SVN: toys/

sparky sparky at
Fri Sep 11 18:51:20 CEST 2009

Author: sparky
Date: Fri Sep 11 18:51:20 2009
New Revision: 10562

- mostly rewritten to allow new syntax and use ListManager

Modified: toys/
--- toys/	(original)
+++ toys/	Fri Sep 11 18:51:20 2009
@@ -4,222 +4,235 @@
 use warnings;
 use URI::Escape;
 use RSGet::Tools;
-our $file = 'get.list';
-my $file_swp = '.get.list.swp';
-our $reread = 1;
-our %uri_options; # options to be saved
+my $file;
+my $file_swp;
+my $update = 1;
+# $uri => { cmd => "CMD", globals => {...}, options => {...} }
+# commands:
+# GET - download
+# DONE - stop, fully downloaded
+# STOP - stop, partially downloaded
+# ADD - add as clone if possible, new link otherwise
+our @actual;
+our @added;
 sub set_file
-	my $file = shift;
+	$file = shift;
 	die "Can't read '$file'\n" unless -r $file;
 	p "Using '$file' file list\n";
-	my $make_swp = $settings{make_swp} || '.${file}.swp';
+	my $make_swp = $settings{list_lock};
 	$file_swp = eval "\"$make_swp\"";
 	p "Using '$file_swp' as file lock\n";
-sub need_update
+sub update
-	$reread = 1;
+	$update = 1;
-sub words
+our %save; # options to be saved
+sub save
-	my $pre = shift;
-	my $before = shift;
-	return () unless @_;
-	my $line = "";
-	my $lline = $pre . $before . shift;
-	foreach ( @_ ) {
-		if ( length $lline . $_ > 76 ) {
-			$line .= "$lline \\\n";
-			$lline = $pre;
+	my $uri = shift;
+	my %data = @_;
+	my $save_uri = $save{ $uri } ||= {};
+	foreach my $key ( keys %data ) {
+		my $val = $data{ $key };
+		if ( $key =~ /^(options|globals|clones)/ ) {
+			my $hash = $save_uri->{ $key } ||= {};
+			hadd $hash, %{ $val };
+		} else {
+			$save_uri->{ $key } = $val;
-		$lline .= " " . $_;
-	$lline = $line.$lline if $line;
-	return $lline."\n";
 sub h2a($)
 	my $h = shift;
-	return map { $_ . "=" . uri_escape( $h->{$_} ) } sort keys %$h;
-sub getter
-	my $uri = shift;
-	my @g = grep { $uri =~ m/^http:\/\/(:?www\.)?$_->{uri}/ } values %getters;
-	return undef unless @g;
-	return $g[0];
+	return map { defined $h->{$_} ? ($_ . "=" . uri_escape( $h->{$_} )) : () } sort keys %$h;
-my @added_text;
-sub add_text
-	my $type = shift;
-	my $text = shift;
-	return unless $text;
-	if ( $type eq "links" ) {
-		my @words = split /\s/s, $text;
-		foreach ( @words ) {
-			next unless m{^(http://)?(.*?)$};
-			my $proto = $1 || "http://";
-			my $uri = $proto . $2;
-			push @added_text, $uri . "\n" if getter($uri);
-		}
-		$reread = 2;
-	} elsif ( $type eq "text" ) {
-		foreach ( split /\n/, $text ) {
-			s/\s+$//;
-			push @added_text, $_."\n";
-		}
-	} elsif ( $type eq "comment" ) {
-		foreach ( split /\n/, $text ) {
-			s/\s+$//;
-			push @added_text, "# $_\n";
-		}
-	}
-	return \@added_text;
-my $listmtime = 0;
+our $listmtime = 0;
 sub readlist
 	return unless -r $file;
 	my $mtime = (stat _)[9];
-	return unless $reread or $mtime != $listmtime;
+	return unless $update or $mtime != $listmtime;
 	#p "readlist()";
-	my @getlist;
-	my @newlist;
 	open my $list, '<', $file;
-	while ( my $line = <$list> ) {
+	my @list = <$list>;
+	close $list;
+	push @list, @added;
+	my @new;
+	my @end;
+	my @used_save;
+	my %all_uri;
+	@actual = ();
+	while ( my $line = shift @list ) {
 		chomp $line;
+		if ( $line =~ /^__END__\s*$/ ) { # end of the list
+			push @end, $line . "\n";
+			push @actual, $line;
+			push @end, @list;
+			push @actual, @list;
+			last;
+		}
 		if ( $line =~ /^\s*(#.*)?$/ ) { # comments and empty lines
-			push @newlist, $line . "\n";
+			push @new, $line . "\n";
+			push @actual, $line;
-		} elsif ( $line =~ /^__END__\s*$/ ) { # end of list
-			push @newlist, $line . "\n";
-			push @newlist, <$list>;
-			last;
-		while ( $line =~ s/\\$/ / ) { # stitch broken lines together
-			$line .= <$list>;
+		my $mline = $line;
+		while ( $mline =~ s/\s*\\$/ / or (@list and $list[0] =~ s/^\s*\+\s*/ /) ) { # stitch broken lines together
+			$line = shift @list;
 			chomp $line;
+			$mline .= $line;
-		$line =~ s/^\s+//;
-		$line =~ s/\s+$//;
+		$mline =~ s/^\s+//s;
+		$mline =~ s/\s+$//s;
+		my @words = split /\s+/s, $mline;
-		my %uris;
-		my %options;
-		my @invalid;
-		my @invalid_uri;
+		my $cmd;
+		if ( $words[0] =~ /^(GET|DONE|STOP|ADD):$/ ) {
+			$cmd = $1;
+			shift @words;
+		}
+		my $globals = {};
+		my $options = $globals;
-		# split line into words
-		foreach ( split /\s+/, $line ) {
-			if ( /^([a-z_]+)=(.*)$/ ) {
-				$options{$1} = uri_unescape( $2 );
+		my %decoded;
+		my @invalid;
+		foreach ( @words ) {
+			if ( /^([a-z0-9_]+)=(.*)$/ ) {
+				$options->{$1} = uri_unescape( $2 );
+				next;
 			} elsif ( m{^(http://)?(.*?)$} ) {
 				my $proto = $1 || "http://";
 				my $uri = $proto . $2;
-				if ( my $getter = getter($uri) ) {
-					$uris{ $uri } = $getter;
-				} elsif ( $uri =~ m{.+\.[a-z]{2,4}/.+} ) {
-					push @invalid_uri, $uri;
-				} else {
-					push @invalid, $_;
+				if ( my $getter = RSGet::Dispatch::getter($uri) ) {
+					$options = {};
+					$decoded{ $uri } = [ $getter, $options ];
+					next;
-			} else {
-				push @invalid, $_;
+			push @invalid, $_;
-		if ( not scalar keys %uris ) {
-			push @newlist, words(
-				"# ", "invalid line: ",
-				@invalid, @invalid_uri, h2a( \%options ),
-			);
-			next;
-		} elsif ( @invalid ) {
-			push @newlist, words(
-				"# ", "invalid words: ",
-				@invalid, @invalid_uri
-			);
-		} elsif ( @invalid_uri ) {
-			push @newlist, words(
-				"# ", "invalid uri: ",
-				@invalid_uri,
-			);
-		}
-		foreach my $uri ( sort keys %uris ) {
-			my $error = RSGet::Dispatch::is_error( $uri );
-			next unless $error;
-			delete $uris{ $uri };
-			push @newlist, "# $error:\n# $uri\n";
-		}
-		unless ( keys %uris ) {
-			push @newlist, words(
-				"#", "", h2a( \%options )
-			) if keys %options;
+		unless ( keys %decoded ) {
+			my $line = '# invalid line: ' . (join " ", ($cmd ? "$cmd:" : ()), @words);
+			push @new, $line . "\n";
+			push @actual, $line;
+		if ( @invalid ) {
+			my $line = '# invalid: ' . (join " ", @invalid);
+			push @new, $line . "\n";
+			push @actual, $line;
+		}
-		foreach my $uri ( sort keys %uris ) {
-			hadd \%options, %{$uri_options{ $uri }} if $uri_options{ $uri };
+		$cmd ||= "GET";
+		foreach my $uri ( keys %decoded ) {
+			next unless exists $save{ $uri };
+			push @used_save, $uri;
+			my $save = $save{ $uri };
+			if ( not ref $save or ref $save ne "HASH" ) {
+				warn "Invalid \$save{ $uri } => $save\n";
+				next;
+			}
+			my $options = $decoded{ $uri }->[1];
+			$cmd = $save->{cmd} if $save->{cmd};
+			hadd $globals, %{$save->{globals}} if $save->{globals};
+			hadd $options, %{$save->{options}} if $save->{options};
+			if ( my $links = $save->{links} ) {
+				push @new, map { "ADD: $_\n" } @$links;
+				# don't bother with @actual, list will be reread shortly
+				$update = 2;
+			}
+			if ( my $clones = $save->{clones} ) {
+				hadd \%decoded, %{ $clones };
+				$update = 2;
+			}
+			delete $decoded{ $uri } if $save->{delete};
-		my $status;
-		foreach my $uri ( sort keys %uris ) {
-			next unless $status = RSGet::Dispatch::done( $uri, $uris{ $uri } );
-			$uri = "*" . $uri;
-			if ( ref $status and ref $status eq "ARRAY" ) {
-				push @newlist, words(
-					"#", " Link: ",
-					(sort keys %uris), h2a( \%options )
-				);
-				push @newlist, words( '', '', @$status );
+		foreach my $uri ( keys %decoded ) {
+			if ( $all_uri{ $uri } ) {
+				warn "URI: $uri repeated, removing second one\n";
+				#hadd $options, %{ $all_uri{ $uri }->[1] };
+				#$all_uri{ $uri }->[1] = $options;
+				delete $decoded{ $uri };
 			} else {
-				push @newlist, words(
-					"# ", "$status:\n# ",
-					(sort keys %uris), h2a( \%options )
-				);
+				$all_uri{ $uri } = $decoded{ $uri };
-			$reread = 2;
-			last;
-		next if $status;
-		push @newlist, words( '', '', (sort keys %uris), h2a( \%options ) );
+		next unless keys %decoded;
-		push @getlist, [ \%uris, \%options ];
+		my $all_error = 1;
+		foreach my $uri ( keys %decoded ) {
+			my $options = $decoded{ $uri }->[1];
+			unless ( $options->{error} ) {
+				$all_error = 0;
+				last;
+			}
+		}
+		$cmd = "STOP" if $all_error and $cmd ne "DONE";
+		push @actual, {
+			cmd => $cmd,
+			globals => $globals,
+			uris => \%decoded
+		};
+		{
+			my @out = ( "$cmd:", h2a( $globals ) );
+			push @new, (join " ", @out) . "\n";
+		}
+		foreach my $uri ( sort keys %decoded ) {
+			my @out = ( $uri, h2a( $decoded{ $uri }->[1] ) );
+			push @new, (join " ", '+', @out) . "\n";
+		}
-	close $list;
+	# we are forced to regenerate the list if there was something added
+	unlink $file_swp if @added or $update == 2;
 	unless ( -e $file_swp ) {
 		open my $newlist, '>', $file . ".tmp";
-		print $newlist @newlist;
-		print $newlist @added_text;
-		@added_text = ();
+		print $newlist @new;
 		close $newlist || die "\nCannot update $file file: $!\n";
 		unlink $file;
 		rename $file . ".tmp", $file;
+		@added = ();
+		foreach my $uri ( @used_save ) {
+			delete $save{ $uri };
+		}
-	$reread = $reread == 2 ? 1 : 0;
+	$update = $update == 2 ? 1 : 0;
 	$listmtime = (stat $file)[9];
-	return \@getlist;
+	return \@actual;

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