packages: roundcube-plugins/keyboard_shortcuts-deletekey.patch - more doc a...

glen glen at
Thu Sep 2 22:22:13 CEST 2010

Author: glen                         Date: Thu Sep  2 20:22:13 2010 GMT
Module: packages                      Tag: HEAD
---- Log message:
- more doc about delete key

---- Files affected:
   keyboard_shortcuts-deletekey.patch (1.2 -> 1.3) 

---- Diffs:

Index: packages/roundcube-plugins/keyboard_shortcuts-deletekey.patch
diff -u packages/roundcube-plugins/keyboard_shortcuts-deletekey.patch:1.2 packages/roundcube-plugins/keyboard_shortcuts-deletekey.patch:1.3
--- packages/roundcube-plugins/keyboard_shortcuts-deletekey.patch:1.2	Tue Aug 31 19:23:53 2010
+++ packages/roundcube-plugins/keyboard_shortcuts-deletekey.patch	Thu Sep  2 22:22:08 2010
@@ -1,6 +1,22 @@
---- keyboard_shortcuts/keyboard_shortcuts.php~	2010-08-27 00:53:34.000000000 +0300
-+++ keyboard_shortcuts/keyboard_shortcuts.php	2010-08-27 00:53:39.344131217 +0300
-@@ -84,6 +84,7 @@
+--- keyboard_shortcuts/keyboard_shortcuts.php	2010-08-27 00:53:39.344131217 +0300
++++ keyboard_shortcuts/keyboard_shortcuts.php	2010-09-02 23:21:13.404213768 +0300
+@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
+  * a:	Select all visible messages
+  * A:	Mark all as read (as Google Reader)
+  * c:	Compose new message
++ * d:	Delete message
+  * f:	Forward message
+  * j:	Go to previous page of messages (as Gmail)
+  * k:	Go to next page of messages (as Gmail)
+@@ -43,6 +44,7 @@
+  * U:   Expand Unread
+  *
+  * Shortcuts, mail view:
++ * d:	Delete message
+  * f:	Forward message
+  * j:	Go to previous message (as Gmail)
+  * k:	Go to next message (as Gmail)
+@@ -84,6 +86,7 @@
          $c .= "<div class='shortcut_key'>a</div> ".$this->gettext('selectallvisiblemessages')."<br class='clear' />";
          $c .= "<div class='shortcut_key'>A</div> ".$this->gettext('markallvisiblemessagesasread')."<br class='clear' />";
          $c .= "<div class='shortcut_key'>c</div> ".$this->gettext('compose')."<br class='clear' />";
@@ -8,6 +24,14 @@
          $c .= "<div class='shortcut_key'>f</div> ".$this->gettext('forwardmessage')."<br class='clear' />";
          $c .= "<div class='shortcut_key'>j</div> ".$this->gettext('previousmessages')."<br class='clear' />";
          $c .= "<div class='shortcut_key'>k</div> ".$this->gettext('nextmessages')."<br class='clear' />";
+@@ -111,6 +114,7 @@
+           $c .= "</div>";
+         }
+         $c .= "<div><h4>".$this->gettext("messagesdisplaying")."</h4>";
++        $c .= "<div class='shortcut_key'>d</div> ".$this->gettext('deletemessage')."<br class='clear' />";
+         $c .= "<div class='shortcut_key'>f</div> ".$this->gettext('forwardmessage')."<br class='clear' />";
+         $c .= "<div class='shortcut_key'>j</div> ".$this->gettext('previousmessage')."<br class='clear' />";
+         $c .= "<div class='shortcut_key'>k</div> ".$this->gettext('nextmessage')."<br class='clear' />";
 --- keyboard_shortcuts/keyboard_shortcuts.js	2010-08-27 00:54:10.584128202 +0300
 +++ keyboard_shortcuts/keyboard_shortcuts.js	2010-08-27 09:24:53.508571945 +0300
 @@ -66,6 +66,9 @@

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