packages: geninitrd/geninitrd-svn.patch, geninitrd/geninitrd.spec - rel 2; ...
arekm at
Wed Oct 26 21:55:58 CEST 2011
Author: arekm Date: Wed Oct 26 19:55:58 2011 GMT
Module: packages Tag: HEAD
---- Log message:
- rel 2; replace buggy shell code for find_modules_by_class and use lspci only.
---- Files affected:
geninitrd-svn.patch (2.6 -> 2.7) , geninitrd.spec (2.188 -> 2.189)
---- Diffs:
Index: packages/geninitrd/geninitrd-svn.patch
diff -u packages/geninitrd/geninitrd-svn.patch:2.6 packages/geninitrd/geninitrd-svn.patch:2.7
--- packages/geninitrd/geninitrd-svn.patch:2.6 Sat Oct 15 11:06:11 2011
+++ packages/geninitrd/geninitrd-svn.patch Wed Oct 26 21:55:53 2011
@@ -1,232 +1,56 @@
---- (wersja 0)
-+++ (wersja 12376)
-@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
-+SATA_RCSID='$Revision$ $Date$'
-+# geninitrd mod: usbkbd
-+# setup geninitrd module
-+# @access public
-+setup_mod_usbkbd() {
-+find_modules_usbkbd() {
-+ debug "Finding USB keyboard modules"
-+ if [ "$(echo /sys/class/input/input*)" = "/sys/class/input/input*" ]; then
-+ return
-+ fi
-+ local modules
-+ for i in /sys/class/input/input*; do
-+ [ ! -f $i/device/bInterfaceClass -o ! -f $i/device/bInterfaceProtocol ] && continue
-+ bInterfaceClass=$(cat $i/device/bInterfaceClass)
-+ bInterfaceProtocol=$(cat $i/device/bInterfaceProtocol)
-+ if [ "$bInterfaceClass" = "03" -a "$bInterfaceProtocol" = "01" ]; then
-+ module=$(readlink $i/device/driver/module)
-+ module=$(basename $module)
-+ if [ -n "$module" ]; then
-+ debug "Found USB Keyboard: $(cat $i/name)"
-+ modules="$modules $module"
-+ fi
-+ fi
-+ done
-+ if [ -n "$modules" ]; then
-+ # usb controllers
-+ for m in $(find_modules_by_class "0c03"); do
-+ find_module $m
-+ done
-+ for m in $modules; do
-+ find_module $m
-+ done
-+ fi
-Index: geninitrd
---- geninitrd (wersja 12345)
-+++ geninitrd (kopia robocza)
-@@ -613,7 +613,7 @@
- [ "$FIRMWAREDIR" != "$firmware" ] && inst_d /lib/firmware/$FIRMWAREDIR
- inst /lib/firmware/$firmware /lib/firmware/$firmware
- else
-- die "firmware file /lib/firmware/$firmware nor /lib/firmware/$kernel/$firmware found."
-+ warn "Possible missing firmware file /lib/firmware/$firmware or /lib/firmware/$kernel/$firmware for module $module."
- fi
- done
-@@ -915,7 +915,7 @@
- warn "/proc filesystem not mounted, may cause wrong results or failure."
- fi
--geninitrd_load_mods ide luks multipath dmraid lvm md blkid udev tuxonice suspend fbsplash condecor bootsplash uvesafb nfs sata scsi
-+geninitrd_load_mods ide luks multipath dmraid lvm md blkid udev tuxonice suspend fbsplash condecor bootsplash uvesafb nfs sata scsi usbkbd
- while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
- case $1 in
-@@ -1157,6 +1157,9 @@
- find_module "$FBMODULE"
- fi
-+# autodetect USB keyboards
- # allow forcing loading SCSI and/or IDE modules
- # XXX: where ADDSCSI cames from? drop?
- if is_yes "$ADDSCSI"; then
---- (wersja 12345)
-+++ (kopia robocza)
-@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@
- while read dst src key opt; do
- [ -z "$dst" -o "${dst#\#}" != "$dst" ] && continue
-- [ "$src" != "$LUKSDEV" ] && continue
-+ [ "$src" != "$LUKSDEV" ] && [ "$(readlink -f $src)" != "$LUKSDEV" ] && continue
- if [ -n "$key" -a "x$key" != "xnone" ]; then
- if test -e "$key" ; then
-@@ -155,11 +155,23 @@
- # cryptsetup can be called twice and in case on crypt on lvm only second
- # will succeed because there will be no src device in first cryptsetup call
- # this can be called multiple times, before lvm and after lvm.
-- if [ -e "$src" ]; then
-+ luksdev='$src'
-+ if [ \${luksdev##/dev/disk/by-uuid/} != \${luksdev} ]; then
-+ src_uuid=\${luksdev##/dev/disk/by-uuid/}
-+ while read x y z name; do
-+ found_uuid=\$(cryptsetup luksUUID /dev/\${name} 2>/dev/null)
-+ if [ "\$found_uuid" = "\$src_uuid" ]; then
-+ luksdev=/dev/\$name
-+ break
-+ fi
-+ done < /proc/partitions
-+ fi
-+ if [ -e "\$luksdev" ]; then
- crypt_status=\$(cryptsetup status '$dst')
- if [ "\${crypt_status%%is inactive.}" != "\$crypt_status" ]; then
- # is inactive
-- cryptsetup ${keyfile:+-d $keyfile} luksOpen '$src' '$dst' <&1
-+ cryptsetup ${keyfile:+-d $keyfile} luksOpen "\$luksdev" '$dst' <&1
- fi
- fi
Index: functions
---- functions (wersja 12345)
+--- functions (wersja 12390)
+++ functions (kopia robocza)
-@@ -166,3 +166,46 @@
- local node="$1"
- printf "/dev/mapper/%s" $(dm_name "$node")
- }
-+# find modules by class eg
-+# find_modules_by_class 0106 - finds modules for SATA devices in the system
-+# find_modules_by_class 0c03 - finds modules for USB controllers
-+find_modules_by_class() {
-+ local req_class="$1"
-+ pcimap="/lib/modules/$kernel/modules.pcimap"
-+ lspci=$(find_tool /sbin/lspci)
-+ if [ ! -x "$lspci" ]; then
-+ warn "Failed to execute lspci. Is pciutils package installed?"
-+ fi
-+ # no pcimap, nothing to lookup from
-+ if [ ! -f "$pcimap" ]; then
-+ return
-+ fi
-+ if [ -z "$lspci" ]; then
-+ return
-+ fi
-+ set -- $($lspci -n | awk -vclass=$req_class '$2 == class":" {split($3, p, ":"); printf("0x0000%s 0x0000%s\n", p[1], p[2])}')
-+ req_class="0x${req_class}00"
-+ local PCI_ANY_ID=0xffffffff pci_module vendor device subvendor subdevice class class_mask driver_data
-+ while read pci_module vendor device subvendor subdevice class class_mask driver_data; do
-+ # ignore program interface (last two digits) - we want any
-+ class_mask=$(($class_mask & 0xffffff00))
-+ # some devices (like hcd) have very specific class
-+ class=$(($class & $class_mask))
-+ [ "$(($req_class & $class_mask))" = "$class" ] || continue
-+ # match vendor
-+ [ "$1" = "$vendor" -o "$vendor" = "$PCI_ANY_ID" ] || continue
-+ # match device, allow PCI_ANY_ID
-+ [ "$2" = "$device" -o "$device" = "$PCI_ANY_ID" ] || continue
-+ echo "$pci_module"
-+ done < $pcimap
-Index: Makefile
---- Makefile (wersja 12345)
-+++ Makefile (kopia robocza)
-@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- # when making release, make sure you do it as RELEASE document describes
- VERSION := 12345
--MODS := ide luks multipath dmraid lvm md blkid udev tuxonice suspend fbsplash condecor bootsplash uvesafb nfs sata scsi
-+MODS := ide luks multipath dmraid lvm md blkid udev tuxonice suspend fbsplash condecor bootsplash uvesafb nfs sata scsi usbkbd
- FILES_MODS := $(
- FILES_ADDON := extract-ikconfig
- FILES := Makefile geninitrd.sysconfig geninitrd functions $(FILES_MODS) $(FILES_ADDON) geninitrd.8 geninitrd.8.xml ChangeLog
---- (wersja 12345)
-+++ (kopia robocza)
-@@ -6,43 +6,8 @@
- # setup geninitrd module
- # @access public
- setup_mod_sata() {
-- lspci=$(find_tool /sbin/lspci)
-- pcimap="/lib/modules/$kernel/modules.pcimap"
-- if [ ! -x "$lspci" ]; then
-- warn "Failed to execute lspci. Is pciutils package installed?"
-- fi
- }
+@@ -189,23 +189,33 @@
+ return
+ fi
--# private until only mod-sata uses the function
--find_modules_by_class() {
-- local req_class=$1
-- # no pcimap, nothing to lookup from
-- if [ ! -f "$pcimap" ]; then
-- return
-- fi
-- if [ -z "$lspci" ]; then
-- return
-- fi
- set -- $($lspci -n | awk -vclass=$req_class '$2 == class":" {split($3, p, ":"); printf("0x0000%s 0x0000%s\n", p[1], p[2])}')
-- local PCI_ANY_ID=0x0000ffff pci_module vendor device subvendor subdevice class class_mask driver_data
+- req_class="0x${req_class}00"
+- local PCI_ANY_ID=0xffffffff pci_module vendor device subvendor subdevice class class_mask driver_data
- while read pci_module vendor device subvendor subdevice class class_mask driver_data; do
-- # match class
-- [ "$(($req_class & $class_mask))" = "$(($class))" ] || continue
+- # ignore program interface (last two digits) - we want any
+- class_mask=$(($class_mask & 0xffffff00))
+- # some devices (like hcd) have very specific class
+- class=$(($class & $class_mask))
+- [ "$(($req_class & $class_mask))" = "$class" ] || continue
- # match vendor
-- [ "$1" = "$vendor" ] || continue
+- [ "$1" = "$vendor" -o "$vendor" = "$PCI_ANY_ID" ] || continue
- # match device, allow PCI_ANY_ID
-- [ "$2" = "$device" -o $device = $PCI_ANY_ID ] || continue
+- [ "$2" = "$device" -o "$device" = "$PCI_ANY_ID" ] || continue
- echo "$pci_module"
- done < $pcimap
- find_modules_sata() {
- debug "Finding SATA modules (class=0x0106)"
++ lspci -p "$pcimap" -kvmmn | awk -vreq_class="${req_class}" '
++ BEGIN { skip_modules[1]=""; modules[1]=""; xhci=""; ehci=""; ohci=""; uhci="" }
++ /^Slot:/ { found=0 }
++ /^Class:/ { if (req_class == $2) { found=1 } }
++ /^Driver:/ { if (found) {
++ module=$2;
++ if (module == "xhci_hcd") {
++ xhci="xhci_hcd"
++ } else if (module == "ehci_hcd") {
++ ehci="ehci_hcd"
++ } else if (module == "ohci_hcd") {
++ ohci="ohci_hcd"
++ } else if (module == "uhci_hcd") {
++ uhci="uhci_hcd"
++ } else if (!(module in skip_modules)) {
++ modules[cnt]=module
++ }
++ skip_modules[cnt]=module;
++ cnt++;
++ };
++ found=0
++ }
++ END {
++ # xhci/ehci/ohci/uhci hack to preserve such order
++ printf "%s %s %s %s", xhci, ehci, ohci, uhci;
++ for (i in modules) { printf "%s ", modules[i]; };
++ }
++ '
+ }
Index: packages/geninitrd/geninitrd.spec
diff -u packages/geninitrd/geninitrd.spec:2.188 packages/geninitrd/geninitrd.spec:2.189
--- packages/geninitrd/geninitrd.spec:2.188 Fri Oct 21 22:10:26 2011
+++ packages/geninitrd/geninitrd.spec Wed Oct 26 21:55:53 2011
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
Summary(pl.UTF-8): Narzędzie do tworzenia inicjalnego ramdysku używanego przy starcie systemu
Name: geninitrd
Version: 12385
-Release: 1
+Release: 2
License: GPL
Group: Applications/System
Source0: %{name}-%{version}.tar.gz
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@
%patch0 -p1
%patch1 -p1
-#%patch2 -p0
+%patch2 -p0
@@ -125,6 +125,9 @@
All persons listed below can be reached at <cvs_login>
+Revision 2.189 2011/10/26 19:55:53 arekm
+- rel 2; replace buggy shell code for find_modules_by_class and use lspci only.
Revision 2.188 2011/10/21 20:10:26 arekm
Release 12385.
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