packages: lim-omx/lim-omx-link.patch (NEW), lim-omx/lim-omx.spec (NEW) - ne...
qboosh at
Tue Sep 27 21:29:03 CEST 2011
Author: qboosh Date: Tue Sep 27 19:29:03 2011 GMT
Module: packages Tag: HEAD
---- Log message:
- new; NFY, WIP, just saving work
---- Files affected:
lim-omx-link.patch (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW), lim-omx.spec (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW)
---- Diffs:
Index: packages/lim-omx/lim-omx-link.patch
diff -u /dev/null packages/lim-omx/lim-omx-link.patch:1.1
--- /dev/null Tue Sep 27 21:29:03 2011
+++ packages/lim-omx/lim-omx-link.patch Tue Sep 27 21:28:58 2011
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+--- lim-omx-1.0/limutil/src/ 2011-08-08 04:34:28.000000000 +0200
++++ lim-omx-1.0/limutil/src/ 2011-09-27 21:27:56.727929862 +0200
+@@ -13,5 +13,7 @@
+ liblimutil_la_CFLAGS = -Wall -Werror \
+ -I$(top_srcdir)/include
++liblimutil_la_LIBADD = -lpthread
+ liblimutil_la_LDFLAGS = -version-info @LIMUTIL_SO_VERSION@ \
+ --no-allow-shlib-undefined
+--- lim-omx-1.0/limoi-base/src/ 2011-09-26 18:31:58.668016683 +0200
++++ lim-omx-1.0/limoi-base/src/ 2011-09-26 18:56:16.621398834 +0200
+@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
+ -Ivideo \
+ -Iother
+-liblimoi_base_la_LIBADD = $(LIMUTIL_LIBS)
++liblimoi_base_la_LIBADD = $(LIMUTIL_LIBS) -lpthread
+ liblimoi_base_la_LDFLAGS = -version-info @LIMOI_BASE_SO_VERSION@ \
+ --no-allow-shlib-undefined
+--- lim-omx-1.0/limoi-components/ffmpeg/libomx-ffmpeg/ 2011-08-08 04:34:28.000000000 +0200
++++ lim-omx-1.0/limoi-components/ffmpeg/libomx-ffmpeg/ 2011-09-26 21:08:22.228330879 +0200
+@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
+ PKG_CHECK_MODULES([LIMOI], [liblimoi-core])
+ PKG_CHECK_MODULES([LIMOIBASE], [liblimoi-base])
+-PKG_CHECK_MODULES([AVFORMAT], [libavformat])
++PKG_CHECK_MODULES([AVFORMAT], [libavformat libavcodec libavutil])
+ # Checks for header files.
Index: packages/lim-omx/lim-omx.spec
diff -u /dev/null packages/lim-omx/lim-omx.spec:1.1
--- /dev/null Tue Sep 27 21:29:03 2011
+++ packages/lim-omx/lim-omx.spec Tue Sep 27 21:28:58 2011
@@ -0,0 +1,433 @@
+# $Revision$, $Date$
+# Conditional build:
+%bcond_without tests # don't perform "make check"
+Summary: Less Is More OpenMAX software stack
+Summary(pl.UTF-8): Implementacja Less Is More stosu OpenMAX
+Name: lim-omx
+Version: 1.0
+Release: 0.1
+License: LGPL v2.1+
+Group: Libraries
+# Source0-md5: 7e2d31ede28e7678f879c02911bbd7f0
+Patch0: %{name}-link.patch
+BuildRequires: SDL-devel >= 1.2.11
+BuildRequires: alsa-lib-devel >= 0.9.1
+BuildRequires: autoconf >= 2.61
+BuildRequires: automake
+BuildRequires: ffmpeg-devel >= 0.8.4-2
+BuildRequires: libmad-devel
+BuildRequires: libtool
+BuildRequires: libvorbis-devel
+BuildRequires: pkgconfig
+BuildRequires: sed >= 4.0
+BuildRoot: %{tmpdir}/%{name}-%{version}-root-%(id -u -n)
+LIM (Less Is More) open source implementation of OpenMAX Application
+Layer and OpenMAX Integration Layer.
+%description -l pl.UTF-8
+LIM (Less Is More) to mająca otwarte źródła implementacja standardu
+OpenMAX w warstwach aplikacji (OpenMAX AL) i integracji (OpenMAX IL).
+%package -n limutil
+Summary: LIM utility library
+Summary(pl.UTF-8): Biblioteka narzędziowa LIM
+Group: Libraries
+%description -n limutil
+LIM (Less Is More) utility library.
+%description -n limutil -l pl.UTF-8
+Biblioteka narzędziowa LIM (Less Is More).
+%package -n limutil-devel
+Summary: Header files for LIM utility library
+Summary(pl.UTF-8): Pliki nagłówkowe biblioteki narzędziowej LIM
+Group: Development/Libraries
+Requires: limutil = %{version}-%{release}
+%description -n limutil-devel
+Header files for LIM (Less Is More) utility library.
+%description -n limutil-devel -l pl.UTF-8
+Pliki nagłówkowe biblioteki narzędziowej LIM (Less Is More).
+%package -n limutil-static
+Summary: Static LIM utility library
+Summary(pl.UTF-8): Statyczna biblioteka narzędziowa LIM
+Group: Development/Libraries
+Requires: limutil-devel = %{version}-%{release}
+%description -n limutil-static
+Static LIM (Less Is More) utility library.
+%description -n limutil-static -l pl.UTF-8
+Statyczna biblioteka narzędziowa LIM (Less Is More).
+%package -n limoi-core
+Summary: Less Is More OpenMAX Integration Layer - core client library
+Summary(pl.UTF-8): Implementacja Less Is More standardu OpenMAX IL - główna biblioteka kliencka
+Group: Libraries
+Requires: limutil = %{version}-%{release}
+%description -n limoi-core
+LIM (Less Is More) implementation of OpenMAX Integration Layer.
+limoi-core provides the component loader and all OpenMAX integration
+layer APIs, it is designed to work with any integration layer
+components, in addition to those developed under limoi framework.
+%description -n limoi-core -l pl.UTF-8
+Implementacja LIM (Less Is More) warstwy integracji standardu OpenMAX
+(OpenMAX IL).
+limoi-core dostarcza zarządcę komponentów oraz wszystkie API warstwy
+integracji OpenMAX. Jest zaprojektowany do działania z dowolnymi
+komponentami warstwy integracji, nie tylko stworzonymi w ramach
+szkieletu limoi.
+%package -n limoi-core-devel
+Summary: Header files for LIM OpenMAX IL core client library
+Summary(pl.UTF-8): Pliki nagłówkowe głównej biblioteki klienckiej implementacji LIM OpenMAX IL
+Group: Development/Libraries
+Requires: limoi-core = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires: limutil-devel = %{version}-%{release}
+%description -n limoi-core-devel
+Header files for LIM OpenMAX IL core client library.
+%description -n limoi-core-devel -l pl.UTF-8
+Pliki nagłówkowe głównej biblioteki klienckiej implementacji LIM
+OpenMAX IL.
+%package -n limoi-core-static
+Summary: Static LIM OpenMAX IL core client library
+Summary(pl.UTF-8): Statyczna główna biblioteka kliencka implementacji LIM OpenMAX IL
+Group: Development/Libraries
+Requires: limutil-devel = %{version}-%{release}
+%description -n limoi-core-static
+Static LIM OpenMAX IL core client library.
+%description -n limoi-core-static -l pl.UTF-8
+Statyczna główna biblioteka kliencka implementacji LIM OpenMAX IL.
+%package -n limoi-base
+Summary: Less Is More OpenMAX Integration Layer - base components
+Summary(pl.UTF-8): Implementacja Less Is More standardu OpenMAX IL - podstawowe komponenty
+Group: Libraries
+Requires: limoi-core = %{version}-%{release}
+%description -n limoi-base
+LIM (Less Is More) implementation of OpenMAX Integration Layer.
+This package contains limoi base components library.
+%description -n limoi-base -l pl.UTF-8
+Implementacja LIM (Less Is More) warstwy integracji standardu OpenMAX
+(OpenMAX IL).
+Ten pakiet zawiera bibliotekę podstawowych komponentów limoi.
+%package -n limoi-base-devel
+Summary: Header files for LIM OpenMAX IL base components library
+Summary(pl.UTF-8): Pliki nagłówkowe biblioteki podstawowych komponentów implementacji LIM OpenMAX IL
+Group: Development/Libraries
+Requires: limoi-base = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires: limoi-core-devel = %{version}-%{release}
+%description -n limoi-base-devel
+Header files for LIM OpenMAX IL base components library.
+%description -n limoi-base-devel -l pl.UTF-8
+Pliki nagłówkowe biblioteki podstaowych komponentów implementacji LIM
+OpenMAX IL.
+%package -n limoi-base-static
+Summary: Static LIM OpenMAX IL base components library
+Summary(pl.UTF-8): Statyczna biblioteka podstawowych komponentów implementacji LIM OpenMAX IL
+Group: Development/Libraries
+Requires: limutil-devel = %{version}-%{release}
+%description -n limoi-base-static
+Static LIM OpenMAX IL base components library.
+%description -n limoi-base-static -l pl.UTF-8
+Statyczna biblioteka podstawowych komponentów implementacji LIM
+OpenMAX IL.
+%package -n limomx-ffmpeg
+Summary: LIM OpenMAX ffmpeg wrapper library
+Summary(pl.UTF-8): Biblioteka LIM OpenMAX obudowująca ffmpeg
+Group: Libaries
+Requires: limoi-base = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires: ffmpeg-libs >= 0.8.4-2
+%description -n limomx-ffmpeg
+LIM OpenMAX ffmpeg wrapper library.
+%description -n limomx-ffmpeg -l pl.UTF-8
+Biblioteka LIM OpenMAX obudowująca ffmpeg.
+%package -n limomx-ffmpeg-devel
+Summary: Header file for LIM OpenMAX ffmpeg wrapper library
+Summary(pl.UTF-8): Plik nagłówkowy biblioteki LIM OpenMAX obudowującej ffmpeg
+Group: Development/Libraries
+Requires: ffmpeg-devel >= 0.8.4-2
+Requires: limoi-base-devel = %{version}-%{release}
+Requires: limomx-ffmpeg = %{version}-%{release}
+%description -n limomx-ffmpeg-devel
+Header file for LIM OpenMAX ffmpeg wrapper library.
+%description -n limomx-ffmpeg-devel -l pl.UTF-8
+Plik nagłówkowy biblioteki LIM OpenMAX obudowującej ffmpeg.
+%package -n limomx-ffmpeg-static
+Summary: Static LIM OpenMAX ffmpeg wrapper library
+Summary(pl.UTF-8): Statyczna biblioteka LIM OpenMAX obudowująca ffmpeg
+Group: Development/Libraries
+Requires: limomx-ffmpeg-static = %{version}-%{release}
+%description -n limomx-ffmpeg-static
+Static LIM OpenMAX ffmpeg wrapper library.
+%description -n limomx-ffmpeg-static -l pl.UTF-8
+Statyczna biblioteka LIM OpenMAX obudowująca ffmpeg.
+%setup -q
+%patch0 -p1
+%{__sed} -i -e 's/ -Werror//' \
+ limoi-core/src/ \
+ limoi-base/src/ \
+ limoi-components/alsa_sink/src/ \
+ limoi-components/ffmpeg/decode/src/ \
+ limoi-components/ffmpeg/demux/src/ \
+ limoi-components/ffmpeg/encode/src/ \
+ limoi-components/ffmpeg/mux/src/ \
+ limoi-components/mad_dec/src/ \
+ limoi-components/ogg_dec/src/ \
+ limoi-components/video_scheduler/src/ \
+ limoa/src/frontend/
+cd limutil
+%if %{with tests}
+%{__make} check
+cd ../limoi-core
+%configure \
+ LIMUTIL_CFLAGS="-I$BASEDIR/limutil/include" \
+ LIMUTIL_LIBS="-L$BASEDIR/limutil/src/.libs -llimutil"
+%if %{with tests}
+%{__make} check
+cd ../limoi-base
+%configure \
+ PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$BASEDIR/limutil:$BASEDIR/limoa-core" \
+ LIMUTIL_CFLAGS="-I$BASEDIR/limutil/include" \
+ LIMUTIL_LIBS="-L$BASEDIR/limutil/src/.libs -llimutil" \
+ LIMOI_CFLAGS="-I$BASEDIR/limoi-core/include" \
+ LIMOI_LIBS="-L$BASEDIR/limoi-core/src/.libs -llimoi-core"
+%if %{with tests}
+%{__make} check
+for d in limoi-components/{alsa_sink,clock,ffmpeg/libomx-ffmpeg,mad_dec,ogg_dec,sdl/video_sink,video_scheduler} limoi-plugins/resource_managers/demo ; do
+ cd $BASEDIR/$d
+ %{__libtoolize}
+ %{__aclocal}
+ %{__autoconf}
+ %{__autoheader}
+ %{__automake}
+ %configure \
+ PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$BASEDIR/limutil:$BASEDIR/limoa-core:$BASEDIR/limoa-base" \
+ LIMOI_CFLAGS="-I$BASEDIR/limoi-core/include -I$BASEDIR/limutil/include" \
+ LIMOI_LIBS="-L$BASEDIR/limoi-core/src/.libs -llimoi-core" \
+ LIMOIBASE_CFLAGS="-I$BASEDIR/limoi-base/include" \
+ LIMOIBASE_LIBS="-L$BASEDIR/limoi-base/src/.libs -llimoi-base"
+ %{__make}
+%if %{with tests}
+ %{__make} check
+for d in limoi-components/ffmpeg/{decode,demux,encode,mux} ; do
+ cd $BASEDIR/$d
+ %{__libtoolize}
+ %{__aclocal}
+ %{__autoconf}
+ %{__autoheader}
+ %{__automake}
+ %configure \
+ PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$BASEDIR/limutil:$BASEDIR/limoa-core:$BASEDIR/limoa-base:$BASEDIR/limoi-components/ffmpeg/libomx-ffmpeg" \
+ LIMOI_CFLAGS="-I$BASEDIR/limoi-core/include -I$BASEDIR/limutil/include" \
+ LIMOI_LIBS="-L$BASEDIR/limoi-core/src/.libs -llimoi-core" \
+ LIMOIBASE_CFLAGS="-I$BASEDIR/limoi-base/include" \
+ LIMOIBASE_LIBS="-L$BASEDIR/limoi-base/src/.libs -llimoi-base" \
+ OMX_FFMPEG_CFLAGS="-I$BASEDIR/limoi-components/ffmpeg/libomx-ffmpeg/include" \
+ OMX_FFMPEG_LIBS="-L$BASEDIR/limoi-components/ffmpeg/libomx-ffmpeg/src/.libs -lomx-ffmpeg"
+ %{__make}
+%if %{with tests}
+ %{__make} check
+cd $BASEDIR/limoa
+%configure \
+ PKG_CONFIG_PATH="$BASEDIR/limutil:$BASEDIR/limoa-core" \
+ LIMUTIL_CFLAGS="-I$BASEDIR/limutil/include" \
+ LIMUTIL_LIBS="-L$BASEDIR/limutil/src/.libs -llimutil" \
+ OMXIL_CFLAGS="-I$BASEDIR/limoi-core/include" \
+ OMXIL_LIBS="-L$BASEDIR/limoi-core/src/.libs -llimoi-core"
+%if %{with tests}
+%{__make} check
+for d in limutil limoi-core limoi-base limoi-components/{alsa_sink,clock,ffmpeg/{libomx-ffmpeg,decode,demux,encode,mux},mad_dec,ogg_dec,sdl/video_sink,video_scheduler} limoi-plugins/resource_managers/demo limoa ; do
+ %{__make} -C $d install \
+# obsoleted by pkg-config (and files are poisoned by builddir paths)
+%{__rm} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/*.la
+%{__rm} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/limoi/{component,resource-manager}/*.{la,a}
+%post -n limutil -p /sbin/ldconfig
+%postun -n limutil -p /sbin/ldconfig
+%post -n limoi-core -p /sbin/ldconfig
+%postun -n limoi-core -p /sbin/ldconfig
+%post -n limoi-base -p /sbin/ldconfig
+%postun -n limoi-base -p /sbin/ldconfig
+%post -n limomx-ffmpeg -p /sbin/ldconfig
+%postun -n limomx-ffmpeg -p /sbin/ldconfig
+%files -n limutil
+%doc limutil/README
+%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/*.*.*
+%attr(755,root,root) %ghost %{_libdir}/
+%files -n limutil-devel
+%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/
+%files -n limutil-static
+%files -n limoi-core
+%doc limoi-core/README
+%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/*.*.*
+%attr(755,root,root) %ghost %{_libdir}/
+%files -n limoi-core-devel
+%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/
+%files -n limoi-core-static
+%files -n limoi-base
+%doc limoi-base/README
+%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/*.*.*
+%attr(755,root,root) %ghost %{_libdir}/
+%files -n limoi-base-devel
+%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/
+%files -n limoi-base-static
+%files -n limomx-ffmpeg
+%doc limoi-components/ffmpeg/libomx-ffmpeg/README
+%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/*.*.*
+%attr(755,root,root) %ghost %{_libdir}/
+%files -n limomx-ffmpeg-devel
+%attr(755,root,root) %{_libdir}/
+%files -n limomx-ffmpeg-static
+%define date %(echo `LC_ALL="C" date +"%a %b %d %Y"`)
+* %{date} PLD Team <feedback at>
+All persons listed below can be reached at <cvs_login>
+Revision 1.1 2011/09/27 19:28:58 qboosh
+- new; NFY, WIP, just saving work
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