SVN: toys/

sparky sparky at
Thu Mar 11 03:07:13 CET 2010

Author: sparky
Date: Thu Mar 11 03:07:12 2010
New Revision: 11244

- new userscript, still somewhat problematic, but it isn't limited to
  GreaseMonkey unlike the previous one; besides mozilla browsers also
  epiphany, chromium and opera are supported

Added: toys/
--- (empty file)
+++ toys/	Thu Mar 11 03:07:12 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,602 @@
+// ==UserScript==
+// @name
+// @namespace
+// @description	quickly add links to
+// @include		http://*/*
+// @include		https://*/*
+// @include		file://*
+// ==/UserScript==
+var server = 'http://localhost:5666/';
+/* supported links {{{ */
+var supported2 = {
+	"":			1,	"":		1,	"":		1,
+	"":		1,	"":		1,	"":		1,
+	"":		2,	"":		1,	"":		1,
+	"":	2,	"":	2,	"":	1,
+	"":	2,	"":	1,	"":		1,
+	"":	1,	"":		1,	"":		2,
+	"":		1,	"":	2,	"":	1,
+	"": 1, "":	2,	"":			1,
+	"":	1,	"":		2,	"":	1,
+	"":	1,	"":	2,	"":		2,
+	"":		1,	"":		2,	"":	1,
+	"":		1,	"":	1,	"":	1,
+	"":		2,	"":	1,	"":	1,
+	"":		1,	"":	1,	"":		1,
+	"":	1,	"":		1,	"":	1,
+	"": 1,	"":	2,	"":		1,
+	"":		1,	"":		1,	"":		1,
+	"":	1,	"":			1,	"":		1,
+	"":		1,	"":	1,	"":			2,
+	"":		2,	"":	1,	"":	1,
+	"":			1,	"":		2,	"":			1,
+	"":		2,	"":		2,	"":		1,
+var supported3 = {
+	"":	1,		"":		1,
+	"":			2,		"":		2,
+	"":		2,		"":		2,
+	"":		2,
+/* }}} */
+/* tools: async, el {{{ */
+function async( f )
+	window.setTimeout( f, 0 );
+function el( tag, attrib )
+	var el = document.createElement( tag );
+	if ( attrib )
+		for ( var name in attrib )
+			el.setAttribute( name, attrib[ name ] );
+	return el;
+function stop_propagation( ev )
+	ev.stopPropagation();
+var _cnt = 1;
+function cnt()
+	return ++_cnt;
+/* }}} */
+var finder = { /* {{{ */
+	page_supported: false,
+	_text_tags: [ "pre", "div", "td", "p", "span" ],
+	_text_i: 0,
+	_text_nodes: null,
+	_a_i: 0,
+	_a_nodes: 0,
+	links: [],
+	init: function ()
+	{
+		if ( finder.page_supported = finder._check_support( document.location.href ) ) {
+			menu.init();
+		}
+		finder._get_text();
+	},
+	_get_text: function ()
+	{
+		finder._text_i = 0;
+		finder._text_nodes = null;
+		if ( ! finder._text_tags.length )
+			return finder._get_a();
+		finder._text_nodes = document.getElementsByTagName(
+			finder._text_tags.shift()
+		);
+		async( finder._check_text );
+	},
+	_check_text: function ()
+	{
+		if ( finder._text_i >= finder._text_nodes.length )
+			return finder._get_text();
+		var text_node = finder._text_nodes[ finder._text_i++ ];
+		async( finder._check_text );
+		var node = text_node.firstChild;
+		if ( ! node )
+			return;
+		var found = false;
+		do {
+			if ( node.nodeName != '#text' )
+				continue;
+			var text = node.nodeValue;
+			if ( text == null || text.length < 15 )
+				continue;
+			var hrefs = text.match( /(http:\/\/\S+\/\S+)/g );
+			if ( ! hrefs || hrefs.length <= 0 )
+				continue;
+			for ( var i = 0; i < hrefs.length; i++ ) {
+				var href = hrefs[ i ];
+				if ( ! finder._check_support( href ) )
+					continue;
+				var start = text.indexOf( href );
+				if ( start < 0 )
+					continue;
+				text_node.insertBefore(
+						document.createTextNode( text.substr( 0, start ) ),
+						node );
+				/* class is a special word, must have quotes */
+				var a = el( 'a', { href: href, 'class': 'get_link_text' } );
+				a.addEventListener( 'DOMActivate', finder._click, false );
+				a.addEventListener( 'click', finder._click, false );
+				a.appendChild( document.createTextNode( href ) );
+				text_node.insertBefore( a, node );
+				text = text.substr( start + href.length );
+				node.nodeValue = text;
+				found = true;
+			}
+		} while ( node = node.nextSibling );
+		if ( found )
+			menu.init();
+	},
+	_get_a: function ()
+	{
+		finder._a_i = 0;
+		finder._a_nodes = document.getElementsByTagName( 'a' );
+		async( finder._check_a );
+	},
+	_check_a: function ()
+	{
+		if ( finder._a_i + 10 < finder._a_nodes.length )
+			async( finder._check_a );
+		else {
+			async( finder._end );
+		}
+		for ( var i = 0; i < 10; i++, finder._a_i++ ) {
+			if ( finder._a_i >= finder._a_nodes.length )
+				break;
+			var a = finder._a_nodes[ finder._a_i ];
+			var cl = a.getAttribute( 'class' );
+			if ( cl && cl == 'get_link_text' ) {
+				finder._link( a );
+				continue;
+			}
+			var href = a.getAttribute( 'href' );
+			if ( href == null )
+				continue;
+			if ( finder._check_support( href ) ) {
+				a.setAttribute( 'class',
+					cl == null ? 'get_link' : cl + ' get_link' );
+				finder._link( a );
+			} else if ( finder.page_supported ) {
+				var m = href.match( /^[a-zA-Z0-9]+:/ );
+				if ( !m || m.length < 1 ) {
+					if ( href.indexOf( "/" ) == 0 ) {
+						m = document.location.href.match( /^(.*?\/\/.*?)\// );
+						href = m[ 1 ] + href;
+					} else {
+						m = document.location.href.match( /^(.*?\/\/.*\/)/ );
+						href = m[ 1 ] + href;
+					}
+					a.setAttribute( 'class',
+						cl == null ? 'get_link' : cl + ' get_link' );
+					a.setAttribute( 'href', href );
+					finder._link( a );
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	},
+	_end: function ()
+	{
+		finder._a_i = 0;
+		finder._a_nodes = null;
+		if ( finder.page_supported == 1 )
+	},
+	_link: function ( a )
+	{
+		if ( finder.links.length == 0 )
+			menu.init();
+		finder.links.push( a );
+	},
+	_check_support: function ( href )
+	{
+		var m = href.match( /http:\/\/.*?([a-z0-9-]+\.[a-z]{2,3})\// );
+		if ( m && m.length ) {
+			var s = supported2[ m[1] ];
+			if ( s )
+				return s;
+			var m = href.match( /http:\/\/.*?([a-z0-9-]+\.[a-z0-9-]+\.[a-z]{2,3})\// );
+			if ( m && m.length ) {
+				s = supported3[ m[1] ];
+					return s;
+			}
+		}
+		return 0;
+	},
+	_click: function ( ev )
+	{
+		ev.stopPropagation();
+		ev.preventDefault();
+		var get = server + "add?links=" + escape( this.getAttribute( 'href' ) )
+			+ "&comment=" + escape( "source: " + document.location.href );
+		try {
+			GM_openInTab( get );
+		} catch ( e ) {
+ get, "_blank" )
+		}
+	}
+}; /* }}} */
+var selection = { /* {{{ */
+	init: function ()
+	{
+		document.addEventListener( 'mouseup', selection._check_ev, false );
+		document.addEventListener( 'keyup', selection._check_ev, false );
+	},
+	get: function ()
+	{
+		var sel = window.getSelection();
+		var links = [];
+		if ( sel.isCollapsed === true )
+			return links;
+		var srclinks = finder.links;
+		var len = srclinks.length;
+		for ( var i = 0; i < len; i++ ) {
+			if ( sel.containsNode( srclinks[ i ], true ) )
+				links.push( srclinks[ i ] );
+		}
+		return links;
+	},
+	_check_ev: function ( ev )
+	{
+		if ( menu.manual_open )
+			async( );
+		else
+			async( selection._check );
+	},
+	_check: function ()
+	{
+		var l = selection.get();
+		if ( l.length )
+		else
+			menu.close();
+	}
+}; /* }}} */
+var menu = { /* {{{ */
+	_interval: null,	// toggling interval
+	_opened: false,	// is menu opened ?
+	_move: 10,		// opening/closing movement
+	_width: 0,		// actual menu width
+	_box: null,		// container node
+	_initialized: false,	// is menu shown ?
+	manual_open: false,
+	init: function ()
+	{
+		if ( menu._initialized )
+			return;
+		menu._initialized = true;
+		var css = getCss();
+		try {
+			GM_addStyle( css );
+		} catch ( e ) {
+			var cssEl = el( 'link', { rel: 'stylesheet', type: 'text/css',
+				href: 'data:text/css,' + encodeURIComponent( css ) } );
+			var head;
+			if ( head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] ) {
+				head.appendChild( cssEl );
+			} else {
+				var doc = document.documentElement;
+				doc.insertBefore( cssEl, doc.firstChild );
+			}
+		}
+		var body = document.getElementsByTagName( 'body' )[0];
+		menu._box = el( 'div', { id: 'rsget_pl' } );
+		var button = el( 'span' );
+		menu._box.appendChild( button );
+		body.appendChild( menu._box );
+		menu._box.addEventListener( 'DOMActivate', stop_propagation, false );
+		menu._box.addEventListener( 'click', stop_propagation, false );
+		button.addEventListener( 'DOMActivate', menu._toggle_ev, false );
+		button.addEventListener( 'click', menu._toggle_ev, false );
+		window.addEventListener( 'scroll', menu._update_position, false );
+		async( selection.init );
+		async( menu._update_position );
+	},
+	_toggle_ev: function ( ev )
+	{
+		ev.stopPropagation();
+		ev.preventDefault();
+		async( menu._toggle );
+	},
+	_toggle: function ()
+	{
+		if ( menu._opened ) {
+			menu.manual_open = false;
+			menu.close();
+		} else {
+			menu.manual_open = true;
+		}
+	},
+	open: function ()
+	{
+		menu.init();
+		var rm = menu._box.lastChild;
+		if ( rm.nodeName == 'DIV' )
+			menu._box.removeChild( rm );
+		var div = el( 'div' );
+		var ul = el( 'ul' );
+		if ( finder.page_supported ) {
+			ul.appendChild( menu._li_form(
+				[ document.location.href ],
+				"add this page to"
+			) );
+		}
+		if ( finder.links.length ) {
+			ul.appendChild( menu._li_form(
+				finder.links,
+				document.location.href,
+				"add the only link to",
+				"add all %d links to"
+			) );
+			var l = selection.get();
+			if ( l.length )
+				ul.appendChild( menu._li_form(
+					l,
+					document.location.href,
+					"add selected link to",
+					"add %d selected links to"
+				) );
+		}
+		div.appendChild( ul );
+		menu._box.appendChild( div );
+		if ( menu._opened )
+			return;
+		menu._move = +10;
+		if ( ! menu._interval )
+			menu._interval = window.setInterval( menu._slide, 20 );
+		menu._opened = true;
+	},
+	close: function ()
+	{
+		if ( ! menu._opened || menu.manual_open )
+			return;
+		menu._move = -10;
+		if ( ! menu._interval )
+			 menu._interval = window.setInterval( menu._slide, 20 );
+		menu._opened = false;
+	},
+	_slide: function ()
+	{
+		menu._width += menu._move;
+		if ( menu._move > 0 ) {
+			if ( menu._width >= 250 ) {
+				menu._width = 250;
+				window.clearInterval( menu._interval );
+				menu._interval = null;
+			}
+		} else {
+			if ( menu._width <= 0 ) {
+				menu._width = 0;
+				window.clearInterval( menu._interval );
+				menu._interval = null;
+				var rm = menu._box.lastChild;
+				if ( rm.nodeName == 'DIV' )
+					menu._box.removeChild( rm );
+			}
+		}
+ = ( 16 + menu._width ) + "px";
+ = 0.2 + menu._width * 0.003;
+	},
+	_update_position: function ( ev )
+	{
+		var y = window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop || 0;
+ = ( y + 100 ) + "px";
+	},
+	_li_form: function ( links, source, text1, textN )
+	{
+		var ltext = links.join( "\n" );
+		var text = links.length == 1 ? text1 : textN.replace( /%d/, links.length );
+		var form = el( 'form', { action: server + "add#cnt_" + cnt(),
+			method: 'POST', target: '_blank' } );
+		form.appendChild( el( 'input', { type: 'hidden',
+			name: 'links', value: ltext } ) );
+		form.appendChild( el( 'input', { type: 'hidden',
+			name: 'comment', value: "source: " + source } ) );
+		form.appendChild( el( 'input', { type: 'submit', value: text } ) );
+		var li = el( 'li' );
+		li.appendChild( form );
+		return li;
+	}
+}; /* }}} */
+function getCss() /* {{{ */
+	var png_hook = 'url(data:image/png;base64,'
+		+ 'lM9rFGcYxz/vZjbJxrWMeCjehlzMQdJAcijoRWRvxbOgsDc39paDRNmCJTXI/AHC5LinHARPHoQh'
+		+ 'IJU9GTFYlMTDMhQstmXjJDtxdmdn3rcH39nOjLHuofiF4WWe98fzfJ/n+zxizTDKF9fWyks3bshp'
+		+ '0yRFFAS4N2+y7ThCm9JV3VFKARJQ+gMQ3pMnpc3Ll1XU6+X2pk2TxosXmJZFARPG/LVrUxdu3/4G'
+		+ 'qABlYAIQHdct7bRa6H8JlABMy0r0f5xdoyAQz+7fF1GvB5CekUIItbS8rLRzlXGufM+LjO9XVgzg'
+		+ 'BHAKmAEM3/PEVrNJHIa5cIUQnLtyRWXYjVh2XJc3jx6NHtcZk9UzZ0qLjYbM2AGGURB027b9h/Ht'
+		+ '/LwADGAKmIqCwGjbtuju7mYvCIDTc3MsNhoUUo/veWw1m8T9fj7gUonF69eLqVfA+47rvt9ptUKj'
+		+ 'UF/RcV2x02rxscwjO0alwqX19fQxkd17vrFBd2+vWF9Onz3Ld/V60dz3Pe/vrWbz4KcwlKVsakZM'
+		+ 'jkn9Qr3ObK32iRPf89h2HJSUOXsh4BQS6D7f2HjX3duLSYX1RSZzc5xfXWWyWs3ZoyCgbdv0ff+T'
+		+ 'O8cErIAD3/PebjvOhztSKnTtlVak2nYcNSYTUuHpTslh2jSLAUugFwXB723b3r/l+yP9GJqJaNu2'
+		+ '6Pu+GIMJXyrX0vIymbaLgB7wtuO6f/3gOHGOYIaJKvTpcUzGKpduuwQIgQPgXRQE+0/v3YuL57M9'
+		+ 'n1N2gck4wpNGpaIura8PTcsaAEfAvv6Opk6eTDgGxq9379Ld3RWfYVIUUSo81f9Yx5RpAkQL9fpg'
+		+ 'tlY7AgLgUGdgKIRQfAbG6wcPUP/O9hhQGeGlMz11knRcN9lptdKzMTAEwmnTHJxfXQ0nq9WBrrv8'
+		+ 'L8ejAAaHhwnQ10IZABML9XoyW6tJ/Xik7dGfL18OH6+sxHEYxpl5n+h5L03LUuM4zYn2l8nJchJF'
+		+ 'hp4JojwzI3589QrTsrLMJSAfXr2qftvcBKX4uSDY/xVKKaGUEnwF/AP+JrSClDIuFgAAAABJRU5E'
+		+ 'rkJggg=='
+		+ ')';
+	var png_rsget_red = 'url(data:image/png;base64,'
+		+ 'fBYYgBsggCMihCclhzAvizUyjjg6kEA/l0pLm1FRnVlXo19ho2VkqmtqrHNysHp7uY2Lw52fyaan'
+		+ '0ba018PF2czM3tHS5NnZ5eDe6ubk6Orn8Orp6+7q7e/r8PLvnUVSCwAAAfFJREFUOMtNU4m2qyAQ'
+		+ 'G9zrdsW2VKWE///LN4vax+nCic6QSQIlZABJv/ybiHeR/zOigIAAaBtbyYAEOpfUKDDx6p0bY+KH'
+		+ '0oj7pvSmxXokqZSTmlJ7aG8+IX3b+tBjGdnDnvfXR97LJBQG2kJJ9NQS7oe6TX/kqJP2Qiy5AQ/a'
+		+ 'OqdAToiuR1lhcNwk67E1PahHW8l4OsvCtNedMSMGHH703yNsCkQdOjyfISphwstvRy+z9rtoROjK'
+		+ 'Y7TpRzmAwGc6Wt5vpgadhQaUtQzA04pAqSr3xW0ZW7EogJGq0RXDWLjJVA+Obk2NWJgu1XErpj7d'
+		+ 'vogiYV1DypdR8TtJh+l7O+etp8fpLVryE62uUedEFNexJOidCiRDs6YLfZsiXz3qJi3UsGL5MpsC'
+		+ 'q1iErOMz8PYv380fU8z4iQGaI34jWriAsb2JHX7mVdI8n8DwE0CcY2+p4uEdiQBqNjXSpuOH0Uo4'
+		+ 'CCwHAxCA7Q8fIf1c72k1c9l2SmyeV2PFNaSoJCHrRwFU1ZQzv5HyGRhRXBPNgaWMnwVaDrWo1a/d'
+		+ 'BvotA+RuuHIYaw7MKTI4DkhH8weLNjQwiIMFRuokUsE7p/mQA+/QXXHYH2csmRBZOCQOJrX2yMLc'
+		+ '6FtgzkQJX7uV/5G1Szj91jn+FTztkc+tWM/bfzTpViSa6M6aAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC'
+		+ ')';
<<diff output has been trimmed to 500 lines, 103 line(s) remained.>>

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