[PLDWWW] page added: people:mmazur

"Elan Ruusamäe (glen)" glen at pld-linux.org
Sun Oct 14 00:03:05 CEST 2012

Page moved from mmazur to people:mmazur

--- ---
+++ https://www.pld-linux.org/people/mmazur

====== Builder stats generation ======
(So I don't loose it) 

  * <file>egrep '^To:|^Date:|^Build-Time:|X-PLD-Builder:' archive |uniq>~/th
egrep '^To:|^Date:|^Build-Time:|X-PLD-Builder:' -r . |uniq|cut -d: -f 2-10>>~/th

sed -e 's/^2,S://' -i th

echo 'builders={}'>th.py;
cat th|grep '^X-PLD-Builder:'|sort|uniq|sed -e 's,^X-PLD-Builder: \(.*\)$,builders["\1"]=[],' >>th.py;
cat th| sed -e 's,^To: \(.*\)$,)]\nsender="\1",' | sed -e 's,^X-PLD-Builder: \(.*\)$,builders["\1"]+=[ ( sender\, \\,'| sed -e 's,^Date: \(.*\) .....$,"\1"\, 0.0 \\,'| sed -e 's,^Build-Time:.*real:\([^s]*\)s.*$,+\1 \\,' >>th.py;
echo ')]'>>th.py;

import time
for bname in builders:
        for build in builds:
                t=time.strptime(build[1], "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S")
                t=time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", t)
                print "INSERT INTO builds VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', %f);" % (bname, build[0], t, build[2])

echo 'CREATE TABLE builds (builder varchar(16), sender varchar(64), start datetime, duration float);'>th.sql;
python th.py |sort|uniq >> th.sql



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