packages: libnl1/libnl1.spec, libnl1/libnl-1.0-pre5-debuginfo.patch (NEW), ...
arekm at
Wed Sep 7 21:57:17 CEST 2011
Author: arekm Date: Wed Sep 7 19:57:17 2011 GMT
Module: packages Tag: HEAD
---- Log message:
- rel 2; use patches from fc (drop our variants)
---- Files affected:
libnl1.spec (1.34 -> 1.35) , libnl-1.0-pre5-debuginfo.patch (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW), libnl-1.0-pre5-static.patch (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW), libnl-1.0-pre8-more-build-output.patch (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW), libnl-1.0-pre8-use-vasprintf-retval.patch (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW), libnl-1.1-align.patch (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW), libnl-1.1-disable-static-by-default.patch (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW), libnl-1.1-doc-inlinesrc.patch (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW), libnl-1.1-fix-portmap-position.patch (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW), libnl-1.1-include-limits-h.patch (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW), libnl-1.1-no-extern-inline.patch (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW), libnl-1.1-threadsafe-port-allocation.patch (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW), libnl-ULONG_MAX.patch (1.3 -> NONE) (REMOVED), libnl-gcc44.patch (1.3 -> NONE) (REMOVED), libnl-static.patch (1.4 -> NONE) (REMOVED)
---- Diffs:
Index: packages/libnl1/libnl1.spec
diff -u packages/libnl1/libnl1.spec:1.34 packages/libnl1/libnl1.spec:1.35
--- packages/libnl1/libnl1.spec:1.34 Mon Mar 28 20:18:56 2011
+++ packages/libnl1/libnl1.spec Wed Sep 7 21:57:11 2011
@@ -8,14 +8,22 @@
%define orgname libnl
Name: %{orgname}1
Version: 1.1
-Release: 1
+Release: 2
License: LGPL v2.1
Group: Libraries
# Source0-md5: ae970ccd9144e132b68664f98e7ceeb1
-Patch0: %{orgname}-static.patch
-Patch1: %{orgname}-ULONG_MAX.patch
-Patch2: %{orgname}-gcc44.patch
+Patch1: libnl-1.0-pre5-static.patch
+Patch2: libnl-1.0-pre5-debuginfo.patch
+Patch3: libnl-1.0-pre8-use-vasprintf-retval.patch
+Patch4: libnl-1.0-pre8-more-build-output.patch
+Patch5: libnl-1.1-include-limits-h.patch
+Patch6: libnl-1.1-doc-inlinesrc.patch
+Patch7: libnl-1.1-no-extern-inline.patch
+Patch8: libnl-1.1-align.patch
+Patch9: libnl-1.1-disable-static-by-default.patch
+Patch10: libnl-1.1-fix-portmap-position.patch
+Patch11: libnl-1.1-threadsafe-port-allocation.patch
BuildRequires: autoconf
BuildRequires: automake
@@ -32,8 +40,8 @@
netlink family specific APIs.
%description -l pl.UTF-8
-libnl1 jest biblioteką dla aplikacji rozmawiających z gniazdem netlink.
-Udostępnia łatwy w użyciu interfejs do korzystania z surowych
+libnl1 jest biblioteką dla aplikacji rozmawiających z gniazdem
+netlink. Udostępnia łatwy w użyciu interfejs do korzystania z surowych
wiadomości netlink, a także API specyficzne dla rodziny gniazd
@@ -78,15 +86,24 @@
%setup -q -n %{orgname}-%{version}
-%patch0 -p1
%patch1 -p1
%patch2 -p1
+%patch3 -p1
+%patch4 -p1
+%patch5 -p1
+%patch6 -p1
+%patch7 -p1
+%patch8 -p1
+%patch9 -p1
+%patch10 -p1
+%patch11 -p1
%configure \
+ --enable-static \
@@ -135,6 +152,9 @@
All persons listed below can be reached at <cvs_login>
+Revision 1.35 2011/09/07 19:57:11 arekm
+- rel 2; use patches from fc (drop our variants)
Revision 1.34 2011/03/28 18:18:56 arekm
- ... or better Obsoletes
Index: packages/libnl1/libnl-1.0-pre5-debuginfo.patch
diff -u /dev/null packages/libnl1/libnl-1.0-pre5-debuginfo.patch:1.1
--- /dev/null Wed Sep 7 21:57:17 2011
+++ packages/libnl1/libnl-1.0-pre5-debuginfo.patch Wed Sep 7 21:57:11 2011
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+--- libnl-1.0-pre5/lib/Makefile.debuginfo 2006-06-15 18:11:21.000000000 -0400
++++ libnl-1.0-pre5/lib/Makefile 2006-06-15 18:11:28.000000000 -0400
+@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@
+ install:
+ mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/
+- install -m 0644 $(OUT_SLIB) $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)
++ install -m 0755 $(OUT_SLIB) $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)
+ rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/$(LN1_SLIB)
+ $(LN) -s $(OUT_SLIB) $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/$(LN1_SLIB)
+ rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/$(LN_SLIB)
+ $(LN) -s $(LN1_SLIB) $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/$(LN_SLIB)
Index: packages/libnl1/libnl-1.0-pre5-static.patch
diff -u /dev/null packages/libnl1/libnl-1.0-pre5-static.patch:1.1
--- /dev/null Wed Sep 7 21:57:17 2011
+++ packages/libnl1/libnl-1.0-pre5-static.patch Wed Sep 7 21:57:11 2011
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+diff -up libnl-1.0-pre8/lib/Makefile.orig libnl-1.0-pre8/lib/Makefile
+--- libnl-1.0-pre8/lib/Makefile.orig 2007-11-21 12:25:39.000000000 -0500
++++ libnl-1.0-pre8/lib/Makefile 2007-12-03 14:08:43.000000000 -0500
+@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ DEPS := $(CIN:%.c=%.d)
+ OBJ := $(CIN:%.c=%.o)
+ LN1_SLIB := $(LN_SLIB).1
+@@ -42,7 +43,8 @@ export
+ all:
+ @echo " MAKE $(OUT_SLIB)"; \
+- $(MAKE) $(OUT_SLIB)
++ $(MAKE) $(OUT_SLIB); \
++ $(MAKE) $(OUT_AR)
+ $(OUT_SLIB): ../Makefile.opts $(OBJ)
+ @echo " LD $(OUT_SLIB)"; \
+@@ -52,6 +54,10 @@ $(OUT_SLIB): ../Makefile.opts $(OBJ)
+ @echo " LN $(LN1_SLIB) $(LN_SLIB)"; \
+ rm -f $(LN_SLIB) ; $(LN) -s $(LN1_SLIB) $(LN_SLIB)
++$(OUT_AR): ../Makefile.opts $(OBJ)
++ @echo " AR $(OUT_AR)"; \
++ $(AR) crus $(OUT_AR) $(OBJ)
+ clean:
+ @echo " CLEAN lib"; \
+ $(RM) -f $(OBJ) $(OUT_SLIB) $(LN_SLIB) $(LN1_SLIB); \
+@@ -68,6 +74,7 @@ install:
+ $(LN) -s $(OUT_SLIB) $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/$(LN1_SLIB)
+ rm -f $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/$(LN_SLIB)
+ $(LN) -s $(LN1_SLIB) $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)/$(LN_SLIB)
++ install -m 0644 $(OUT_AR) $(DESTDIR)$(libdir)
+ $(DEPS): ../Makefile.opts
Index: packages/libnl1/libnl-1.0-pre8-more-build-output.patch
diff -u /dev/null packages/libnl1/libnl-1.0-pre8-more-build-output.patch:1.1
--- /dev/null Wed Sep 7 21:57:17 2011
+++ packages/libnl1/libnl-1.0-pre8-more-build-output.patch Wed Sep 7 21:57:11 2011
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+diff -up libnl-1.0-pre8/src/Makefile.more-build-output libnl-1.0-pre8/src/Makefile
+--- libnl-1.0-pre8/src/Makefile.more-build-output 2007-12-03 14:25:29.000000000 -0500
++++ libnl-1.0-pre8/src/Makefile 2007-12-03 14:25:38.000000000 -0500
+@@ -22,19 +22,15 @@ all: $(TOOLS)
+ $(TOOLS): utils.o
+ nl-%: nl-%.c
+- @echo " LD $@"; \
+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $< $(LDFLAGS)
+ genl-%: genl-%.c
+- @echo " LD $@"; \
+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $< $(LDFLAGS)
+ nf-%: nf-%.c
+- @echo " LD $@"; \
+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $< $(LDFLAGS)
+ clean:
+- @echo " CLEAN src"; \
+ rm -f $(TOOLS) utils.o
+ distclean: clean
+diff -up libnl-1.0-pre8/Makefile.rules.more-build-output libnl-1.0-pre8/Makefile.rules
+--- libnl-1.0-pre8/Makefile.rules.more-build-output 2007-11-21 12:25:39.000000000 -0500
++++ libnl-1.0-pre8/Makefile.rules 2007-12-03 14:24:22.000000000 -0500
+@@ -13,11 +13,9 @@
+ .SUFFIXES: .d .c
+ %.o: %.c
+- @echo " CC $<"; \
+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c -o $@ $<
+ %.d: %.c
+- @echo " DEP $<"; \
+ $(CC) $(DEPFLAGS) $< > $@.tmp; \
+ sed 's,\($*\)\.o[ :]*,\1.o $@ : ,g' < $@.tmp > $@; \
+ rm -f $@.tmp
+diff -up libnl-1.0-pre8/lib/Makefile.more-build-output libnl-1.0-pre8/lib/Makefile
+--- libnl-1.0-pre8/lib/Makefile.more-build-output 2007-12-03 14:24:22.000000000 -0500
++++ libnl-1.0-pre8/lib/Makefile 2007-12-03 14:24:22.000000000 -0500
+@@ -42,29 +42,22 @@ export
+ all:
+- @echo " MAKE $(OUT_SLIB)"; \
+ $(MAKE) $(OUT_SLIB); \
+ $(MAKE) $(OUT_AR)
+ $(OUT_SLIB): ../Makefile.opts $(OBJ)
+- @echo " LD $(OUT_SLIB)"; \
+ $(CC) -shared -Wl,-soname, -o $(OUT_SLIB) $(OBJ) $(LIBNL_LIB) -lc
+- @echo " LN $(OUT_SLIB) $(LN1_SLIB)"; \
+ rm -f $(LN1_SLIB) ; $(LN) -s $(OUT_SLIB) $(LN1_SLIB)
+- @echo " LN $(LN1_SLIB) $(LN_SLIB)"; \
+ rm -f $(LN_SLIB) ; $(LN) -s $(LN1_SLIB) $(LN_SLIB)
+ $(OUT_AR): ../Makefile.opts $(OBJ)
+- @echo " AR $(OUT_AR)"; \
+ $(AR) crus $(OUT_AR) $(OBJ)
+ clean:
+- @echo " CLEAN lib"; \
+ $(RM) -f $(OBJ) $(OUT_SLIB) $(LN_SLIB) $(LN1_SLIB); \
+ $(RM) -f $(DEPS) $(OUT_SLIB) $(LN_SLIB) $(LN1_SLIB)
+ distclean:
+- @echo " DISTCLEAN lib"; \
+ $(RM) -f $(DEPS)
+ install:
Index: packages/libnl1/libnl-1.0-pre8-use-vasprintf-retval.patch
diff -u /dev/null packages/libnl1/libnl-1.0-pre8-use-vasprintf-retval.patch:1.1
--- /dev/null Wed Sep 7 21:57:17 2011
+++ packages/libnl1/libnl-1.0-pre8-use-vasprintf-retval.patch Wed Sep 7 21:57:11 2011
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+diff -up libnl-1.0-pre8/include/netlink-local.h.use-vasprintf-retval libnl-1.0-pre8/include/netlink-local.h
+--- libnl-1.0-pre8/include/netlink-local.h.use-vasprintf-retval 2007-12-03 14:13:52.000000000 -0500
++++ libnl-1.0-pre8/include/netlink-local.h 2007-12-03 14:15:26.000000000 -0500
+@@ -273,13 +273,18 @@ static inline void __dp_dump(struct nl_d
+ vfprintf(parms->dp_fd, fmt, args);
+ else if (parms->dp_buf || parms->dp_cb) {
+ char *buf = NULL;
+- vasprintf(&buf, fmt, args);
+- if (parms->dp_cb)
+- parms->dp_cb(parms, buf);
+- else
+- strncat(parms->dp_buf, buf,
+- parms->dp_buflen - strlen(parms->dp_buf) - 1);
+- free(buf);
++ int ret;
++ ret = vasprintf(&buf, fmt, args);
++ if (ret >= 0) {
++ if (parms->dp_cb)
++ parms->dp_cb(parms, buf);
++ else
++ strncat(parms->dp_buf, buf,
++ parms->dp_buflen - strlen(parms->dp_buf) - 1);
++ free(buf);
++ } else {
++ // FIXME: indicate error somehow
++ }
+ }
+ }
Index: packages/libnl1/libnl-1.1-align.patch
diff -u /dev/null packages/libnl1/libnl-1.1-align.patch:1.1
--- /dev/null Wed Sep 7 21:57:17 2011
+++ packages/libnl1/libnl-1.1-align.patch Wed Sep 7 21:57:11 2011
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+--- libnl-1.1/lib/route/link.c.BAD 2010-02-27 08:43:45.671957250 -0600
++++ libnl-1.1/lib/route/link.c 2010-02-28 10:23:42.732957755 -0600
+@@ -364,14 +364,9 @@
+ link->ce_mask |= LINK_ATTR_QDISC;
+ }
+- if (tb[IFLA_MAP]) {
+- struct rtnl_link_ifmap *map = nla_data(tb[IFLA_MAP]);
+- link->l_map.lm_mem_start = map->mem_start;
+- link->l_map.lm_mem_end = map->mem_end;
+- link->l_map.lm_base_addr = map->base_addr;
+- link->l_map.lm_irq = map->irq;
+- link->l_map.lm_dma = map->dma;
+- link->l_map.lm_port = map->port;
++ if (tb[IFLA_MAP]) {
++ nla_memcpy(&link->l_map, tb[IFLA_MAP],
++ sizeof(struct rtnl_link_ifmap));
+ link->ce_mask |= LINK_ATTR_MAP;
+ }
Index: packages/libnl1/libnl-1.1-disable-static-by-default.patch
diff -u /dev/null packages/libnl1/libnl-1.1-disable-static-by-default.patch:1.1
--- /dev/null Wed Sep 7 21:57:17 2011
+++ packages/libnl1/libnl-1.1-disable-static-by-default.patch Wed Sep 7 21:57:11 2011
@@ -0,0 +1,4709 @@
+diff -urP libnl-1.1.orig/configure libnl-1.1/configure
+--- libnl-1.1.orig/configure 2008-01-14 10:48:45.000000000 -0500
++++ libnl-1.1/configure 2010-05-24 13:59:10.898510656 -0400
+@@ -1,62 +1,85 @@
+ #! /bin/sh
+ # Guess values for system-dependent variables and create Makefiles.
+-# Generated by GNU Autoconf 2.61 for libnl 1.1.
++# Generated by GNU Autoconf 2.65 for libnl 1.1.
+ #
+ # Report bugs to <tgraf at>.
+ #
+ # Copyright (C) 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001,
+-# 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
++# 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009 Free Software Foundation,
++# Inc.
+ # This configure script is free software; the Free Software Foundation
+ # gives unlimited permission to copy, distribute and modify it.
+-## --------------------- ##
+-## M4sh Initialization. ##
+-## --------------------- ##
++## -------------------- ##
++## M4sh Initialization. ##
++## -------------------- ##
+ # Be more Bourne compatible
+ DUALCASE=1; export DUALCASE # for MKS sh
+-if test -n "${ZSH_VERSION+set}" && (emulate sh) >/dev/null 2>&1; then
++if test -n "${ZSH_VERSION+set}" && (emulate sh) >/dev/null 2>&1; then :
+ emulate sh
+- # Zsh 3.x and 4.x performs word splitting on ${1+"$@"}, which
++ # Pre-4.2 versions of Zsh do word splitting on ${1+"$@"}, which
+ # is contrary to our usage. Disable this feature.
+ alias -g '${1+"$@"}'='"$@"'
+ setopt NO_GLOB_SUBST
+ else
+- case `(set -o) 2>/dev/null` in
+- *posix*) set -o posix ;;
++ case `(set -o) 2>/dev/null` in #(
++ *posix*) :
++ set -o posix ;; #(
++ *) :
++ ;;
+ esac
+ fi
+-# PATH needs CR
+-# Avoid depending upon Character Ranges.
+-# The user is always right.
+-if test "${PATH_SEPARATOR+set}" != set; then
+- echo "#! /bin/sh" >conf$$.sh
+- echo "exit 0" >>conf$$.sh
+- chmod +x conf$$.sh
+- if (PATH="/nonexistent;."; conf$$.sh) >/dev/null 2>&1; then
++export as_nl
++# Printing a long string crashes Solaris 7 /usr/bin/printf.
++# Prefer a ksh shell builtin over an external printf program on Solaris,
++# but without wasting forks for bash or zsh.
++if test -z "$BASH_VERSION$ZSH_VERSION" \
++ && (test "X`print -r -- $as_echo`" = "X$as_echo") 2>/dev/null; then
++ as_echo='print -r --'
++ as_echo_n='print -rn --'
++elif (test "X`printf %s $as_echo`" = "X$as_echo") 2>/dev/null; then
++ as_echo='printf %s\n'
++ as_echo_n='printf %s'
++ if test "X`(/usr/ucb/echo -n -n $as_echo) 2>/dev/null`" = "X-n $as_echo"; then
++ as_echo_body='eval /usr/ucb/echo -n "$1$as_nl"'
++ as_echo_n='/usr/ucb/echo -n'
+ else
++ as_echo_body='eval expr "X$1" : "X\\(.*\\)"'
++ as_echo_n_body='eval
++ arg=$1;
++ case $arg in #(
++ *"$as_nl"*)
++ expr "X$arg" : "X\\(.*\\)$as_nl";
++ arg=`expr "X$arg" : ".*$as_nl\\(.*\\)"`;;
++ esac;
++ expr "X$arg" : "X\\(.*\\)" | tr -d "$as_nl"
++ '
++ export as_echo_n_body
++ as_echo_n='sh -c $as_echo_n_body as_echo'
+ fi
+- rm -f conf$$.sh
++ export as_echo_body
++ as_echo='sh -c $as_echo_body as_echo'
+ fi
+-# Support unset when possible.
+-if ( (MAIL=60; unset MAIL) || exit) >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+- as_unset=unset
+- as_unset=false
++# The user is always right.
++if test "${PATH_SEPARATOR+set}" != set; then
++ (PATH='/bin;/bin'; FPATH=$PATH; sh -c :) >/dev/null 2>&1 && {
++ (PATH='/bin:/bin'; FPATH=$PATH; sh -c :) >/dev/null 2>&1 ||
++ }
+ fi
+@@ -65,20 +88,18 @@
+ # there to prevent editors from complaining about space-tab.
+ # (If _AS_PATH_WALK were called with IFS unset, it would disable word
+ # splitting by setting IFS to empty value.)
+ IFS=" "" $as_nl"
+ # Find who we are. Look in the path if we contain no directory separator.
+-case $0 in
++case $0 in #((
+ *[\\/]* ) as_myself=$0 ;;
+ for as_dir in $PATH
+ do
+ IFS=$as_save_IFS
+ test -z "$as_dir" && as_dir=.
+- test -r "$as_dir/$0" && as_myself=$as_dir/$0 && break
++ test -r "$as_dir/$0" && as_myself=$as_dir/$0 && break
++ done
+ IFS=$as_save_IFS
+ ;;
+@@ -89,354 +110,321 @@
+ as_myself=$0
+ fi
+ if test ! -f "$as_myself"; then
+- echo "$as_myself: error: cannot find myself; rerun with an absolute file name" >&2
+- { (exit 1); exit 1; }
++ $as_echo "$as_myself: error: cannot find myself; rerun with an absolute file name" >&2
++ exit 1
+ fi
+-# Work around bugs in pre-3.0 UWIN ksh.
+-for as_var in ENV MAIL MAILPATH
+-do ($as_unset $as_var) >/dev/null 2>&1 && $as_unset $as_var
++# Unset variables that we do not need and which cause bugs (e.g. in
++# pre-3.0 UWIN ksh). But do not cause bugs in bash 2.01; the "|| exit 1"
++# suppresses any "Segmentation fault" message there. '((' could
++# trigger a bug in pdksh 5.2.14.
++do eval test x\${$as_var+set} = xset \
++ && ( (unset $as_var) || exit 1) >/dev/null 2>&1 && unset $as_var || :
+ done
+ PS1='$ '
+ PS2='> '
+ PS4='+ '
+ # NLS nuisances.
+-for as_var in \
+- if (set +x; test -z "`(eval $as_var=C; export $as_var) 2>&1`"); then
+- eval $as_var=C; export $as_var
+- else
+- ($as_unset $as_var) >/dev/null 2>&1 && $as_unset $as_var
+- fi
+-# Required to use basename.
+-if expr a : '\(a\)' >/dev/null 2>&1 &&
+- test "X`expr 00001 : '.*\(...\)'`" = X001; then
+- as_expr=expr
+- as_expr=false
+-if (basename -- /) >/dev/null 2>&1 && test "X`basename -- / 2>&1`" = "X/"; then
+- as_basename=basename
+- as_basename=false
+-# Name of the executable.
+-as_me=`$as_basename -- "$0" ||
+-$as_expr X/"$0" : '.*/\([^/][^/]*\)/*$' \| \
+- X"$0" : 'X\(//\)$' \| \
+- X"$0" : 'X\(/\)' \| . 2>/dev/null ||
+-echo X/"$0" |
+- sed '/^.*\/\([^/][^/]*\)\/*$/{
+- s//\1/
+- q
+- }
+- /^X\/\(\/\/\)$/{
+- s//\1/
+- q
+- }
+- /^X\/\(\/\).*/{
+- s//\1/
+- q
+- }
+- s/.*/./; q'`
++export LC_ALL
++export LANGUAGE
+-$as_unset CDPATH
++(unset CDPATH) >/dev/null 2>&1 && unset CDPATH
+ if test "x$CONFIG_SHELL" = x; then
+- if (eval ":") 2>/dev/null; then
+- as_have_required=yes
++ as_bourne_compatible="if test -n \"\${ZSH_VERSION+set}\" && (emulate sh) >/dev/null 2>&1; then :
++ emulate sh
++ # Pre-4.2 versions of Zsh do word splitting on \${1+\"\$@\"}, which
++ # is contrary to our usage. Disable this feature.
++ alias -g '\${1+\"\$@\"}'='\"\$@\"'
++ setopt NO_GLOB_SUBST
+ else
+- as_have_required=no
++ case \`(set -o) 2>/dev/null\` in #(
++ *posix*) :
++ set -o posix ;; #(
++ *) :
++ ;;
+ fi
+- if test $as_have_required = yes && (eval ":
+-(as_func_return () {
+- (exit \$1)
+-as_func_success () {
+- as_func_return 0
+-as_func_failure () {
+- as_func_return 1
+-as_func_ret_success () {
+- return 0
+-as_func_ret_failure () {
+- return 1
++ as_required="as_fn_return () { (exit \$1); }
++as_fn_success () { as_fn_return 0; }
++as_fn_failure () { as_fn_return 1; }
++as_fn_ret_success () { return 0; }
++as_fn_ret_failure () { return 1; }
+ exitcode=0
+-if as_func_success; then
+- :
+- exitcode=1
+- echo as_func_success failed.
++as_fn_success || { exitcode=1; echo as_fn_success failed.; }
++as_fn_failure && { exitcode=1; echo as_fn_failure succeeded.; }
++as_fn_ret_success || { exitcode=1; echo as_fn_ret_success failed.; }
++as_fn_ret_failure && { exitcode=1; echo as_fn_ret_failure succeeded.; }
++if ( set x; as_fn_ret_success y && test x = \"\$1\" ); then :
+-if as_func_failure; then
+- exitcode=1
+- echo as_func_failure succeeded.
+-if as_func_ret_success; then
+- :
+ else
+- exitcode=1
+- echo as_func_ret_success failed.
+-if as_func_ret_failure; then
+- exitcode=1
+- echo as_func_ret_failure succeeded.
+-if ( set x; as_func_ret_success y && test x = \"\$1\" ); then
+- :
++ exitcode=1; echo positional parameters were not saved.
++test x\$exitcode = x0 || exit 1"
++ as_suggested=" as_lineno_1=";as_suggested=$as_suggested$LINENO;as_suggested=$as_suggested" as_lineno_1a=\$LINENO
++ as_lineno_2=";as_suggested=$as_suggested$LINENO;as_suggested=$as_suggested" as_lineno_2a=\$LINENO
<<Diff was trimmed, longer than 597 lines>>
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