packages: psi-plus/psi-plus.spec (NEW), psi-plus/
lisu at
Tue Apr 12 20:55:06 CEST 2011
Author: lisu Date: Tue Apr 12 18:55:06 2011 GMT
Module: packages Tag: HEAD
---- Log message:
- named changed from psi to psi-plus
---- Files affected:
psi-plus.spec (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW), psi-plus-appearance-mod.patch (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW), psi-plus-customos.patch (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW), psi-plus-empty_group-fix.patch (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW), psi-plus-fix_configure_for_ksh.patch (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW), psi-plus-home_etc.patch (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW), psi-plus-icon_buttons_big_return-mod.patch (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW), psi-plus-no_online_offline_status.patch (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW)
---- Diffs:
Index: packages/psi-plus/psi-plus.spec
diff -u /dev/null packages/psi-plus/psi-plus.spec:1.1
--- /dev/null Tue Apr 12 20:55:06 2011
+++ packages/psi-plus/psi-plus.spec Tue Apr 12 20:55:01 2011
@@ -0,0 +1,931 @@
+# $Revision$, $Date$
+# TODO: - check BRs
+# NOTE:
+# To generate source package use script included to this spec as SourceX.
+# Requires: git-core, subversion and sed >= 4.0
+%define ver 0.15
+%define rev 3784
+%define rel 0.%{rev}.1
+Summary: PSI - Jabber client
+Summary(de.UTF-8): PSI - ein Instant Messaging Client-Programm für Jabber
+Summary(pl.UTF-8): PSI - klient Jabbera
+Name: psi-plus
+Version: %{ver}.%{rev}
+Release: %{rel}
+License: GPL v2+ / LGPL v2.1+
+Group: Applications/Communications
+Source0: psi-%{version}.tar.xz
+# Source0-md5: 576c2b20cc0748dbf9cae02f7bb69391
+Source1: psi-lang.tar.bz2
+# Source1-md5: cf6d82f53f1f1600a49bb61ba81151bf
+Patch0: %{name}-fix_configure_for_ksh.patch
+Patch1: %{name}-home_etc.patch
+Patch2: %{name}-customos.patch
+Patch3: %{name}-no_online_offline_status.patch
+Patch4: %{name}-icon_buttons_big_return-mod.patch
+Patch5: %{name}-empty_group-fix.patch
+BuildRequires: Qt3Support-devel
+BuildRequires: QtCore-devel
+BuildRequires: QtDBus-devel
+BuildRequires: QtNetwork-devel
+BuildRequires: QtXml-devel
+BuildRequires: aspell-devel
+BuildRequires: libstdc++-devel
+BuildRequires: openssl-devel >= 0.9.7c
+BuildRequires: qca-devel >= 2.0.0
+BuildRequires: qt4-build >= 4.4.0
+BuildRequires: qt4-linguist >= 4.4.0
+BuildRequires: qt4-qmake >= 4.4.0
+BuildRequires: tar >= 1:1.22
+BuildRequires: which
+BuildRequires: xorg-lib-libX11-devel
+BuildRequires: xorg-lib-libXScrnSaver-devel
+BuildRequires: xorg-proto-scrnsaverproto-devel
+BuildRequires: xz >= 1:4.999.7
+BuildRequires: zlib-devel
+Requires: gstreamer-v4l2
+Requires: gstreamer-video4linux
+Requires: qt4-plugin-qca-ossl
+Suggests: gpgme >= 1.0.0
+Obsoletes: qt-designer-psiwidgets
+BuildRoot: %{tmpdir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n)
+PSI is a communicator for the Jabber open messaging system. It is
+based on the Qt library. It supports SSL encrypted connections. The
+default behaviour for SSL was changed so that it looks for SSL
+certificates in $DATADIR/certs or in ~/.psi/certs.
+Psi+ is a development branch of Psi IM Jabber client.
+%description -l de.UTF-8
+Psi ist ein Instant Messaging (IM) Client-Programm für das
+Jabber-Protokoll (XMPP), welches das Qt Toolkit nutzt.
+%description -l pl.UTF-8
+PSI jest komunikatorem dla otwartego systemu wiadomości Jabber. Został
+stworzony w oparciu o bibliotekę Qt. PSI wspiera połączenia szyfrowane
+SSL. W stosunku do domyślnego zachowania komunikatora została
+wprowadzona zmiana, która powoduje, że certyfikaty SSL są poszukiwane
+w katalogu $DATADIR/certs lub ~/.psi/certs.
+Psi+ jest rozwojową gałęzią komunikatora Psi IM Jabber.
+%setup -q -n psi-%{version} -a 1
+%patch0 -p0
+#%%{?with_home_etc:%patch1 -p1}
+%patch2 -p1
+#%%patch3 -p1
+%patch4 -p1
+%patch5 -p1
+rm -rf third-party
+./configure \
+ --prefix=%{_prefix} \
+ --datadir=%{_datadir} \
+ --libdir=%{_libdir} \
+ --no-separate-debug-info
+cd lang
+lrelease-qt4 *.ts
+export QTDIR=%{_libdir}/qt4
+install -d $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/psi/plugins
+%{__make} install \
+cp -a lang/*.qm $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/psi/
+%doc README
+%attr(755,root,root) %{_bindir}/psi-plus
+%dir %{_datadir}/psi
+%lang(ar) %{_datadir}/psi/*_ar.qm
+%lang(ca) %{_datadir}/psi/*_ca.qm
+%lang(cs) %{_datadir}/psi/*_cs.qm
+%lang(da) %{_datadir}/psi/*_da.qm
+%lang(de) %{_datadir}/psi/*_de.qm
+%lang(el) %{_datadir}/psi/*_el.qm
+%lang(eo) %{_datadir}/psi/*_eo.qm
+%lang(es) %{_datadir}/psi/*_es.qm
+%lang(fi) %{_datadir}/psi/*_fi.qm
+%lang(fr) %{_datadir}/psi/*_fr.qm
+%lang(it) %{_datadir}/psi/*_it.qm
+%lang(jp) %{_datadir}/psi/*_jp.qm
+%lang(mk) %{_datadir}/psi/*_mk.qm
+%lang(nl) %{_datadir}/psi/*_nl.qm
+%lang(pl) %{_datadir}/psi/*_pl.qm
+%lang(pt_BR) %{_datadir}/psi/*_ptbr.qm
+%lang(pt) %{_datadir}/psi/*_pt.qm
+%lang(ru) %{_datadir}/psi/*_ru.qm
+%lang(se) %{_datadir}/psi/*_se.qm
+%lang(sk) %{_datadir}/psi/*_sk.qm
+%lang(sr) %{_datadir}/psi/*_sr.qm
+%lang(uk) %{_datadir}/psi/*_uk.qm
+%lang(zh) %{_datadir}/psi/*_zh.qm
+%dir %{_libdir}/psi
+%dir %{_libdir}/psi/plugins
+%define date %(echo `LC_ALL="C" date +"%a %b %d %Y"`)
+* %{date} PLD Team <feedback at>
+All persons listed below can be reached at <cvs_login>
+Revision 1.1 2011/04/12 18:55:01 lisu
+- named changed from psi to psi-plus
+Revision 2011/04/12 07:06:12 lisu
+- new URL
+Revision 2011/04/10 20:36:48 lisu
+- updated to up to 0.15.3784
+Revision 2011/03/04 09:14:56 lisu
+- less TODO
+Revision 2011/03/04 09:09:12 lisu
+- re-enable patches
+- dropped obsolete -desktop.patch and machekku-avatars_in_tooltip.patch
+Revision 2011/03/04 08:45:02 lisu
+- cp -a
+Revision 2011/03/04 08:44:03 lisu
+- changed URL to point to psi-dev website
+- extened descriptions
+Revision 2011/03/04 08:40:47 lisu
+- re-enable languages, they should work with psi-plus
+Revision 2011/03/04 08:08:37 lisu
+- up to 0.15.3749
+- chnaged TODO
+Revision 2011/03/04 08:03:09 lisu
+- include script
+- tar.xz package
+- NOTE changed
+Revision 2011/03/03 21:03:16 lisu
+- package psi-plus binary
+Revision 2011/03/03 20:56:48 lisu
+- commented out one more thing for now
+Revision 2011/03/03 20:55:04 lisu
+- extended NOTE
+Revision 2011/03/03 20:51:11 lisu
+- added NOTE and TODO
+Revision 2011/03/03 20:46:28 lisu
+- comment out Source1
+Revision 2011/03/03 20:37:39 lisu
+- update to 0.15.3748
+- nfy
+Revision 1.184 2010/12/20 09:39:52 arekm
+- rel 7
+Revision 1.183 2010/12/20 07:08:52 arekm
+- add R: gstreamer-v4l2
+Revision 1.182 2010/09/08 06:46:47 arekm
+- rel 6; require gstreamer-video4linux otherwise crashes
+Revision 1.181 2010/08/31 06:02:42 arekm
+- release 5
+Revision 1.180 2010/03/22 13:00:53 hawk
+- hopefully this will fix i686 on Titanium
+Revision 1.179 2010/03/22 12:09:33 shadzik
+- cleanup
+Revision 1.178 2010/03/17 13:26:04 hawk
+- dropped mod-appearance patch, what was merged is sufficient
+Revision 1.177 2010/01/29 20:08:12 arekm
+- release 2
+Revision 1.176 2009/12/03 11:48:37 arekm
+- up to 0.14
+Revision 1.175 2009/08/17 22:54:19 cactus
+- add langs from psi-daisy
+- rel 4
+Revision 1.174 2009/08/17 21:27:10 cactus
+- rel 3.
+Revision 1.173 2009/08/17 21:19:33 cactus
+- own ../psi/plugins dir
+Revision 1.172 2009/08/17 09:26:38 arekm
+- rel 2; configure and package libdir for plugins
+Revision 1.171 2009/07/28 21:03:51 arekm
+- up to 0.13
+Revision 1.170 2009/06/30 16:54:22 hawk
+- release 2
+Revision 1.169 2009/03/12 18:01:21 arekm
+- up to 0.12.1
+Revision 1.168 2009/03/12 13:19:50 arekm
+- release 6
+Revision 1.167 2009/03/05 10:30:44 arekm
+- release 5
+Revision 1.166 2009/03/04 07:42:46 arekm
+- rel 4; qt4.5 compat fix
+Revision 1.165 2008/08/19 22:27:16 charles
+- BR: which
+Revision 1.164 2008/08/10 12:37:05 wolvverine
+- add avatars_in_tooltip patch. STBR
+Revision 1.163 2008/08/09 20:28:16 hawk
+- updated appearance-mod.patch, dropped status_indicator-add.patch (may be
+ substituted by enabling option to show status messages in contact list)
+- release 2
+Revision 1.162 2008/08/01 16:11:03 hawk
+- restored and updated no_online_offline_status.patch
+- restored status_indicator-add and appearance-mod patches, not udpated yet
+Revision 1.161 2008/08/01 15:32:20 hawk
+- release 1.1, NFY!, DON'T DROP PATCHES "just beacuse"! update them instead
+ or add appropriate TODO
+- please do not STBR!
+Revision 1.160 2008/08/01 14:39:01 arekm
+- drop uncommented patches
+Revision 1.159 2008/08/01 13:46:43 wolvverine
+- drop old patches: certs, settoggles-fix, version
+Revision 1.158 2008/08/01 13:02:17 arekm
+- partial up to 0.12
+Revision 1.157 2008/08/01 12:53:31 wolvverine
+- up to 0.12-RC4
+Revision 1.156 2008/04/01 10:33:01 paszczus
+- added Suggests: gpgme
+Revision 1.155 2008-02-04 14:59:01 hawk
+- small cosmetic fix in appearance-mod.patch
+- added version patch (removes "dev" from version string, its stable release)
+- release 3
+Revision 1.154 2008-01-27 18:26:06 hawk
+- works for me, release 2
+Revision 1.153 2008-01-27 17:19:33 hawk
+- updated appearance-mod.patch, renumbered patches
+Revision 1.152 2008-01-26 00:05:03 qboosh
+- O: for removed qt-designer-psiwidgets
+Revision 1.151 2008-01-25 23:45:42 hawk
+- typo
+Revision 1.150 2008-01-25 23:23:28 hawk
+- backported more patches, one more to go
+- dropped roster-rich.patch (I'm too weak to port it, feel free to do it)
+Revision 1.149 2008-01-25 22:38:42 hawk
+- indicator.png must be available during compilation because default
+ roster iconset is builtin into psi binary
+Revision 1.148 2008-01-25 20:17:30 hawk
+- no_online_status-mod.patch replaced with no_online_offline_status.patch
+- icondef.xml_status_indicator.patch merged into status_indicator-add.patch
+- indicator.png is back
+Revision 1.147 2008-01-25 16:05:18 hawk
+- dropped qca_nolink_fix.patch, obsolete
+- cleanup, renumbered few patches
+Revision 1.146 2008-01-25 11:23:31 hawk
+- started backporting patches from psi 0.10
+- dropped configure_fix.patch, replaced by backported
+ fix_configure_for_ksh.patch
+- release 1.1, NFY
+Revision 1.145 2008-01-04 19:14:43 qboosh
+- qt4-qmake -> qmake-qt4
+Revision 1.144 2007-10-18 18:13:10 shadzik
+- add patch0 which clears TODO
+- rel 1
+Revision 1.143 2007/10/18 17:42:46 shadzik
+- better
+Revision 1.142 2007/10/18 17:30:15 shadzik
+- no need to export QTDIR when using qt4-qmake
+Revision 1.141 2007/10/18 12:15:08 shadzik
+- one more german fix
+- adapterized
+Revision 1.140 2007/10/18 11:48:00 shadzik
+- german summary fix
+Revision 1.139 2007/10/17 20:18:48 arekm
+R: qt4-plugin-qca-ossl
+Revision 1.138 2007/10/17 20:09:47 arekm
+- BR xscreensaver stuff
+Revision 1.137 2007/10/17 19:56:41 arekm
+- up to 0.11; old patches/changes dropped. 0.10 series tagged with psi-0_10-3
+Revision 1.136 2007/09/05 14:32:29 baggins
+- rel 3
+Revision 1.135 2007/04/09 01:42:38 shadzik
+mass attack: qt-devel epoch
+Revision 1.134 2007/02/13 08:06:42 glen
+- tabs in preamble
+Revision 1.133 2007/02/12 01:06:27 baggins
+- converted to UTF-8
+Revision 1.132 2006/02/28 23:37:25 glen
+- adapterized (killed trailing spaces/tabs)
+Revision 1.131 2006/02/11 14:00:44 hawk
+- removed default PSI 0.9.3 icons, they'll be available in separate packages
+Revision 1.130 2006/01/22 16:15:53 hawk
+- works for me, release 1
+Revision 1.129 2006/01/22 14:04:49 hawk
+- updated appearance-mod patch
+- release 0.5
+Revision 1.128 2006/01/22 00:25:05 hawk
+- nicechats-mod replaced with new enhanced version, renumbered patches
+- release 0.4
+Revision 1.127 2006/01/20 02:36:30 hawk
+- builds, works
+- release 0.3, please test
+Revision 1.126 2006/01/19 22:21:55 hawk
+- include iconsets from psi 0.9.x
+Revision 1.125 2006/01/19 20:31:58 hawk
+- doh. indicator.png is back
+Revision 1.124 2006/01/19 19:58:15 hawk
+- sed is gone, patch is back :)
+Revision 1.123 2006/01/19 19:52:36 hawk
+- make it build
+- release 0.2, still NFY
+Revision 1.122 2006/01/19 19:27:45 jack
+- Patch4 is superfluous - sed can do the same! ;)
+Revision 1.121 2006/01/19 19:08:45 hawk
+- oops!
+Revision 1.120 2006/01/19 18:40:25 hawk
+- replaced ugly workaround with nicer patch
+Revision 1.119 2006/01/19 18:26:46 jack
+- added dirty workaround (NFY)
+Revision 1.118 2006/01/19 18:17:31 jack
+- NFY
+Revision 1.117 2006/01/19 16:50:49 hawk
+- started update to 0.10, NFY
+Revision 1.116 2005/12/30 01:54:18 domelu
+- new homepage
+- changelog cosmetics
+Revision 1.115 2005/12/03 09:53:19 dzeus
+- added ui_about-includes.patch from DEVEL (removing unneeded KDE includes)
+- moved all lang sources to one file, rel. 6, STBR
+Revision 1.114 2005/10/25 20:21:20 krolik
+- fixed missing psi_eo.qm file
+Revision 1.113 2005/08/11 09:46:18 radek
+- bcond_with(out) is followed by one \t, then bcond's name.
+Revision 1.112 2005/06/15 06:14:50 dzeus
+- zh lang fix
+Revision 1.111 2005/06/14 22:15:05 qboosh
+- lang fix
+Revision 1.110 2005/06/14 21:48:48 dzeus
+- added lang_(hr,pt_br)
+Revision 1.109 2005/04/21 19:19:05 dzeus
+- added lang_(sr,yu), rel. 5, STBR
+Revision 1.108 2005/04/01 11:26:16 dzeus
+- rel. 4, STBR
+Revision 1.107 2005/03/31 21:28:51 dzeus
+- german desc&summary from DEVEL
+Revision 1.106 2005/03/31 21:21:36 dzeus
+- missing customos.patch
+Revision 1.105 2005/02/28 21:51:15 qboosh
+- s/osdn\.dl/dl/ in Source URL (osdn is no longer browsable)
+Revision 1.104 2005/02/20 18:13:31 dzeus
+- added lang_(eo,sl), rel. 3
+Revision 1.103 2005/01/20 19:04:04 qboosh
+- unified
+Revision 1.102 2005/01/19 19:38:22 troll
+- new bcond: without fu*ing home_etc
+Revision 1.101 2005/01/17 18:23:45 dzeus
+- added lang_(cs,el,sk)
+Revision 1.100 2005/01/16 12:31:15 dzeus
+- removed wrong_mainwin_pos_gnome-fix.patch (remember window sizes not work)
+- rel. 2
+Revision 1.99 2005/01/15 09:02:18 ankry
+- better pl
+Revision 1.98 2005/01/15 08:45:47 dzeus
+- used perl to kill debug
+- cosmetics, rel. 1 STBR
+Revision 1.97 2005/01/14 22:06:25 dzeus
+- added psi-empty_group-fix.patch
+Revision 1.96 2005/01/14 18:54:51 dzeus
+- added lang de
+Revision 1.95 2005/01/14 18:04:43 dzeus
+- spaces -> tabs
+Revision 1.94 2005/01/14 18:00:52 dzeus
+- added group_openclose_single_click.patch from SKaZi
+Revision 1.93 2005/01/13 23:16:08 dzeus
+- removed unused patches, cleanup
+- added nodebug.patch, updated status_indicator-add.patch
+Revision 1.92 2005/01/13 17:21:36 dzeus
+- updated psi_pl langpack
+Revision 1.91 2005/01/12 10:35:01 dzeus
+- added qt-designer-psiwidgets subpackage (merge from DEVEL)
+Revision 1.90 2005/01/12 05:14:46 troll
+- added BR: qca-devel
+Revision 1.89 2005/01/11 22:49:21 dzeus
+- added ChangeLog to %doc
+Revision 1.88 2005/01/11 22:32:44 qboosh
+- Estonian is et not ee
+Revision 1.87 2005/01/11 22:26:40 qboosh
+- gpm-friendly Source URL
+Revision 1.86 2005/01/11 22:21:43 dzeus
+- started up to 0.9.3
+- added some patch from DEVEL
+- removed square_timestamps bcond
+- NFY
+Revision 1.85 2004/11/08 21:22:44 paszczus
+- use %{name} in Sources
+Revision 1.84 2004/10/24 22:49:23 paladine
+- QT->Qt
+- spelling fixes
+Revision 1.83 2004/08/28 17:01:24 jack
+- ufff...
+Revision 1.82 2004/08/28 16:59:02 jack
+- coś ssie :(
+Revision 1.81 2004/08/28 16:43:51 jack
+- ssij maleńki, ssij
+Revision 1.80 2004/08/28 13:12:49 jack
+- added lang files
+- rel 3
+- please put it in distfiles - I forgot my password :(
+Revision 1.79 2004/08/09 18:37:23 havner
+- rel 2
+Revision 1.78 2004/06/12 23:08:59 pluto
+- R(qt-plugin-qca-tls): fixed.
+Revision 1.77 2004/06/11 07:17:17 jack
+- corrected bconded patch13
+Revision 1.76 2004/06/10 17:55:11 arekm
+- rel 1
+Revision 1.75 2004/06/10 17:32:05 jack
+- oops (0.9.1 -> 0.9.2) in sed^H^H^Hperl ;)
+- second twos not tested.
+Revision 1.74 2004/06/10 17:20:10 jack
+- updated to 0.9.2 final ;)
+- I hope I didn't broke to much ;)
+Revision 1.73 2004/06/07 20:28:22 jpc
+- fixed BRs
+Revision 1.72 2004/06/06 14:59:55 jpc
+- square_timestamps (cool name for a bcond, isn't it :D)
+ it was turned on by default, now it is not
+Revision 1.71 2004/06/06 13:20:52 jpc
+- BR: qt-linguist
<<Diff was trimmed, longer than 597 lines>>
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