packages: kde4-koffice-l10n/kde4-koffice-l10n.spec (NEW) - init - may not w...
shadzik at
Mon May 17 01:42:39 CEST 2010
Author: shadzik Date: Sun May 16 23:42:39 2010 GMT
Module: packages Tag: HEAD
---- Log message:
- init
- may not work yet
---- Files affected:
kde4-koffice-l10n.spec (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW)
---- Diffs:
Index: packages/kde4-koffice-l10n/kde4-koffice-l10n.spec
diff -u /dev/null packages/kde4-koffice-l10n/kde4-koffice-l10n.spec:1.1
--- /dev/null Mon May 17 01:42:39 2010
+++ packages/kde4-koffice-l10n/kde4-koffice-l10n.spec Mon May 17 01:42:34 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,492 @@
+# $Revision$, $Date$
+# - easy way to update all sources with new/old locales:
+# lynx -dump{version}/koffice-l10n | awk '/.tar.bz2$/{printf("Source%d: %s\n", i++, $2)}' | tee out
+# and then ':r out' in vim and ./builder -a5 the spec
+# and ':%s#koffice-1.6.3#koffice-%{version}#g'
+# - ISO 639-1 language codes maybe be looked up from
+%define orgname koffice-l10n
+%define kdever 4.4.3
+Summary: KOffice suite - international support
+Summary(pl.UTF-8): KOffice - wsparcie dla wielu języków
+Name: kde4-koffice-l10n
+Version: 2.1.2
+Release: 1
+License: GPL
+Group: I18n
+# Source0-md5: 29244b391dc54fe9baf9f0f8521a1cca
+# Source1-md5: 08cd347c2bd4b4bfc14f6051e362aaa5
+# Source2-md5: 0681301fab47e669d79c228696551e87
+# Source3-md5: adaf70d6d64ac7630e1b890d55dc8a8b
+# Source4-md5: 00cd2fa01d4cd840ba575cdf4bbcfa00
+# Source5-md5: a821811db9da0605f34c4fba18567705
+# Source6-md5: 28251ab477c12442a48843ef03ecc748
+# Source7-md5: 0221e91c3aea51dbdf24ca2e91c73bec
+# Source8-md5: 019883e5c3a9ad4269ecfd80b2db9ffb
+# Source9-md5: 580d0dbc7b88ccc0d04ac77c9cb355cd
+# Source10-md5: 2342fb0f49f1580e360eb90b2c78079e
+# Source11-md5: 89d6d81e74b3b1e3c3ecd6850ac62046
+# Source12-md5: 05aa3337116efa30f2849e728e0b6bf3
+# Source13-md5: 9bdad29df26b4f14b97fa4c3fed74388
+# Source14-md5: 9224176ac1b4bef5deb85597a4796ddb
+# Source15-md5: b861d372b406a61f294d4902fa3107ba
+# Source16-md5: 5267bf49b0b0056f1305a1ff6979be60
+# Source17-md5: c9fda5bc0113d440bd3549fd53c4c70a
+# Source18-md5: 74d0555fae13e83cc40b93ff5226f198
+# Source19-md5: d71c26092b7c756a31798e7138c15ca5
+# Source20-md5: 1ebae75a34aeac34dd0eb0ff21e62d57
+# Source21-md5: c1e6228e678ea26f6361edfa30633367
+# Source22-md5: 3229dc3f043cfcfc5cd2483931007a10
+# Source23-md5: b572b46a959da595945d077aa7d89f42
+# Source24-md5: 90c4193e3f980cc5558d7f1b507880c8
+# Source25-md5: 0eb9dfed48496f149bbd89dc4a60d3bf
+BuildRequires: kde4-kdelibs-devel >= %{kdever}
+BuildRequires: rpmbuild(macros) >= 1.129
+BuildArch: noarch
+BuildRoot: %{tmpdir}/%{orgname}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n)
+KOffice suite - international support.
+%description -l pl.UTF-8
+KOffice - wsparcie dla wielu języków.
+%package Catalan
+Summary: KOffice suite - Catalan language support
+Summary(pl.UTF-8): KOffice - wsparcie dla języka katalońskiego
+Group: I18n
+%description Catalan
+KOffice suite - Catalan language support.
+%description Catalan -l pl.UTF-8
+KOffice - wsparcie dla języka katalońskiego.
+%package Danish
+Summary: KOffice suite - Danish language support
+Summary(pl.UTF-8): KOffice - wsparcie dla języka duńskiego
+Group: I18n
+%description Danish
+KOffice suite - Danish language support.
+%description Danish -l pl.UTF-8
+KOffice - wsparcie dla języka duńskiego.
+%package German
+Summary: KOffice suite - German language support
+Summary(pl.UTF-8): KOffice - wsparcie dla języka niemieckiego
+Group: I18n
+%description German
+KOffice suite - German language support.
+%description German -l pl.UTF-8
+KOffice - wsparcie dla języka niemieckiego.
+%package English_UK
+Summary: KOffice suite - KOffice suite - English (UK) language support
+Summary(pl.UTF-8): KOffice - wsparcie dla języka angielskiego (odmiany brytyjskiej)
+Group: I18n
+%description English_UK
+KOffice suite - English (UK) language support.
+%description English_UK -l pl.UTF-8
+KOffice - wsparcie dla języka angielskiego (odmiany brytyjskiej).
+%package Spanish
+Summary: KOffice suite - Spanish language support
+Summary(pl.UTF-8): KOffice - wsparcie dla języka hiszpańskiego
+Group: I18n
+%description Spanish
+KOffice suite - Spanish language support.
+%description Spanish -l pl.UTF-8
+KOffice - wsparcie dla języka hiszpańskiego.
+%package Estonian
+Summary: KOffice suite - Estonian language support
+Summary(pl.UTF-8): KOffice - wsparcie dla języka estońskiego
+Group: I18n
+%description Estonian
+KOffice suite - Estonian language support.
+%description Estonian -l pl.UTF-8
+KOffice - wsparcie dla języka estońskiego.
+%package French
+Summary: KOffice suite - French language support
+Summary(pl.UTF-8): KOffice - wsparcie dla języka francuskiego
+Group: I18n
+%description French
+KOffice suite - French language support.
+%description French -l pl.UTF-8
+KOffice - wsparcie dla języka francuskiego.
+%package Galician
+Summary: KOffice suite - Galician language support
+Summary(pl.UTF-8): KOffice - wsparcie dla języka galicyjskiego
+Group: I18n
+%description Galician
+KOffice suite - Galician language support.
+%description Galician -l pl.UTF-8
+KOffice - wsparcie dla języka galicyjskiego.
+%package Italian
+Summary: KOffice suite - Italian language support
+Summary(pl.UTF-8): KOffice - wsparcie dla języka włoskiego
+Group: I18n
+%description Italian
+KOffice suite - Italian language support.
+%description Italian -l pl.UTF-8
+KOffice - wsparcie dla języka włoskiego.
+%package Japanese
+Summary: KOffice suite - Japanese language support
+Summary(pl.UTF-8): KOffice - wsparcie dla języka japońskiego
+Group: I18n
+%description Japanese
+KOffice suite - Japanese language support.
+%description Japanese -l pl.UTF-8
+KOffice - wsparcie dla języka japońskiego.
+%package Norwegian_Bokmaal
+Summary: KOffice suite - Norwegian (Bokmaal) language support
+Summary(pl.UTF-8): KOffice - wsparcie dla języka norweskiego (odmiany bokmaal)
+Group: I18n
+%description Norwegian_Bokmaal
+KOffice suite - Norwegian (Bokmaal) language support.
+%description Norwegian_Bokmaal -l pl.UTF-8
+KOffice - wsparcie dla języka norweskiego (odmiany bokmaal).
+%package Polish
+Summary: KOffice suite - Polish language support
+Summary(pl.UTF-8): KOffice - wsparcie dla języka polskiego
+Group: I18n
+%description Polish
+KOffice suite - Polish language support.
+%description Polish -l pl.UTF-8
+KOffice - wsparcie dla języka polskiego.
+%package Portuguese
+Summary: KOffice suite - Portuguese language support
+Summary(pl.UTF-8): KOffice - wsparcie dla języka portugalskiego
+Group: I18n
+%description Portuguese
+KOffice suite - Portuguese language support.
+%description Portuguese -l pl.UTF-8
+KOffice - wsparcie dla języka portugalskiego.
+%package Brazil_Portuguese
+Summary: KOffice suite - Portuguese (Brazil) language support
+Summary(pl.UTF-8): KOffice - wsparcie dla języka portugalskiego (odmiany brazylijskiej)
+Group: I18n
+%description Brazil_Portuguese
+KOffice suite - Portuguese (Brazil) language support.
+%description Brazil_Portuguese -l pl.UTF-8
+KOffice - wsparcie dla języka portugalskiego (odmiany brazylijskiej).
+%package Swedish
+Summary: KOffice suite - Swedish language support
+Summary(pl.UTF-8): KOffice - wsparcie dla języka szwedzkiego
+Group: I18n
+%description Swedish
+KOffice suite - Swedish language support.
+%description Swedish -l pl.UTF-8
+KOffice - wsparcie dla języka szwedzkiego.
+%package Turkish
+Summary: KOffice suite - Turkish language support
+Summary(pl.UTF-8): KOffice - wsparcie dla języka tureckiego
+Group: I18n
+%description Turkish
+KOffice suite - Turkish language support.
+%description Turkish -l pl.UTF-8
+KOffice - wsparcie dla języka tureckiego.
+%package Ukrainian
+Summary: KOffice suite - Ukrainian language support
+Summary(pl.UTF-8): KOffice - wsparcie dla języka ukraińskiego
+Group: I18n
+%description Ukrainian
+KOffice suite - Ukrainian language support.
+%description Ukrainian -l pl.UTF-8
+KOffice - wsparcie dla języka ukraińskiego.
+%package Walloon
+Summary: KOffice suite - Walloon language support
+Summary(pl.UTF-8): KOffice - wsparcie dla języka walońskiego
+Group: I18n
+%description Walloon
+KOffice suite - Walloon language support.
+%description Walloon -l pl.UTF-8
+KOffice - wsparcie dla języka walońskiego.
+%package Simplified_Chinese
+Summary: KOffice suite - simplified Chinese language support
+Summary(pl.UTF-8): KOffice - wsparcie dla uproszczonego języka chińskiego
+Group: I18n
+%description Simplified_Chinese
+KOffice suite - simplified Chinese language support.
+%description Simplified_Chinese -l pl.UTF-8
+KOffice - wsparcie dla uproszczonego języka chińskiego.
+%package Chinese
+Summary: KOffice suite - Chinese language support
+Summary(pl.UTF-8): KOffice - wsparcie dla języka chińskiego
+Group: I18n
+%description Chinese
+KOffice suite - Chinese language support.
+%description Chinese -l pl.UTF-8
+KOffice - wsparcie dla języka chińskiego.
+%setup -q -c -T %(seq -f '-a %g' 0 25 | xargs)
+for dir in koffice-l10n-*-%{version}; do
+ cd $dir
+ %cmake \
+ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=%{!?debug:Release}%{?debug:Debug} \
+ -DSYSCONF_INSTALL_DIR=%{_sysconfdir} \
+ .
+ %{__make}
+ cd ..
+if [ ! -f installed.stamp -o ! -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT ]; then
+ rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
+ for dir in %{orgname}-*-%{version}; do
+ %{__make} -C $dir install \
+ done
+ touch installed.stamp
+rm -f *.lang
+FindLang() {
+ # $1 - short language name
+ local lang="$1"
+ # share/doc/kde/HTML/(%%lang)
+ if [ -d "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_kdedocdir}/$lang" ]; then
+ echo "%lang($lang) %{_kdedocdir}/$lang"
+ fi
+ # share/locale/(%%lang)
+ if [ -d "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/locale/$lang" ]; then
+ echo "%lang($lang) %{_datadir}/locale/$lang/LC_MESSAGES/*.mo"
+ fi
+ # share/apps/koffice/autocorrect/*.xml
+ if [ -f "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/apps/koffice/autocorrect/$lang.xml" ]; then
+ echo "%lang($lang) %{_datadir}/apps/koffice/autocorrect/$lang.xml"
+ fi
+ touch $lang.ok
+example \
+graphite \
+kdatabase \
+kdgantt \
+kexi \
+kformdesigner \
+kontour \
+kplato \
+krita \
+for i in $files; do
+ rm -rf $(find $RPM_BUILD_ROOT -name "$i*.mo")
+ rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_kdedocdir}/$i
+FindLang ca > Catalan.lang
+FindLang da > Danish.lang
+FindLang de > German.lang
+FindLang en_GB > English_UK.lang
+FindLang es > Spanish.lang
+FindLang et > Estonian.lang
+FindLang fr > French.lang
+FindLang gl > Galician.lang
+FindLang it > Italian.lang
+FindLang ja > Japanese.lang
+FindLang nb > Norwegian_Bokmaal.lang
+FindLang pl > Polish.lang
+FindLang pt > Portuguese.lang
+FindLang pt_BR > Brazil_Portuguese.lang
+FindLang sv > Swedish.lang
+FindLang tr > Turkish.lang
+FindLang uk > Ukrainian.lang
+FindLang wa > Walloon.lang
+FindLang zh_CN > Simplified_Chinese.lang
+FindLang zh_TW > Chinese.lang
+check_installed_languages() {
+ err=0
+ # we ignore dialects (currently sr at latin is the only case)
+ for a in $(ls -1d %{orgname}-*-%{version} | %{__sed} '/@/d'); do
+ l=${a#%{orgname}-}
+ l=${l%%-%{version}}
+ if [ ! -f $l.ok ]; then
+ echo >&2 "language $l not processed"
+ err=1
+ fi
+ done
+ if [ "$err" = 1 ]; then
+ exit 1
+ fi
+check_installed_files() {
+ for a in *.lang; do
+ lang=${a%%.lang}
+ rpmfile=%{_rpmdir}/%{orgname}-$lang-%{version}-%{release}.%{_target_cpu}.rpm
+ if [ ! -f $rpmfile ]; then
+ echo >&2 "Missing %%files section for $lang"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+ done
+%{!?debug:rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT}
+%files -f Catalan.lang Catalan
+%files -f Danish.lang Danish
+%files -f German.lang German
+%files -f English_UK.lang English_UK
+%files -f Spanish.lang Spanish
+%files -f Estonian.lang Estonian
+%files -f French.lang French
+%files -f Galician.lang Galician
+%files -f Italian.lang Italian
+%files -f Japanese.lang Japanese
+%files -f Norwegian_Bokmaal.lang Norwegian_Bokmaal
+%files -f Polish.lang Polish
+%files -f Portuguese.lang Portuguese
+%files -f Brazil_Portuguese.lang Brazil_Portuguese
+%files -f Swedish.lang Swedish
+%files -f Turkish.lang Turkish
+%files -f Ukrainian.lang Ukrainian
+%files -f Walloon.lang Walloon
+%files -f Simplified_Chinese.lang Simplified_Chinese
+%files -f Chinese.lang Chinese
+%define date %(echo `LC_ALL="C" date +"%a %b %d %Y"`)
+* %{date} PLD Team <feedback at>
+All persons listed below can be reached at <cvs_login>
+Revision 1.1 2010/05/16 23:42:34 shadzik
+- init
+- may not work yet
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