees_TreeDatabaseTiein.html
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description TreeDatabaseTiein
+The Tree component handles the creating, manipulating and querying of
+tree structures. This component implements the database related
+backends and data stores.
+%package TreePersistentObjectTiein
+Summary: TreePersistentObjectTiein
+Group: Development/Languages/PHP
+URL: http://www.ezcomponents.org/docs/api/2008.2/classtrees_TreePersistentObjectTiein.html
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description TreePersistentObjectTiein
+The Tree component handles the creating, manipulating and querying of
+tree structures. This component uses persistent objects as data
+storage for the data elements of the tree nodes.
+%package Url
+Summary: Url
+Group: Development/Languages/PHP
+URL: http://www.ezcomponents.org/docs/api/2008.2/classtrees_Url.html
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description Url
+The Url package provides basic operations to handle urls (parse,
+build, get/set path, get/set query).
+%package UserInput
+Summary: UserInput
+Group: Development/Languages/PHP
+URL: http://www.ezcomponents.org/docs/api/2008.2/classtrees_UserInput.html
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description UserInput
+A component that assists you to safely user input variables coming
+into your application. It builds on top of PHP's filter extension and
+extends it by providing a more inituitive API.
+%package Webdav
+Summary: Webdav
+Group: Development/Languages/PHP
+URL: http://www.ezcomponents.org/docs/api/2008.2/classtrees_Webdav.html
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description Webdav
+This component allows you to set up and run your own WebDAV (RFC 2518)
+server, to enable online content editing for the users of your system
+through the WebDAV HTTP extension.
+%package Workflow
+Summary: Workflow
+Group: Development/Languages/PHP
+URL: http://www.ezcomponents.org/docs/api/2008.2/classtrees_Workflow.html
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description Workflow
+The purpose of the Workflow component is to provide the core
+functionality of an activity-based workflow system including the
+definition and execution of workflow specifications.
+%package WorkflowDatabaseTiein
+Summary: WorkflowDatabaseTiein
+Group: Development/Languages/PHP
+URL: http://www.ezcomponents.org/docs/api/2008.2/classtrees_WorkflowDatabaseTiein.html
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description WorkflowDatabaseTiein
+Contains the database backend for the Workflow component.
+%package WorkflowEventLogTiein
+Summary: WorkflowEventLogTiein
+Group: Development/Languages/PHP
+URL: http://www.ezcomponents.org/docs/api/2008.2/classtrees_WorkflowEventLogTiein.html
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description WorkflowEventLogTiein
+Contains the EventLog listener for the Workflow component.
+%package WorkflowSignalSlotTiein
+Summary: WorkflowSignalSlotTiein
+Group: Development/Languages/PHP
+URL: http://www.ezcomponents.org/docs/api/2008.2/classtrees_WorkflowSignalSlotTiein.html
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description WorkflowSignalSlotTiein
+Contains the SignalSlot links for the Workflow component.
+%setup -q
+install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_appdir}
+cp -a autoload $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_appdir}
+for a in [A-Z]*/; do
+ a=${a%/}
+ cp -a $a/src $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_appdir}/$a
+ # produce spec template
+ cat > $a-desc.spec <<-EOF
+ %%package $a
+ Summary: $a
+ Group: Development/Languages/PHP
+ URL: http://www.ezcomponents.org/docs/api/%%{version}/classtrees_$a.html
+ Requires: %%{name} = %%{version}-%%{release}
+ %%description $a
+ $(cat $a/DESCRIPTION)
+ cat > $a-files.spec <<-EOF
+ %%files $a
+ %%defattr(644,root,root,755)
+ %%doc $a/{ChangeLog,CREDITS}$(
+ if [ "$(ls $a/*.txt 2>/dev/null)" ]; then
+ echo ""
+ echo "%%doc $a/*.txt"
+ fi
+ )
+ %%{_appdir}/$a
+cat *-desc.spec *-files.spec > ez.spec
+rm -f *-desc.spec *-files.spec
+%dir %{_appdir}
+%files Archive
+%doc Archive/{ChangeLog,CREDITS}
+%files Authentication
+%doc Authentication/{ChangeLog,CREDITS}
+%doc Authentication/*.txt
+%files AuthenticationDatabaseTiein
+%doc AuthenticationDatabaseTiein/{ChangeLog,CREDITS}
+%files Base
+%doc Base/{ChangeLog,CREDITS}
+%doc Base/*.txt
+%files Cache
+%doc Cache/{ChangeLog,CREDITS}
+%doc Cache/*.txt
+%files Configuration
+%doc Configuration/{ChangeLog,CREDITS}
+%files ConsoleTools
+%doc ConsoleTools/{ChangeLog,CREDITS}
+%doc ConsoleTools/*.txt
+%files Database
+%doc Database/{ChangeLog,CREDITS}
+%files DatabaseSchema
+%doc DatabaseSchema/{ChangeLog,CREDITS}
+%doc DatabaseSchema/*.txt
+%files Debug
+%doc Debug/{ChangeLog,CREDITS}
<<Diff was trimmed, longer than 597 lines>>
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