SOURCES: munin-separate-configs.patch (NEW) - put server config in webapps ...
baggins at
Mon Mar 16 17:10:57 CET 2009
Author: baggins Date: Mon Mar 16 16:10:57 2009 GMT
---- Log message:
- put server config in webapps dir, and client in /etc/munin
---- Files affected:
munin-separate-configs.patch (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW)
---- Diffs:
Index: SOURCES/munin-separate-configs.patch
diff -u /dev/null SOURCES/munin-separate-configs.patch:1.1
--- /dev/null Mon Mar 16 17:10:58 2009
+++ SOURCES/munin-separate-configs.patch Mon Mar 16 17:10:51 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,664 @@
+diff -ur munin-1.3.4/Makefile munin-1.3.4-separate-configs/Makefile
+--- munin-1.3.4/Makefile 2009-03-16 17:06:31.000000000 +0100
++++ munin-1.3.4-separate-configs/Makefile 2009-03-16 17:05:59.000000000 +0100
+@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
+ # a new config. Target suitable for maintainers
+ unconfig:
+ rm -f $(HTMLDIR)/.htaccess
+- rm -f $(CONFDIR)/munin.conf
++ rm -f $(SCONFDIR)/munin.conf
+ install-main: build
+@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
+ $(INSTALL) -m 0755 server/VeraMono.ttf $(LIBDIR)/
+ $(INSTALL) -m 0644 resources/favicon.ico $(HTMLDIR)/
+ test -f $(HTMLDIR)/.htaccess || $(INSTALL) -m 0644 build/server/munin-htaccess $(HTMLDIR)/.htaccess
+- test -f "$(CONFDIR)/munin.conf" || $(INSTALL) -m 0644 build/server/munin.conf $(CONFDIR)/
++ test -f "$(SCONFDIR)/munin.conf" || $(INSTALL) -m 0644 build/server/munin.conf $(SCONFDIR)/
+ $(INSTALL) -m 0755 build/server/munin-cron $(SBINDIR)/
+ $(INSTALL) -m 0755 build/server/munin-check $(LIBDIR)/
+ $(INSTALL) -m 0755 build/server/munin-update $(LIBDIR)/
+@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
+ rm -f $(TEMPLATEDIR)/definitions.html
+ rm -f $(HTMLDIR)/.htaccess
+- rm -f $(CONFDIR)/munin.conf
++ rm -f $(SCONFDIR)/munin.conf
+ rm -f $(BINDIR)/munin-cron
+ rm -f $(BINDIR)/munin-check
+@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@
+ rm -f $(PERLLIB)/
+ -rmdir $(TEMPLATEDIR)
+- -rmdir $(CONFDIR)
++ -rmdir $(SCONFDIR)
+ -rmdir $(LIBDIR)
+ -rmdir $(BINDIR)
+@@ -116,8 +116,8 @@
+ install-node-non-snmp: build
+- mkdir -p $(CONFDIR)/plugins
+- mkdir -p $(CONFDIR)/plugin-conf.d
++ mkdir -p $(CCONFDIR)/plugins
++ mkdir -p $(CCONFDIR)/plugin-conf.d
+ mkdir -p $(LIBDIR)/plugins
+ mkdir -p $(SBINDIR)
+ mkdir -p $(PERLLIB)/Munin/Plugin
+@@ -128,20 +128,20 @@
+ $(CHMOD) 0775 $(PLUGSTATE)
+- $(CHMOD) 0755 $(CONFDIR)/plugin-conf.d
++ $(CHMOD) 0755 $(CCONFDIR)/plugin-conf.d
+ $(INSTALL) -m 0755 build/node/munin-node $(SBINDIR)/
+ $(INSTALL) -m 0755 build/node/munin-node-configure $(SBINDIR)/
+- test -f "$(CONFDIR)/munin-node.conf" || $(INSTALL) -m 0644 build/node/munin-node.conf $(CONFDIR)/
++ test -f "$(CCONFDIR)/munin-node.conf" || $(INSTALL) -m 0644 build/node/munin-node.conf $(CCONFDIR)/
+ $(INSTALL) -m 0755 build/node/munin-run $(SBINDIR)/
+ uninstall-node-non-snmp: build
+ rm -f $(SBINDIR)/munin-node
+ rm -f $(SBINDIR)/munin-node-configure
+- rm -f $(CONFDIR)/munin-node.conf
++ rm -f $(CCONFDIR)/munin-node.conf
+ rm -f $(SBINDIR)/munin-run
+- -rmdir $(CONFDIR)/plugin-conf.d
+- -rmdir $(CONFDIR)
++ -rmdir $(CCONFDIR)/plugin-conf.d
++ -rmdir $(CCONFDIR)
+ -rmdir $(SBINDIR)
+@@ -232,7 +232,8 @@
+ echo Generating build/$$destname..; \
+ mkdir -p build/`dirname $$file`; \
+ sed -e 's|@@PREFIX@@|$(PREFIX)|g' \
+- -e 's|@@CONFDIR@@|$(CONFDIR)|g' \
++ -e 's|@@CCONFDIR@@|$(CCONFDIR)|g' \
++ -e 's|@@SCONFDIR@@|$(SCONFDIR)|g' \
+ -e 's|@@BINDIR@@|$(BINDIR)|g' \
+ -e 's|@@SBINDIR@@|$(SBINDIR)|g' \
+ -e 's|@@DOCDIR@@|$(DOCDIR)|g' \
+@@ -365,7 +366,7 @@
+ $(MAKE) $@ CONFIG=t/Makefile.config
+ else
+ test_plugins = id_default id_root env
+-test: t/*.t t/install $(addprefix $(CONFDIR)/plugins/,$(test_plugins))
++test: t/*.t t/install $(addprefix $(CCONFDIR)/plugins/,$(test_plugins))
+ @for test in t/*.t; do \
+ echo -n "$$test: "; \
+ PERL5LIB=$(PERLLIB) $(PERL) $$test;\
+@@ -373,10 +374,10 @@
+ endif
+ node-monkeywrench: install-node
+- rm -rf $(CONFDIR)/plugins
++ rm -rf $(CCONFDIR)/plugins
+ rm -rf $(LIBDIR)/plugins
+ mkdir -p $(LIBDIR)/plugins
+- mkdir -p $(CONFDIR)/plugins
++ mkdir -p $(CCONFDIR)/plugins
+ cp monkeywrench/plugin-break*_ $(LIBDIR)/plugins/
+ $(SBINDIR)/munin-node-configure --suggest
+ echo 'Done?'
+diff -ur munin-1.3.4/Makefile.config munin-1.3.4-separate-configs/Makefile.config
+--- munin-1.3.4/Makefile.config 2009-03-16 17:06:31.000000000 +0100
++++ munin-1.3.4-separate-configs/Makefile.config 2009-03-16 16:55:19.000000000 +0100
+@@ -12,7 +12,8 @@
+ # Where Munin keeps its configurations (server.conf, client.conf, ++)
+-CONFDIR = $(DESTDIR)/etc/munin
++CCONFDIR = $(DESTDIR)/etc/munin
++SCONFDIR = $(DESTDIR)/etc/webapps/munin
+ # Server only - where to put munin-cron
+ BINDIR = $(PREFIX)/bin
+diff -ur munin-1.3.4/node/ munin-1.3.4-separate-configs/node/
+--- munin-1.3.4/node/ 2008-03-08 02:42:39.000000000 +0100
++++ munin-1.3.4-separate-configs/node/ 2009-03-16 17:01:55.000000000 +0100
+@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
+ @ARGV=();
+ # Dirs in which to look for $plugin.pod and $plugin files.
+-my @DIRS = ('@@LIBDIR@@/plugins','@@CONFDIR@@/plugins', '@@PERLLIB@@');
++my @DIRS = ('@@LIBDIR@@/plugins','@@CCONFDIR@@/plugins', '@@PERLLIB@@');
+ # my @DIRS = ('/usr/share/munin/plugins','/etc/munin/plugins');
+ File::Find::find({wanted => \&wanted_pod}, @DIRS);
+diff -ur munin-1.3.4/node/ munin-1.3.4-separate-configs/node/
+--- munin-1.3.4/node/ 2008-03-08 02:42:39.000000000 +0100
++++ munin-1.3.4-separate-configs/node/ 2009-03-16 17:00:03.000000000 +0100
+@@ -26,8 +26,8 @@
+ # use Data::Dumper;
+ my $version = "@@VERSION@@";
+-my $config = "@@CONFDIR@@/munin-node.conf";
+-my $servicedir = "@@CONFDIR@@/plugins";
++my $config = "@@CCONFDIR@@/munin-node.conf";
++my $servicedir = "@@CCONFDIR@@/plugins";
+ my $libdir = "@@LIBDIR@@/plugins";
+ my $bindir = "@@SBINDIR@@";
+ my $installed = undef;
+@@ -688,11 +688,11 @@
+ =item B<< --config <file> >>
+-Override configuration file [@@CONFDIR@@/client.conf]
++Override configuration file [@@CCONFDIR@@/client.conf]
+ =item B<< --servicedir <dir> >>
+-Override plugin dir [@@CONFDIR@@/plugins/]
++Override plugin dir [@@CCONFDIR@@/plugins/]
+ =item B<< --libdir <dir> >>
+@@ -744,9 +744,9 @@
+ =head1 FILES
+- @@CONFDIR@@/munin-node.conf
+- @@CONFDIR@@/plugin-conf.d/*
+- @@CONFDIR@@/plugins/*
++ @@CCONFDIR@@/munin-node.conf
++ @@CCONFDIR@@/plugin-conf.d/*
++ @@CCONFDIR@@/plugins/*
+ @@LIBDIR@@/plugins/*
+ =head1 VERSION
+diff -ur munin-1.3.4/node/ munin-1.3.4-separate-configs/node/
+--- munin-1.3.4/node/ 2008-03-08 02:42:39.000000000 +0100
++++ munin-1.3.4-separate-configs/node/ 2009-03-16 16:59:43.000000000 +0100
+@@ -24,8 +24,8 @@
+ my $debug = 0;
+ my $version = "@@VERSION@@";
+-my $config = "@@CONFDIR@@/munin-node.conf";
+-my $servicedir = "@@CONFDIR@@/plugins";
++my $config = "@@CCONFDIR@@/munin-node.conf";
++my $servicedir = "@@CCONFDIR@@/plugins";
+ my $libdir = "@@LIBDIR@@/plugins";
+ my $bindir = "@@SBINDIR@@";
+diff -ur munin-1.3.4/node/ munin-1.3.4-separate-configs/node/
+--- munin-1.3.4/node/ 2009-03-16 17:06:31.000000000 +0100
++++ munin-1.3.4-separate-configs/node/ 2009-03-16 17:00:58.000000000 +0100
+@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
+ # Make configuration settings available at runtime.
+-$ENV{'MUNIN_CONFDIR'} = '@@CONFDIR@@'; # /etc/munin,/etc/opt/munin or such
++$ENV{'MUNIN_CONFDIR'} = '@@CCONFDIR@@'; # /etc/munin,/etc/opt/munin or such
+@@ -79,9 +79,9 @@
+ my @ORIG_ARGV = @ARGV;
+ my %services;
+ my %nodes;
+-my $servicedir="@@CONFDIR@@/plugins";
+-my $sconfdir="@@CONFDIR@@/plugin-conf.d";
+-my $conffile="@@CONFDIR@@/munin-node.conf";
++my $servicedir="@@CCONFDIR@@/plugins";
++my $sconfdir="@@CCONFDIR@@/plugin-conf.d";
++my $conffile="@@CCONFDIR@@/munin-node.conf";
+ my $FQDN="";
+ my $do_usage = 0;
+ my $DEBUG = 0;
+@@ -595,12 +595,12 @@
+ $key = $cert = &get_var (\%sconf, "tls_pem");
+ $key = &get_var (\%sconf, "tls_private_key")
+ unless defined $key;
+- $key = "@@CONFDIR@@/munin-node.pem" unless defined $key;
++ $key = "@@CCONFDIR@@/munin-node.pem" unless defined $key;
+ $cert = &get_var (\%sconf, "tls_certificate")
+ unless defined $cert;
+- $cert = "@@CONFDIR@@/munin-node.pem" unless defined $cert;
++ $cert = "@@CCONFDIR@@/munin-node.pem" unless defined $cert;
+ $ca_cert = &get_var(\%sconf, "tls_ca_certificate");
+- $ca_cert = "@@CONFDIR@@/cacert.pem" unless defined $ca_cert;
++ $ca_cert = "@@CCONFDIR@@/cacert.pem" unless defined $ca_cert;
+ $depth = &get_var (\%sconf, 'tls_verify_depth');
+ $depth = 5 unless defined $depth;
+ $tls_verify = &get_var (\%sconf, 'tls_verify_certificate');
+@@ -1210,9 +1210,9 @@
+ =head1 FILES
+- @@CONFDIR@@/munin-node.conf
+- @@CONFDIR@@/plugins/*
+- @@CONFDIR@@/plugin-conf.d/*
++ @@CCONFDIR@@/munin-node.conf
++ @@CCONFDIR@@/plugins/*
++ @@CCONFDIR@@/plugin-conf.d/*
+ @@LOGDIR@@/munin-node
+diff -ur munin-1.3.4/node/ munin-1.3.4-separate-configs/node/
+--- munin-1.3.4/node/ 2008-03-08 02:42:39.000000000 +0100
++++ munin-1.3.4-separate-configs/node/ 2009-03-16 16:59:31.000000000 +0100
+@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
+ use strict;
+ my $VERSION = '@@VERSION@@';
+-my $CONFDIR = '@@CONFDIR@@';
++my $CONFDIR = '@@CCONFDIR@@';
+ my $GROUP = '@@GROUP@@';
+ my $STATEDIR = '@@STATEDIR@@';
+diff -ur munin-1.3.4/node/ munin-1.3.4-separate-configs/node/
+--- munin-1.3.4/node/ 2008-03-08 02:42:39.000000000 +0100
++++ munin-1.3.4-separate-configs/node/ 2009-03-16 17:00:10.000000000 +0100
+@@ -28,8 +28,8 @@
+ $| = 1;
+-my $clientdir = "@@CONFDIR@@/node.d";
+-my $conffile = "@@CONFDIR@@/node-simple.conf";
++my $clientdir = "@@CCONFDIR@@/node.d";
++my $conffile = "@@CCONFDIR@@/node-simple.conf";
+ my $version = "@@VERSION@@";
+ # Empty environment
+diff -ur munin-1.3.4/node/ munin-1.3.4-separate-configs/node/
+--- munin-1.3.4/node/ 2009-03-16 17:06:31.000000000 +0100
++++ munin-1.3.4-separate-configs/node/ 2009-03-16 17:01:47.000000000 +0100
+@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
+ # Make configuration settings available at runtime.
+-$ENV{'MUNIN_CONFDIR'} = '@@CONFDIR@@'; # /etc/munin,/etc/opt/munin or such
++$ENV{'MUNIN_CONFDIR'} = '@@CCONFDIR@@'; # /etc/munin,/etc/opt/munin or such
+@@ -71,9 +71,9 @@
+ my %services;
+ my %nodes;
+-my $servicedir="@@CONFDIR@@/plugins";
+-my $sconfdir="@@CONFDIR@@/plugin-conf.d";
+-my $conffile="@@CONFDIR@@/munin-node.conf";
++my $servicedir="@@CCONFDIR@@/plugins";
++my $sconfdir="@@CCONFDIR@@/plugin-conf.d";
++my $conffile="@@CCONFDIR@@/munin-node.conf";
+ my $sconffile=undef;
+ my $FQDN="";
+ my $do_usage = 0;
+@@ -104,11 +104,11 @@
+ Options:
+ --help View this message.
+ --config <file> Use <file> as configuration file.
+- [@@CONFDIR@@/munin-node.conf]
++ [@@CCONFDIR@@/munin-node.conf]
+ --servicedir <dir> Dir where plugins are found.
+- [@@CONFDIR@@/plugins]
++ [@@CCONFDIR@@/plugins]
+ --sconfdir <dir> Dir where plugin configurations are found.
+- [@@CONFDIR@@/plugin-conf.d]
++ [@@CCONFDIR@@/plugin-conf.d]
+ --sconffile <dir> Dir where plugins are found. Overrides sconfdir.
+ [undefined]
+ --[no]paranoia Only run plugins owned by root. Check permissions.
+@@ -682,15 +682,15 @@
+ =item B<< --config <configfile> >>
+-Use E<lt>fileE<gt> as configuration file. [@@CONFDIR@@/munin-node.conf]
++Use E<lt>fileE<gt> as configuration file. [@@CCONFDIR@@/munin-node.conf]
+ =item B<< --servicedir <dir> >>
+-Use E<lt>dirE<gt> as plugin dir. [@@CONFDIR@@/plugins]
++Use E<lt>dirE<gt> as plugin dir. [@@CCONFDIR@@/plugins]
+ =item B<< --sconfdir <dir> >>
+-Use E<lt>dirE<gt> as plugin configuration dir. [@@CONFDIR@@/plugin-conf.d]
++Use E<lt>dirE<gt> as plugin configuration dir. [@@CCONFDIR@@/plugin-conf.d]
+ =item B<< --sconffile <file> >>
+@@ -728,9 +728,9 @@
+ =head1 FILES
+- @@CONFDIR@@/munin-node.conf
+- @@CONFDIR@@/plugins/*
+- @@CONFDIR@@/plugin-conf.d/*
++ @@CCONFDIR@@/munin-node.conf
++ @@CCONFDIR@@/plugins/*
++ @@CCONFDIR@@/plugin-conf.d/*
+ @@LOGDIR@@/munin-node
+diff -ur munin-1.3.4/node/node.d/ munin-1.3.4-separate-configs/node/node.d/
+--- munin-1.3.4/node/node.d/ 2008-03-08 02:42:39.000000000 +0100
++++ munin-1.3.4-separate-configs/node/node.d/ 2009-03-16 17:02:32.000000000 +0100
+@@ -27,8 +27,8 @@
+ exit $?
+ fi
+-if [ -f @@CONFDIR@@/ntp-freq-comp ]; then
+- fcomp=`cat @@CONFDIR@@/ntp-freq-comp`
++if [ -f @@CCONFDIR@@/ntp-freq-comp ]; then
++ fcomp=`cat @@CCONFDIR@@/ntp-freq-comp`
+ else
+ fcomp=0
+ fi
+diff -ur munin-1.3.4/node/node.d.darwin/ munin-1.3.4-separate-configs/node/node.d.darwin/
+--- munin-1.3.4/node/node.d.darwin/ 2008-03-08 02:42:39.000000000 +0100
++++ munin-1.3.4-separate-configs/node/node.d.darwin/ 2009-03-16 17:02:52.000000000 +0100
+@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
+ #
+ # Plugin to monitor the load average on a system.
+ #
+-# Usage: Link or copy into @@CONFDIR@@/plugins/
++# Usage: Link or copy into @@CCONFDIR@@/plugins/
+ #
+ # Parameters
+ # env.load_warn <warning load>
+diff -ur munin-1.3.4/node/node.d.linux/ munin-1.3.4-separate-configs/node/node.d.linux/
+--- munin-1.3.4/node/node.d.linux/ 2008-03-08 02:42:39.000000000 +0100
++++ munin-1.3.4-separate-configs/node/node.d.linux/ 2009-03-16 17:03:21.000000000 +0100
+@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
+ # autoconf
+ #
+-# @@CONFDIR@@/plugin-conf.d/global or other file in that dir must contain:
++# @@CCONFDIR@@/plugin-conf.d/global or other file in that dir must contain:
+ # [fw*]
+ # user root
+ #
+diff -ur munin-1.3.4/node/node.d.linux/ munin-1.3.4-separate-configs/node/node.d.linux/
+--- munin-1.3.4/node/node.d.linux/ 2008-03-08 02:42:39.000000000 +0100
++++ munin-1.3.4-separate-configs/node/node.d.linux/ 2009-03-16 17:03:35.000000000 +0100
+@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
+ #%# capabilities=autoconf
+ #
+-# @@CONFDIR@@/plugin-conf.d/global or other file in that dir must contain:
++# @@CCONFDIR@@/plugin-conf.d/global or other file in that dir must contain:
+ # [fw*]
+ # user root
+diff -ur munin-1.3.4/node/node.d.linux/ munin-1.3.4-separate-configs/node/node.d.linux/
+--- munin-1.3.4/node/node.d.linux/ 2008-03-08 02:42:39.000000000 +0100
++++ munin-1.3.4-separate-configs/node/node.d.linux/ 2009-03-16 17:03:41.000000000 +0100
+@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
+ # autoconf (optional - used by munin-config)
+ #
+-# @@CONFDIR@@/plugin-conf.d/global or other file in that dir must contain:
++# @@CCONFDIR@@/plugin-conf.d/global or other file in that dir must contain:
+ # [fw*]
+ # user root
+ #
+diff -ur munin-1.3.4/resources/ munin-1.3.4-separate-configs/resources/
+--- munin-1.3.4/resources/ 2008-03-08 02:42:40.000000000 +0100
++++ munin-1.3.4-separate-configs/resources/ 2009-03-16 16:58:59.000000000 +0100
+@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
+ PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin
+ NAME=munin-node
+ RUN_AS=$(awk '$1~/user/{print$2}' $CONFFILE)
+ PIDFILE=$(awk '$1~/pid/{print$2}' $CONFFILE)
+ MYCONF=/etc/rc.config.d/muninconf
+diff -ur munin-1.3.4/resources/ munin-1.3.4-separate-configs/resources/
+--- munin-1.3.4/resources/ 2008-03-08 02:42:40.000000000 +0100
++++ munin-1.3.4-separate-configs/resources/ 2009-03-16 16:59:10.000000000 +0100
+@@ -8,5 +8,5 @@
+ # an hour (12 invokations an hour, 1 in 12 chance that the update will
+ # happen), but ensure that there will never be more than two hour (7200
+ # seconds) interval between updates..
+-*/5 * * * * root [ -x @@CONFDIR@@/plugins/apt ] && @@CONFDIR@@/plugins/apt update 7200 12 >/dev/null
++*/5 * * * * root [ -x @@CCONFDIR@@/plugins/apt ] && @@CCONFDIR@@/plugins/apt update 7200 12 >/dev/null
+diff -ur munin-1.3.4/server/ munin-1.3.4-separate-configs/server/
+--- munin-1.3.4/server/ 2008-03-08 02:42:40.000000000 +0100
++++ munin-1.3.4-separate-configs/server/ 2009-03-16 16:56:01.000000000 +0100
+@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
+ use IPC::SysV qw(IPC_CREAT);
+ my $GRAPHER = "@@LIBDIR@@/munin-graph";
+-my $conffile = "@@CONFDIR@@/munin.conf";
++my $conffile = "@@SCONFDIR@@/munin.conf";
+ my %TIMES = ( "day" => ["--noweek", "--nomonth", "--noyear", "--nosumweek", "--nosumyear"],
+ "week" => ["--noday", "--nomonth", "--noyear", "--nosumweek", "--nosumyear"],
+diff -ur munin-1.3.4/server/ munin-1.3.4-separate-configs/server/
+--- munin-1.3.4/server/ 2008-03-08 02:42:40.000000000 +0100
++++ munin-1.3.4-separate-configs/server/ 2009-03-16 16:56:22.000000000 +0100
+@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@
+ norec=yes owner_ok @@PLUGSTATE@@ @@PLUGINUSER@@
+ norec=yes perm_ok @@PLUGSTATE@@ 775
+-norec=yes perm_ok @@CONFDIR@@/plugin-conf.d 755
++norec=yes perm_ok @@CCONFDIR@@/plugin-conf.d 755
+ echo "Check done. Please note that this script only checks most things,"
+ echo "not all things."
+diff -ur munin-1.3.4/server/munin.conf.pod munin-1.3.4-separate-configs/server/munin.conf.pod
+--- munin-1.3.4/server/munin.conf.pod 2008-03-08 02:42:40.000000000 +0100
++++ munin-1.3.4-separate-configs/server/munin.conf.pod 2009-03-16 16:58:29.000000000 +0100
+@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
+ [machine1.your.dom]
+ address localhost
+-The default location of F<munin.conf> is F<@@CONFDIR@@/munin.conf>.
++The default location of F<munin.conf> is F<@@SCONFDIR@@/munin.conf>.
+ If your placement deviates from this norm, use the "--config
+ E<lt>fileE<gt>"-option when running the munin-* programs.
+@@ -145,20 +145,20 @@
+ =item B<tls_private_key> <value>
+ This directive sets the location of the private key to be used for
+-TLS. Default is @@CONFDIR@@/munin.pem. The private key and
++TLS. Default is @@SCONFDIR@@/munin.pem. The private key and
+ certificate can be stored in the same file. Affects: munin-update.
+ =item B<tls_certificate> <value>
+ This directive sets the location of the TLS certificate to be used for
+-TLS. Default is @@CONFDIR@@/munin.pem. The private key and
++TLS. Default is @@SCONFDIR@@/munin.pem. The private key and
+ certificate can be stored in the same file. Affects: munin-update.
+ =item B<tls_ca_certificate> <value>
+ This directive sets the CA certificate to be used to verify the node's
+ certificate, if tls_verify_certificate is set to C<yes>. Default is
+-@@CONFDIR@@/cacert.pem. Affects: munin-update.
++@@SCONFDIR@@/cacert.pem. Affects: munin-update.
+ =item B<tls_verify_depth> <value>
+diff -ur munin-1.3.4/server/munin-cron.pod munin-1.3.4-separate-configs/server/munin-cron.pod
+--- munin-1.3.4/server/munin-cron.pod 2008-03-08 02:42:40.000000000 +0100
++++ munin-1.3.4-separate-configs/server/munin-cron.pod 2009-03-16 16:56:52.000000000 +0100
+@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
+ =item B<< --config <file> >>
+-Use E<lt>fileE<gt> as configuration file. [F<@@CONFDIR@@/munin.conf>]
++Use E<lt>fileE<gt> as configuration file. [F<@@SCONFDIR@@/munin.conf>]
+ =back
+diff -ur munin-1.3.4/server/ munin-1.3.4-separate-configs/server/
+--- munin-1.3.4/server/ 2009-03-16 17:06:31.000000000 +0100
++++ munin-1.3.4-separate-configs/server/ 2009-03-16 16:57:10.000000000 +0100
+@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
+ my $skip_locking = 0;
+ my $skip_stats = 0;
+ my $stdout = 0;
+-my $conffile = "@@CONFDIR@@/munin.conf";
++my $conffile = "@@SCONFDIR@@/munin.conf";
+ my %draw = ("day" => 1, "week" => 1, "month" => 1, "year" => 1, "sumyear" => 1, "sumweek" => 1);
+ my $log = new IO::Handle;
+@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
+ options may be supplied.
+ --host <host> Limit graphed hosts to <host>. Multiple --host options
+ may be supplied.
+- --config <file> Use <file> as configuration file. [@@CONFDIR@@/munin.conf]
++ --config <file> Use <file> as configuration file. [@@SCONFDIR@@/munin.conf]
+ --[no]list-images List the filenames of the images created.
+ [--nolist-images]
+ --[no]day Create day-graphs. [--day]
+@@ -1143,7 +1143,7 @@
+ =item B<< --config <file> >>
+-Use E<lt>fileE<gt> as configuration file. [@@CONFDIR@@/munin.conf]
++Use E<lt>fileE<gt> as configuration file. [@@SCONFDIR@@/munin.conf]
+ =item B<< --[no]list-images >>
+@@ -1186,7 +1186,7 @@
+ =head1 FILES
+- @@CONFDIR@@/munin.conf
++ @@SCONFDIR@@/munin.conf
+ @@DBDIR@@/*
+ @@LOGDIR@@/munin-graph
+ @@STATEDIR@@/*
+diff -ur munin-1.3.4/server/ munin-1.3.4-separate-configs/server/
+--- munin-1.3.4/server/ 2008-03-08 02:42:40.000000000 +0100
++++ munin-1.3.4-separate-configs/server/ 2009-03-16 16:57:20.000000000 +0100
+@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
+ #
+ # <directory @@HTMLDIR@@>
+-AuthUserFile @@CONFDIR@@/munin-htpasswd
++AuthUserFile @@SCONFDIR@@/munin-htpasswd
+ AuthName "Munin"
+ AuthType Basic
+ require valid-user
+diff -ur munin-1.3.4/server/ munin-1.3.4-separate-configs/server/
+--- munin-1.3.4/server/ 2009-03-16 17:06:31.000000000 +0100
++++ munin-1.3.4-separate-configs/server/ 2009-03-16 16:57:29.000000000 +0100
+@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
+ my @limit_hosts;
+ my $DEBUG=0;
+ my $VERSION = "@@VERSION@@";
+-my $conffile = "@@CONFDIR@@/munin.conf";
++my $conffile = "@@SCONFDIR@@/munin.conf";
+ my $force_root = 0;
+ my $do_usage = 0;
+ my $do_version = 0;
+@@ -761,7 +761,7 @@
+ =head1 FILES
+- @@CONFDIR@@/munin.conf
++ @@SCONFDIR@@/munin.conf
+ @@DBDIR@@/datafile
+ @@LOGDIR@@/munin-html
+ @@HTMLDIR@@/*
+diff -ur munin-1.3.4/server/ munin-1.3.4-separate-configs/server/
+--- munin-1.3.4/server/ 2008-03-08 02:42:40.000000000 +0100
++++ munin-1.3.4-separate-configs/server/ 2009-03-16 16:57:40.000000000 +0100
+@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
+ extract_quotelike extract_bracketed);
+ my $DEBUG=0;
+-my $conffile = "@@CONFDIR@@/munin.conf";
++my $conffile = "@@SCONFDIR@@/munin.conf";
+ my $do_usage = 0;
+ my @limit_hosts = ();
+ my @limit_services = ();
+@@ -550,7 +550,7 @@
+ =item B<< --config <file> >>
+-Use E<lt>fileE<gt> as configuration file. [@@CONFDIR@@/munin.conf]
++Use E<lt>fileE<gt> as configuration file. [@@SCONFDIR@@/munin.conf]
+ =item B<< --[no]force >>
+@@ -586,7 +586,7 @@
<<Diff was trimmed, longer than 597 lines>>
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