packages: apache-mod_rails/apache-mod_rails-nogems.patch (NEW) - add nogems...
aredridel at
Sun Aug 29 07:40:28 CEST 2010
Author: aredridel Date: Sun Aug 29 05:40:28 2010 GMT
Module: packages Tag: HEAD
---- Log message:
- add nogems patch
---- Files affected:
apache-mod_rails-nogems.patch (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW)
---- Diffs:
Index: packages/apache-mod_rails/apache-mod_rails-nogems.patch
diff -u /dev/null packages/apache-mod_rails/apache-mod_rails-nogems.patch:1.1
--- /dev/null Sun Aug 29 07:40:28 2010
+++ packages/apache-mod_rails/apache-mod_rails-nogems.patch Sun Aug 29 07:40:22 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+diff -ur apache-mod_rails-2.2.15-o/Rakefile apache-mod_rails-2.2.15/Rakefile
+--- apache-mod_rails-2.2.15-o/Rakefile 2010-08-28 23:04:20.000000000 -0600
++++ apache-mod_rails-2.2.15/Rakefile 2010-08-28 23:05:31.000000000 -0600
+@@ -18,10 +18,8 @@
+ $LOAD_PATH.unshift("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/lib")
+ $LOAD_PATH.unshift("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/misc")
+-require 'rubygems'
+ require 'pathname'
+ require 'rake/rdoctask'
+-require 'rake/gempackagetask'
+ require 'rake/extensions'
+ require 'rake/cplusplus'
+ require 'phusion_passenger/platform_info'
+@@ -640,101 +638,6 @@
+ rd.options << "-S" << "-N" << "-p" << "-H"
+ end
+-##### Packaging
+-spec = do |s|
+- s.platform = Gem::Platform::RUBY
+- s.homepage = ""
+- s.summary = "Apache module for Ruby on Rails support."
+- = "passenger"
+- s.version = PACKAGE_VERSION
+- s.rubyforge_project = "passenger"
+- = "Phusion -"
+- = "info at"
+- s.requirements << "fastthread" << "Apache 2 with development headers"
+- s.require_paths = ["lib", "ext"]
+- s.add_dependency 'rake', '>= 0.8.1'
+- s.add_dependency 'fastthread', '>= 1.0.1'
+- s.add_dependency 'rack'
+- s.extensions << 'ext/phusion_passenger/extconf.rb'
+- s.files = FileList[
+- 'Rakefile',
+- 'README',
+- 'NEWS',
+- 'lib/**/*.rb',
+- 'lib/**/*.py',
+- 'lib/phusion_passenger/templates/*',
+- 'lib/phusion_passenger/templates/apache2/*',
+- 'lib/phusion_passenger/templates/nginx/*',
+- 'bin/*',
+- 'doc/*',
+- # If you're running 'rake package' for the first time, then these
+- # files don't exist yet, and so won't be matched by the above glob.
+- # So we add these filenames manually.
+- 'doc/Users guide Apache.html',
+- 'doc/Users guide Nginx.html',
+- 'doc/Security of user switching support.html',
+- 'doc/*/*',
+- 'doc/*/*/*',
+- 'doc/*/*/*/*',
+- 'doc/*/*/*/*/*',
+- 'doc/*/*/*/*/*/*',
+- 'man/*',
+- 'debian/*',
+- 'ext/common/*.{cpp,c,h,hpp}',
+- 'ext/apache2/*.{cpp,h,c,TXT}',
+- 'ext/nginx/*.{c,cpp,h}',
+- 'ext/nginx/config',
+- 'ext/boost/*.{hpp,TXT}',
+- 'ext/boost/**/*.{hpp,cpp,pl,inl,ipp}',
+- 'ext/oxt/*.hpp',
+- 'ext/oxt/*.cpp',
+- 'ext/oxt/detail/*.hpp',
+- 'ext/phusion_passenger/*.{c,rb}',
+- 'benchmark/*.{cpp,rb}',
+- 'misc/*',
+- 'misc/*/*',
+- 'test/*.{rb,cpp,example}',
+- 'test/support/*.{cpp,h,rb}',
+- 'test/oxt/*.cpp',
+- 'test/ruby/**/*',
+- 'test/integration_tests/**/*',
+- 'test/stub/**/*'
+- ]
+- s.executables = [
+- 'passenger-spawn-server',
+- 'passenger-install-apache2-module',
+- 'passenger-install-nginx-module',
+- 'passenger-config',
+- 'passenger-memory-stats',
+- 'passenger-make-enterprisey',
+- 'passenger-status',
+- 'passenger-stress-test'
+- ]
+- s.has_rdoc = true
+- s.extra_rdoc_files = ['README']
+- s.rdoc_options <<
+- "-S" << "-N" << "-p" << "-H" <<
+- '--main' << 'README' <<
+- '--title' << 'Passenger Ruby API'
+- s.description = "Passenger is an Apache module for Ruby on Rails support."
+- do |pkg|
+- pkg.need_tar_gz = true
+-task :clobber => :'package:clean'
+ desc "Create a fakeroot, useful for building native packages"
+ task :fakeroot => [:apache2, :native_support, :doc] do
+ require 'rbconfig'
+@@ -772,34 +675,6 @@
+ sh "rm", "-rf", *Dir["#{docdir}/{definitions.h,Doxyfile,template}"]
+ end
+-desc "Create a Debian package"
+-task 'package:debian' => :fakeroot do
+- if Process.euid != 0
+- STDERR.puts
+- STDERR.puts "*** ERROR: the 'package:debian' task must be run as root."
+- STDERR.puts
+- exit 1
+- end
+- fakeroot = "pkg/fakeroot"
+- raw_arch = `uname -m`.strip
+- arch = case raw_arch
+- when /^i.86$/
+- "i386"
+- when /^x86_64/
+- "amd64"
+- else
+- raw_arch
+- end
+- sh "sed -i 's/Version: .*/Version: #{PACKAGE_VERSION}/' debian/control"
+- sh "cp -R debian #{fakeroot}/DEBIAN"
+- sh "sed -i 's/: any/: #{arch}/' #{fakeroot}/DEBIAN/control"
+- sh "chown -R root:root #{fakeroot}"
+- sh "dpkg -b #{fakeroot} pkg/passenger_#{PACKAGE_VERSION}-#{arch}.deb"
+ ##### Misc
+ desc "Run 'sloccount' to see how much code Passenger has"
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