packages: munin-plugins-muninexchange/munin-plugins-muninexchange.spec, mun...
baggins at
Tue Dec 15 15:30:34 CET 2009
Author: baggins Date: Tue Dec 15 14:30:34 2009 GMT
Module: packages Tag: HEAD
---- Log message:
- added heimdal plugins
---- Files affected:
munin-plugins-muninexchange.spec (1.12 -> 1.13) , munin-plugins-muninexchange-heimdal.patch (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW)
---- Diffs:
Index: packages/munin-plugins-muninexchange/munin-plugins-muninexchange.spec
diff -u packages/munin-plugins-muninexchange/munin-plugins-muninexchange.spec:1.12 packages/munin-plugins-muninexchange/munin-plugins-muninexchange.spec:1.13
--- packages/munin-plugins-muninexchange/munin-plugins-muninexchange.spec:1.12 Fri Dec 4 00:38:07 2009
+++ packages/munin-plugins-muninexchange/munin-plugins-muninexchange.spec Tue Dec 15 15:30:29 2009
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
Patch4: %{name}-openvpn.patch
Patch5: %{name}-samba.patch
Patch6: %{name}-apache.patch
+Patch7: %{name}-heimdal.patch
BuildRequires: dos2unix
BuildRequires: perl-devel
@@ -232,6 +233,20 @@
Ten pakiet zawera wtyczki dla Munina z repozytorium MuninExchange,
znajdującym się na
+%package heimdal
+Summary: Munin plugins from MuninExchange - heimdal
+Summary(pl.UTF-8): Wtyczki munina z MuninExchange - heimdal
+Group: Daemons
+Requires: munin-node
+%description heimdal
+This package contains plugins for Munin from MuninExchange
+repository located at
+%description -l pl.UTF-8 heimdal
+Ten pakiet zawera wtyczki dla Munina z repozytorium MuninExchange,
+znajdującym się na
%package icecast
Summary: Munin plugins from MuninExchange - icecast
Summary(pl.UTF-8): Wtyczki munina z MuninExchange - icecast
@@ -832,6 +847,7 @@
%patch4 -p1
%patch5 -p1
%patch6 -p0
+%patch7 -p1
@@ -839,8 +855,15 @@
for i in * ; do
if [ -d $i ]; then
- echo "%defattr(644,root,root,755)" >$i.list
- (cd $i ; for f in * ; do echo "%attr(755,root,root) %{_datadir}/munin/plugins/$f" ; done) >>$i.list
+ if [ $i = "other" ]; then
+ echo "%defattr(644,root,root,755)" >other.list
+ echo "%defattr(644,root,root,755)" >heimdal.list
+ (cd $i ; for f in * ; do [[ $f = heimdal* ]] || echo "%attr(755,root,root) %{_datadir}/munin/plugins/$f" ; done) >>other.list
+ (cd $i ; for f in * ; do [[ $f = heimdal* ]] && echo "%attr(755,root,root) %{_datadir}/munin/plugins/$f" ; done) >>heimdal.list
+ else
+ echo "%defattr(644,root,root,755)" >$i.list
+ (cd $i ; for f in * ; do echo "%attr(755,root,root) %{_datadir}/munin/plugins/$f" ; done) >>$i.list
+ fi
@@ -868,6 +891,7 @@
%files freeradius -f freeradius.list
%files games -f games.list
%files groupwise -f groupwise.list
+%files heimdal -f heimdal.list
%files icecast -f icecast.list
%files iperf -f iperf.list
%files java -f java.list
@@ -917,6 +941,9 @@
All persons listed below can be reached at <cvs_login>
+Revision 1.13 2009/12/15 14:30:29 baggins
+- added heimdal plugins
Revision 1.12 2009/12/03 23:38:07 baggins
- updated to 20091204
Index: packages/munin-plugins-muninexchange/munin-plugins-muninexchange-heimdal.patch
diff -u /dev/null packages/munin-plugins-muninexchange/munin-plugins-muninexchange-heimdal.patch:1.1
--- /dev/null Tue Dec 15 15:30:35 2009
+++ packages/munin-plugins-muninexchange/munin-plugins-muninexchange-heimdal.patch Tue Dec 15 15:30:27 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
+--- /dev/null 2009-11-24 13:50:34
++++ munin/other/heimdal_kdc_bandwidth 2009-12-15 15:10:43
+@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
++# Plugin to monitor the amount of data sent by KDC server.
++# Based on script from heimdal.
++# Contributed by Jan Rękorajski <baggins at>
++# Example configuration:
++# [heimdal_kdc_*]
++# env.logdir /var/log
++# env.logfile secure
++use strict;
++use Munin::Plugin;
++my $LOGDIR = $ENV{'logdir'} || '/var/log';
++my $LOGFILE = $ENV{'logfile'} || 'secure';
++my $pos = undef;
++my $bw = 0;
++sub parseLogfile {
++ my ($fname, $start) = @_;
++ my ($LOGFILE,$rotated) = tail_open($fname,$start);
++ my $line;
++ while (<$LOGFILE>) {
++ chomp ($_);
++ if (/sending ([0-9]+) bytes to IPv[46]:([0-9\.:a-fA-F]+)/) {
++ $bw += $1;
++ }
++ }
++ return tail_close($LOGFILE);
++if ( $ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq "autoconf" ) {
++ print "no\n";
++ exit 0;
++if ( $ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq "config" ) {
++ print "graph_title Heimdal KDC bandwidth\n";
++ print "graph_args --base 1024\n";
++ print "graph_vlabel bytes / \${graph_period}\n";
++ print "graph_scale yes\n";
++ print "graph_category Heimdal\n";
++ print "bw.label Bytes sent\n";
++ print "bw.type ABSOLUTE\n";
++ exit 0;
++my $logfile = "$LOGDIR/$LOGFILE";
++if (! -f $logfile) {
++ print "bw.value U\n";
++ exit 1;
++($pos) = restore_state();
++if (!defined($pos)) {
++ # No state file present. Avoid startup spike: Do not read log
++ # file up to now, but remember how large it is now, and next
++ # time read from there.
++ $pos = (stat $logfile)[7]; # File size
++} else {
++ $pos = parseLogfile ($logfile, $pos);
++print "bw.value $bw\n";
++# vim:syntax=perl
+--- /dev/null 2009-11-24 13:50:34
++++ munin/other/heimdal_kdc_requests 2009-12-15 15:10:43
+@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
++# Plugin to monitor KDC server requests.
++# Based on script from heimdal.
++# Contributed by Jan Rękorajski <baggins at>
++# Example configuration:
++# [heimdal_kdc_*]
++# env.logdir /var/log
++# env.logfile secure
++# env.realms REALM1.COM REALM2.COM
++use strict;
++use Munin::Plugin;
++my $LOGDIR = $ENV{'logdir'} || '/var/log';
++my $LOGFILE = $ENV{'logfile'} || 'secure';
++my @REALMS = $ENV{'realms'} ? split(' ', $ENV{'realms'}) : ();
++my $pos = undef;
++my $as_req = 0;
++my $no_such_princ = 0;
++my $tgs_req = 0;
++my $tgs_xrealm_out = 0;
++my $tgs_xrealm_in = 0;
++my $referrals = 0;
++my $pa_failed = 0;
++my %ip;
++$ip{'4'} = $ip{'6'} = 0;
++sub islocalrealm {
++ my ($princ) = @_;
++ my $realm;
++ foreach $realm (@REALMS) {
++ return 1 if ($princ eq $realm);
++ return 1 if ($princ =~ /[^@]+\@${realm}/);
++ }
++ return 0;
++sub parseLogfile {
++ my ($fname, $start) = @_;
++ my ($LOGFILE,$rotated) = tail_open($fname,$start);
++ my $line;
++ while (<$LOGFILE>) {
++ chomp ($_);
++ if (/AS-REQ (.*) from IPv([46]):([0-9\.:a-fA-F]+) for (.*)$/) {
++ $as_req++;
++ $ip{$2}++;
++ } elsif (/TGS-REQ (.+) from IPv([46]):([0-9\.:a-fA-F]+) for (.*?)( \[.*\]){0,1}$/) {
++ $tgs_req++;
++ $ip{$2}++;
++ my $source = $1;
++ my $dest = $4;
++ if (!islocalrealm($source)) {
++ $tgs_xrealm_in++;
++ }
++ if ($dest =~ /krbtgt\/([^@]+)@[^@]+/) {
++ if (!islocalrealm($1)) {
++ $tgs_xrealm_out++;
++ }
++ }
++ } elsif (/: No such entry in the database/) {
++ $no_such_princ++;
++ } elsif (/Lookup .* succeeded$/) {
++ # Nothing
++ } elsif (/returning a referral to realm (.*) for server (.*) that was not found/) {
++ $referrals++;
++ } elsif (/Failed to decrypt PA-DATA -- (.+)$/) {
++ $pa_failed++;
++ }
++ }
++ return tail_close($LOGFILE);
++if ( $ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq "autoconf" ) {
++ print "no\n";
++ exit 0;
++if ( $ARGV[0] and $ARGV[0] eq "config" ) {
++ print "graph_title Heimdal KDC requests\n";
++ print "graph_args --base 1000\n";
++ print "graph_vlabel requests / \${graph_period}\n";
++ print "graph_scale yes\n";
++ print "graph_category Heimdal\n";
++ print "ipv4.label IPv4 requests\n";
++ print "ipv4.type ABSOLUTE\n";
++ print "ipv4.min 0\n";
++ print "ipv6.label IPv6 requests\n";
++ print "ipv6.type ABSOLUTE\n";
++ print "ipv6.min 0\n";
++ print "lookupfail.label Failed lookups\n";
++ print "lookupfail.type ABSOLUTE\n";
++ print "lookupfail.min 0\n";
++ print "asreq.label AS-REQ requests\n";
++ print "asreq.type ABSOLUTE\n";
++ print "asreq.min 0\n";
++ print "tgsreq.label TGS-REQ requests\n";
++ print "tgsreq.type ABSOLUTE\n";
++ print "tgsreq.min 0\n";
++ print "pafail.label Preauth failed requests\n";
++ print "pafail.type ABSOLUTE\n";
++ print "pafail.min 0\n";
++ print "xrout.label Cross-realm tgs out\n";
++ print "xrout.type ABSOLUTE\n";
++ print "xrout.min 0\n";
++ print "xrin.label Cross-realm tgs in\n";
++ print "xrin.type ABSOLUTE\n";
++ print "xrin.min 0\n";
++ print "referrals.label Referrals\n";
++ print "referrals.type ABSOLUTE\n";
++ print "referrals.min 0\n";
++ exit 0;
++my $logfile = "$LOGDIR/$LOGFILE";
++if (! -f $logfile) {
++ print "ipv4.value U\n";
++ print "ipv6.value U\n";
++ print "lookupfail.value U\n";
++ print "asreq.value U\n";
++ print "tgsreq.value U\n";
++ print "pafail.value U\n";
++ print "xrout.value U\n";
++ print "xrin.value U\n";
++ print "referrals.value U\n";
++ exit 1;
++($pos) = restore_state();
++if (!defined($pos)) {
++ # No state file present. Avoid startup spike: Do not read log
++ # file up to now, but remember how large it is now, and next
++ # time read from there.
++ $pos = (stat $logfile)[7]; # File size
++} else {
++ $pos = parseLogfile ($logfile, $pos);
++print "ipv4.value $ip{'4'}\n";
++print "ipv6.value $ip{'6'}\n";
++print "lookupfail.value $no_such_princ\n";
++print "asreq.value $as_req\n";
++print "tgsreq.value $tgs_req\n";
++print "pafail.value $pa_failed\n";
++print "xrout.value $tgs_xrealm_out\n";
++print "xrin.value $tgs_xrealm_in\n";
++print "referrals.value $referrals\n";
++# vim:syntax=perl
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