PLD-doc: devel-hints-en.txt, devel-hints-pl.txt - removed outdated informat...
pawelz at
Wed Feb 24 15:37:13 CET 2010
Author: pawelz Date: Wed Feb 24 14:37:13 2010 GMT
Module: PLD-doc Tag: HEAD
---- Log message:
- removed outdated information, added TODO instead. It's better ta have no
documentaion than to have wrong documentation.
---- Files affected:
devel-hints-en.txt (1.41 -> 1.42) , devel-hints-pl.txt (1.61 -> 1.62)
---- Diffs:
Index: PLD-doc/devel-hints-en.txt
diff -u PLD-doc/devel-hints-en.txt:1.41 PLD-doc/devel-hints-en.txt:1.42
--- PLD-doc/devel-hints-en.txt:1.41 Wed Feb 24 15:05:38 2010
+++ PLD-doc/devel-hints-en.txt Wed Feb 24 15:37:08 2010
@@ -650,34 +650,11 @@
You should use this when making apache packages. and this apache section needs
-/* outdated
-As of 1.3.33-2 version, apache1 also supports confdir based configuration.
-To make your package require just apache functionality (apache version
-independant dependancy ie apache1 or apache2 are both ok), You should add to
-your package:
-Requires: apache >= 1.3.33-3
-If your package needs some apache core module, add virtual dependancy:
-Requires: apache(mod_dir)
-To place apache configuration for both apaches, You should first put the
-apache configuration in your application config directory (not to apache
-dir as it might not exist!). %{_sysconfdir}/apache-%{name}.conf is good choice.
-If your application owns (has) %{_sysconfdir}, it's perhaps better call it
-Please see template-apache-package.spec for implementation of the triggers.
-If your application did mungle apache.conf or httpd.conf earlier, You must add
-trigger to convert to new schema. See template-apache-package.spec for sample
-triggers for migration.
-for apache1 modules there's template: template-apache1_module.spec
+TODO: packageing web application and configuring it using webapp package.
If your application apache config was previously in apache directory, then you
-should also add trigger when moving it. see template-apache-package.spec for
-the samples.
+should also add trigger when moving it. see CVS://template-specs/webapp.spec
+for the samples.
Naming files other than .spec
Index: PLD-doc/devel-hints-pl.txt
diff -u PLD-doc/devel-hints-pl.txt:1.61 PLD-doc/devel-hints-pl.txt:1.62
--- PLD-doc/devel-hints-pl.txt:1.61 Wed Feb 24 15:05:38 2010
+++ PLD-doc/devel-hints-pl.txt Wed Feb 24 15:37:08 2010
@@ -621,64 +621,14 @@
omijamy zamieniajac USE_AUTOMOC na AUTO.
-Pakiety niezale¿ne od wersji Apache
+Aplikacje webowe:
-NB: there's webapps framework now (template-webapp.spec)
+W pliku CVS://template-specs/webapp.spec znajduje siê szablon dla aplikacji
+www. Nale¿y korzystaæ z tego szablonu paczkuj±c aplikacje webowe. Wiêcej
+dokumentacji na ten temat mo¿na znale¼æ w:
-You should use this when making apache packages. and this apache section needs
-Od wersji 1.3.33-2, apache1 tak¿e obs³uguje konfiguracjê opart± o confdir.
-Aby utworzyæ pakiet wymagaj±cy funkcjonalno¶ci apache (niezale¿nie od
-wersji apache, t.j. dzia³aj±cy zarówno z apache1 jak i apache2), nale¿y
-dodaæ do pakietu:
-Requires: apache >= 1.3.33-3
-Je¿eli pakiet wymaga jakiego¶ rdzennego modu³u apache, dodaje siê
-wirtualn± zale¿no¶æ:
-Requires: apache(mod_dir)
-¯eby udostêpniæ konfiguracjê dla obu apache'y, nale¿y j± umie¶ciæ w
-katalogu konfiguracyjnym danej aplikacji (nie w katalogu apache'a!).
-Czêsto sprawdza siê %{_sysconfdir}/apache-%{name}.conf . Je¶li aplikacja
-posiada w³asny %{_sysconfdir}, lepszym wyborem mo¿e byæ
-%{_sysconfdir}/apache.conf .
-"Podpinanie" konfiguracje do apache'a
-# apache1
-if [ -d %{_apache1dir}/conf.d ]; then
- ln -sf %{_sysconfdir}/apache-%{name}.conf %{_apache1dir}/conf.d/99_%{name}.conf
- if [ -f /var/lock/subsys/apache ]; then
- /etc/rc.d/init.d/apache restart 1>&2
- fi
-# apache2
-if [ -d %{_apache2dir}/httpd.conf ]; then
- ln -sf %{_sysconfdir}/apache-%{name}.conf %{_apache2dir}/httpd.conf/99_%{name}.conf
- if [ -f /var/lock/subsys/httpd ]; then
- /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart 1>&2
- fi
-if [ "$1" = "0" ]; then
- # apache1
- if [ -d %{_apache1dir}/conf.d ]; then
- rm -f %{_apache1dir}/conf.d/99_%{name}.conf
- if [ -f /var/lock/subsys/apache ]; then
- /etc/rc.d/init.d/apache restart 1>&2
- fi
- fi
- # apache2
- if [ -d %{_apache2dir}/httpd.conf ]; then
- rm -f %{_apache2dir}/httpd.conf/99_%{name}.conf
- if [ -f /var/lock/subsys/httpd ]; then
- /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart 1>&2
- fi
- fi
+TODO: jak paczkowaæ aplikacje webowe i konfigurowaæ je przy u¿yciu webapps.
Je¶li wcze¶niejsze wersje danej aplikacji grzeba³y w apache.conf lub
httpd.conf, nale¿y dodaæ odpowiedni trigger dla konwersji do nowego
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