SVN: toys/ Main...
sparky at
Thu Oct 29 03:48:11 CET 2009
Author: sparky
Date: Thu Oct 29 03:48:11 2009
New Revision: 10874
- copied, changed from rev 10863, toys/
- compile plugins on demand, lowers memory usage in typical cases
Modified: toys/
--- toys/ (original)
+++ toys/ Thu Oct 29 03:48:11 2009
@@ -109,7 +109,7 @@
- my $getter = $getters{ $self->{_pkg} };
+ my $getter = RSGet::Plugin::from_pkg( $self->{_pkg} );
my $dir = "captcha/$getter->{short}/$subdir";
mkpath( $dir ) unless -d $dir;
Modified: toys/
--- toys/ (original)
+++ toys/ Thu Oct 29 03:48:11 2009
@@ -161,7 +161,11 @@
my $outif = find_free_if( $pkg, $working, get_slots( $cmd, $getter->{slots} ) );
return unless defined $outif;
- my $obj = RSGet::Get::new( $pkg, $cmd, $uri, $options, $outif );
+ my $obj = $getter->start( $cmd, $uri, $options, $outif );
+ if ( not $obj and $getter->{error} ) {
+ $options->{error} = $getter->{error};
+ return;
+ }
$working->{ $uri } = $obj if $obj;
return $obj;
@@ -275,31 +279,6 @@
-sub getter
- my $uri = shift;
- foreach my $getter ( values %getters ) {
- foreach my $re ( @{ $getter->{uri} } ) {
- return $getter
- if $uri =~ m{^http://(?:www\.)?$re};
- }
- }
- return undef;
-sub unigetter
- my $uri = shift;
- my $getter = getter( $uri );
- if ( $getter ) {
- my $unify = $getter->{unify};
- $uri = &$unify( $uri );
- return $getter, $uri;
- }
- return undef, $uri;
# vim: ts=4:sw=4
Modified: toys/
--- toys/ (original)
+++ toys/ Thu Oct 29 03:48:11 2009
@@ -165,8 +165,10 @@
} elsif ( m{^(http://)?(.*?)$} ) {
my $proto = $1 || "http://";
- my ( $getter, $uri ) = RSGet::Dispatch::unigetter( $proto . $2 );
+ my $uri = $proto . $2;
+ my $getter = RSGet::Plugin::from_uri( $uri );
if ( $getter ) {
+ $uri = $getter->unify( $uri );
$options = {};
$decoded{ $uri } = [ $getter, $options ];
Modified: toys/
--- toys/ (original)
+++ toys/ Thu Oct 29 03:48:11 2009
@@ -48,21 +48,20 @@
sub new
- my ( $pkg, $cmd, $uri, $options, $outif ) = @_;
- my $getter = $getters{ $pkg };
+ my ( $getter, $cmd, $uri, $options, $outif ) = @_;
my $self = {
_uri => $uri,
_opts => $options,
_try => 0,
_cmd => $cmd,
- _pkg => $pkg,
+ _pkg => $getter->{pkg},
_outif => $outif,
_id => (sprintf "%.6x", int rand 1 << 24),
_last_dump => 0,
make_cookie( $getter->{cookie}, $cmd ),
- bless $self, $pkg;
+ bless $self, $getter->{pkg};
if ( verbose( 2 ) or $cmd eq "get" ) {
@@ -94,7 +93,7 @@
return unless $line;
my $outifstr = $self->{_outif} ? "[$self->{_outif}]" : "";
- my $getter = $getters{ $self->{_pkg} };
+ my $getter = RSGet::Plugin::from_pkg( $self->{_pkg} );
new RSGet::Line( "[$getter->{short}]$outifstr ", $self->{_name} . ": " . $text );
Modified: toys/
--- toys/ (original)
+++ toys/ Thu Oct 29 03:48:11 2009
@@ -567,7 +567,7 @@
my $r = '<fieldset id="f_listask"><legend>Select clone</legend>'
. '<ul class="flist">';
my ( $uri, $options, $clones ) = @$ask;
- my $getter = RSGet::Dispatch::getter( $uri );
+ my $getter = RSGet::Plugin::from_uri( $uri );
my $list_ids = $list->{ids};
$list_ids->{addclone} = { uri => $uri };
@@ -581,7 +581,7 @@
name => $ucd->[1],
size => $ucd->[3],
- my $getter = RSGet::Dispatch::getter( $uri );
+ my $getter = RSGet::Plugin::from_uri( $uri );
$r .= file_info( $list_ids, "addclone", $uri, $getter, $options, ['SELECT'] );
Modified: toys/
--- toys/ (original)
+++ toys/ Thu Oct 29 03:48:11 2009
@@ -73,8 +73,9 @@
- (my $getter, $uri) = RSGet::Dispatch::unigetter( $uri );
+ my $getter = RSGet::Plugin::from_uri( $uri );
next unless $getter;
+ $uri = $getter->unify( $uri );
next if exists $all_uris{ $uri };
$all_uris{ $uri } = 1;
my $options = {};
@@ -132,8 +133,9 @@
if ( my $links = $save->{links} ) {
my @new;
foreach my $luri ( @$links ) {
- my ($getter, $uri) = RSGet::Dispatch::unigetter( $luri );
+ my $getter = RSGet::Plugin::from_uri( $luri );
if ( $getter ) {
+ my $uri = $getter->unify( $luri );
push @new, { cmd => "ADD", globals => {}, uris => { $uri => [ $getter, {} ] } };
} else {
push @new, "# unsupported uri: $uri";
Modified: toys/
--- toys/ (original)
+++ toys/ Thu Oct 29 03:48:11 2009
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
use RSGet::MortalObject;
use RSGet::Line;
use RSGet::ListManager;
-use RSGet::Processor;
+use RSGet::Plugin;
use RSGet::Tools;
use RSGet::Wait;
use Time::HiRes;
@@ -239,32 +239,16 @@
foreach my $type ( qw(Get Link Video) ) {
my $dir = "$path/$type";
next unless -d $dir;
+ my $count = 0;
foreach ( sort glob "$path/$type/*" ) {
- add_getter( $type, $_ );
+ $count += RSGet::Plugin::add( $type, $_ );
+ new RSGet::Line( "INIT: ", "$dir: found $count new plugins\n" )
+ if $count;
-sub add_getter
- my $type = shift;
- local $_ = shift;
- return if /~$/;
- return if m{/\.[^/]*$};
- ( my $file = $_ ) =~ s#.*/##;
- return if exists $getters{ $type . "::" . $file };
- my ( $pkg, $getter ) = RSGet::Processor::read_file( $type, $_ );
- my $msg = "${type}/$file: failed";
- if ( $pkg and $getter ) {
- $getters{ $pkg } = $getter;
- $msg = "$pkg: added\n";
- new RSGet::Line( "INIT: ", $msg );
- } else {
- warn "$msg\n";
- }
sub loop
# main loop
Copied: toys/ (from rev 10863, toys/
--- toys/ (original)
+++ toys/ Thu Oct 29 03:48:11 2009
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-package RSGet::Processor;
+package RSGet::Plugin;
# This file is an integral part of downloader.
# 2009 (c) Przemysław Iskra <sparky at>
@@ -7,271 +7,274 @@
use strict;
use warnings;
+use RSGet::Processor;
use RSGet::Tools;
set_rev qq$Id$;
-my $options = "name|short|slots|cookie|status|min_ver";
+my %getters;
-my $processed = "";
-sub pr(@)
+sub read_file($)
- my $line = join "", @_;
- $processed .= $line;
- return length $line;
-my $is_sub = 0;
-my $last_cmd = undef;
-sub p_sub
- my $sub = shift;
- pr "sub $sub {\n";
- pr "\tmy \$self = shift;\n";
- foreach ( @_ ) {
- pr "\t$_;\n";
- }
- $is_sub++;
-sub p_subend
- return unless $is_sub;
- $is_sub--;
- my $error = 'unexpected end of script';
- if ( $last_cmd and $last_cmd =~ /(?:click_)?download/ ) {
- $error = 'download is a HTML page';
- }
- $last_cmd = undef;
- pr "\treturn \${self}->error( '$error' );\n}\n";
-my $space;
-sub p_ret
- my $ret = shift;
- my @opts = @_;
- pr $space . "return \${self}->${ret}( ";
- pr join( ", ", @opts ) . ", " if @opts;
-sub p_func
- my $f = shift;
- pr $space . "\${self}->$f(";
-sub p_line
- s/\$-{/\$self->{/g;
- pr $_ . "\n";
-sub read_file
- my $class = shift;
- my $file = shift;
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $file = $self->{file};
- open F_IN, '<', $file;
+ open F_IN, '<', $file or return;
my %opts = (
uri => [],
+ map { $_ => undef } qw(name short slots cookie status),
+ my $opts = join "|", keys %opts;
my %parts = (
- unify => [],
- pre => [],
- start => [],
- perl => [],
+ map { $_ => [] } qw(unify pre start perl),
my $parts = join "|", keys %parts;
- my $part = undef;
+ my $part;
while ( <F_IN> ) {
- next unless length;
next if /^\s*#/;
+ next if /^\s*$/;
- if ( $part ) {
- unless ( /^\S+/ ) {
- push @{$parts{$part}}, $_;
- next;
- }
- if ( $part eq "perl" ) {
- push @{$parts{perl}}, $_."\n", <F_IN>;
- last;
- } elsif ( $part eq "start" and /^stage_.*?:/ ) {
- push @{$parts{start}}, $_;
- next;
- }
- $part = undef;
+ if ( /^($parts)\s*:/ ) {
+ $part = $1;
+ last;
+ }
+ my ( $key, $value );
+ unless ( ($key, $value) = /^($opts)\s*:\s+(.*)$/ ) {
+ warn "$file: unrecognized line: $_\n";
+ next;
+ if ( ref $opts{ $key } ) {
+ push @{ $opts{ $key } }, $value;
+ } else {
+ warn "$file: $key overwritten (changed from '$opts{ $key }' to '$value')\n"
+ if defined $opts{ $key };
+ $opts{ $key } = $value;
+ }
+ }
+ while ( <F_IN> ) {
+ chomp;
+ next if /^\s*#/;
+ next if /^\s*$/;
if ( /^($parts)\s*:/ ) {
$part = $1;
- } elsif ( /^uri\s*:\s+(.*)$/ ) {
- push @{$opts{uri}}, $1;
- } elsif ( /^($options)\s*:\s+(.*)$/ ) {
- $opts{$1} = $2;
+ if ( $part eq "perl" ) {
+ my @perl = <F_IN>;
+ $parts{perl} = \@perl;
+ }
+ next;
+ push @{ $parts{ $part } }, $_;
close F_IN;
- unless ( scalar @{$parts{start}} ) {
- p "Can't find 'start:'\n";
- return undef;
- }
- unless ( @{$opts{uri}} ) {
- p "Can't find 'uri:'\n";
- return undef;
+ foreach my $k ( keys %opts ) {
+ $self->{ $k } = $opts{ $k };
+ }
+ return \%parts;
+sub check_opts
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $file = shift;
+ my $plugin_class = shift;
+ unless ( @{$self->{uri}} ) {
+ return "Can't find 'uri:'\n";
foreach ( qw(name short) ) {
- next if $opts{$_};
- p "Can't find '$_:'\n";
- return undef;
+ next if $self->{$_};
+ return "Can't find '$_:'\n";
$file =~ m{.*/(.*?)$};
my $fname = $1;
- if ( $fname ne $opts{name} ) {
- p "Name field: '$opts{name}' differs from file name: '$fname'\n";
- return undef;
- }
- if ( $opts{status} and $opts{status} !~ /^OK(\s+.*)?$/ ) {
- p "Marked as '$opts{status}'\n";
- return undef;
- }
- $processed = "";
- $space = "";
- $last_cmd = undef;
- $is_sub = 0;
- $opts{uri} = [ map { eval $_ } @{$opts{uri}} ];
- $opts{class} = ${class};
- $opts{pkg} = "${class}::$opts{name}";
- $opts{unify} = join "\n", @{ $parts{unify} };
- $opts{unify} ||= 's/#.*//; s{/$}{};';
- pr "package $opts{pkg};\n\n";
- pr <<'EOF';
- use strict;
- use warnings;
- use RSGet::Get;
- use RSGet::Tools;
- use URI::Escape;
- our @ISA;
- @ISA = qw(RSGet::Get);
- }
- my $STDSIZE = qr/\d+(?:\.\d+)?\s*[kmg]?b/i;
- pr join "\n", @{$parts{pre}}, "\n";
- my $stage = 0;
- p_sub( "stage0" );
- my @machine = @{$parts{start}};
- while ( $_ = shift @machine ) {
- $space = "";
- $space = $1 if s/^(\s+)//;
- if ( s/^(GET|WAIT|CAPTCHA|(?:CLICK_)?DOWNLOAD|CLICK)\s*\(// ) {
- my $cmd = lc $1;
- my $next_stage = "stage" . ++$stage;
- my @skip;
- push @skip, $_;
- until ( /;\s*$/ ) {
- $_ = shift @machine;
- push @skip, $_;
- }
- p_ret( $cmd, "\\&$next_stage" );
- foreach ( @skip ) {
- p_line();
- }
- p_subend();
- $last_cmd = $cmd;
- p_sub( $next_stage );
- } elsif ( s/^(GET|WAIT|CAPTCHA|CLICK)_NEXT\s*\(\s*(.*?)\s*,// ) {
- my $cmd = lc $1;
- my $next_stage = $2;
- p_ret( $cmd, "\\&$next_stage" );
- p_line();
- } elsif ( s/^GOTO\s+(stage_[a-z0-9_]+)// ) {
- p_ret( $1 );
- pr ')';
- p_line();
- } elsif ( s/^(stage_[a-z0-9_]+)\s*:\s*(.*)$// ) {
- my $next_stage = $1;
- my $left = $_;
- p_ret( $next_stage );
- pr ');';
- p_subend();
- p_sub( $next_stage );
- $_ = $left;
- redo if /\S/;
- } elsif ( s/^(ERROR|RESTART|LINK|MULTI)\s*\(// ) {
- p_ret( lc $1 );
- p_line();
- } elsif ( s/^INFO\s*\(// ) {
- pr $space . 'return "info" if $self->info( ';
- p_line();
- } elsif ( s/^SEARCH\s*\(// ) {
- pr $space . 'return if $self->search( ';
- p_line();
- } elsif ( s/^(PRINT|LOG|COOKIE|CAPTCHA_RESULT)\s*\(// ) {
- p_func( lc $1 );
- p_line();
- } elsif ( s/^!\s+// ) {
- my $line = quotemeta $_;
- pr $space . 'return $self->problem( "'. $line .'" ) unless ';
- p_line();
+ if ( $fname eq $self->{name} ) {
+ $self->{pkg} = $plugin_class."::". $self->{name};
+ } else {
+ return "Name field: '$self->{name}' differs from file name\n";
+ }
+ if ( $self->{status} and $self->{status} =~ /^OK(\s+.*)?$/ ) {
+ return "";
+ }
+ return "Incorrect status\n";
+sub check_parts
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $parts = shift;
+ unless ( @{ $parts->{start} } ) {
+ return "Can't find start\n";
+ }
+ return "";
+sub eval_uris
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $in = $self->{uri};
+ my @out;
+ local $SIG{__DIE__};
+ delete $SIG{__DIE__};
+ foreach my $uri_text ( @$in ) {
+ my $re = eval $uri_text;
+ if ( $@ ) {
+ warn "Problem with uri $uri_text: $@\n";
+ } elsif ( not $re ) {
+ warn "Problem with uri $uri_text\n";
+ } elsif ( not ref $re or ref $re ne "Regexp" ) {
+ warn "URI $uri_text is not a regular expression\n";
} else {
- pr $space;
- p_line();
+ push @out, $re;
- p_subend();
- pr @{$parts{perl}};
+ $self->{uri} = \@out;
- pr "\npackage $opts{pkg};\n";
- pr "sub unify { local \$_ = shift; $opts{unify};\nreturn \$_;\n};\n";
- pr '\&unify;';
- my $unify = eval_it( $processed );
- if ( $@ ) {
- p "Error(s): $@";
- return undef unless verbose( 1 );
- my $err = $@;
- return undef unless $err =~ /line \d+/;
- my @p = split /\n/, $processed;
- for ( my $i = 0; $i < scalar @p; $i++ ) {
- my $n = $i + 1;
- p sprintf "%s%4d: %s\n",
- ($err =~ /line $n[^\d]/ ? "!" : " "),
- $n,
- $p[ $i ];
- }
- return undef;
+sub new
+ my $class = shift;
+ my $type = shift;
+ my $file = shift;
+ my $self = {
+ file => $file,
+ class => $type,
+ };
+ bless $self, $class;
+ my $parts = $self->read_file();
+ return undef unless $parts;
+ my $error = "";
+ $error .= $self->check_opts( $file, $type );
+ $error .= $self->check_parts( $parts );
+ $self->eval_uris();
+ return undef unless @{ $self->{uri} };
+ $self->{error} = "$self->{pkg} plugin error: $error" if $error;
+ p $file . ": " . $self->{error} if $error;
+ return $self;
+sub compile
+ my $self = shift;
+ $self->{compiled} = 1;
+ return if $self->{error};
+ p "Compiling $self->{pkg} plugin";
+ my $parts = $self->read_file();
+ unless ( $parts ) {
+ $self->{error} = "$self->{pkg} compilation error: cannot read file $self->{file}";
+ p "Compilation failed";
+ }
+ my $unify = RSGet::Processor::compile( $self, $parts );
+ if ( ref $unify and ref $unify eq "CODE" ) {
+ $self->{unify} = $unify;
+ p "Compilation successful";
+ } else {
+ $self->{error} = "$self->{pkg} compilation error";
+ p "Compilation failed";
- if ( not $unify or not ref $unify or ref $unify ne "CODE" ) {
- my $ru = ref $unify || "undef";
- p "Error: invalid, unify returned '$ru'";
- return undef;
+sub can_do
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $uri = shift;
+ foreach my $re ( @{ $self->{uri} } ) {
+ return 1 if $uri =~ m{^http://(?:www\.)?$re};
- $opts{unify} = $unify;
+ return 0;
+sub unify
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $uri = shift;
- return $opts{pkg} => \%opts;
- return ();
+ $self->compile() unless $self->{compiled};
+ return $uri if $self->{error};
+ my $func = $self->{unify};
+ return $uri unless $func;
+ return &$func( $uri );
-sub eval_it
+sub start
- local $SIG{__DIE__};
- delete $SIG{__DIE__};
- return eval shift;
+ my $self = shift;
+ my @args = @_;
+ $self->compile() unless $self->{compiled};
+ return undef if $self->{error};
+ return RSGet::Get::new( $self, @args );
+sub add
+ my $type = shift;
+ local $_ = shift;
+ return 0 if /~$/;
+ return 0 if m{/\.[^/]*$};
+ ( my $file = $_ ) =~ s#.*/##;
+ return 0 if exists $getters{ $type . "::" . $file };
+ my $plugin = new RSGet::Plugin( $type, $_ );
+ if ( $plugin ) {
+ my $pkg = $plugin->{pkg};
+ $getters{ $pkg } = $plugin;
+ new RSGet::Line( "INIT: ", "$pkg: added" )
+ if verbose( 1 );
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ warn "${type}/$file: failed\n";
+ return 0;
+ }
+sub from_uri
+ my $uri = shift;
+ foreach my $getter ( values %getters ) {
+ return $getter if $getter->can_do( $uri );
+ }
+ return undef;
+sub from_pkg
+ my $pkg = shift;
<<diff output has been trimmed to 500 lines, 4 line(s) remained.>>
Added: toys/
--- (empty file)
+++ toys/ Thu Oct 29 03:48:11 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+package RSGet::Processor;
+# This file is an integral part of downloader.
+# 2009 (c) Przemysław Iskra <sparky at>
+# This program is free software,
+# you may distribute it under GPL v2 or newer.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use RSGet::Tools;
+set_rev qq$Id$;
+my $processed = "";
+sub pr(@)
+ my $line = join "", @_;
+ $processed .= $line;
+ return length $line;
+my $is_sub = 0;
+my $last_cmd = undef;
+sub p_sub
+ my $sub = shift;
+ pr "sub $sub {\n";
+ pr "\tmy \$self = shift;\n";
+ foreach ( @_ ) {
+ pr "\t$_;\n";
+ }
+ $is_sub++;
+sub p_subend
+ return unless $is_sub;
+ $is_sub--;
+ my $error = 'unexpected end of script';
+ if ( $last_cmd and $last_cmd =~ /(?:click_)?download/ ) {
+ $error = 'download is a HTML page';
+ }
+ $last_cmd = undef;
+ pr "\treturn \${self}->error( '$error' );\n}\n";
+my $space;
+sub p_ret
+ my $ret = shift;
+ my @opts = @_;
+ pr $space . "return \${self}->${ret}( ";
+ pr join( ", ", @opts ) . ", " if @opts;
+sub p_func
+ my $f = shift;
+ pr $space . "\${self}->$f(";
+sub p_line
+ s/\$-{/\$self->{/g;
+ pr $_ . "\n";
+sub compile
+ my $opts = shift;
+ my $parts = shift;
+ $processed = "";
+ $space = "";
+ $last_cmd = undef;
+ $is_sub = 0;
+ my $unify_body = ( join "\n", @{ $parts->{unify} } ) || 's/#.*//; s{/$}{};';
+ pr "package $opts->{pkg};\n\n";
+ pr <<'EOF';
+ use strict;
+ use warnings;
+ use RSGet::Get;
+ use RSGet::Tools;
+ use URI::Escape;
+ our @ISA;
+ @ISA = qw(RSGet::Get);
+ }
+ my $STDSIZE = qr/\d+(?:\.\d+)?\s*[kmg]?b/i;
+ pr join "\n", @{$parts->{pre}}, "\n";
+ my $stage = 0;
+ p_sub( "stage0" );
+ my @machine = @{ $parts->{start} };
+ while ( $_ = shift @machine ) {
+ $space = "";
+ $space = $1 if s/^(\s+)//;
+ if ( s/^(GET|WAIT|CAPTCHA|(?:CLICK_)?DOWNLOAD|CLICK)\s*\(// ) {
+ my $cmd = lc $1;
+ my $next_stage = "stage" . ++$stage;
+ my @skip;
+ push @skip, $_;
+ until ( /;\s*$/ ) {
+ $_ = shift @machine;
+ push @skip, $_;
+ }
+ p_ret( $cmd, "\\&$next_stage" );
+ foreach ( @skip ) {
+ p_line();
+ }
+ p_subend();
+ $last_cmd = $cmd;
+ p_sub( $next_stage );
+ } elsif ( s/^(GET|WAIT|CAPTCHA|CLICK)_NEXT\s*\(\s*(.*?)\s*,// ) {
+ my $cmd = lc $1;
+ my $next_stage = $2;
+ p_ret( $cmd, "\\&$next_stage" );
+ p_line();
+ } elsif ( s/^GOTO\s+(stage_[a-z0-9_]+)// ) {
+ p_ret( $1 );
+ pr ')';
+ p_line();
+ } elsif ( s/^(stage_[a-z0-9_]+)\s*:\s*(.*)$// ) {
+ my $next_stage = $1;
+ my $left = $_;
+ p_ret( $next_stage );
+ pr ');';
+ p_subend();
+ p_sub( $next_stage );
+ $_ = $left;
+ redo if /\S/;
+ } elsif ( s/^(ERROR|RESTART|LINK|MULTI)\s*\(// ) {
+ p_ret( lc $1 );
+ p_line();
+ } elsif ( s/^INFO\s*\(// ) {
+ pr $space . 'return "info" if ${self}->info( ';
+ p_line();
+ } elsif ( s/^SEARCH\s*\(// ) {
+ pr $space . 'return if ${self}->search( ';
+ p_line();
+ } elsif ( s/^(PRINT|LOG|COOKIE|CAPTCHA_RESULT)\s*\(// ) {
+ p_func( lc $1 );
+ p_line();
+ } elsif ( s/^!\s+// ) {
+ my $line = quotemeta $_;
+ pr $space . 'return ${self}->problem( "'. $line .'" ) unless ';
+ p_line();
+ } else {
+ pr $space;
+ p_line();
+ }
+ }
+ p_subend();
+ pr @{$parts->{perl}};
+ pr "\npackage $opts->{pkg};\n";
+ pr "sub unify { local \$_ = shift; $unify_body;\nreturn \$_;\n};\n";
+ pr '\&unify;';
+ my $unify = eval_it( $processed );
+ if ( $@ ) {
+ p "Error(s): $@";
+ return undef unless verbose( 1 );
+ my $err = $@;
+ return undef unless $err =~ /line \d+/;
+ my @p = split /\n/, $processed;
+ for ( my $i = 0; $i < scalar @p; $i++ ) {
+ my $n = $i + 1;
+ p sprintf "%s%4d: %s\n",
+ ($err =~ /line $n[^\d]/ ? "!" : " "),
+ $n,
+ $p[ $i ];
+ }
+ return undef;
+ }
+ if ( not $unify or not ref $unify or ref $unify ne "CODE" ) {
+ my $ru = ref $unify || "undef";
+ p "Error: invalid, unify returned '$ru'";
+ return undef;
+ }
+ return $unify;
+sub eval_it
+ local $SIG{__DIE__};
+ delete $SIG{__DIE__};
+ return eval shift;
+# vim: ts=4:sw=4
Modified: toys/
--- toys/ (original)
+++ toys/ Thu Oct 29 03:48:11 2009
@@ -16,10 +16,9 @@
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(set_rev s2string bignum de_ml hadd hprint p isotime require_prog
irand jstime def_settings setting verbose
- data_file dump_to_file randomize %getters);
+ data_file dump_to_file randomize);
@EXPORT_OK = qw();
-our %getters;
our %revisions;
sub set_rev($)
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