[PLDWWW] page added: people:hawk
"Elan Ruusamäe (glen)"
glen at pld-linux.org
Sat Oct 13 23:58:58 CEST 2012
Page moved from hawk to people:hawk
--- ---
+++ https://www.pld-linux.org/people/hawk
====== Marcin Król ======
===== Short FAQ =====
Q1: How may I contact you?\\ A1: Send me an e-mail (hawk at pld...). You may be sure that I'll read it and will try to answer it ASAP (if required).\\ A2: Jabber me (hawk at pld...). Note: if your message will arrive while I'm busy/in work/etc I may forgot about it and it will remain unanswered. In such case please send your message again or refer to A1.\\ A3: Catch me on irc (#pld @ freenode). Note: I'm not checking IRC on daily basis. Your message may be answered in few days or not anserwed at all. Please don't use IRC for sending some important informations/requests. Check A1 before you'll send me some vital info via IRC.
Q: I have some other question...\\ A: goto Q1
===== Inner Wiki links =====
* [[::titanium|PLD Titanium page]]
* [[:packages:xulrunner|XULRunner upgrade procedure]]
===== PLD 1.0/1.1 (Ra) information =====
PLD Ra has reached EOL (End of Life). It will not be updated anymore. It is strongly recommended to upgrade to Ac, Th or Titanium as soon as possible!
===== PLD 2.0 (Ac) information =====
I gave up maintaining this version of PLD. I wasn't able to do some necessary changes without breaking stability. I've chosen to create PLD Titanium instead.
===== PLD installer =====
PLD 2.0 Ac is the last one using old, text based installer. I'm not planning any updates of existing installer code. This project has reached EOL. Future versions of PLD will probably use Anaconda or no installer at all.
===== CRI - ChRoot Installer =====
Long time ago I was planning to create console based installer that will fit on floppy and will use chroot + previously prepared tarball with system to perform installation. Theoretically this should allow installation of any Linux distribution in any configuration. I've finally managed to release such bootdisks. Check [[http://cri.pld-linux.org/|http://cri.pld-linux.org/]] for more details.
===== Useful information =====
I cannot guarantee that:
* I'll accept and/or commit changes/patches you've sent to me
* I'll respond to your e-mail in acceptable time (mail me again or jabber me if something is urgent)
* I'll take care of all PLD related problems
* I'll have something done in specified time (I'll do my best, but please understand that I also have life, work etc.)
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