SPECS: trac-plugin-include.spec (NEW) - new
glen at pld-linux.org
Thu Jan 15 17:04:09 CET 2009
Author: glen Date: Thu Jan 15 16:04:09 2009 GMT
Module: SPECS Tag: HEAD
---- Log message:
- new
---- Files affected:
trac-plugin-include.spec (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW)
---- Diffs:
Index: SPECS/trac-plugin-include.spec
diff -u /dev/null SPECS/trac-plugin-include.spec:1.1
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 15 17:04:09 2009
+++ SPECS/trac-plugin-include.spec Thu Jan 15 17:04:04 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+# $Revision$, $Date$
+%define trac_ver 0.11
+%define plugin include
+Summary: Include external resources in a wiki page
+Name: trac-plugin-%{plugin}
+Version: 2.1
+Release: 0.1
+License: BSD
+Group: Applications/WWW
+# Source0Download: http://trac-hacks.org/changeset/latest/includemacro?old_path=/&filename=includemacro&format=zip
+Source0: %{plugin}macro.zip
+# Source0-md5: 9f706e733d205d4467ce6534772cb505
+URL: http://trac-hacks.org/wiki/IncludeMacro
+BuildRequires: python-devel
+Requires: trac >= %{trac_ver}
+BuildArch: noarch
+BuildRoot: %{tmpdir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n)
+This macro lets you include various things.
+Currently supported sources:
+- HTTP - http: and https:
+- FTP - ftp:
+- Wiki pages - wiki:
+- Repository files - source:
+The default source is wiki if only a source path is given.
+An optional second argument sets the output MIME type, though in most
+cases the default will be correct.
+%setup -q -n %{plugin}macro
+cd %{trac_ver}
+%{__python} setup.py build
+%{__python} setup.py egg_info
+cd %{trac_ver}
+%{__python} setup.py install \
+ --single-version-externally-managed \
+ --optimize 2 \
+ --root=$RPM_BUILD_ROOT
+if [ "$1" = "1" ]; then
+ %banner -e %{name} <<-'EOF'
+ To enable the %{plugin} plugin, add to conf/trac.ini:
+ [components]
+ %{plugin}macro.* = enabled
+%doc %{trac_ver}/README
+%define date %(echo `LC_ALL="C" date +"%a %b %d %Y"`)
+* %{date} PLD Team <feedback at pld-linux.org>
+All persons listed below can be reached at <cvs_login>@pld-linux.org
+Revision 1.1 2009/01/15 16:04:04 glen
+- new
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