packages: ci (NEW) - script I use to commit changes
sparky at
Thu Feb 25 23:21:22 CET 2010
Author: sparky Date: Thu Feb 25 22:21:22 2010 GMT
Module: packages Tag: HEAD
---- Log message:
- script I use to commit changes
---- Files affected:
ci (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW)
---- Diffs:
Index: packages/ci
diff -u /dev/null packages/ci:1.1
--- /dev/null Thu Feb 25 23:21:22 2010
+++ packages/ci Thu Feb 25 23:21:17 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+SPECFILE="$(basename $SPECFILE .spec)"
+if [ $# -ne 1 -o ! -d "$SPECFILE" -o ! -f "$SPEC" ]; then
+ echo "spec file missing"
+ exit 1
+ # vim like diff colourization
+LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 gawk ' {
+ split( $0, S, /\t/ );
+ $0 = S[ 1 ];
+ for ( i = 2; i in S; i++ ) {
+ spaces = 7 - ( (length( $0 ) - 1) % 8 );
+ $0 = $0 "\xE2\x9E\x94";
+ for ( y = 0; y < spaces; y++ )
+ $0 = $0 "\xE2\x87\xBE";
+ $0 = $0 S[ i ];
+ }
+ gsub( /\033/, "\033[44m^[\033[49m" );
+ cmd = "";
+ if ( sub( /^ /, "" ) )
+ cmd = " ";
+ sub( /(\xE2\x9E\x94(\xE2\x87\xBE)*| )+$/, "\033[31;41m&\033[39;49m" );
+ gsub( /\xE2\x9E\x94(\xE2\x87\xBE)*/, "\033[7m&\033[27m" );
+ gsub( /\xE2\x87\xBE/, " " );
+ $0 = cmd $0;
+ gsub( /\007/, "\033[44m^G\033[49m" );
+ gsub( /\r/, "\033[44m^M\033[49m" );
+/^(Index:|diff|---|\+\+\+) / { $0 = "\033[32m" $0 }
+/^@@ / { $0 = "\033[33m" $0 }
+/^-/ { $0 = "\033[35m" $0 }
+/^+/ { $0 = "\033[36m" $0 }
+{ $0 = $0 "\033[0m"; print }
+' "$@"
+cvs -z9 diff -u $SPECFILE | diffcol
+echo -n "Proceed ? "
+read ans
+if [ "$ans" != "y" ]; then
+ exit
+sed '/^# AUTO: /d' -i "$SPEC"
+SIMPLE_DIFF="$(cvs -z9 diff "$SPEC")"
+./adapter "$SPEC"
+diff="$(cvs -z9 diff -u $SPEC)"
+echo "$diff" | diffcol
+add=$(echo "$diff" | awk '/^\+BuildRequires/ { add[ $2 ] = 1; }; /^-BuildRequires/ { del[ $2 ] = 1; };
+ END { for ( n in add ) { if ( !del[ n ] ) print n; } }' |
+ perl -p -e 'chomp; push @a, $_; undef $_; END { print join ", ", sort @a }')
+del=$(echo "$diff" | awk '/^\+BuildRequires/ { add[ $2 ] = 1; }; /^-BuildRequires/ { del[ $2 ] = 1; };
+ END { for ( n in del ) { if ( !add[ n ] ) print n; } }' |
+ perl -p -e 'chomp; push @a, $_; undef $_; END { print join ", ", sort @a }')
+n="$(echo -e '\nn')"
+[ -n "$add" ] && msg="$msg- BR: $add$n"
+[ -n "$del" ] && msg="$msg- dropped BR: $del$n"
+echo "Message:"
+echo "$msg"
+echo -n "Commit ? "
+read ans
+if [ "$ans" != "y" ]; then
+ exit
+export COMMIT_MESSAGE="$msg"
+export VISUAL="$PWD/civim"
+cvs -z9 ci "$SPECFILE"
+[ -n "$CLEANBUILDDIR" ] && rm -f $CLEANBUILDDIR/installed/$SPECFILE
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