packages: nagios-plugin-check_redis/ (NEW) import from https:...
glen at
Wed Dec 21 20:11:40 CET 2011
Author: glen Date: Wed Dec 21 19:11:40 2011 GMT
Module: packages Tag: HEAD
---- Log message:
import from
---- Files affected:
packages/nagios-plugin-check_redis: (NONE -> 1.1) (NEW)
---- Diffs:
Index: packages/nagios-plugin-check_redis/
diff -u /dev/null packages/nagios-plugin-check_redis/
--- /dev/null Wed Dec 21 20:11:40 2011
+++ packages/nagios-plugin-check_redis/ Wed Dec 21 20:11:35 2011
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+# ============================== Summary =======================================
+# Program :
+# Version : 2010.7.29
+# Date : July 15 2010
+# Updated : July 15 2010
+# Author : Alex Simenduev - (
+# Summary : This is a nagios plugin that checks redis server state
+# ================================ Description =================================
+# The plugin is capable of check couple aspects of redis server. Supported
+# checks are Connections, Memory, and Uptime. Check usage for how to use them.
+# ================================ Change log ==================================
+# Legend:
+# [*] Informational, [!] Bugix, [+] Added, [-] Removed
+# Ver 2010.7.29:
+# [*] Removed unuseful 'print' code
+# Ver 2010.7.15:
+# [*] Initial implementation.
+# ========================== START OF PROGRAM CODE =============================
+use strict;
+use IO::Socket;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use File::Basename;
+# Variables Section
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+my $VERSION = "2010.7.15";
+my $SCRIPT_NAME = basename(__FILE__);
+my $TIMEOUT = 10;
+# Nagios states
+my $STATE_OK = 0;
+# Command line arguments variables
+my $o_help = undef; # Want some help?
+my $o_host = undef; # Hostname
+my $o_port = undef; # Port
+my $o_warn = undef; # Warning level
+my $o_crit = undef; # Critical level
+my $o_check = undef; # What to check (items, connections, memory)
+my $o_inverse = undef; # Use inverse calculation of warning/critical thresholds
+my $o_version = undef; # Script version
+# Entry point of the script
+# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+check_arguments(); # First check for command line arguments
+# Connect to 'memcached' server
+my $SOCKET = IO::Socket::INET->new(
+ PeerAddr => $o_host,
+ PeerPort => $o_port,
+ Proto => "tcp",
+ Type => SOCK_STREAM,
+ Timeout => $TIMEOUT
+# Exit if connection failed
+if (!$SOCKET) {
+ print $STATES[$STATE_CRITICAL] . " - $@\n";
+my ($intState, $intData, $strOutput, $strPerfData);
+# Run memcached 'stats' command
+print $SOCKET "INFO\n";
+# Get number of items
+if ($o_check =~ /^connections$/i) {
+ my $line = <$SOCKET>;
+ while ($line ne "\r\n") {
+ $intData = $1 if ($line =~ m/connected_clients:([0-9]+)/); # Get number of connections
+ $line = <$SOCKET>;
+ }
+ $strOutput = "$intData number of connections to the server";
+ $strPerfData = "'Connections'=" . $intData . ";;;;";
+# Get memory usage
+elsif ($o_check =~ /^memory$/i) {
+ my ($line, $used_memory_human);
+ $line = <$SOCKET>;
+ while ($line ne "\r\n") {
+ $intData = $1 if ($line =~ m/used_memory:([0-9]+)/); # Get used bytes
+ $used_memory_human = $1 if ($line =~ m/used_memory_human:([\w.]+)/); # Get used in human readable format
+ $line = <$SOCKET>;
+ }
+ $strOutput = "$used_memory_human memory in use by server";
+ $strPerfData = "'Used'=" . $intData . "B;;;; ";
+# Get uptime
+elsif ($o_check =~ /^uptime$/i) {
+ my $line = <$SOCKET>;
+ while ($line ne "\r\n") {
+ $intData = $1 if ($line =~ m/uptime_in_days:([0-9]+)/); # Get uptime seconds
+ $line = <$SOCKET>;
+ }
+ $strOutput = "Up for $intData days";
+ $strPerfData = "'Uptime'=" . $intData . "d;;;;";
+# Set state to Unknown for anything else
+else {
+ $intState = $STATE_UNKNOWN;
+ $strOutput = "Unknown check option ('$o_check') was specified";
+# Check if state was set to UNKNOWN (3),
+# if not, check if we using inverse option, then
+# calculate the state according to data variable from the above checks
+if (defined($intState) && $intState == $STATE_UNKNOWN) {
+ $strPerfData = "";
+elsif (! defined($o_inverse)) {
+ if ($intData > $o_crit) { $intState = $STATE_CRITICAL; }
+ elsif ($intData > $o_warn) { $intState = $STATE_WARNING; }
+ else { $intState = $STATE_OK; }
+else {
+ if ($intData < $o_crit) { $intState = $STATE_CRITICAL; }
+ elsif ($intData < $o_warn) { $intState = $STATE_WARNING; }
+ else { $intState = $STATE_OK; }
+# Now print the final output string
+print $STATES[$intState] . " - $strOutput|$strPerfData\n";
+# Close connection
+# Finally exit with current state error code.
+exit $intState;
+# This sub parses the command line arguments
+sub check_arguments {
+ # if no arguments specified just print usage
+ if ($#ARGV + 1 == 0) {
+ print_usage();
+ }
+ Getopt::Long::Configure ("bundling");
+ GetOptions(
+ 'h|help' => \$o_help,
+ 'H|hostname=s' => \$o_host,
+ 'P|port=i' => \$o_port,
+ 'C|check=s' => \$o_check,
+ 'w|warn=i' => \$o_warn,
+ 'c|crit=i' => \$o_crit,
+ 'I|inverse' => \$o_inverse,
+ 'V|version' => \$o_version,
+ ) || exit $STATE_UNKNOWN; # exit if one of the options was not privided with required type (integer or string)
+ if (defined($o_help)) {
+ print_help();
+ }
+ if (defined($o_version)) {
+ print "$SCRIPT_NAME: $VERSION\n";
+ }
+ if (!defined($o_check)) {
+ print "Usage error: Specify what to check, using '--check' option!\n";
+ print_usage();
+ }
+ if (!defined($o_warn) || !defined($o_crit)) {
+ print "Usage error: Warning and critical options must be specified!\n";
+ print_usage();
+ }
+ # Set default values for some options if needed.
+ $o_host = "localhost" unless defined($o_host);
+ $o_port = "6379" unless defined($o_port);
+sub print_usage {
+ print "Usage: $SCRIPT_NAME [-H <host>] [-P <port>] -C <check> -w <warn level> -c <crit level> [-I] [-V]\n";
+sub print_help {
+ print "\nRedis check plugin for Nagios, version ", $VERSION, "\n";
+ print "(C) 2010, Alex Simenduev -\n\n";
+ print_usage();
+ print <<EOD;
+-h, --help
+ print this help message
+-H, --hostname=STRING
+ name or IP address of host to check (default: localhost)
+-P, --port=INTEGER
+ Memcached port to use (default: 6379)
+-C --check=STRING
+ What to check (one of: connections, memory, uptime)
+-w, --warn=INTEGER
+ warning level (unit depends on the check)
+-c, --crit=INTEGER
+ critical level (unit depends on the check)
+-I, --inverse
+ Use inverse calculation of warning/critical thresholds
+-V, --version
+ prints version number
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